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Re: MMS beyond the toxic surface

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I don't really know the answer to your question. I have been taking MMS

for about 6 weeks and am trying to take 2 drops once a day. I had to

stop last week for 4 days because of a severe case of pink eye that came

up after taking the 2 drops for 3 days. From my experience with salt/c

and herxing and toxins, I surmise that the 2 drops was killing

something. It took 3 days for the toxins to accumulate and for some

reason, my left eye was the point. I have had this from using a mag

pulser in the past. Then, it took a full 4 days for the reaction to

leave so I could continue with the MMS.


St. Price wrote:

> Greetings!


> I've been a member of the board for quite a while now, reading digests

> and such, but this will officially be my first post. I'm sure you're

> all acquainted with my father, Bob Price, and won't hold any

> grievances against me on his behalf ;) I Kid!


> Well, for starters, I'm young at a strapping age of 21. I've been

> trying to stay healthy by going to the gym regularly a couple times a

> week for the past couple years while maintaining my nutritional

> intake. No High fructose corn syrups! No fast food! Before taking MMS

> I always felt way higher in energy than the average person, yet, I

> knew I could always take my health to another level. Hence, MMS.


> I admittedly have been taking MMS quite irregularly which is something

> to take into account. Initially, I started out with a dosage of 3

> drops while moving up 1 drop each day for the first week. While

> skipping a day here and there I eventually built up to 8 drops. At

> this point I never had any diarrhea or vomiting, though I could always

> feel the MMS working its way through my organs and would occasionally

> get nausea.


> With this knowledge, I decided to up the dosage by 2 for the night. I

> woke up in the morning feeling quirky, not sick yet not all collected,

> so I only took a dosage of six in the morning before eating a tiny

> breakfast and going to work. 3 hours later while arriving at work I

> got hit like a ton of bricks with nausea that led to 3 powerful

> vomits. This was surprising to me since I lowered the dosage and was

> use to eating while on the drug.


> After finishing out the work day, I went home only to feel very very

> sick which lasted through the following day. I'm assuming this was a

> Herx. During this account I decided to take two dosages, one of 6 and

> another later in the day of 8 which knocked the sickness out

> immediatly. This however, was the last time I've been able to take

> the MMS with ease. (considering I take it with plain H20)


> Since that account, my mind has built up a natural resistance to MMS.

> Just the smell of the activated ingredients immediately sends my

> stomach into states of cramps and nausea, which I find very odd

> considering I can take pretty much anything down with ease.


> Since then, I've attempted one more time to take MMS which was of a

> measly dosage of 4. This is what concerns me. I took the dosage at

> my friend's house after eating a very small breakfast of two eggs and

> some toast. Roughly 4 hours later, while visiting another friend, I

> began puking and couldn't stop! I puked 4 times back to back with

> only a few minutes of nausea to warn me. These were full vomits of a

> thick orange nature. Truly bizarre. After rough 10 minute intervals, I

> would puke 2 more times until I puked a total of 8 times or more.


> I have no clue where all this vomit was coming from! I have a hard

> time associating it with my prior dinner since I already had a healthy

> bowel movement and I ate such a small breakfast it couldn't possibly

> have only been that. I did, however, notice all the environments I

> was in had poor oxygen levels due to either allergens or heavy amounts

> of incense polluting the air. On an added note, I did notice that

> some small fat deposits around my obliques have substantially shrunken

> since the account...


> Any feedback pertaining to what caused this reaction, what I was

> vomiting up, or what dosage you would recommend I stay on for the

> future is greatly appreciated. Right now I simply have a small fear

> of the unknown...


> Nameste,

> -St. Price



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Hi . I can say that if you stop taking the MMS for a while, maybe even a week, the smell when you start again won't bother you so much. You can also mix it up and leave the room, come back 3 minutes later, and pour some juice into the glass right away, which can completely cover the smell. I have best luck with Blueberry by Knudson, but someone else has better luck with the Black Cherry by Knudson. You have to read the Knudson bottles because some of them do contain added C--it will state 100% C in the nutrition part of the label. Some have zero C and some have only 2 to 4% C. I buy the zero, mostly, but have bought the 2 to 4 and didn't find it interfered with the MMS.

