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RE: low t-cell count

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I don't know. The healthiest people I know are not concerned with t-cell counts

or any other ritual markers, but those who have been counted are much lower than

" normal. "

Of course if they started smoking, gorging themselves on junk (not food),

drinking coffee and alcohol on a daily basis, and so many of the other things

" normal " people do, I'm sure their numbers would rise to " normal " levels.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.


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The meds she wants to put me on are...Trizivir, Combivir, and Viramune

curedaids@... wrote:I don't know. The healthiest people I know are not

concerned with t-cell counts or any other ritual markers, but those who have

been counted are much lower than " normal. "

Of course if they started smoking, gorging themselves on junk (not food),

drinking coffee and alcohol on a daily basis, and so many of the other things

" normal " people do, I'm sure their numbers would rise to " normal " levels.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.


Read AIDS-Cured

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" rizivir, Combivir, and Viramune "

Yes, and I believe that one of the side effects for all of those

drugs is " DEATH! "

, I've had a low T-Cell count too. I feel fine. I know other people

who have had T-Cell counts that go all over the charts and they're fine.

People who test completely negative for HIV can and do have low T-Cell

counts all the time. I also know people who have had " HIV " for over ten

years and their T-Cell counts are high and unchanging generally... and it

doesn't seem to affect their health at all.

You know what will happen when you take those drugs? Your body will react

to them, pushing your immune system to react and fight the foreign

substances in your body, making your T-Cells raise. Yay! Happy number on a

piece of paper! But it doesn't mean a damn thing. In the meantime, the AZT

(combivir)will be slowly killing your bone marrow which is what produces

your immune cells in the first place. Your liver will work overtime to deal

with all the poison you've chosen to ingest so you can be happy about a

number on a piece of paper.

I couldn't find anything on Rizivir, but I think it's a PI, so I included

some info about that.

Do some research and stop thinking that you need a happy T-Cell count to be

healthy. Just take care of yourself, and when you get a sniffle, well take

some vitamin C and get some rest just like the rest of the damn world


Taken from this article: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/abazt2.htm

<< Its PRODUCT INFORMATION release for Combivir (AZT and 3TC) states,

“Patients should be advised of the importance of taking COMBIVIR as it is

prescribed” i.e. “One COMBIVIR tablet…twice a day.”

[23] The truth of the matter is that AZT makes you feel like you’re dying.

That’s because on AZT you are. How can a deadly cell-toxin conceivably make

you feel better as it finishes you, by stopping your cells from dividing, by

ending the vital process that distinguishes living things from dead things?

Not for nothing does AZT come with a skull and cross-bones label when

packaged for laboratory use.

[24] These are some of AZT’s ‘side effects’ listed by its manufacturer: Body

as a Whole: abdominal pain, back pain, body odor, chest pain, chills, edema

of the lip, fever, flu syndrome, hyperalgesia; Cardiovascular: syncope,

vasodilation; Gastrointestinal: bleeding gums, constipation, diarrhea,

dysphagia, edema of the tongue, eructation, flatulence, mouth ulcer, rectal

hemorrhage; Haemic and Lymphatic: lymphadenopathy; Musculoskeletal:

arthralgia, muscle spasm, tremor, twitch; Nervous: anxiety, confusion,

depression, dizziness, emotional lability, loss of mental acuity,

nervousness, paresthesia, somnolence, vertigo; Respiratory: cough, dyspnea,

epistaxis, hoarseness, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis; Skin: acne, changes

in skin and nail pigmentation, pruritus, rash, sweat, urticaria; Special

senses: amblyopia, hearing loss, photophobia, taste perversion; Urogenital:

dysuria, polyuria, urinary frequency, urinary hesitancy. >>

Taken from this article: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/abnvp.htm

On Viramune aka Nevirapine...


What’s more, the effects of nevirapine on " surrogate endpoints " were only

noticeable among patients " with HIV infection who have experienced clinical

and/or immunological deterioration. " Not for people appearing well, and

whose lab test results were considered normal, despite having a virus

ravaging their immune systems, according to their doctors.

