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Re: question on MMS effects - no nausea

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I have had some experience with vitamin c as a cold remedy, that I think works very well. It is called Titrating to Bowel tolerance; the idea being to saturate the body on a cellular level. Vitamin c works in the same (sort of) as mms, in that it gives up electrons to free radicals caused by the bug, so that even though you have the bug, the C squelches the damage that the bug may do. The key is to take enough; the sicker you are the more you can tolerate eating without developing bowel distress. The way you know that you are now saturated is when you get loose bowels, etc At that point you can lower the dose and control the symptoms. I have tested this on the only cold I have had in years, and find it works very

well. You feel the mild symptoms but you are not disabled by them as long as you keep up the dosage. 10,000 mg at the immediate start of a cold will stand a good chance of knocking it out. http://vitamincfoundation.org I havn't tested the mms of myself, for a cold, but did give 6,000 mg vit c to a friend, which had a positive effect, but she failed to follow up, so I talked her into 2 drops of mms and she never complaned of the cold afterward, but she doesn't give credit to the mms (surprise), just seems to think it went away on its own.

[miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Lugol's and question on MMSeffectsKallie,I don't think that a simple viral infection is sufficient to cause detoxnausea. If you are generally pretty clean inside, meaning that your organs of detox are workingwell then you may not get the nausea or the diarrhea. If organs of detox are congested there is a much greater possibility ofvirus and bacteria and parasite build up in the body. When these start getting destroyed andmoving out then the nausea or diarrhea hit. Those with toxic stomachs may be more prone tonausea. BTW, green sputum is no longer a mandatory indication for antibiotic use bythe medical profession anymore.Best,Arrow

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