Always, it seems best to go back to a dosage that didn't bother you (after taking a break from it). Stay there for a while and just go up one drop at a time. As to why you got sick on a lower dosage, it just must have been reacting to some pathogen. Hard to say exactly why it was a delayed response to a lower dose, but it has happened to others. Normally the sickness goes away in one day, but some people have felt bad for up to 3 days.

This MMS is still so new that there aren't any pat answers. We each have to discover for ourselves what is our own personal best dosage, and how fast or slow to move up. It's always better to go slowly. No one wants to miss work or spend the day feeling nauseous. So give it a rest of a week or so, then go back at a low dose and start again.

Good luck.


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St. Price wrote:

> I have no clue where all this vomit was coming from! I have a hard

> time associating it with my prior dinner since I already had a healthy

> bowel movement and I ate such a small breakfast it couldn't possibly

> have only been that.

> Any feedback pertaining to what caused this reaction, what I was

> vomiting up, or what dosage you would recommend I stay on for the

> future is greatly appreciated. Right now I simply have a small fear

> of the unknown...


> Nameste,

> -St. Price

St ,

My own reaction to MMS, somewhat similar to yours, has caused me to be

doing quite a lot of thinking on the subject.

I started with wondering how the entire process works. Seems to me that

in the absence of any intelligence, it simply oxidizes anything it bumps

into that is vulnerable to its action. So whatever vulnerable toxin or

pathogen is in the majority in the blood is most likely to be the most

oxidized item at any given time. After enough rounds of MMS, that item

would no longer be in as much abundance relative to the other things, so

the oxidation will be hitting the next most abundant, etc. along with

the relative amount of other things. So today's kill could be toxin x

with a few bits of y and z but once x is in lower relative amounts the

ratios of x to y and z will change.

In theory at least, oxidized toxin x may be relatively easy for your

body to eliminate, while y could be a real bear for you. But in the

beginning there is more x and less y so it's not all that noticeable.

But after the ratios shift and there is more y getting zapped, it could

be a real challenge to eliminate in the quantity now being oxidized.

Ot it could be that some things give up or take up electrons more

readily and they're the first to go, but still as the more ready are

eliminated, the balance of what gets zapped has shifted and it's a

different mix that needs to be eliminated from the system over time.

That's one theory.

Another; All of the oxidized material must be eliminated through the

body's detoxification and elimination pathways. If there is a compromise

in your body's ability to do so, there will be a purge. For example if

you've used up your body's level of glutathione stores or other

necessary ingredients for the pathways to function perfectly, perhaps a

dose just the same as the one previous will put you over the edge. You

may have had enough to do the job yesterday but it wasn't replenished by

your body's intake or innate ability to do the conversions from raw

materials in time to deal with the next dose.

I pretty much figure that the things coursing through me are the

things that my body does not have a natural ability to eliminate, for

whatever reason, or they wouldn't be there in great quantities in the

first place. I don't know if oxidized versions are any easier or not

to detoxify and eliminate, but MMS does seem to force the issue and get

it done one way or the other in spite of my ability or inability to do

it well. If I can't neutralise it quickly enough, it forces a pretty

thorough purge and is gone. Or so it seems to me.

I could be all wet, but those are the things that I've been thinking

might be going on. I'm perfectly willing to vomit and do a few enemas on

days that I'm not working if it means that I can continue to increase my

well being as I feel has been happening since I started taking MMS.

My response to the MMS has surprised me. Deterioration of functions that

had crept up without my taking conscious notice have reversed much to my

amazement. MMS has attacked with a vengeance things that were not on my

radar as priorities, but based on my improvement in overall well being,

I think perhaps they should have been. Still hasn't changed the

things I had thought were my goals, but I've developed confidence that

my body is smarter than I am and things are going as they should.

My point is that there can be a lot going on under the surface,

subclinical levels of infection and unknown quantities of mercury, lead,

and others that we're not aware of specifically and they all have an

impact on our health even if we've grown accustomed to this level of

energy or way of feeling and have grown to consider it to be normal for

us. A healthy body can accomodate a lot of garbage up to a point - and

you're young enough that your accumulation may not have gotten to

critical mass yet - but cross over that line and acute or chronic

illnesses start to appear, seemingly out of the blue.