That nevirapine is extremely poisonous was admitted on the drug’s label –

advising discontinuation " in patients who develop a severe rash or a rash

accompanied by fever, blistering, oral lesions, conjunctivitis, swelling,

muscle or joint aches, or general malaise. " And make no mistake, when the

manufacturer talks of rash, it isn’t referring to a brush with stinging

nettles. It means a generalised symptom of drug intoxication so severe in

some cases that it shows up with thick layers of your skin dying off and

peeling in great chunks. An ad for the drug – featuring the endorsement of

" the dosing convenience of VIRAMUNE " by transatlantic sailor Mike Schmidt –


and life-threatening skin reactions have occurred in patients treated with

VIRAMUNE, including s- syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Fatal cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis have been reported. " The ad also

warned of " severe…liver toxicity, including fatal cases " , apart from the

bother of " fever, nausea, headache, and abnormal liver function tests. "

,,,An official investigation found that two of the dead died of liver

failure, one of pancreas failure (both conditions caused by acid lacidosis,

a standard side effect of antiretrovirals), and two of neurological damage

(likewise). Other trial subjects suffered deafness, impaired speech, anal

bleeding, sores that wouldn’t heal, abdominal pains, weight loss, fevers,

pneumonia, insomnia, vomiting, and depression. The investigation concluded

that nevirapine had probably caused the liver damage that had killed two of

the women. >>


Invirase ® (Hoffmann-LaRoche)

Body as a whole: allergic reaction, chest pain, edema, fever, intoxication,

parasites external, retrosternal pain, shivering, wasting syndrome, weight


Cardiovascular: Cyanosis, heart murmur, heart valve disorder, hypertension,

hypotension, syncope, vein distended.

Endocrine/Metabolic: Dehydration, dry eye syndrome, hyperglycemia, weight

increase, xerophthalmia.

Gastrointestinal: Cheilitis, constipation, dysphagia, eructation, feces

bloodstained, feces discolorred, gastralgia, gastritis, gastrointestinal

inflammation, gingivitis, glossitis, hemorrhage rectum, hemorrhoids,

hepatomegaly, melena, pain pelvic, painful defecation, pancreatitis, parotic

disorder, salivary glands disorder, stomatitis, tooth disorder, vomiting.

Hematlogic: Anemia, microhemorrhages, pancytopenia, splenomegaly,


Musculoskeletal: Arthralgia, arthritis, back pain, cramps muscle,

musculoskeletal disorders, stiffness, tissue changes, trauma.

Neurological: Ataxia, bowel movements frequent, confusion, convulsions,

dysarthria, dysesthesia, heart rate disorder, hyperesthesia, hyperreflexia,

hyporeflexia, mouth dry, numbness face, pain facial, paresis, poliomyelitis,

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, spasms, tremor.

Psychological: Agitation, amnesia, anxiety, depression, dream excessive,

euphoria, hallucination, insomnia, intellectual ability reduced,

irritability, lethargy, libido disorder, overdose effect, psychotic

disorder, somnolence, speech disorder.

Reproductive System: Prostate enlarged, vaginal discharge.

Resistance Mechanism: Abscess, angina tonsillaris, candidiasis, hepatitis,

herpes simplex, herpes zoster, infection bacterial, infection mycotic,

infection staphylococcal, influenza, lymphadenopathy, tumor.

Respiratory: Bronchitis, cough, dyspnea, epistaxis, hemoptysis, laryngitis,

pharyngitis, pneumonia, respiratory disorder, rhinitis, sinusitis, upper

respiratory tract infection.

Skin and Appendages: Acne, dermatitis, dermatitis seborrheic, eczema,

erythema, folliculitis, furunculosis, hair changes, hot flushes,

photosensitivity reaction, pigment changes skin, rash maculopapular, skin

disorder, skin nodule, skin ulceration, sweating increased, urticaria,

verruca, xeroderma.

