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Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood (Mo)

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Blanton <sueblanton@...> wrote: Hi Mo,I don't know how my post was construed as medicaladvice. I believe I did preface it with this is justmy opinion and hopefully anyone reading my post isintelligent enough to diseminate for themselveswhether they want to listen to me or not. I wasmerely asking a question. I have probably studied thesubject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes Ihave read in Jim's book that mercury is converted froman organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. Socan

you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?Do you understand a process here that I am notgetting? If so, could you please enlighten me? Iwant to know how MMS effects mineral levels and sincewe are all still in the researching stage, I guess wecan only make speculations since there isn't enoughquantitative evidence yet. Questions are an important part of any research, asthey are the springboard for further research,inquiry, discussion and discovery. If we don't raisequestions then we are no better then those who blindlyaccept what their doctor prescribes without looking atthe potential for side effects; or the FDA for thatmatter that approves drugs without adequately testingthem. Questions need to be raised and since the juryisn't totally in with regard to the long term effectsof MMS, it seems that if people are experiencingsymptoms that are congruent with a Magnesium ormineral deficiency, then

this is a question that maydemand further research. I see offering a suggestionthat people might want to supplement with minerals asno different then suggesting someone try an herbal teafor detox purposes. I guess this could also beconstrued as practicing medicine without a license. Idon't know about you, but I hope we never get to sucha point of censorship. Isn't that what these forumsare about to have open discussion and offer help toeach other? If we are only allowed to take advice from medicalpractitioners then why don't we all just stop postingand go see a doctor? Could it be that allopathicmedicine has somehow let us down in the past hence, we find ourselves here weeding through the volumes ofinformation in hopes of finding something helpful. My alternative MD said that practically everyone islow in minerals as our bodies totally rely on outsidesources and our food is deficient due to being

raisedin depleted soils. These are over the countersupplements and to my knowledge, we haven't totallylost our freedom of speech or to supplement yet inthis country; therefore offering a suggestion thatsomeone might want to try a supplement is not yetillegal, although this could happen sooner then wethink. Since most people are mixing their doses withdistilled water which is completely devoid ofminerals, I don't see adding a few minerals back asdetrimental to anyone's health. Perhaps this grouphas a different set of standards about recommendinghelpful things to others that I am unaware of and ifthat is the case, please let me know and if I crosseda line, then I profusely apologize.__________________________________________________________Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./sports;_ylt=At9_qDKvtAbMuh1G1SQtBI7ntAcJ

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Hi , I didn't look at what you said as medical advice. I think what you said was okay in my book but I think the FDA would like nothing better then to regulate supplements. I'm glad you're here, you do offer some insights that I for one appreciate. Thanks, Sharon Blanton <sueblanton@...> wrote: Hi Mo,I don't know how my post was construed as medicaladvice. I believe I did preface it with this is justmy opinion and hopefully

anyone reading my post isintelligent enough to diseminate for themselveswhether they want to listen to me or not. I wasmerely asking a question. I have probably studied thesubject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes Ihave read in Jim's book that mercury is converted froman organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. Socan you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?Do you understand a process here that I am notgetting? If so, could you please enlighten me? Iwant to know how MMS effects mineral levels and sincewe are all still in the researching stage, I guess wecan only make speculations since there isn't enoughquantitative evidence yet. Questions are an important part of any research, asthey are the springboard for further research,inquiry, discussion and discovery. If we don't raisequestions then we are no better then those who blindlyaccept what their doctor prescribes without

looking atthe potential for side effects; or the FDA for thatmatter that approves drugs without adequately testingthem. Questions need to be raised and since the juryisn't totally in with regard to the long term effectsof MMS, it seems that if people are experiencingsymptoms that are congruent with a Magnesium ormineral deficiency, then this is a question that maydemand further research. I see offering a suggestionthat people might want to supplement with minerals asno different then suggesting someone try an herbal teafor detox purposes. I guess this could also beconstrued as practicing medicine without a license. Idon't know about you, but I hope we never get to sucha point of censorship. Isn't that what these forumsare about to have open discussion and offer help toeach other? If we are only allowed to take advice from medicalpractitioners then why don't we all just stop postingand go see a

doctor? Could it be that allopathicmedicine has somehow let us down in the past hence, we find ourselves here weeding through the volumes ofinformation in hopes of finding something helpful. My alternative MD said that practically everyone islow in minerals as our bodies totally rely on outsidesources and our food is deficient due to being raisedin depleted soils. These are over the countersupplements and to my knowledge, we haven't totallylost our freedom of speech or to supplement yet inthis country; therefore offering a suggestion thatsomeone might want to try a supplement is not yetillegal, although this could happen sooner then wethink. Since most people are mixing their doses withdistilled water which is completely devoid ofminerals, I don't see adding a few minerals back asdetrimental to anyone's health. Perhaps this grouphas a different set of standards about recommendinghelpful things to

others that I am unaware of and ifthat is the case, please let me know and if I crosseda line, then I profusely apologize.__________________________________________________________Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./sports;_ylt=At9_qDKvtAbMuh1G1SQtBI7ntAcJ

