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Re: OT, Young Living is a sham - Quackwatch Beware!!

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Hello Gang,

Sharon and thanks soooo much for bringing this Quackwatch issue

up for those who may not know. I do not know of anyone recent who has

caused more pain and harrasement among Natural alternative people

than Barrett. Paid off and supported by those who worship allopathic

philosophy, it's time for all of to unite and legally bankrupt this

Master of all Quacks, Barrett! How long is it going to be before MMS

is openly attacked ? Folks Get Your Supply Now and tell your friends

and families before it's too LATE! DO IT NOW! Blessings to all!


> Kathy,


> I need to speak up here about Quackwatch. Here's a thread from

another website on the guy that runs Quackwatch. I just recently read

that Quackwatch tried to bring a lawsuit against an organization that

helps women who are having problems with their implants. That suit

was also thrown out. This guy in my opinion represents everything we

don't like about traditional medicine and he tries to cram it down

our throat. Do some reading on this guy please Kathy. The more

people that know about him the better.


> There are governmental agencies that also have propaganda

specialists, and you will find a lot of their Web sites out there to

support opposing views. For example, the Web site Quackwatch has been

connected to and received funding from the AMA, FTC, and FDA. Mr.

Barrett, who runs Quackwatch focuses on *debunking* alternative and

natural health care, being sure to always side with modern medical


> http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/s...


> This website is run by a Dr. Barrett a retired psychiatrist who

receives funding form the AMA, FTC, and FDA. It is paid propaganda.

The AMA has a financial interest in not allowing alternative medicine

into mainstream medicine by squashing any promising new alternative

therapies. Incidentally a Quackwatcher suit was tossed from court so

this makes this website a not so credible source of information.



> We need to wake up and figure out that the FDA does not work for

the best interest of Americans but they do work for the best

interests of corporations. Big pharma will continue to poison us as

long as we let them. This is my opinion. Think of all the drugs that

have recently caused death that have had the FDA approval. As long as

Big Pharma can make billions they don¢t care about people dying and

becoming disabled. Again this is my opinion.


> From another member of the site.

> Barrett is an industry hack who no longer even has a medical

license. On his " Board " ? Ron Gots of Dateline infamy - does fake

IME's that always favor the insurance companies, and takes fees for

testifying against PATIENTS WITH CFS. Has a " non-profit " , ESRI, that

sells pro-chemical policy to government. (Gots is presently in

trouble with a judge over that one.) And that's just the one that

comes to mind right now. The people Gots is associated with? all in

that same business. One of them, Lees-Haley, invented a

neuropsychometric test which " proves " CFS patients are just



> You know how many of us struggle with insurance issues? With

finding competent care? With not getting labeled as head cases? Yeah.

You get the picture.

> Any time you want to talk about 'junk science'? Just let me know.

Barrett really DOES know a thing or two about quackery...and a few

people know a thing or two about Barrett. Steer clear - NOT a

reputable source.



> [ ] OT, Young Living is a sham


> I need to speak up here about Young Living, Kami, you're getting

sucked in.

> Young Living is an MLM, meaning, many losing money.

> Plus, advertising for your own personal business and profit is very



> Young is a Mormon cad. He uses emotions to sell stuff, loves

to bear his testimony to how wonderful his oils are and how they are

the only good oils out there.

> Plus he lies and exagerates and tells stories of miracles that

aren't true. He never cured scoliosis or hearing loss, ok?


> If you want to pay far more than an oil is worth, go find a Young

Living Distributor.


> If you want to read up on Young, here is a great article.

> http://www.healthwa tcher.net/ Quackerywatch/ Young-Oils/

totalhealth2004. html

> Or you can peruse these links

> http://www.quackwat ch.org/11Ind/ young.html

> http://www.aromatic sage.com/ bs.htm

> http://www.woobeywo rld.com/AA- 4.htm

> http://www.aromatic sage.com/ bsb.htm


> If you're really interested in essential oils, there is a

group I belong to.

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ oils_herbs_ etc/

> You can meet a lot of people who sell oils there.

> Make your own choices.


> No more self-advertising, ok?


> Thanks, Kami.


> Kathy, former Young Living Rep. Live and learn, I say.








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