Special Senses: Blepharitis, earache, ear pressure, eye irritation, hearing

decreased, otitis, taste alteration, tinnitus, visual disturbance.

Urinary system: Micturition disorder, urinary tract infection.

Crixivan ® (Merck, Sharp & Dohme)

Body As A Whole/Site Unspecified: Abdominal distention, chest pain, chills,

fever, flank pain, flu-like illness, fungal infeciton, malaise, pain,


Cardiovascular System: Cardiovascular disorder, palpitation.

Digestive System: Acid regurgitation, anorexia, aphthous stomatitis,

cheilitis, cholecystitis, cholestasis, constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia,

eructation, flatulence, gastritis, gingivitis, glossodynia, gingival

hemorrhage, increased appetitie, infectious gastroenteritis, jaundice, liver


Hemic and Lymphatic System: Anemia, lymphadenopathy, spleen disorder.

Metabolic/Nutritional/Immune: Food allergy.

Musculoskeletal System: Arthralgia, back pain, leg pain, myalgia, muscle

cramps, muscle weakness, musculoskeletal pain, shoulder pain, stiffness.

Nervous system and Psychiatric: Agitation, anxiety, anxiety disorder,

bruxism, decreased mental acuity, depression, dizziness, dream abnormality,

dysesthesia, excitement, fasciculation, hypesthesia, nervousness, neuralgia,

neurotic disorder, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, sleep disorder,

somnolence, tremor, vertigo.

Respiratory System: Cough, dyspnea, halitosis, pharyngeal hyperemia,

pharyngitis, pneumonia, rales/rhonchi, respiratory failure, sinus disorder,

sinusitis, upper respiratory infection.

Skin and Skin Appendage: Body odor, contact dermatitis, dermatitis, dry

skin, flushing, folliculitis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, night sweats,

pruritus, seborrhea, skin disorder, skin infection, sweating, urticaria.

Special Senses: Accommodation disorder, blurred vision, eye pain, eye

swelling, orbital edema, taste disorder.

Urogenital System: Dysuria, hematuria, hydronephrosis, nocturia,

premenstrual syndrome, proteinuria, renal colic, urinary frequency, urinary

tract infection, urine abnormality, urine sediment abnormality,


And you might take a look at this...


Do you still want to take those drugs??


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I totally get what your'e saying..but why has my t-cell count dropped since I

have been diagnosed, and why has my viral load increased? Could you point me in

a direction for which I could find out this info for myself and compare it with

other info?


sincerely L. Murray.

caerfree wrote: " rizivir, Combivir, and Viramune "

Yes, and I believe that one of the side effects for all of those

drugs is " DEATH! "

, I've had a low T-Cell count too. I feel fine. I know other people

who have had T-Cell counts that go all over the charts and they're fine.

People who test completely negative for HIV can and do have low T-Cell

counts all the time. I also know people who have had " HIV " for over ten

years and their T-Cell counts are high and unchanging generally... and it

doesn't seem to affect their health at all.

You know what will happen when you take those drugs? Your body will react

to them, pushing your immune system to react and fight the foreign

substances in your body, making your T-Cells raise. Yay! Happy number on a

piece of paper! But it doesn't mean a damn thing. In the meantime, the AZT

(combivir)will be slowly killing your bone marrow which is what produces

your immune cells in the first place. Your liver will work overtime to deal

with all the poison you've chosen to ingest so you can be happy about a

number on a piece of paper.

I couldn't find anything on Rizivir, but I think it's a PI, so I included

some info about that.

Do some research and stop thinking that you need a happy T-Cell count to be

healthy. Just take care of yourself, and when you get a sniffle, well take

some vitamin C and get some rest just like the rest of the damn world


Taken from this article: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/abazt2.htm

<< Its PRODUCT INFORMATION release for Combivir (AZT and 3TC) states,

“Patients should be advised of the importance of taking COMBIVIR as it is

prescribed” i.e. “One COMBIVIR tablet…twice a day.”

[23] The truth of the matter is that AZT makes you feel like you’re dying.