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi Mo,

I don't know how my post was construed as medical

advice. I believe I did preface it with the words: " I

feel " , which implies that I am expressing an opinion.

Hopefully anyone reading my post is

intelligent enough to diseminate for themselves

whether they want to listen to me or not. I was

merely asking a question (note the question mark).

I have probably studied the subject of MMS about as

much as anyone here and yes I have read in Jim's book

that mercury is converted from

an organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. So

do you know if minerals are exempt from this process?

or could they be rendered into another form? Do you

understand chemistry and is there a process here that

I am not getting? If so, could you please enlighten


I want to know how MMS effects mineral levels and


we are all still in the researching stage, I guess we

can only make speculations since there isn't enough

quantitative evidence yet Questions are an important

part of any research, as they are the springboard for

further research,

inquiry, discussion and discovery. If we don't raise

questions then we are no better then those who blindly

accept what their doctor prescribes without looking at

the potential for side effects; or the FDA for that

matter that approves drugs without adequately testing

them. Questions need to be raised and since the jury

isn't totally in, with regard to the long term effects

of MMS, it seems that if people are experiencing

symptoms that are congruent with a Magnesium or

mineral deficiency, then this is a question that may

demand further research. I see offering a suggestion

that people might want to supplement with minerals as

no different then suggesting someone try an herbal tea

for detox purposes or colloidal silver, which by the

way I have seen both recommended in this group. I

guess this could also be

construed as practicing medicine without a license. I

don't know about you, but I hope we never get to such

a point of censorship. Isn't that what these forums

are about to have open discussion and offer help to

each other?

If we are only allowed to take advice from the medical

establishment then why don't we all just stop posting

and go see a doctor? Could it be that allopathic

medicine has somehow let us down in the past; hence,

we find ourselves here weeding through the volumes of

information in hopes of finding something helpful?

My alternative MD said that practically everyone is

low in minerals as our bodies totally rely on outside

sources and our food is deficient due to being raised

in depleted soils. These are over the counter

supplements and to my knowledge, we haven't totally

lost our freedom of speech or to supplement yet in

this country; therefore offering a suggestion that

someone might want to try a supplement is not yet

illegal; although this could happen sooner then we


Since most people are mixing their doses with

distilled water which is completely devoid of

minerals, I don't see adding a few minerals back as

detrimental to anyone's health.

Perhaps this group has a different set of standards

about making suggestions as to potentially helpful

supplements or protocols that I am unaware of, if that

is the case, please let me know and if I crossed a

line, then I profusely apologize.



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"I have probably studied thesubject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes Ihave read in Jim's book that mercury is converted froman organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. Socan you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?Do you understand a process here that I am notgetting? If so, could you please enlighten me? "

I think that there is a whole understanding in this that is best gathered

by reading the scientific literature. Long and tedious, I know.

"I see offering a suggestionthat people might want to supplement with minerals asno different then suggesting someone try an herbal teafor detox purposes. I guess this could also beconstrued as practicing medicine without a license. Idon't know about you, but I hope we never get to sucha point of censorship."

Consider how easy it would be for the FDA to produce a legal case

against people who promote taking a bleach ! And it is not like they

will just charge one person, they will get everyone in one go. This is

not fearmongering. But there are simple strategies we can employ to

minimise our risk of prosecution. Merely report what we do, and don't

suggest anyone tries anything. Whatever we write here goes on record.

Cite websites instead of giving your opinions. If you have the money,

get legal advice and share that advice with us.


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Dear Mo,

It seems to me that this whole group has crossed the line in terms of making one

recommendation or another. Jim Humble, Rosner or Marc on Lyme Strategies


every book author who writes a nutrition book without a medical degree for that


could easily be put in the category of giving medical advice without a license.

I am not

going to lose sleep over the fact that the FDA may be breathing down my neck

just waiting

for me to post about a supplement or protocol that has helped me. If they are


after me, then they will be after a bunch of people on the internet posting

about various

treatment modalities. If this is the case, I sure hope America wakes up as

this is

censorship in it's worst form and I do believe that the American people will not

tolerate it.

