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Re: [SPAM] Re: [MDI_News] logic, reasoning OR Fuzzy Logic

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I have been waiting a bit longer than that (3 min.), assuming that the reaction is complete and any vinegar left over is just plain vinegar. That is my assumption, not in any way a proven fact! But it seems to be working, my poos are more light-weight yet more volumnous, and that indicates to me a healthier ecosystem. I wait a bit longer just to be sure it's all done. I don't see anywhere that EXACTLY 3 minutes was the protocol followed in Africa. For one thing, it's not very practical, especially when dealing with such large numbers of people.


[sPAM][ ] Re: [MDI_News] logic, reasoning OR Fuzzy Logic

Wayne Fugitt wrote:>> It is used in the control systems for refrigerators, washers, dryers,> and other sophisticated appliances today.Yes, I wondered if anyone was going to remark on the fact that FuzzyLogic is a computing term. It's perhaps most easily explained by talkingabout thermostats,Whatever the terminology used in talking about the resistance toprecision that sparked the topic, one should of course recognise that itis by no means peculiar to women.When it comes to cooking, for instance, I personally am very reluctantto submit to the tyranny of recipes. My main objection to them is thatthey rarely make clear which of the instructions or quantities specifiedare essential and which optional, nor attempt to make clear what isactually going on in the interactions of the ingredients. For example,of the countless thousands of people who use baking powder, how many doyou suppose actually know what it is and does, let alone know that theycould save significant money over a period of time by replacing, e.g. "3tsps baking powder" with "2 tsps baking soda + 1 tsp citric acid".Recipe books basically cater to people who don't actually want tounderstand a process, but just want a set of simple instructions, fromwhich they may then never dare to deviate. My own method with a new dishis usually to follow a recipe precisely one time to set a sort ofstandard, and then improvise from there. Cooking for me is very likeimprovising music....Oddly enough, in my experience it is more likely to be a female than amale observer who is alarmed by watching the way I cook, without blindrespect for The Recipe. I don't see this usually as an indication oftheir having more logical minds, and myself as a fuzzy logician, so muchas their being more inclined to follow than explore.In the domain of medicine, however, I take a completely different view,and it is ironic to find myself in some discussions about MMS being theone who is seeking a precise recipe or formula, while various of theladies are insisting on allowing wide margins of deviation.My view is that only when one knows exactly what the chemicals involvedare doing, and how they are interacting with each other and withwhatever they, singly or in concert, are encountering in the body, canone feel free to decide which details matter and which don't.Case in point: the issue of quantification of the MMS activation agenthas produced, despite the resistance of those who seemed to want tocensor the topic, the consensus that it doesn't matter how strong anacid is used nor how much, as long as it exceeds the strength of a 10%solution of citric acid in a 5:1 ratio. The opinion has been offeredthat the 3 minute waiting period is critical, but it has not been madeclear what difference it makes if one waits for longer than that.Any of these aspects may or may not be the kind about which one can bevery loose without worrying about consequences, but they equallypossibly could be critical, and for this reason I think it best to tryto ascertain exactly what is going on at the molecular level before oneallows oneself to be cavalier with quantifiables.

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