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Re: I'm back- HCV Update

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Just a thought...Is it possible that when you originally started the MMS it put the Hep C into hiding and that is why you were able to take so much MMS? So when you went off The MMS the Hep C came out again? Everyone knows lyme can do this and so can yeast. I have both of these and when they are in hiding nothing can kill them. Neem works to get the yeast out of hiding and help kill it (I don't know if neem works for the lyme like that).

What do you think? Anyone else who has Hep C have any thoughts on this?

-- [ ] I'm back- HCV Update

Well, I took time off from MMS while I went to

Nebraska. By the time we were coming back home I

felt sick, my liver was hurting, my whole

stomach and liver area were on fire. I was going

to just go to bed, but decided that I should get

back on treatment as soon as possible.

As you might recall, I had taken as many as 30

drops at a time with minimal symptoms, then

decided to back down to 15 drops an hour apart

to get 45 drops a night, then was going to work

up to 60 drops divided into 4 doses, or

something like that.

I took a warm bath with Epsom salts. I got my

bottle of MMS and 2 glasses, and I started

counting the drops, and soon there was 15, plus

the bottle spit out another drop when I was

done. I made 2 glasses, one for me and one for

my hubby, who had taken 15 drops once before

without any symptoms. I didn't have any apple

juice so after the lime juice and three minutes

I added 10-12 oz. shittake water (from soaking

dry shiitake mushrooms) and a tablespoon of

maple syrup.

I went to sleep around 11, woke up around 2:30,

and went to the bathroom. In about 30 seconds I

knew I was in for a ride. I got back to bed as

the world was going black again. I had Ray help

me into the bathroom again for the diarrhea and

get me a cold washcloth, as I was overheated

from the electric blanket. Nothing seemed to be

helping much. I wanted to vomit and I wanted

some baking soda, but at the same time, I didn't

want to barf up the MMS, nor did I want to stop

it, knowing from past experience how this works.

I took 2 sips of baking soda and water, and

vomited only that back up. I took another sip

and went back to bed. The sweats went away, and

in 5 minutes I began to feel better.

I slept wonderfully the rest of the night, just

woke up at 8, and drank some water, more

diarrhea, but I'm feeling much better than I did

before the drops. My liver and gut are resting

from the illness they felt last evening on the

way home. I ate my normal diet on the trip, we

brought a cooler and I made a couple of meals in

Nebraska at my son's house. We never went to a

restaurant, except for a cup of coffee with

soymilk on the way home. I avoided junk foods.

My conclusion is this: This Hep C, if I don't

continue to attack it with MMS until it's gone,

it will come back strong. I lost a lot of ground

not treating for a week. My calender says my

last treatment was on the 14th. Today is the

23rd, that is 9 days, in which time I may have

taken a break, but the virus did not. So from

now on, I may take one day off, but never take a

week off, until I am certain the viral load is

gone. I'm currently thinking that 15 drops a day

for a year or two will be part of the protocol

for keeping the virus away.

I have work to do to get back to where I was. I

got almost as sick on 15 drops as I did when I

took 50 drops on the 9th. I can only imagine

what that means in terms of viral load.

My husband was not phased at all from the 15

drops he took, and now he understands how it

works. We also listened to the interview with

Humble and Abraham last night, the one Global

Light sends out, What you need to know.


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AFAIK it doesn't hide. it does get into everywhere in the body that isn't

readily reached by blood flow... inside cells of all organs and tissues, the

CSF, brain, lymph nodes... it certainly does replicate and mutate really

fast when it's in the mood.

what affects the mood is another question... the body " terrain " in general

largely, and energy influences that might be mapped astrologically probably.

-----Original Message-----


Just a thought...Is it possible that when you originally started the MMS it

put the Hep C into hiding and that is why you were able to take so much MMS?

So when you went off The MMS the Hep C came out again? Everyone knows lyme

can do this and so can yeast. I have both of these and when they are in

hiding nothing can kill them. Neem works to get the yeast out of hiding and

help kill it (I don't know if neem works for the lyme like that).

What do you think? Anyone else who has Hep C have any thoughts on this?

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I do not think the Hep C is smart enough to go into hiding.

Thing is that it cannot build up an immunity to MMS, as every cell that it comes into contact with is destroyed.

There are no damaged cells limping back to HCV Headquarters in the liver reporting MMS as HCV public enemy #1.

I would not think that would be the case for Lyme either, although it might be the case for when a Lymie is doing some other therapies.

But I don't have Lyme, so I really can't say.

I can tell you that after 45 days of taking MMS I felt better than I have in years. Surely if the virus is in hiding, that would not be the case.

The virus has to multiply and feed to continue to exist, it can't just hide out. Even Robin Hood's merry men had to visit the villages for food etc.

My mantra to HCV is this: (Speaking from my cells) I'm sorry, but you are no longer welcome. Leave.

I do believe in energy being an important part of the healing process. I believe that WE can put things into hiding if we choose to associate with them in a sympathetic manner. I believe that people who have been abused tend to feel somehow deserving of the diseases in their body and give them a place at the expense of their health, simply because they don't value themselves enough to be able to say 'no' to that which would hurt them. Just as they were unable to say 'no' when they were originally abused.