I would love to read the scientific literature even if it is long and tedious.

You seem to

have a lot of information on this subject so just point me in the right

direction and I'll give

it a go and see what I can assimilate from it. I am an avid reader and am


reading books for information particularly with regard to nutrition and the

human body.

My main area of interest is energetic medicine particularly accupuncture and


elimination modalities, however as I said earlier I would love to learn more

about the

interaction of minerals with MMS so if you are conscious of some research on the


it would be greatly appreciated.



> " I have probably studied the

> subject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes I

> have read in Jim's book that mercury is converted from

> an organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. So

> can you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?

> Do you understand a process here that I am not

> getting? If so, could you please enlighten me? "


> I think that there is a whole understanding in this that is best gathered

> by reading the scientific literature. Long and tedious, I know.


> " I see offering a suggestion

> that people might want to supplement with minerals as

> no different then suggesting someone try an herbal tea

> for detox purposes. I guess this could also be

> construed as practicing medicine without a license. I

> don't know about you, but I hope we never get to such

> a point of censorship. "


> Consider how easy it would be for the FDA to produce a legal case

> against people who promote taking a bleach ! And it is not like they

> will just charge one person, they will get everyone in one go. This is

> not fearmongering. But there are simple strategies we can employ to

> minimise our risk of prosecution. Merely report what we do, and don't

> suggest anyone tries anything. Whatever we write here goes on record.

> Cite websites instead of giving your opinions. If you have the money,

> get legal advice and share that advice with us.


> Mo


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Could not have said it better myself .....!! If the FDA/Big

Pharma wants me here I am..!

They heal no one, They are killers.

Last figure I saw was about 800 thousand people per year.

That's our husbands, wives, dads, moms, aunts, uncles, friends, and

our babies.

We are supposed to be scared, That gives them control.

I have no fear standing for that which I believe in.

It's nice to know neither do you.

Maybe we need Ron .



> Dear Mo,


> It seems to me that this whole group has crossed the line in terms

of making one

> recommendation or another. Jim Humble, Rosner or Marc on Lyme

Strategies and

> every book author who writes a nutrition book without a medical

degree for that matter

> could easily be put in the category of giving medical advice without

a license. I am not

> going to lose sleep over the fact that the FDA may be breathing down

my neck just waiting

> for me to post about a supplement or protocol that has helped me.

If they are coming

> after me, then they will be after a bunch of people on the internet

posting about various

> treatment modalities. If this is the case, I sure hope America

wakes up as this is

> censorship in it's worst form and I do believe that the American

people will not tolerate it.

> I would love to read the scientific literature even if it is long

and tedious. You seem to

> have a lot of information on this subject so just point me in the

right direction and I'll give

> it a go and see what I can assimilate from it. I am an avid reader

and am constantly

> reading books for information particularly with regard to nutrition

and the human body.

> My main area of interest is energetic medicine particularly

accupuncture and allergy

> elimination modalities, however as I said earlier I would love to

learn more about the

> interaction of minerals with MMS so if you are conscious of some

research on the subject

> it would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,




> --- In , " Mo " <moses133@>


> >

> > " I have probably studied the

> > subject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes I

> > have read in Jim's book that mercury is converted from

> > an organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. So

> > can you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?

> > Do you understand a process here that I am not

> > getting? If so, could you please enlighten me? "

> >

> > I think that there is a whole understanding in this that is best


> > by reading the scientific literature. Long and tedious, I know.

> >

> > " I see offering a suggestion

> > that people might want to supplement with minerals as

> > no different then suggesting someone try an herbal tea

> > for detox purposes. I guess this could also be

> > construed as practicing medicine without a license. I

> > don't know about you, but I hope we never get to such

> > a point of censorship. "

> >

> > Consider how easy it would be for the FDA to produce a legal case

> > against people who promote taking a bleach ! And it is not like they

> > will just charge one person, they will get everyone in one go.

This is

> > not fearmongering. But there are simple strategies we can employ to

> > minimise our risk of prosecution. Merely report what we do, and don't

> > suggest anyone tries anything. Whatever we write here goes on record.

> > Cite websites instead of giving your opinions. If you have the money,

> > get legal advice and share that advice with us.

> >

> > Mo

> >


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Hi Bob,

I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

democrat and republican parties have the voters so

convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

from us. Click on this link:


it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

offended by four letter words as is typical of

Carlin's delivery style.



