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Re: Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood

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At 03:30 PM 27/11/2007, you wrote:

> he did not want to tell anyone that it was safe to combine the two

I must be getting slower in my old age...lol..... what

combination?..which 2 things???

Wasn't clear from your post and there was no direct reference to anything else.


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I think you are right, because lately I have been getting anxiety attacks, shortness of breath and I feel like I am starting to faint if I don't sit. But when I used my transdermal magnesium after one of these "episodes" I felt better. I have decided to increase my minerals to see if I can make this totally go away.

It is interesting that so many members are having heart palp isssues. It sort of reinforces the theory of mineral depletion.


-- [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood

It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from

the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals

then it seems that it is more then likely taking out

minerals as well. So we all need to supplement

minerals. Just my two cents.


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No, that cant be right. If MMS doesnt atack a healthy cell then it wouldnt strip it from the cell. What it may do is oxidize the Iron we ingest before our bodies can utilize it to make blood cells. If I remember right ,A red blood cell will live about 3 months before it dies. If your body doesnt have Iron to make a new cell you could become anemic. Ladies, You may want to go to your OBGYN and get a finger stick to check your count. I dont even need a dr.s appointment I just go ask at the lab. in NCsusan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: I think you are right, because lately I have been getting anxiety attacks, shortness of breath and I feel like I am starting to faint if I don't sit. But when I used my transdermal magnesium after one of these "episodes" I felt better. I have decided to increase my minerals to see if I can make this totally go away. It is interesting that so many members are having heart palp isssues. It sort of reinforces the theory of mineral depletion. S. -- [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals then it seems that it is more then likely taking out minerals as well. So we all need to supplement minerals. Just my two cents. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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I did this while taking MMS and my iron level was fine. I hadn't been on the MMS for very long but my iron was fine. This is interesting because I wonder what impact it would have on hemochomotosis.


[miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood

It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from

the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals

then it seems that it is more then likely taking out

minerals as well. So we all need to supplement

minerals. Just my two cents.

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Hi -

It does stand to reason if MMS “strips

iron from the blood.” I just don’t see where that is necessarily

the case. I believe the person who posted the original message in this thread

was just speculating based on the Internet article about chlorine dioxide for

decontaminating water. I don’t believe we can draw conclusions about what

CD does in the human body based on what it does in water since we are much more

complex than water. As the article indicates, the effects of CD depend on pH

and other factors.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Blanton

It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from

the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals

then it seems that it is more then likely taking out

minerals as well. So we all need to supplement

minerals. Just my two cents.


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http://www.outletnutrition.com/021078003540.htmlThis would just about cover the mineral gauntlet. Product Description Dietary supplement. Colloidal trace minerals and electrolytes. As our soil and food supply continues to be depleted of minerals, the need for bioavailable supplementation increases. Colloidalife Trace Minerals supplies 72 trace elements in a balance of colloids and ionic electrolytes including: Boron, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Indium, Iron, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Rhodium, Selenium, Silica, Silver, Sulfur, Vanadium, Zinc, Beryllium, Nickel, Germanium Rubidium, Cobalt, Scandium, Gallium, Cadmium, Lanthanum, Tin, Ytterbium, Gold, Iridium, Bismuth, Barium, Platinum, Titanium, Gadolinium, Thallium, Cesium, Zirconium, Niobium, Palladium, and Thorium among others. As in any other colloidal solution, a small amount of precipitation may occur. Suitable for vegetarians and hypoallergenic:

contains no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, corn, soy, or wheat. Contains no sugar, starch, salt, preservatives or artificial color, flavor, or fragrance. Blanton <sueblanton@...> wrote: Hi , Any chelator be it DMPS, EDTA or DMSA also carries the risk of mineral depletion after long term usage. If MMS bonds with metals and escorts them out, then I don't see how it could be so selective as to not bond with minerals in our systems? I still think that we all should supplement minerals and my feeling is take the MMS dose

