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Re: MMS and cancer?

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I have had great success with getting lumps in 2 of my cats stomach to disappear by just putting AMMS into some food once a day. Whether these lumps were cancerous or not, I cannot say as I did not take them to the vets. One cat had 2 lumps--both gone now, and the other cat one lump--gone now.

I see that you are on the Budwig diet, which is great. I have studied cancer for a long time (because I had extreme breast cancer 18 years ago) and have come to the conclusion that all cancers and probably most all other diseases are due to a high acid level in the body.

Though I knew this, it use to be relatively hard to raise body ph, especially in a short period of time. Now, there's a plan laid out that seems to do the trick. It's not easy--well, it is easy if a person is willing to do a lifestyle change--but seems to work quickly. It's all laid out in the book by Dr. Young--The PH Miracle. It is all deable right at home, no need to buy anything special--just regular fruits and veggies and some supplements. He talks a lot in the book about high ph water and suggests buying an expensive alkalizing water machines, which I don't think are necessary to buy because I think that MMS, used in the water, will do the same thing. So, you basically, outside of a few supplements he suggests, already have what you need. (in the book he doesn't push the alkalizing machines like he does now that he sells them, but instead talks about buying ph drops to put in your water. I have looked for these drops and cannot find them, but I tend to think that plain MMS, right out of the bottle and not activated, will do the job as it has a ph of 13)

Here's a sample message that Young sends out, about ph and cancer, just so you can get an idea about what changing ph can do.

No matter what kind of health challenge you or a

Loved one are experiencing, this story will provide

A little extra motivation and confidence.

This is a good account of one elderly woman's health

Challenge that you can share with any of those people

That you are trying to motivate to take better care of themselves.

I have heard so often that when we try and get some

People to take a closer look at the concept of pH

Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, we find that telling them

Our story is one thing, but when people hear about the

Successful health challenges of other people, they seem

To take it a bit more seriously. So, feel free to pass

Along Mommy's life changing and life saving story to

Anyone that you think may benefit.


Dear doctor Young,

I hope that this testimonial will help others in

Similar situations.

On Friday November 9, 2007 I received the dreaded

Call from my sister and brother that my 77-year

Old mother had terminal cancer. She had 3 months

To live and the "only" possibility for her to have

A "pleasant death" was to give her radiation since

Chemotherapy was no longer an option.

Her cancer had started in the right lung and had

Spread out to all her other organs.

After several family discussions of whether she

Should go through radiation or start the pH Miracle

Lifestyle and Diet, a decision was taken to "at least"

Allow doctor Young to see her.

Off we went to the pH Miracle Center.

My Mother had terrible difficulties breathing and

Her face was looking grey. She had no energy and

Had to travel in a wheel chair since she could hardly

Walk. At the hospital where she had stay for 5 days

They had been giving her 5 intravenous feeds with

Antibiotics a day!

Upon our arrival my first question to doctor Young

Was if he could help my Mom. He answered very kindly

That he would answer that question in three days after

Starting the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Even though we arrived on a Sunday, with very little

Time notice, we were greeted with kindness and lots

Of love. That same night doctor Young started my Mom

On the pH Miracle Plan so that she could sleep the

Whole night. She did!

The next morning her breathing had already improved.

After three days on the pH Miracle Plan doctor Young

Made it clear: my mother was responding well to the

Lifestyle and diet and was getting well!

She had a lot of acid in her body, yeast, parasites,

Fungus, you name it, but she definitely had a chance

To clean all of that out of her body by staying there

And following the pH Miracle protocol.

The decision of going to the pH Miracle Center was

The best decision we ever took. After 4 weeks of

Being in this miraculous place my Mother was walking

Out of there on her own feet, looking radiant, breathing

Without any difficulties. Her blood had improved

Tremendously and she was in high spirits. On top of

This her arthritis had disappeared as well as the

Bursitis she had in her right shoulder.

I have no words to thank doctor Young and all the staff

At the pH Miracle Center for everything they did for my

Mom. The care, kindness and attention we received at

This Center is difficult to describe with words.

Thank you doctor Young for saving my Mother's life!

Thanks to you, your wife , your son and

All the Staff at the pH Miracle Center, my Mother and

Father will be able to celebrate their 60th Wedding

Anniversary on the 21st of December 07.

Isis nder

Sarasota, Fl


Dear doctor Young,

Once more thank you for saving my Mother's life!

Everyone is so happy and impressed! Even our

Broker and attorney are amazed of this miracle

As well as of the pH Miracle of which they new

Nothing about.