Lucky you - you have the opportunity to abort the process before it's

done much permanent damage. As you don't have any urgent reason to push

the envelope, my advice is as always to start low and move up slow. Stay

just below your nausea threshhold (if you can figure it out since yours

seems to be variable).



" What we see depends mainly on what we look for. " ( Lubbock)

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Very well said Terry. I was thinking the same thing, just didn't know how to put it into words for others to understand. You did that excellently.


-------Original Message-------

I started with wondering how the entire process works. Seems to me that

in the absence of any intelligence, it simply oxidizes anything it bumps

into that is vulnerable to its action. So whatever vulnerable toxin or

pathogen is in the majority in the blood is most likely to be the most

oxidized item at any given time. After enough rounds of MMS, that item

would no longer be in as much abundance relative to the other things, so

the oxidation will be hitting the next most abundant, etc. along with

the relative amount of other things. So today's kill could be toxin x

with a few bits of y and z but once x is in lower relative amounts the

ratios of x to y and z will change.

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Hi folks. First post here. Greetings . Thank you for hosting us.

Jack wrote:

> I agree 100% on keeping exclusive to MMS as a subject. I'm on a number

> of groups also and it's really time consuming to go through all the

> stuff that just doesn't apply.

I've never been averse to some OT content on lists, but I can

appreciate a tighter approach for at least *one* group on this topic.

You all seem to be doing very well so far.

> I would do as someone suggested while you are waiting for the

> 3 minutes get out of the room so you don't smell it. Now don't ask me

> how your are going to keep from smelling it when you go back into the

> room to retrieve it. Hold your breath I think.

After my early experiments and making myself ill a couple of times,

I've grown fairly sensitive to the smell.

I put the range hood fan on and give it a minute or two to start

drawing well while I get things together. Then I put the MMS and

activator in a small glass and immediately cover it with an upside-down

dessert plate to contain the smell. Then I put on a timer and walk away

for a bit, maybe putting things away or recording the dose on my


After the activation time is done, I lift the glass and covering plate

together up under the range hood and remove the plate. Then, still

holding it under the hood, I add the apple juice. The hood leaks a bit

so I always get a small whiff of the chlorine smell at this point, but

it seems I can consciously choose to ignore it at that level.

I then blow a puff of air into the top of the glass to get any

accumulated chlorine dioxide out of the volume above the juice and

*walk away from the kitchen!*

It seems that once I'm away from the area where I mixed it, there is

little smell left in the juice and diluted MMS. I can drink it down

with no difficulty, with sometimes just a bit of an aftertaste. A

swallow or two of plain water afterward clears that.

Right now, on my third start with MMS, I'm up to only 8 drops per day

at bedtime. I've taken as many as 25 drops per dose, but I've decided

for now that that is just too stressful.

Every once in a while it's nice to have a small glass of juice

*without* MMS in it just to remember how it tastes!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

[mdevour@... ]

[speaking only for myself... ]

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Thank you very much for the feedback Terry! In my own mind, take it

for what it's worth, I too had the same theories formulating on how

MMS reacts to pathogens X,Y,and Z.

The Question I still wonder is after fully purging your body of

toxins, is it necessary to keep taking High dosages? Or, is a small

dosage of 2 or so enough per day? It seems the majority of people

seem to work their resistance up as high as possible then maintain it

at the high dosage... Is this not overkill?

And to Daddy Bob. [assuming you read this ;)] My name, St. , is

pronounced Sinjin. I can leave you to pick a suitable nickname since

I have a plethora of ones in circulation. Sin. Jinn. Saint. Sinbad.

Synergy. Slimjim... they are all good ;)


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No one ever needs to stay at that high dose. I don't know anyone who would do that. Once you are at the full dose (which can be higher than 15 drops for a large person) for about 2 weeks to be sure you've killed all the pathogens, then you drop down to a maintenance dose. Jim Humble thinks that 5 to 6 drops is a good maintenance dose. He also says that for anyone under 40 the dose can be taken only 2 to 3 times a week, but that he thinks anyone older than 50 should probably be on maintenance dose every day. It's in the book.


-------Original Message-------

The Question I still wonder is after fully purging your body of

toxins, is it necessary to keep taking High dosages? Or, is a small

dosage of 2 or so enough per day? It seems the majority of people

seem to work their resistance up as high as possible then maintain it

at the high dosage... Is this not overkill?

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