first and wait a few hours then supplement the minerals much like you do the vitamin C. I take Cholestyramine which mops up all kinds of bad stuff in the system, but it also depleats my mineral levels. It is not recommended that I supplement the minerals before dosing as it is counterproductive as the Cholestyramine just mops up the minerals along with the neurotoxins and metals. Low minerals can lead to a whole host of other nonpathogen related problems they are perhaps more important then vitamin supplementation as our bodies can not make minerals and must assimilate them from outside sources Best Regards, . __________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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I agree supplementing minerals and eating quality foods is a good idea. IN NC Blanton <sueblanton@...> wrote: Hi ,Any chelator be it DMPS, EDTA or DMSA also carriesthe risk of mineral depletion after long term usage. If MMS bonds with metals and escorts them out, then Idon't see how it could be so selective as to not bondwith minerals in our systems? I still think that weall should

supplement minerals and my feeling is takethe MMS dose first and wait a few hours thensupplement the minerals much like you do the vitaminC. I take Cholestyramine which mops up all kinds ofbad stuff in the system, but it also depleats mymineral levels. It is not recommended that Isupplement the minerals before dosing as it iscounterproductive as the Cholestyramine just mops upthe minerals along with the neurotoxins and metals. Low minerals can lead to a whole host of othernonpathogen related problems they are perhaps moreimportant then vitamin supplementation as our bodiescan not make minerals and must assimilate them fromoutside sourcesBest Regards,. __________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs Wilkins


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I am not having heart palpatations but I will say that my hypothalamus is totally dysfunctional. I even got a diognosis from a University Professor who was right about two of the things she said but wrong about the third. I have adrenal insufficiency and it's due to an infiltration disease. The infiltration was not do to nickel, as she originally thought, it was due to the toxins (mycotoxins) released but the mold in my body. I feel confident that what happened to me happens to others with fungi infections in that the hypothalamus becomes dysfunctional due to the toxins. They get in there and mess everything up. I'm anxious sometimes and adrenal insufficient at other times with extreme fatigue. Also the hypothalamus regulates body tempature and I run a low grade fever a lot of the time. Anything is possible but if you study up on the hypothalamus you will see that a lot of these symptoms could be related to a

dysfunctioning hypothalamus. Regards, Sharonsusan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: I think you are right, because lately I have been getting anxiety attacks, shortness of breath and I feel like I am starting to faint if I don't sit. But when I used my transdermal magnesium after one of these "episodes"

I felt better. I have decided to increase my minerals to see if I can make this totally go away. It is interesting that so many members are having heart palp isssues. It sort of reinforces the theory of mineral depletion. S. -- [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates

iron from the blood It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals then it seems that it is more then likely taking out minerals as well. So we all need to supplement minerals. Just my two cents. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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Hi Jack-

You might also try IP6 for

hemochromatosis. I have a good friend with it, and our research when she was

first diagnosed showed IP6 to be very useful. Check it out.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Jack Milliorn

Ah ha, Sharon

said it " Hemochromotosis " . My wife has that, high iron in

the blood and the only way, they say, is to take a pint of blood. In here

case about every three months or so.

If MMS depletes mineral and in my mind that question

has not been decided, all this talk is pure speculation. But if it does

we'll see my wife's iron drop and she won't have to have a phlebotomy....that

part would be a plus.


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Hi Jack-

Your wife will be a good test case for the

possibility that MMS “removes” (actually oxidizes) iron. If it

oxidizes free iron, that would be a good thing (of course, free iron is highly reactive

and causes havoc in the body), but if it can somehow oxidize tissue bound iron,

that would be another thing altogether. Good luck.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Thanks for the input and suggestion re IP6.

Incidentally I have a couple bottles if IP6 on hand. I can't remember if

I was going to suggested to the wife that she take it or where I got the

info....duh I have an excuse....I'm old!

But, since she has hemochromotosis and she is on

MMS, has been for about two weeks, I'm not going to suggest she take IP6 until

we see the lab results upcoming. She has a Dr. Apt to review on Dec 11

and she'll do a lab about 3 or 4 days ahead of that so she will have been on

MMS about a month by that time. We are both doing 8 drops. We have

enough history with this situation we should be able to tell if the MMS has

effected her iron level. I'm on the fence about all this speculation that

MMS depletes minerals.


