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Thanks, Lissa. Sorry to hear you're battling the fatigue, too. As if

the pain isn't enough???

Love and hugs,


[ ] Re: Checking in


Thanks for the update on Debs. I'll keep praying for her.

I'm excited to keep checking back on your ebay store. I hope it does

great and pays for the Humira! Heavens knows this disease is

expensive enough!

Good luck with the fatigue. It's about making me crazy too!


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Nice to hear from you, Carol! I've missed you, too.

Sorry that you haven't been feeling so great. I hope you can get the

Humira soon. Fatigue is an awful thing to try to figure out and conquer.

I'm glad you're having success with your business. I hope it leads you

to that group insurance coverage in the very near future.

Thanks for giving us updates on Debs. I'm crossing my fingers for a

perfect recovery for her this time.

[ ] Checking in

> Hi Friends,


> I've missed you all, and even when I'm not participating in the group

> you're all in my thoughts and prayers. Tess, I'm glad your surgery


> gone well and you're healing. Heidi: I'm so happy for you that you

> have part time hours and that you've been able to continue to

> breastfeed. I miss you but I know you have important work right now,

> LOL.


> Kathy, I'm glad you've gotten a new job. You go, girl! a, how


> your headaches? Hi !


> Kathi in OK, Alan? Hope you're both OK. Iris, sorry I missed your


> last week. Did you have a nice labor day? I loved the card, you


> friend.


> As for me, I'm hanging in there. I'm still plugging away with the


> store. It's going pretty well, and I'm going to head to NYC to get

> better suppliers soon. I need to increase my volume.


> My RA has been rough this summer, and I've been kind of depressed. I

> keep going, but I'm surviving more than thriving. Apart from the


> the fatigue has been overwhelming. I feel like I'm walking through

> jell-o or something. I'm working on getting approved for Humira. I'm

> up to 17.5 mg injectible of mtx, and still having a lot of pain. My

> rheumy wants me on something stronger, and I'm in agreement. Even

> though I had side effects from the Remicade, it was amazing for the

> fatigue.


> I sent an email about Deb. She sounded so good last night on the


> She was really worried going into the surgery, which is pretty

> understandable considering what she's been through. I think she's so

> relieved to have the surgery behind her. Can't blame her there. I'm

> going to talk to her either tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know


> she's doing. She's at North Broward Hospital, in Pompano Beach.


> Love to all,

> Carol

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hey carol what's this have we traded places again?? i am sorry to hear you

are not feeling well. please try to rest when you can. i am still having

problems. had a uti, bacterial infection. then of coarse a yeast inection. now


got my period again. ok enough already!!!! i am trying to hope my body is just

cleansing itself after all the problems but i just don't know. still no

paycheck from the last job. now i just got a notice from my rheumi's office that


further treatments will be given to me if i don't pay them. i owe 116.00. i

have sent them letter explaining why i haven't paid. asked them if they knew of

anything and all the said was to apply for public aid.. which she doesn't

accept and i already have, just with a huge spendown each month. (675) dan is

still living at his girlfriends house. my back is

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Hi Caro:Sorry you've all been so sick, yuck! Hope you all get well quickly.

It's great hearing how well Baby Mo is doing in her band! Let us know what they tell you at your Weds appt., hopefully she'll be a grad soon.

Abby wore her bands when she learned to crawl and walk, so I know just what you're saying about them bumping their heads w/o realizing "oh man, this can hurt w/o my band on!"...hehe...she'll quickly realize though that she isn't quite as indestructible w/o her band as she was before it!!Debbierowwith <rowwith@...> wrote:

Just wanted to say howdy! Been busy this week as usual. Moira got well, Alix got sick. Alix is well, I'm getting sick, now. Sore throat, maybe I can nip it in the bud. I hope!Moira is doing so well in this second helmet! I can tell such a big difference, compared to how she wasn't doing the last little while in her first helmet. I'm really, really hoping that when we go back Wednesday, she'll say she's doing so well that she won't be in it much longer! Of course, it looks best when her hair is dry. When she's in the bath, I can still see that her head is uneven, but not nearly as bad. Thankfully, her hair is growing in (my girls have thin, fine hair like me, poor things...would that one of them would have gotten their dad's thick, dark, wavy hair!), so even if we don't

get 100% correction, you can't tell it with her hair, so that's good.Bless her heart, sometimes, she'll have been asleep on the couch or on our bed, and she wakes up and doesn't make a noise, and will crawl off the bed and holler! Glad she has her crash helmet! Then sometimes, during her hour off, she'll crawl up under the coffee table, thinking her head is protected, then she'll lift up and hit it, and is so surprised that it hurts! Much as I'm looking forward to her being out of the helmet for good, it's going to be an adjustment for her! I'm really going to have to keep a very close eye on her so she doesn't REALLY hurt herself!Anyway, just wanted to check in and say "Hey"! Hope everyone is doing well. My hubby is home today and tomorrow, so might be able to check in and read a little. Maybe. We do have a lot to do, I so look forward to him being off work so I can give