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thanks, i enjoy Carlin. i mighta heard this already, but won't know until

tomorrow eve as for now i'm fading out fast and must crash.



> [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates

> iron from the blood (Mo)



> Hi Bob,


> I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

> democrat and republican parties have the voters so

> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

> from us. Click on this link:

> http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America


> it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

> offended by four letter words as is typical of

> Carlin's delivery style.






> __________________________________________________________________

> __________________

> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs





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Hi , you wrote: >It seems to me that this whole group has crossed the line in >terms of making one recommendation or another.

http://www.rosenthal.hs.columbia.edu/legal/cohen.fixedstar.text2.html"Similarly, Michigan includes "diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure, or relieving of a human disease, ailment, defect, complaint or other physical or mental condition, by attendance, advice, device, diagnostic test, or other means."[122] The definitions tend to be broad in the extreme. For example, reading Michigan's statute literally, "relieving . . . a . . . complaint . . . by . . . advice" constitutes practicing medicine.[123] Similarly, under the Arkansas statute, "suggesting . . . any form of . . . healing for the intended palliation" constitutes the "practice of medicine." "

Now there is no present danger of prosecution. However, if MMS

becomes popular and hence a threat, then I'd expect prosecutions

just like they prosecuted for some cancer cures. And what an easy

case it would be, with all the evidence nicely packaged, and the

defendants advocating taking bleach !

>...I would love to learn more about the interaction of

>minerals with MMS so if you are conscious of some

>research on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.If you really did 'love to learn' you would be googling and searching.

Of course the trouble is that there is not much to find. Which is all

the more reason not to make suggestions, but every reason to

consider the possibilities of interactions.


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Bob I'm with you on the FDA however please stop with the Ron stuff. I don't believe he's the answer and I have a suggestion as well but will keep it to myself because we are here to discuss MMS. Thanks. SharonBob <winestien@...> wrote: Could not have said it better myself .....!! If the FDA/BigPharma wants me here I am..!They heal no one, They are killers.Last figure I saw was about 800 thousand people per year.That's our husbands, wives, dads, moms, aunts, uncles,

friends, andour babies. We are supposed to be scared, That gives them control.I have no fear standing for that which I believe in.It's nice to know neither do you.Maybe we need Ron .Bob.>> Dear Mo,> > It seems to me that this whole group has crossed the line in termsof making one > recommendation or another. Jim Humble, Rosner or Marc on LymeStrategies and > every book author who writes a nutrition book without a medicaldegree for that matter > could easily be put in the category of giving medical advice withouta license. I am not > going to lose sleep over the fact that the FDA may be breathing downmy neck just waiting > for me to post about a supplement or protocol that

has helped me. If they are coming > after me, then they will be after a bunch of people on the internetposting about various > treatment modalities. If this is the case, I sure hope Americawakes up as this is > censorship in it's worst form and I do believe that the Americanpeople will not tolerate it. > I would love to read the scientific literature even if it is longand tedious. You seem to > have a lot of information on this subject so just point me in theright direction and I'll give > it a go and see what I can assimilate from it. I am an avid readerand am constantly > reading books for information particularly with regard to nutritionand the human body. > My main area of interest is energetic medicine particularlyaccupuncture and allergy > elimination modalities, however as I said earlier I would love tolearn more about the > interaction of minerals with MMS

so if you are conscious of someresearch on the subject > it would be greatly appreciated.> > Thanks,> > > > --- In , "Mo" <moses133@>wrote:> >> > "I have probably studied the> > subject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes I> > have read in Jim's book that mercury is converted from> > an organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. So> > can you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?> > Do you understand a process here that I am not> > getting? If so, could you please enlighten me? "> > > > I think that there is a whole understanding in this that is bestgathered > > by reading the scientific literature. Long and tedious, I know. > > > >

"I see offering a suggestion> > that people might want to supplement with minerals as> > no different then suggesting someone try an herbal tea> > for detox purposes. I guess this could also be> > construed as practicing medicine without a license. I> > don't know about you, but I hope we never get to such> > a point of censorship." > > > > Consider how easy it would be for the FDA to produce a legal case > > against people who promote taking a bleach ! And it is not like they > > will just charge one person, they will get everyone in one go.This is > > not fearmongering. But there are simple strategies we can employ to > > minimise our risk of prosecution. Merely report what we do, and don't > > suggest anyone tries anything. Whatever we write here goes on record. > > Cite websites instead of giving your opinions. If you have

the money, > > get legal advice and share that advice with us. > > > > Mo> >>

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Thanks for your " advice " Sharon.