I'm saying 'NO' to HCV. I'm smarter than it is. And, I'm worth it!

Love, Kathy

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Hi Kathy, I'm reminded of the time of mega dosing oral and occasional iv vit c, and then stopping for 3-4 days, and have the "viremic episode" , it really kicks your butt in a hurry. It almost as if it seriously overcomes your immune system, or (maybe part of the pain is the immune response.) Thank goodness we have something like mms. Even with the ozone and vitamin c, I was getting some pings and pangs just hours after treatment. I haven't had a pain since the first day of mms. BTW, I am trying to focus on promoting glutathione by eating lots of broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, etc cinnamon, whey protein, nutritional yeast (Bs) tumeric, shittake mushrooms, The thinking is that those with chronic illness share a common trait; low levels of glut. because it gets burned up, hence accelerated aging, etc. Any other tips for this kind of plan

are welcome. I'm up to 7 drops 3 x a day -(after a month) and still experience loose stools, so I'm just content at this time to go with that. Also, after my initial bout of diareah, (where I dropped about 10 pounds, no kidding) I then suffered from tumultuous, and voluminous gas all during this time, until I remembered a remedy I was told of ten years ago, and that is, to do a garlic suppository, where you serrate a clove, and skin it to allow the juice to seep out, then dip in olive oil, and insert. I got immediate relief from that. It is said to kill bad bacteria, and also promote natural killer cells. The times I have done it, I never failed to notice improvement, usuallly waking up with a sense of well being. Speaking along those lines, those with hemmoroids can get relief by using a raw potato supp; it works by "drawing" inflammation. I witnessed my other half get relief

from this, and the hemmoroids never returned - (although I don't ask for updates, heh)

[ ] I'm back- HCV Update

Well, I took time off from MMS while I went toNebraska. By the time we were coming back home Ifelt sick, my liver was hurting, my wholestomach and liver area were on fire. I was goingto just go to bed, but decided that I should getback on treatment as soon as possible.As you might recall, I had taken as many as 30drops at a time with minimal symptoms, thendecided to back down to 15 drops an hour apartto get 45 drops a night, then was going to workup to 60 drops divided into 4 doses, orsomething like that.I took a warm bath with Epsom salts. I got mybottle of MMS and 2 glasses, and I startedcounting the drops, and soon there was 15, plusthe bottle spit out another drop when I wasdone. I made 2 glasses, one for me and one formy hubby, who had taken 15 drops once beforewithout any symptoms. I didn't have any applejuice so after the lime juice and three minutesI

added 10-12 oz. shittake water (from soakingdry shiitake mushrooms) and a tablespoon ofmaple syrup.I went to sleep around 11, woke up around 2:30,and went to the bathroom. In about 30 seconds Iknew I was in for a ride. I got back to bed asthe world was going black again. I had Ray helpme into the bathroom again for the diarrhea andget me a cold washcloth, as I was overheatedfrom the electric blanket. Nothing seemed to behelping much. I wanted to vomit and I wantedsome baking soda, but at the same time, I didn'twant to barf up the MMS, nor did I want to stopit, knowing from past experience how this works.I took 2 sips of baking soda and water, andvomited only that back up. I took another sipand went back to bed. The sweats went away, andin 5 minutes I began to feel better.I slept wonderfully the rest of the night, justwoke up at 8, and drank some water, morediarrhea,

but I'm feeling much better than I didbefore the drops. My liver and gut are restingfrom the illness they felt last evening on theway home. I ate my normal diet on the trip, webrought a cooler and I made a couple of meals inNebraska at my son's house. We never went to arestaurant, except for a cup of coffee withsoymilk on the way home. I avoided junk foods.My conclusion is this: This Hep C, if I don'tcontinue to attack it with MMS until it's gone,it will come back strong. I lost a lot of groundnot treating for a week. My calender says mylast treatment was on the 14th. Today is the23rd, that is 9 days, in which time I may havetaken a break, but the virus did not. So fromnow on, I may take one day off, but never take aweek off, until I am certain the viral load isgone. I'm currently thinking that 15 drops a dayfor a year or two will be part of the protocolfor keeping the virus

away. I have work to do to get back to where I was. Igot almost as sick on 15 drops as I did when Itook 50 drops on the 9th. I can only imaginewhat that means in terms of viral load.My husband was not phased at all from the 15drops he took, and now he understands how itworks. We also listened to the interview withHumble and Abraham last night, the one GlobalLight sends out, What you need to know.Kathy

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On the candida list Duncan Crow, who has a web site but I can't think of the name of it--if you are interested I can look it up. Anyway, he says that the precursors to glutathione are denatured whey (powdered protein drink but it must be denatured, he talks about the best kinds on his site) selenium and inulin. He says that taking these precursors allows the body to make the glutathione it needs.