him things to do around the house! LOL! Poor guy...never gets a break. But, then, neither do I! When he gets home, I relinquish diaper and pullup duty to him! Aren't I horrible??? LOLOL!!Have a good one, everyone!Caro, Mom to Baby Mo, 9 1/2 months old, DOC Banded 5/23/03, then again 7/30/03, TXFor more plagio info

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  • 6 months later...
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, I will keep you in my prayers, that your visit turns out

well, take care Tawny

> Hi every one,

> Just letting you know I'm still reading emails and praying for the

> one's that have to go for appointments for various issues.



> I have to go to the doctor on Monday I know I will have to see a

> speclist so keep me in prayer.I will continue to post and


> try to get on the chat line.




> Love to all




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  • 5 months later...

Dix, Sorry that your not feeling well. Were all here for you, this

is a great bunch of people. So, just know that your in our thoughts

and prayers. I am also quiet sometimes, because the pain gets me

down, and my emotions, but I do know deep down that you all care for

me, and it's so good to know. It makes me want to get up after a few

days, and make sure the group is doing OK. Please take care, Tawny

> Going through a very difficult time right now, like so many

others of you.

> Just can't get it together enough to write. But I have read

most of the messages, and have been praying for those who requested,

as well as those going through rough times.

> My sympathy to those of you who have lost a loved one. You are

also in my prayers.

> I wish there were something more I could say to help. Right

now, I can't even help myself.

> Hope to be back with you all on a regular bsis soon.

> With soft, gentle healing hugs,

> Dix



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hey guys its been a while since i posted last. Im doing alright but having a bit

of a flare up though. i do take my medication on a daily basis so it goes away

for a while. Anyways ya'll i'll keep in touch.

Tawny <tawnyokc@...> wrote:Dix, Sorry that your not feeling well.

Were all here for you, this

is a great bunch of people. So, just know that your in our thoughts

and prayers. I am also quiet sometimes, because the pain gets me

down, and my emotions, but I do know deep down that you all care for

me, and it's so good to know. It makes me want to get up after a few

days, and make sure the group is doing OK. Please take care, Tawny

> Going through a very difficult time right now, like so many

others of you.

> Just can't get it together enough to write. But I have read

most of the messages, and have been praying for those who requested,

as well as those going through rough times.

> My sympathy to those of you who have lost a loved one. You are

also in my prayers.

> I wish there were something more I could say to help. Right

now, I can't even help myself.

> Hope to be back with you all on a regular bsis soon.

> With soft, gentle healing hugs,

> Dix



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Even though you can't post, know we're thinking about you and keeping

you in our prayers. How's your husband doing? (Don't answer until

you feel more like it!)

It's been in the 60's here in IN the past few days, so I've been

living in jeans and sweatshirt--don't know what I'll do when it

actually gets cold!


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  • 11 months later...
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That is cool that you have a PT job, I hope it works well for you.

Please keep us posted, I worry about you. My prayers are with you,

hugs Tawny

--- In , " Grammi B " <grammi_love@m...>



> Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately. You are

always in my heart and in my prayers.


> I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years

ago...I am doing nationwide directory assistance, and will be working

3-8pm 5 days a week. Going back to somewhere I am familiar with has

been really interesting...they have made lots of good changes, but

the biggest changes are in me.


> I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and

colonscopy on Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next



> I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.


> Much love...


> Tess



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Tess, that is what I love about you, you are just like the energizer bunny, you

just keep on going and going. Congrats on the new job.



----- Original Message -----

From: Grammi B

Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately. You are always in my

heart and in my prayers.

I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years ago...I am doing

nationwide directory assistance, and will be working 3-8pm 5 days a week. Going

back to somewhere I am familiar with has been really interesting...they have

made lots of good changes, but the biggest changes are in me.

I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and colonscopy on

Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next weekend.

I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.

Much love...


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Dear Tess,

I'm so proud of you!!! Hearty congratulations on the new job, and I'm

looking forward to hearing all about Mt. Hood. Hope your 'scopies go

well next week,

Love ya,



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Tess that is just fantastic! It may be easier going back to what

you're familiar with. I hope you enjoy it.

I wonder if any of your old co-workers are still there. They may not

recognize you. I'm so excited for you.

I'll be waiting to hear all about your adventures.

