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Re: Re: MMS and cancer?

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Hi . Yes, I take MMS. The nausea usually only lasts for a short time. And if it is strong enough to make you vomit, once you've vomited it's over with. The diarrhea is actually what lasts longer. Hours, or days, depending on the person.

So if you are sensitive--start with just ONE drop of MMS and see how you feel. Work your way up SLOWLY. Only one drop at a time. This quickly allows you to see how you feel without becoming too nauseous. When people up their doses by 3 and 4 drops, the reaction can be bad, but normally when only going up by one drop, it's not that severe. The nausea can range from barely noticeable to out right vomiting. Depends on the person, how sick they are, how sensitive they are, and how much MMS they have taken.

Mostly you are much less likely to feel nauseated if you take MMS after you have eaten something. If I take, say 7 drops, on a full stomach I am fine. But if I take 7 on an empty stomach I can feel queasy. As I don't like feeling queasy I take mine after eating. But many people prefer to take it on an empty stomach because they feel that it is more effective--it doesn't have to compete with or go through the digestion process. I'm not sick, so I don't worry about loosing any effectiveness--I prefer not to feel any nausea at all, so I take mine on a full stomach.

Some people find that taking it just before bed works, because then they aren't awake to feel nausea. Plus it seems to help some people sleep. It doesn't make me tired or sleepy so I take mine in the morning.

It's still such an experiment because it seems to react differently for each individual. The best thing is just to remember--start slow and move up slow. You control unpleasant experiences that way. And no matter how slow you go, or even taking breaks in between rounds of MMS, it STILL works. The only thing that Jim said is that if you are taking it regularly, and don't feel better after a while or see some type of improvement, then you do need to up your dose (slowly) as some cancers can replicate faster than the MMS can kill it off, at a small dose. But most everyone that has posted on this list or the other seems to see some type of improvement after even a short time, no matter how small the dose they are on. Because the sicker they are, the smaller the dose they can tolerate, yet the more the body seems to use even a small dose to help it get well. Amazing stuff.

Plus, if you do feel too sick after taking some MMS, you can take a thousand mg of Vit. C, which is suppose to stop the nausea, or some people take--baking soda, I think, and they say that works great. It's in the book, both remedies. I'd have to look it up to be sure, but I think it's baking soda. When I took my dose that made me throw up I didn't take anything. Just laid down for a few hours and then felt fine. The diarrhea is what stuck around for a full day--but not the nausea or vomiting.

Good luck.


-------Original Message-------

I'm really nervous about taking MMS because I HATE nausea ... and it seems that's part of

the deal ... if I'm nauseated, I won't be able to cook and eat the foods I'm supposed to

ingest (with Budwig). Have you taken MMS yourself? If so, could you tell me a bit about

the nausea it induces?

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Hey Bob. I think it is not addressed so much in the book because Jim worked with so many Africans who perhaps do not have the sensitivities that we do. Meaning, we are exposed to so very many more toxins than they are that MMS reacts much more strongly for us. If you note, most Africans that have malaria get well enough to go back to work in 4 hours. How many of us get over our nausea and diarrhea in just 4 hours? Most Americans that are on MMS have to take much smaller doses than Africans and we have much stronger reactions to it. Toxicity seems to be the deciding factor, also because there is such a great variance in American experiences, again depending on how sick each person is to start with.


-------Original Message-------

Well , That certainly helps explain my situation.

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