We arrived at midnight. I kept Mommy with greens

And 1 hot broth. Even so she had 2 bowel moments

And urinated good quantities.

She slept until 12:30pm today (our time which is

3 hrs difference). She has already had her greens,

Green shake, cucumber juice, fresh almond milk,

PHour salts and has already had her appointment

For the colonics.

My father has already started the same pH Miracle

Diet as my Mom, including the colonics.

I will continue with the daily logs and will keep

You inform of any changes. I will book a live cell

Analysis appointment with Deb for next Monday.

Please give my love and appreciation to and .

Our thoughts are also with all the staff and the colonics

And massage therapists.

God bless you all and the wonderful things you are

Doing for all the believers in the pH Miracle Lifestyle

And Diet Plan.

A big hug to you from Mommy who thanks you for reuniting

her with her long life companion.

All my love

Isis & Mommy

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Thank you! I am keeping myself alkaline and have been for about 6 months. I


monitor myself. I am osteopenic, so I take Premier Calcium Complex which does a


job of keeping my pH up there.

I'm really nervous about taking MMS because I HATE nausea ... and it seems

that's part of

the deal ... if I'm nauseated, I won't be able to cook and eat the foods I'm

supposed to

ingest (with Budwig). Have you taken MMS yourself? If so, could you tell me a

bit about

the nausea it induces?



> I have had great success with getting lumps in 2 of my cats stomach to

> disappear by just putting AMMS into some food once a day. Whether these

> lumps were cancerous or not, I cannot say as I did not take them to the vets

> One cat had 2 lumps--both gone now, and the other cat one lump--gone now.



> I see that you are on the Budwig diet, which is great. I have studied

> cancer for a long time (because I had extreme breast cancer 18 years ago)

> and have come to the conclusion that all cancers and probably most all other

> diseases are due to a high acid level in the body.


> Though I knew this, it use to be relatively hard to raise body ph,

> especially in a short period of time. Now, there's a plan laid out that

> seems to do the trick. It's not easy--well, it is easy if a person is

> willing to do a lifestyle change--but seems to work quickly. It's all laid

> out in the book by Dr. Young--The PH Miracle. It is all deable right at

> home, no need to buy anything special--just regular fruits and veggies and

> some supplements. He talks a lot in the book about high ph water and

> suggests buying an expensive alkalizing water machines, which I don't think

> are necessary to buy because I think that MMS, used in the water, will do

> the same thing. So, you basically, outside of a few supplements he suggests

> already have what you need. (in the book he doesn't push the alkalizing

> machines like he does now that he sells them, but instead talks about buying

> ph drops to put in your water. I have looked for these drops and cannot

> find them, but I tend to think that plain MMS, right out of the bottle and

> not activated, will do the job as it has a ph of 13)


> Here's a sample message that Young sends out, about ph and cancer, just so

> you can get an idea about what changing ph can do.


> No matter what kind of health challenge you or a

> Loved one are experiencing, this story will provide

> A little extra motivation and confidence.


> This is a good account of one elderly woman's health

> Challenge that you can share with any of those people

> That you are trying to motivate to take better care of themselves.


> I have heard so often that when we try and get some

> People to take a closer look at the concept of pH

> Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, we find that telling them

> Our story is one thing, but when people hear about the

> Successful health challenges of other people, they seem

> To take it a bit more seriously. So, feel free to pass

> Along Mommy's life changing and life saving story to

> Anyone that you think may benefit.


> ====================================================


> Dear doctor Young,


> I hope that this testimonial will help others in

> Similar situations.


> On Friday November 9, 2007 I received the dreaded

> Call from my sister and brother that my 77-year

> Old mother had terminal cancer. She had 3 months

> To live and the " only " possibility for her to have

> A " pleasant death " was to give her radiation since

> Chemotherapy was no longer an option.


> Her cancer had started in the right lung and had

> Spread out to all her other organs.


> After several family discussions of whether she

> Should go through radiation or start the pH Miracle

> Lifestyle and Diet, a decision was taken to " at least "

> Allow doctor Young to see her.


> Off we went to the pH Miracle Center.


> My Mother had terrible difficulties breathing and

> Her face was looking grey. She had no energy and

> Had to travel in a wheel chair since she could hardly

> Walk. At the hospital where she had stay for 5 days

> They had been giving her 5 intravenous feeds with

> Antibiotics a day!


> Upon our arrival my first question to doctor Young

> Was if he could help my Mom. He answered very kindly

> That he would answer that question in three days after

> Starting the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.