Love & hugs


On Jul 16, 2005, at 12:24 PM, Grammi B wrote:


>   Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately.  You are always

> in my heart and in my prayers. 


>   I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years ago...I

> am doing nationwide directory assistance, and will be working 3-8pm 5

> days a week.  Going back to somewhere I am familiar with has been

> really interesting...they have made lots of good changes, but the

> biggest changes are in me.


>   I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and

> colonscopy on Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next

> weekend.


>   I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.


>   Much love...


>   Tess



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I'm so proud of you! You are such a inspiration to all of us. You

don't give up girl, and that is just so amazing. This gives us hope

that we can go on, and do the best we can. I have wanted to go back

to school, work, and so this helps me to be stronger, and not let

this get me down. One day, I will go out, and get my life back the

way I want it, and with all my friends and prayers, it can happen.

Love you lots,


--- In , " Grammi B " <grammi_love@m...>



> Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately. You are

always in my heart and in my prayers.


> I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years

ago...I am doing nationwide directory assistance, and will be working

3-8pm 5 days a week. Going back to somewhere I am familiar with has

been really interesting...they have made lots of good changes, but

the biggest changes are in me.


> I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and

colonscopy on Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next



> I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.


> Much love...


> Tess



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Tess, I'm so happy for you!! Going back to work. You go girl!!

Just don't over do it!! I do that most days at work and pay for it

ALL night long!! I also wanted to wish you well with your upcoming

appointments. Good luck with the scopes!! And, it is I who is

proud to call YOU friend.......Marina

--- In , " Grammi B " <grammi_love@m...>



> Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately. You are

always in my heart and in my prayers.


> I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years

ago...I am doing nationwide directory assistance, and will be

working 3-8pm 5 days a week. Going back to somewhere I am familiar

with has been really interesting...they have made lots of good

changes, but the biggest changes are in me.


> I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and

colonscopy on Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next



> I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.


> Much love...


> Tess



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Sounds great, Tess! I hope your tests go well and provide you some answers.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] checking in


> Hi Friends...I'm sorry for being so absent lately. You are always in my

> heart and in my prayers.


> I started a part-time job...a place I worked 7 and 8 years ago...I am

> doing nationwide directory assistance, and will be working 3-8pm 5 days a

> week. Going back to somewhere I am familiar with has been really

> interesting...they have made lots of good changes, but the biggest changes

> are in me.


> I see the hernia surgeon on Tuesday, have my endoscopy and colonscopy on

> Thursday, and go on my adventure to Mt. Hood next weekend.


> I care about each of you...and am proud to call you my friends.


> Much love...


> Tess

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Good to hear from you! . . . I'm sure your whole

family is happy to have you back!

You may have to cut out honey and ANY sweetner for a

while . . . The fungal organisms thrive on sugar and

will make your craving worse. . .

Something that came up recently in a website Anita

posted on enzymes . . . Try taking a digestive enzyme

with Primal Defense on an empty stomach . . . The

enzyme breaks down the cell wall of the fungal

organisms to let the primal defense organisms in!

Powerful stuff!

How are you coming with your book?



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Rogene, If I'm not mistaken it is the enzyme cellulase that breaks down the outer shell so make sure the enzymes have that in them. Also taking the enzymes on an empty stomach breaks down fibrinogen and cleans the blood and also is anticoagulative. Lots of good stuff on that site. Love, Anita Re: checking in ,Good to hear from you! . . . I'm sure your wholefamily is happy to have you back!You may have to cut out honey and ANY sweetner for awhile . . . The fungal organisms thrive on sugar andwill make your craving worse. . .Something that came up recently in a website Anitaposted on enzymes . . . Try taking a digestive enzymewith Primal Defense on an empty stomach . . . Theenzyme breaks down the cell wall of the fungalorganisms to let the primal defense organisms in!Powerful stuff!How are you coming with your book?Love,RogeneOpinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

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  • 2 months later...


My pocket knife was just put outside in the rain to rust so I can

join you! Such a disgrace. Shame on that attorney.

Shame on the judge for allowing it. I'm glad the kids are doing

better and I pray justice will be served.


On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:27 PM, JANE wrote:

> Hey yall, I have been incognito lately, had a lot going on. My

> daughter went to court against the animal who molested my

> grandchildren. If they had gone for a jury trial the kids would have

> had to testify in open court which I think is total b.s. but it's a

> little hick town, so I guess the attorney made a deal. Since it was

> his first offense he got deferred adjudication?? with 10 years

> probation, has to wear an ankle monitor and cannot be around children

> under 18 years of age. So apparently you can take away the innocence

> of a 4 and 5 year old child and just get a slap on the wrist. I

> personally would like about five minutes with him, with a rusty

> pocket knife. My daughter feels like between the money he has to pay

> for probation, and the monthly charge for the ankle monitor, that he

> will violate probation and hopefully they will throw his sorry butt

> in prison. The kids are doing much better, they love their teachers

> and are a little less tense and watchful than they have been. They

> have been in counseling and play therapy, and that has helped a lot.