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I have a friend with hemochromotosis that is looking to having to have his blood letted.

I told him about the MMS.

His insurance will pay for the test to see if it's working.

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Source naturals is generally considered a good brand.

I get my minerals from Real Salt.


One reason I really like it, is that real salt was deposited long long ago, in the ground, and is mine, from an ancient sea bed, sea is gone now.

Sea covered most of the state of Utah, and probably Nevada. Salt was discovered in a cave underground, and it was put there by nature, long before humans polluted the oceans and the lakes and the land. I see it as the best source because of that.


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Right on Jack. That's my thinking as well. I had an iron test recently and was on the MMS but not for long. Anyway my iron was fine. SharonJack Milliorn <jack.mill@...> wrote: Ah ha, Sharon said it "Hemochromotosis". My wife has that, high iron in the blood and the only way, they say, is to take a pint of blood. In here case about every three months or so. If MMS depletes mineral and in my mind that question has not been decided, all this talk is pure speculation. But if it does we'll see my wife's iron drop and she won't have to have a phlebotomy....that part would be a plus. Jack

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Jack I can't wait to hear how your wife's appointment goes especially her iron levels. SharonJack Milliorn <jack.mill@...> wrote: Dana, Thanks for the input and suggestion re IP6. Incidentally I have a couple bottles if IP6 on hand. I can't remember if I was going to suggested to the wife that she take it or where I got the info....duh I have an excuse....I'm old! But, since she has hemochromotosis and she is on MMS, has been for about two weeks, I'm not going to suggest she take IP6 until we see the lab results upcoming. She has a Dr. Apt to review on Dec 11 and she'll do a lab about 3 or 4 days ahead of that so she will have been on MMS about a month by that time. We are both doing 8 drops. We have enough history with this situation we should be able to tell if the MMS has effected her iron level. I'm on the fence about all this speculation that MMS depletes minerals. Jack

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Hi , Are you taking Cholestyramine for mold exposure. That's what Dr. Shoemaker prescribes for his patients. Dr. Kolb is treating me for biotoxin disease but I am using different toxin binding supplements. Sharon Blanton <sueblanton@...> wrote: Hi ,Any chelator be it DMPS, EDTA or DMSA also carriesthe risk of mineral depletion after long term usage. If MMS bonds with metals and escorts them out, then Idon't see how it could be

so selective as to not bondwith minerals in our systems? I still think that weall should supplement minerals and my feeling is takethe MMS dose first and wait a few hours thensupplement the minerals much like you do the vitaminC. I take Cholestyramine which mops up all kinds ofbad stuff in the system, but it also depleats mymineral levels. It is not recommended that Isupplement the minerals before dosing as it iscounterproductive as the Cholestyramine just mops upthe minerals along with the neurotoxins and metals. Low minerals can lead to a whole host of othernonpathogen related problems they are perhaps moreimportant then vitamin supplementation as our bodiescan not make minerals and must assimilate them fromoutside sourcesBest Regards,. __________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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Hi ,

Yes, I know. And I take supplemental magnesium and transdermal magnesium because of this. I think it was a potassium deficiency (which has been discussed in previous posts) because after I took my cream of tarter I felt immensely better.


-- [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide

precipitates iron

> from the blood


> It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from

> the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals

> then it seems that it is more then likely taking out

> minerals as well. So we all need to supplement

> minerals. Just my two cents.









> ______

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I want to mention that I don't do potassium with my adrenal problems as my body I believe retains potassium. I'm not sure but I know I use to eat a lot of bananas and now I can't tolerate a one. Funny how your body somehow knows better than the mind sometimes what it needs and doesn't need. Sharonsusan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: Hi , Yes, I know. And I take supplemental magnesium and transdermal magnesium because of this. I think it was a potassium deficiency (which has been discussed in previous posts) because after I took my cream of tarter I felt immensely better. S. -- [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron > from the blood > > It stands to reason that if MMS strips the iron from > the blood and it helps to eliminate the heavy metals > then it seems that it is more then likely taking out > minerals as

well. So we all need to supplement > minerals. Just my two cents. > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ _______ > ______ > Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs > > > >

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