That’s because on AZT you are. How can a deadly cell-toxin conceivably make

you feel better as it finishes you, by stopping your cells from dividing, by

ending the vital process that distinguishes living things from dead things?

Not for nothing does AZT come with a skull and cross-bones label when

packaged for laboratory use.

[24] These are some of AZT’s ‘side effects’ listed by its manufacturer: Body

as a Whole: abdominal pain, back pain, body odor, chest pain, chills, edema

of the lip, fever, flu syndrome, hyperalgesia; Cardiovascular: syncope,

vasodilation; Gastrointestinal: bleeding gums, constipation, diarrhea,

dysphagia, edema of the tongue, eructation, flatulence, mouth ulcer, rectal

hemorrhage; Haemic and Lymphatic: lymphadenopathy; Musculoskeletal:

arthralgia, muscle spasm, tremor, twitch; Nervous: anxiety, confusion,

depression, dizziness, emotional lability, loss of mental acuity,

nervousness, paresthesia, somnolence, vertigo; Respiratory: cough, dyspnea,

epistaxis, hoarseness, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis; Skin: acne, changes

in skin and nail pigmentation, pruritus, rash, sweat, urticaria; Special

senses: amblyopia, hearing loss, photophobia, taste perversion; Urogenital:

dysuria, polyuria, urinary frequency, urinary hesitancy. >>

Taken from this article: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/abnvp.htm

On Viramune aka Nevirapine...


What’s more, the effects of nevirapine on " surrogate endpoints " were only

noticeable among patients " with HIV infection who have experienced clinical

and/or immunological deterioration. " Not for people appearing well, and

whose lab test results were considered normal, despite having a virus

ravaging their immune systems, according to their doctors.

That nevirapine is extremely poisonous was admitted on the drug’s label –

advising discontinuation " in patients who develop a severe rash or a rash

accompanied by fever, blistering, oral lesions, conjunctivitis, swelling,

muscle or joint aches, or general malaise. " And make no mistake, when the

manufacturer talks of rash, it isn’t referring to a brush with stinging

nettles. It means a generalised symptom of drug intoxication so severe in

some cases that it shows up with thick layers of your skin dying off and

peeling in great chunks. An ad for the drug – featuring the endorsement of

" the dosing convenience of VIRAMUNE " by transatlantic sailor Mike Schmidt –


and life-threatening skin reactions have occurred in patients treated with

VIRAMUNE, including s- syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Fatal cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis have been reported. " The ad also

warned of " severe…liver toxicity, including fatal cases " , apart from the

bother of " fever, nausea, headache, and abnormal liver function tests. "

,,,An official investigation found that two of the dead died of liver

failure, one of pancreas failure (both conditions caused by acid lacidosis,

a standard side effect of antiretrovirals), and two of neurological damage

(likewise). Other trial subjects suffered deafness, impaired speech, anal

bleeding, sores that wouldn’t heal, abdominal pains, weight loss, fevers,

pneumonia, insomnia, vomiting, and depression. The investigation concluded

that nevirapine had probably caused the liver damage that had killed two of

the women. >>


Invirase ® (Hoffmann-LaRoche)

Body as a whole: allergic reaction, chest pain, edema, fever, intoxication,

parasites external, retrosternal pain, shivering, wasting syndrome, weight


Cardiovascular: Cyanosis, heart murmur, heart valve disorder, hypertension,

hypotension, syncope, vein distended.

Endocrine/Metabolic: Dehydration, dry eye syndrome, hyperglycemia, weight

increase, xerophthalmia.

Gastrointestinal: Cheilitis, constipation, dysphagia, eructation, feces

bloodstained, feces discolorred, gastralgia, gastritis, gastrointestinal

inflammation, gingivitis, glossitis, hemorrhage rectum, hemorrhoids,

hepatomegaly, melena, pain pelvic, painful defecation, pancreatitis, parotic

disorder, salivary glands disorder, stomatitis, tooth disorder, vomiting.

