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Re: Hi everybody and update

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Hi dear friends,

Well, a little about me today....

It's till now, that I could sit down and read some of the posts.

Hellen, honey, why are you preoccupied? Why are you apologizing about it?

When you need to vent, just do it.....you will have our support.

After reading your list in the other e-mail I was surprised.

You are strong Hellen, I have to write this to you....

You are dealing with so much and that is the strength we all need in this


Now about me...

It was sooo painful today.

I have Diarrheal again today with enormous pain that is sending " electric

pain " till

my back where I also have a mass since two months ago.

I'm searching for a doc that can help me, better medications etc.

I had to take strong painkiller again to bear with the pain.

Every day it's so hard to deal with this pain. Yesterday I was so depressed


of so much pain.

Thanks for just listening and understanding.

All the best wishes for you all.



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Hi Xiomi, Thanks, but I have been ill for so long that to me this is just normal :o) I don't know what it is to be pain free anymore. No one but my self will get things done, so I have to try and be strong. My Husband is a dear, but he has enough on his plate right now and I hate to ask him to help with anything. But he knows what I can and can't do, so he usually has done whatever I can't do before I ask it of him...:o) I apologize because I have been so preoccupied with myself lately and I'm not usually like this. I usually worry about the other person... But not having my Grand Daughters here is tearing me apart. All I do is cry and feel sorry for them and myself and that shouldn't be :o( I have raised them for six years and then he just comes and takes them!!! That is so inhuman for anyone to do. We got emergency visitation rights for every other weekend for now until this is settled in the courts. But all they kept doing this weekend when they had time to think was cry and Beg me and Papa to not lake them go back! This is where they wanted to stay! But I Had to return them to their so called Father and that was so hard to do :o( They just don't understand why we couldn't fix everything for them like we always do :o(

So Sorry you are in so much pain!!! What is causing the pain??? I don't remember :o( sorry! What pain meds are you on??? Please keep us posted when you can.

{{{ Pain Free Hugs }}}


Hi dear friends,Well, a little about me today....It's till now, that I could sit down and read some of the posts.Hellen, honey, why are you preoccupied? Why are you apologizing about it?When you need to vent, just do it.....you will have our support.After reading your list in the other e-mail I was surprised.You are strong Hellen, I have to write this to you....You are dealing with so much and that is the strength we all need in thisgroup.Now about me...It was sooo painful today.I have Diarrheal again today with enormous pain that is sending "electricpain" tillmy back where I also have a mass since two months ago.I'm searching for a doc that can help me, better medications etc.I had to take strong painkiller again to bear with the pain.Every day it's so hard to deal with this pain. Yesterday I was so depressedbecauseof so much pain.Thanks for just listening and understanding.All the best wishes for you all.Hugs,Xiomi

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Hi Hellen and all,

Hellen, I'm sooo sorry for you and your granddaughters....

I wish that I could help you in any way. I can tell you that

I will keep you in my prayers. In any way you're an inspiration

and a real encouragement to me, Hellen.

Oh, I have Endometriosis. Now it's hitting me furiously with

this awful pain. I'm using Demerol for the pain, but the effect of it

is not for long.

I have it in stage 4 and it's real nightmare to me. I'm in constant pain

too, but in every way I try to deal with it. I want to let you know that

I'm trying to deal with it, not to worry my husband too much with it.

He said that he wish that he could help me and is sad when I'm in pain.

I'm searching for an Endo specialist in the States. Here on this little

island there

aren't anything more the docs here can do for me. They said to me that they

don't have the equipment to perform the surgery

and to deal with this pain they give me Demerol tablets.

My insurance is from the government and they are till their head in debts,


they aren't sending any patient to another country for med. treatment right


So I'm searching for a doc that I can pay and who can give me better

medical treatment

anyway. My bowel and bladder are the most affected right now. It's so


and is affecting my back. I have a swelling on my back that is very painful


All this is due to Endometriosis.

Sorry that this is so long, but needed to vent.

Thanks for listening anyway...

Hugs and lots of love,


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Hi Xiomi, Thanks, I do what I have too. I use to have indometriosis also.

It was terrible!!! After 28 years of it and almost hemorrhaging to death, also became quit anemic to where I almost died, They done a complete Hysterectomy. It took another three months to get rid of the pains and I haven't had any problems with it since!!! My Sister had indo real bad also and had a Hysterectomy and left one ovary in and she is still having problems. My Daughter also has Indo and she had an Abalation done on hers.