> The grownups are having a hard time dealing with the insanely light

> penalty for their molestor, but I know God will get us through this.

> He's never failed us yet.

> Thanks for listening to me rant.

> Love to all

> Jane







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, This is really fantastic news! I am so excited for you!

Please keep us posted on any media appearances!



-- In , " ktitko " <ktitko@y...> wrote:


> Hello everyone! I haven't been keeping up with all of the posts,


> I see that we have a few women that are now post-op. I'm so happy


> hear that you all came through it well and are on the road to

> recovery! It seems like yesterday that I was just post-op and

> wondering how I would recover. Now it's been 4 months and I have a

> whole new life. I still battle some of the same old issues, but


> the most part the organic diet keeps me feeling normal. You'll all

> be amazed at how well you can recover if you stick to some

> liefestlye changes!


> I've been very busy starting the dance business. I was on NBC news

> yesterday and was able to briefly talk about how I was poisoned by

> my saline implants and how now I am starting a new life, trying to

> help other women to not take the surgery route for self esteem. I

> also have an article coming out on Thursday in the paper. If it is

> online , I will post it. I'm slowly working towards my goals of

> getting to the point of public speaking on this issue. Hopefully

> I'll get there sooner than later.


> Best wishes to you all!



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Good to hear from you! It sounds like you are doing well. You are

so right about sticking to your protocol! I have always found that

sticking to my organic diet makes a difference also. You can still

expect more improvements--I am still seeing improvements after four

years. I am glad to hear that you are getting exposure for breast

implant illness issues! Not only are you helping women to decide

against implants, but you are making more women aware that their

implants are making them sick and then they can get them out and get

their life back. What an awesome feeling it is to be able to help

someone that way! Keep in touch.

Hugs, kathy


> Hello everyone! I haven't been keeping up with all of the posts,


> I see that we have a few women that are now post-op. I'm so happy


> hear that you all came through it well and are on the road to

> recovery! It seems like yesterday that I was just post-op and

> wondering how I would recover. Now it's been 4 months and I have a

> whole new life. I still battle some of the same old issues, but


> the most part the organic diet keeps me feeling normal. You'll all

> be amazed at how well you can recover if you stick to some

> liefestlye changes!


> I've been very busy starting the dance business. I was on NBC news

> yesterday and was able to briefly talk about how I was poisoned by

> my saline implants and how now I am starting a new life, trying to

> help other women to not take the surgery route for self esteem. I

> also have an article coming out on Thursday in the paper. If it is

> online , I will post it. I'm slowly working towards my goals of

> getting to the point of public speaking on this issue. Hopefully

> I'll get there sooner than later.


> Best wishes to you all!



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest guest




> Hello RA family,



> I am very sorry that I haven't been on the board lately. Been


> a rough time, and going to doctors. I did get some good news


> I went back to the hematologist for my test results on the liver.


> enzymes are still kind of high, and I have a fatty liver, but I


> need any meds for it. My next appointment will be with a neuro

> surgeon to remove the tumors, I'm a little worried about that. I


> in a flare right now, so in a lot of pain. The Neurontin seems to


> helping me quite a bit, glad to have it. So, that is about all


> going on right now. I am trying to enjoy my granddaughter as much


> I can, she is doing great. I want to welcome all the new members.


> will try to email off the board, since I'm so behind on posts.


> know your all in my thoughts and prayers always, Tawny


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Back at ya girl!

> >

> > Hello RA family,

> >

> >

> > I am very sorry that I haven't been on the board lately. Been

> having

> > a rough time, and going to doctors. I did get some good news

> Friday.

> > I went back to the hematologist for my test results on the


> My

> > enzymes are still kind of high, and I have a fatty liver, but I

> don't

> > need any meds for it. My next appointment will be with a neuro

> > surgeon to remove the tumors, I'm a little worried about that. I

> am

> > in a flare right now, so in a lot of pain. The Neurontin seems


> be

> > helping me quite a bit, glad to have it. So, that is about all

> that's

> > going on right now. I am trying to enjoy my granddaughter as


> as

> > I can, she is doing great. I want to welcome all the new


> I

> > will try to email off the board, since I'm so behind on posts.

> Just

> > know your all in my thoughts and prayers always, Tawny

> >


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi again Christene . . . Just looked at the body pure website again . . . $20 a pop for infrared sauna isn't bad . . . I was reading the page the wrong way. Rogene

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