Hematlogic: Anemia, microhemorrhages, pancytopenia, splenomegaly,


Musculoskeletal: Arthralgia, arthritis, back pain, cramps muscle,

musculoskeletal disorders, stiffness, tissue changes, trauma.

Neurological: Ataxia, bowel movements frequent, confusion, convulsions,

dysarthria, dysesthesia, heart rate disorder, hyperesthesia, hyperreflexia,

hyporeflexia, mouth dry, numbness face, pain facial, paresis, poliomyelitis,

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, spasms, tremor.

Psychological: Agitation, amnesia, anxiety, depression, dream excessive,

euphoria, hallucination, insomnia, intellectual ability reduced,

irritability, lethargy, libido disorder, overdose effect, psychotic

disorder, somnolence, speech disorder.

Reproductive System: Prostate enlarged, vaginal discharge.

Resistance Mechanism: Abscess, angina tonsillaris, candidiasis, hepatitis,

herpes simplex, herpes zoster, infection bacterial, infection mycotic,

infection staphylococcal, influenza, lymphadenopathy, tumor.

Respiratory: Bronchitis, cough, dyspnea, epistaxis, hemoptysis, laryngitis,

pharyngitis, pneumonia, respiratory disorder, rhinitis, sinusitis, upper

respiratory tract infection.

Skin and Appendages: Acne, dermatitis, dermatitis seborrheic, eczema,

erythema, folliculitis, furunculosis, hair changes, hot flushes,

photosensitivity reaction, pigment changes skin, rash maculopapular, skin

disorder, skin nodule, skin ulceration, sweating increased, urticaria,

verruca, xeroderma.

Special Senses: Blepharitis, earache, ear pressure, eye irritation, hearing

decreased, otitis, taste alteration, tinnitus, visual disturbance.

Urinary system: Micturition disorder, urinary tract infection.

Crixivan ® (Merck, Sharp & Dohme)

Body As A Whole/Site Unspecified: Abdominal distention, chest pain, chills,

fever, flank pain, flu-like illness, fungal infeciton, malaise, pain,


Cardiovascular System: Cardiovascular disorder, palpitation.

Digestive System: Acid regurgitation, anorexia, aphthous stomatitis,

cheilitis, cholecystitis, cholestasis, constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia,

eructation, flatulence, gastritis, gingivitis, glossodynia, gingival

hemorrhage, increased appetitie, infectious gastroenteritis, jaundice, liver


Hemic and Lymphatic System: Anemia, lymphadenopathy, spleen disorder.

Metabolic/Nutritional/Immune: Food allergy.

Musculoskeletal System: Arthralgia, back pain, leg pain, myalgia, muscle

cramps, muscle weakness, musculoskeletal pain, shoulder pain, stiffness.

Nervous system and Psychiatric: Agitation, anxiety, anxiety disorder,

bruxism, decreased mental acuity, depression, dizziness, dream abnormality,

dysesthesia, excitement, fasciculation, hypesthesia, nervousness, neuralgia,

neurotic disorder, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, sleep disorder,

somnolence, tremor, vertigo.

Respiratory System: Cough, dyspnea, halitosis, pharyngeal hyperemia,

pharyngitis, pneumonia, rales/rhonchi, respiratory failure, sinus disorder,

sinusitis, upper respiratory infection.

Skin and Skin Appendage: Body odor, contact dermatitis, dermatitis, dry

skin, flushing, folliculitis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, night sweats,

pruritus, seborrhea, skin disorder, skin infection, sweating, urticaria.

Special Senses: Accommodation disorder, blurred vision, eye pain, eye

swelling, orbital edema, taste disorder.

Urogenital System: Dysuria, hematuria, hydronephrosis, nocturia,

premenstrual syndrome, proteinuria, renal colic, urinary frequency, urinary

tract infection, urine abnormality, urine sediment abnormality,


And you might take a look at this...


Do you still want to take those drugs??


Read AIDS-Cured

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<<I totally get what your'e saying..but why has my t-cell count dropped

since I have been diagnosed, and why has my viral load increased? Could you

point me in a direction for which I could find out this info for myself and

compare it with other info? >>

That is a good question... How long has it been since you were diagnosed?