However I do not need it.I have spent hours sifting through 2

groups dedicated to MMS, Trying to find specific posts about MMS. On

this searching journey I have read about bees,curvature of the earth,

how to kill ants,mlms,And quite lengthy posts about how to measure

drops of mms that would probably have challenged Einstein and his

colleges. Also noted a fair amount of slamming and detrimental

comments to one another. All this on MMS groups. I would have been

upset except I realize It's pretty hard to talk about one subject and

never refer to any thing else ever. And I have learned quite alot from

the " Off Topic " posts you refer to. I have only made one reference to

Ron , And that was a little bit inspired by Simon.



> > >

> > > " I have probably studied the

> > > subject of MMS about as much as anyone here and yes I

> > > have read in Jim's book that mercury is converted from

> > > an organic compound to an inorganic form with MMS. So

> > > can you tell if minerals are exempt from this process?

> > > Do you understand a process here that I am not

> > > getting? If so, could you please enlighten me? "

> > >

> > > I think that there is a whole understanding in this that is best

> gathered

> > > by reading the scientific literature. Long and tedious, I know.

> > >

> > > " I see offering a suggestion

> > > that people might want to supplement with minerals as

> > > no different then suggesting someone try an herbal tea

> > > for detox purposes. I guess this could also be

> > > construed as practicing medicine without a license. I

> > > don't know about you, but I hope we never get to such

> > > a point of censorship. "

> > >

> > > Consider how easy it would be for the FDA to produce a legal case

> > > against people who promote taking a bleach ! And it is not like


> > > will just charge one person, they will get everyone in one go.

> This is

> > > not fearmongering. But there are simple strategies we can employ to

> > > minimise our risk of prosecution. Merely report what we do, and


> > > suggest anyone tries anything. Whatever we write here goes on


> > > Cite websites instead of giving your opinions. If you have the


> > > get legal advice and share that advice with us.

> > >

> > > Mo

> > >

> >







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Awesome video , Thank you so much for that. He pretty sums it up,lol



> Hi Bob,


> I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

> democrat and republican parties have the voters so

> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

> from us. Click on this link:

> http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America


> it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

> offended by four letter words as is typical of

> Carlin's delivery style.








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Well Mo, I guess it is a good thing I live in Alaska

so I'm not held to Michigan or Arkansas statues.

Alaska is very liberal with regard to the practice of

alternative medicine. In fact it is required that

insurance cover alternative practices equal to that of

allopathic, thanks to a former governor who was a big

proponent of alternative medicine.

The other issue that I am addressing is that your

first post to me implied that I needed to read the

facts as if somehow, you knew something about the

interactions of minerals and MMS that I didn't. Now

you are backing down and saying that the research

probably has not been done. I have researched the

facts. You will notice the post I made on this list

from Dr Heselink MD. He does mention that Manganese

as well as some Amino Acids including Glutathione can

be inhibited with the use of MMS, that is why it kills

the bugs as they are dependent on some of these to

survive. You are not going to convince me to stop

taking minerals as I was told by both my MD and my

Accupunturist that I need them. I am not going to

quit letting people know what I have found helpful as

I guess I have compassion for sick people and many

have helped me through these posts. If you have a

problem with that I am sorry, but I guess we are going

to have to agree to disagree and move on. I am tired

of this subject as I would imagine others who are

trying to get helpful information are as well, so lets

move on.




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I couldn't agree more with Carlin however I don't think Ron is the answer. I like or Dennis Kucinich. I don't think no taxes is the answer and I think it's naive to think we can operate on his formular. I do agree that Hillary and Obama are not the answer. Sharon Bob <winestien@...> wrote: Awesome video , Thank you so much for that. He pretty sums it up,lolBob.>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us. Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is

typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > > __________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs>

Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make your homepage.

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Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not

sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members

of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the

whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.



> Hi Bob,


> I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

> democrat and republican parties have the voters so

> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

> from us. Click on this link:

> http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America


> it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

> offended by four letter words as is typical of

> Carlin's delivery style.








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I don't think I could ever trust another Republician. bobprice100 <bobprice100@...> wrote: Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.Bob>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us. Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > >

________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs>

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Excuse me....but could ya'll change the subject line once in a while. Sharon.....trust the individual.....not the party. the individual can be intelligent, brilliant............overall, people are stupid. Sharon Hanson <shha2002@...> wrote: I don't think I could ever trust another Republician. bobprice100 <bobprice100 > wrote: Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.Bob>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us.

Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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I do not trust Ron and please don't tell me about politics. Thank you very much.Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote: Excuse me....but could ya'll change the subject line once in a while. Sharon.....trust the individual.....not the party. the individual can be intelligent, brilliant............overall, people are stupid. Sharon Hanson <shha2002 > wrote: I don't think I could ever trust another Republician. bobprice100 <bobprice100 > wrote: Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.Bob>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and

republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us. Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

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maybe it's just the circles i frequent, whaich are mostly a slew of health

lists, but it appears to me ron paul is getting far more support, really on

a serious roll, than the media seem to be acknowledging in public


it would really be something if he landslides everything and just blows

everything else away pitifully. i could use the laughs... and would surely

pee myself.

> [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates

> iron from the blood (Mo)



> Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not

> sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members

> of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the

> whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.

> Bob




> >

> > Hi Bob,

> >

> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

> > mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

> > democrat and republican parties have the voters so

> > convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

> > they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

> > sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

> > freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

> > from us. Click on this link:

> > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America

> >

> > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

> > in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

> > offended by four letter words as is typical of

> > Carlin's delivery style.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ______________________________________________________________________

> ______________

> > Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> > http://www./r/hs

> >







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many sympathies, i agree, but the guy is soooo different, actually more like a super libertarian, isn't he?

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of Sharon HansonSent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:10 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood (Mo)

I don't think I could ever trust another Republician.

bobprice100 <bobprice100@...> wrote:

Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.Bob>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us. Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Tee he he, I'd love it!!!

I would say at the least, He's the lesser of the evils. He may not

be as polished as the rest, May fumble in his speech once in awhile,

And " occasionally " say some thing that makes me put my face in my

hands and roll my eyes....BUT.....He's speaking from his heart and he

is not just another set of " WHITE TEETH " set atop two legs kissing

babies and saying what he thinks " we " want to hear. I gotta say, Takes

some large kahoonies to do what he is doing and take on the " bots "

that this nation so seem to adore..!!!!

> > >

> > > Hi Bob,

> > >

> > > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our

> > > mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The

> > > democrat and republican parties have the voters so

> > > convinced that they are throwing their votes away if

> > > they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's

> > > sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our

> > > freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away

> > > from us. Click on this link:

> > > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America

> > >

> > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America

> > > in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are

> > > offended by four letter words as is typical of

> > > Carlin's delivery style.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ______________________________________________________________________

> > ______________

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> > > http://www./r/hs

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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bob Larson wrote:

> maybe it's just the circles i frequent, whaich are mostly a slew of health

> lists, but it appears to me ron paul is getting far more support, really on

> a serious roll, than the media seem to be acknowledging in public

> broadcast???


Absolutely. You can monitor the phenomenon at


Depending on mainstream media for ones picture of social reality is like

depending on Disney cartoons for ones understanding of Nature.

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He describes himself as a constitutionalist. He only votes according to the constitution. He is a very impressive guy and a doctor to boot. For our individual freedoms- would repeal the patriot act, stop all these wars, and cut down the govt. Much more like an old time republican like Truman. I was a democrat, now an independent and I wish I could vote for him in the primaries.- S.

-- RE: [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood (Mo)

many sympathies, i agree, but the guy is soooo different, actually more like a super libertarian, isn't he?

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of Sharon HansonSent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:10 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Chlorine Dioxide precipitates iron from the blood (Mo)

I don't think I could ever trust another Republician.

bobprice100 <bobprice100@...> wrote:

Sad but true that Carlin is right. With electronic voting I am not sure that it is even possible now to write in a candidate. Members of my family are sending support and money to Ron . Out of the whole field (both parties) he is the one that is most credible.Bob>> Hi Bob,> > I'm with you about Ron , unfortunately our> mainstream media is supporting Clinton and Obama. The> democrat and republican parties have the voters so> convinced that they are throwing their votes away if> they don't vote for the mainstream candidates. It's> sad, but some day people will wake up and see that our> freedoms are slowly but surely being whittled away> from us. Click on this link: > http://www.shoutfile.com/v/a42Hu9Hr/Wake_Up_America > > it is a video of Carlin called Wake up America> in support of Ron . Do not watch this if you are> offended by four letter words as is typical of > Carlin's delivery style. > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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-well, anyway, if we can for a moment return to the topic,after 6 days of

physical weakness

and emotional upset,i got some iron in me and 12 hours later i'm back to being

my old

energetic self ! the iron really works. thanks.

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