-------Original Message-------

The thinking is that those with chronic illness share a common trait; low levels of glut. because it gets burned up, hence accelerated aging, etc. Any other tips for this kind of plan are welcome.

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Vitamin C and NAC are also great precursors to glutathione.

-- Re: [ ] I'm back- HCV Update

On the candida list Duncan Crow, who has a web site but I can't think of the name of it--if you are interested I can look it up. Anyway, he says that the precursors to glutathione are denatured whey (powdered protein drink but it must be denatured, he talks about the best kinds on his site) selenium and inulin. He says that taking these precursors allows the body to make the glutathione it needs.


-------Original Message-------

The thinking is that those with chronic illness share a common trait; low levels of glut. because it gets burned up, hence accelerated aging, etc. Any other tips for this kind of plan are welcome.

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very interesting, and I think you are right about the abuse thing.

what is the proceedure for saying know to that which would hurt you.

Is it meditation, tapping, OT? or just a simple GET OUT!!


> I do not think the Hep C is smart enough to go

> into hiding.


> Thing is that it cannot build up an immunity to

> MMS, as every cell that it comes into contact

> with is destroyed.

> There are no damaged cells limping back to HCV

> Headquarters in the liver reporting MMS as HCV

> public enemy #1.


> I would not think that would be the case for

> Lyme either, although it might be the case for

> when a Lymie is doing some other therapies.

> But I don't have Lyme, so I really can't say.


> I can tell you that after 45 days of taking MMS

> I felt better than I have in years. Surely if

> the virus is in hiding, that would not be the

> case.

> The virus has to multiply and feed to continue

> to exist, it can't just hide out. Even Robin

> Hood's merry men had to visit the villages for

> food etc.


> My mantra to HCV is this: (Speaking from my

> cells) I'm sorry, but you are no longer welcome.

> Leave.


> I do believe in energy being an important part

> of the healing process. I believe that WE can

> put things into hiding if we choose to associate

> with them in a sympathetic manner. I believe

> that people who have been abused tend to feel

> somehow deserving of the diseases in their body

> and give them a place at the expense of their

> health, simply because they don't value

> themselves enough to be able to say 'no' to that

> which would hurt them. Just as they were unable

> to say 'no' when they were originally abused.


> I'm saying 'NO' to HCV. I'm smarter than it is.

> And, I'm worth it!


> Love, Kathy


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Must be UN-Denatured Whey...



> On the candida list Duncan Crow, who has a web site but I can't

think of the

> name of it--if you are interested I can look it up. Anyway, he

says that

> the precursors to glutathione are denatured whey (powdered protein

drink but

> it must be denatured, he talks about the best kinds on his site)


> and inulin. He says that taking these precursors allows the body

to make

> the glutathione it needs.


> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> The thinking is that those with chronic illness share a common

trait; low

> levels of glut. because it gets burned up, hence accelerated aging,

etc. Any

> other tips for this kind of plan are welcome.


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Shoot--I knew that. My mistake--I have no idea why I wrote denatured when he always stresses UN denatured and I was thinking undenatured as I wrote it.. Must have been too much eggnog. :-)


-------Original Message-------

Must be UN-Denatured Whey...

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The procedure for saying NO to that which would hurt you, is

Whatever you can do or say with CONVICTION.

The first one I tried was this:

I took my hands and swept them up my body from hip to chin, imagining I was taking into my hands the bad stuff.

As I did, I said, This is not mine, universe, take it back, and make it into something good.

I repeated this 10-12 times.

I would do it everytime I felt like it.

Choose a method that feels good to you.

Know that it doesn't matter which method you use.

It's all meditation.

I've done the Get out! thing too.

or Go away.

I've found that if you can appreciate the lesson you've learned at the same time, you will feel more peace and riddance.


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Kathy Wenger wrote:


Choose a method that feels good to you.

Know that it doesn't matter which method you use.

It's all meditation.

Sure, gone are the days when one might say:

"There are three conditions which often look alike

Yet differ completely, flourish in the same hedgerow:

Attachment to self and to things and to persons, detachment

From self and from things and from persons; and, growing between them,


Which resembles the others as death resembles life.."


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Interesting, Chris.

Reminds me of EJ Gold, author of the American Book of the Dead.

The voyager's quatrain

All phenomena is illusion

Neither attracted nor repelled

Not making any sudden moves

My habits will carry me through.

His teachings are about letting go of attachments.

There is a great line in the movie, 's Ladder.

The chiropractor says it. It goes something like this.

"If you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see demons tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the demons are really angels, freeing you from the earth."

Happy Holidays


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PS, The fact that I was herxing and healing,

raising the dose, herxing and healing, raising

the dose, etc, tells me that the MMS is working,

the virus is not hiding, and I am getting well.

-----Original Message-----


[mailto: @...

om] On Behalf Of Kathy Wenger

I do not think the Hep C is smart enough to go

into hiding.

Thing is that it cannot build up an immunity to

MMS, as every cell that it comes into contact

with is destroyed.

There are no damaged cells limping back to HCV

Headquarters in the liver reporting MMS as HCV

public enemy #1.

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