> Even though we arrived on a Sunday, with very little

> Time notice, we were greeted with kindness and lots

> Of love. That same night doctor Young started my Mom

> On the pH Miracle Plan so that she could sleep the

> Whole night. She did!


> The next morning her breathing had already improved.

> After three days on the pH Miracle Plan doctor Young

> Made it clear: my mother was responding well to the

> Lifestyle and diet and was getting well!


> She had a lot of acid in her body, yeast, parasites,

> Fungus, you name it, but she definitely had a chance

> To clean all of that out of her body by staying there

> And following the pH Miracle protocol.


> The decision of going to the pH Miracle Center was

> The best decision we ever took. After 4 weeks of

> Being in this miraculous place my Mother was walking

> Out of there on her own feet, looking radiant, breathing

> Without any difficulties. Her blood had improved

> Tremendously and she was in high spirits. On top of

> This her arthritis had disappeared as well as the

> Bursitis she had in her right shoulder.


> I have no words to thank doctor Young and all the staff

> At the pH Miracle Center for everything they did for my

> Mom. The care, kindness and attention we received at

> This Center is difficult to describe with words.


> Thank you doctor Young for saving my Mother's life!


> Thanks to you, your wife , your son and

> All the Staff at the pH Miracle Center, my Mother and

> Father will be able to celebrate their 60th Wedding

> Anniversary on the 21st of December 07.


> Isis nder

> Sarasota, Fl






> Dear doctor Young,


> Once more thank you for saving my Mother's life!

> Everyone is so happy and impressed! Even our

> Broker and attorney are amazed of this miracle

> As well as of the pH Miracle of which they new

> Nothing about.


> We arrived at midnight. I kept Mommy with greens

> And 1 hot broth. Even so she had 2 bowel moments

> And urinated good quantities.


> She slept until 12:30pm today (our time which is

> 3 hrs difference). She has already had her greens,

> Green shake, cucumber juice, fresh almond milk,

> PHour salts and has already had her appointment

> For the colonics.


> My father has already started the same pH Miracle

> Diet as my Mom, including the colonics.


> I will continue with the daily logs and will keep

> You inform of any changes. I will book a live cell

> Analysis appointment with Deb for next Monday.


> Please give my love and appreciation to and .

> Our thoughts are also with all the staff and the colonics

> And massage therapists.


> God bless you all and the wonderful things you are

> Doing for all the believers in the pH Miracle Lifestyle

> And Diet Plan.


> A big hug to you from Mommy who thanks you for reuniting

> her with her long life companion.


> All my love


> Isis & Mommy


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Well , That certainly helps explain my situation. I have had

problems figuring out how I want to take this. I was a month or so ago

at 15 drops 2 times per day. Then I read about the empty stomach

verses the full stomach. I thought...., Hummmm, I have been taking

this right after a meal, So the next morning I took my first 15 drops

before I ate.....WOW!!!, A few hours later I developed stomach cramps

and had diarrhea that lasted a few days short of two weeks, All on

that one 15 drop dose on an empty stomach. When I started back on MMS,

I had to go back to 5 to 6 drops 2 times per day, I slowly worked up

to 9 twice per day on an empty stomach. each time I worked up to

another drop, I would develop diarrhea for a day or two, Stabilize,

Then move up another drop. When I got to 10 drops twice per day, I

could never get over the diarrhea, I was determined, so I stayed there

until I had to stop, Because I was wasting away, I looked like I was

dying. I stopped and now my appetite is coming back, I am starting to

feel better because I am eating again. I will start MMS again in a few

days. Guess I need to do it with a little food in my stomach. I can

attest that it is much stronger on an empty stomach. But I guess it

will still work on a full stomach. I can not believe this is not

addressed better in the book. I just seem to have this built in

tendency to believe that taken with food it looses a lot of it's

effectiveness, Guess I should get over that.


> Mostly you are much less likely to feel nauseated if you take MMS

after you

> have eaten something. If I take, say 7 drops, on a full stomach I

am fine.

> But if I take 7 on an empty stomach I can feel queasy. As I don't like

> feeling queasy I take mine after eating. But many people prefer to

take it

> on an empty stomach because they feel that it is more effective--it


> have to compete with or go through the digestion process. I'm not

sick, so

> I don't worry about loosing any effectiveness--I prefer not to feel any

> nausea at all, so I take mine on a full stomach.


> Some people find that taking it just before bed works, because then they

> aren't awake to feel nausea. Plus it seems to help some people

sleep. It

> doesn't make me tired or sleepy so I take mine in the morning.


> It's still such an experiment because it seems to react differently

for each

> individual.

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