It worked for this first year and now it is back giving her a lot of problems. She is 27 and they are talking of doing a full hysterectomy on her now also. The Pains from it are so Bad. Kristy on here knows more about it, but she is recovering from surgery right now, so when she is back up and writing, maybe she will have some answers for you. Your post is NOT too long!!! No post is too long or too short on here!!! Please take care and I hope it eases up for ya some till you can get the medical help that you need!!!

{{{ Pain Free Hugs }}}


Hi Hellen and all,Hellen, I'm sooo sorry for you and your granddaughters....I wish that I could help you in any way. I can tell you that I will keep you in my prayers. In any way you're an inspirationand a real encouragement to me, Hellen.

Oh, I have Endometriosis. Now it's hitting me furiously with this awful pain. I'm using Demerol for the pain, but the effect of itis not for long.I have it in stage 4 and it's real nightmare to me. I'm in constant paintoo, but in every way I try to deal with it. I want to let you know thatI'm trying to deal with it, not to worry my husband too much with it.He said that he wish that he could help me and is sad when I'm in pain.I'm searching for an Endo specialist in the States. Here on this littleisland therearen't anything more the docs here can do for me. They said to me that theydon't have the equipment to perform the surgeryand to deal with this pain they give me Demerol tablets.My insurance is from the government and they are till their head in debts,sothey aren't sending any patient to another country for med. treatment rightnow.So I'm searching for a doc that I can pay and who can give me bettermedical treatmentanyway. My bowel and bladder are the most affected right now. It's sopainfuland is affecting my back. I have a swelling on my back that is very painfultoo.All this is due to Endometriosis.Sorry that this is so long, but needed to vent.Thanks for listening anyway...Hugs and lots of love,Xiomi

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 6 years later...

Great post Naomi,

you actually afirm what I have been learning from Jim. He says that

for those who are very sick it can be difficult but you can make it

easier by lowering the dosage. People we have terrible illnesses!!!

they will take alot of time to overcome and like you Naomi, we must

focus on the hope that we have of actually getting better.

You will get back up to your double dosage just give your self time.

I think your assesment of the pathogens in your spine and jaw are

most likely correct. Keep listening to your body. And please keep

posting for all of us here.



> Hi everybody,


> Newbie here checking in with my first post.


> I'm using MMS for Lyme. I started it on 10/4/07, worked up to 15

drops 2x a day, am & pm. When I experienced no nausea or diarrhea, I

began to wonder if it was doing anything. Well, 15 drops 2x day

didn't last long. Walking got more difficult, started taking 2 hr

naps, lots of pain in jaw/teeth/neck area and down spine, swelling in

cheek, nerves in limbs screaming. Agony everywhere! Well, maybe not

everywhere. It just felt like everywhere. But at least it became

obvious it wasn't doing nothing. Dropped back drastically on # of

drops and some days went off entirely. Dropped salt/vit c protocol

and supplements. I couldn't think what to take or not to take or

when to take it and couldn't keep track even when I tried.


> What I think is happening is that the MMS got to the spine where

the dastardly little beasties had been successfully hiding out

escaping the salt/vit c. I also consider this experience further

confirmation that it was dental work that provided the major

opportunity for this invasion. (If it hadn't been for our 'state of

the art' American medical profession I'm sure I could have negotiated

this life much more successfully. Grrr!!) Anyway, I'm still

miserable. but plodding on. Presently doing 15 drops once a day.

Would like to try fewer drops at a time and more often during the

day, but the taste/smell grosses me out so that I prefer to do it

once and get it over with. I also added to my misery by using the

Indian Herb, (otherwise known as black salve) recommended by Jim

Humble on a couple of little crusty spots on my skin which, judging

from how angrily they are reacting, I'm now convinced they are skin

cancers. I also got the life-line water from the Indian Herb lady in

hopes it will help hydrate as she says it will. So the experiment

goes on.


> Thanks to all of you for being here.


> Naomi


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Hi Naomi.

>About 4 years ago I had a metals test and it showed high levels of several metals >including mercury. I did chelating, ...

May I ask what sort of test that was. And your chelation protocol.


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I don't remember what the test was called. I did it through the doc's office and they used urine. It wasn't hair analysis. I used Dr Gordon's protocol for chelation. Oh, I also did a couple IV treatments with another doc. I did a follow up test later and it showed some improvement. But I doubt the reliability of the tests, and I also think we are continually bombarded with heavy metals so chelating is probably a lifetime endeavor.


[ ] Re: Hi everybody and update

Hi Naomi.

>About 4 years ago I had a metals test and it showed high levels of several metals >including mercury. I did chelating, ...

May I ask what sort of test that was. And your chelation protocol.


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