How much have they dropped? On the other hand? Why have friends of mine

who have been diagnosed 'hiv' positive had T-C counts that have stayed

steady for years? Why have there been hundreds of people who have low

T-Cell counts... and yet they function like anybody else?

How stressed are you about this? Do you have any idea how sick and horrible

I felt after a doctor told me I was going to die. I'll bet you anything my

T-Cells dropped because of that. I was losing my hair and getting cold

after cold. I have never been more unhealthy than after I found out and I

am a very healthy person generally. When I got over the fear, I got better

again. I haven't been sick since.

I understand your concern about these numbers, but at the same time, I'm

concerned that you're so concerned when they don't seem to mean anything.

They are different for everyone and scaring yourself isn't going to make

them any better.

The mainstream scientists basically said at the last conference in Barcelona

that viral load has absolutely no correlation with health and does not

accurately measure HIV anyway and yet doctors want to continue to use it. So

what good does it do you to make your viral load go down? Completely

healthy hiv negative people can have viral load too and they don't seem to

have doctors telling them to pop the pills.

What about all those people with bad T-Cell counts that don't test positive

for HIV? They're not taking those drugs. In fact, many thousands of people

have been prescribed drugs to treat other things, that as a side effect,

also suppress the immune system. Why aren't they taking Combivier and

ritrivir and Viramune to make their T-Cells go back up? Why aren't

thousands and thousands of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and low

T-Cell counts being prescribed the same drugs to make those T-Cell numbers

look the way they should?

Have you gone to talk with a holistic doctor? Maybe you should write to the

people at " Alive and Well " . They might be able to help you. Have you read

any of the dissident books?

Have you been eating better? More protein? More veggies? Less processed

food, milk and sugar? Are you taking vitamins and getting a lot of


I just think that you need to do some serious research before taking such

poisonous stuff. I'd rather see you taking care of you, not your doctor's

pocketbook. Please tread carefully.


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We need to get married, or at least date for a while. (803) 544-1976

Thank You

caerfree wrote:

<<I totally get what your'e saying..but why has my t-cell count dropped

since I have been diagnosed, and why has my viral load increased? Could you

point me in a direction for which I could find out this info for myself and

compare it with other info? >>

That is a good question... How long has it been since you were diagnosed?

How much have they dropped? On the other hand? Why have friends of mine

who have been diagnosed 'hiv' positive had T-C counts that have stayed

steady for years? Why have there been hundreds of people who have low

T-Cell counts... and yet they function like anybody else?

How stressed are you about this? Do you have any idea how sick and horrible

I felt after a doctor told me I was going to die. I'll bet you anything my

T-Cells dropped because of that. I was losing my hair and getting cold

after cold. I have never been more unhealthy than after I found out and I

am a very healthy person generally. When I got over the fear, I got better

again. I haven't been sick since.

I understand your concern about these numbers, but at the same time, I'm

concerned that you're so concerned when they don't seem to mean anything.

They are different for everyone and scaring yourself isn't going to make

them any better.

The mainstream scientists basically said at the last conference in Barcelona

that viral load has absolutely no correlation with health and does not

accurately measure HIV anyway and yet doctors want to continue to use it. So

what good does it do you to make your viral load go down? Completely

healthy hiv negative people can have viral load too and they don't seem to

have doctors telling them to pop the pills.

What about all those people with bad T-Cell counts that don't test positive

for HIV? They're not taking those drugs. In fact, many thousands of people

have been prescribed drugs to treat other things, that as a side effect,

also suppress the immune system. Why aren't they taking Combivier and

ritrivir and Viramune to make their T-Cells go back up? Why aren't

thousands and thousands of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and low

T-Cell counts being prescribed the same drugs to make those T-Cell numbers

look the way they should?

Have you gone to talk with a holistic doctor? Maybe you should write to the

people at " Alive and Well " . They might be able to help you. Have you read

any of the dissident books?

Have you been eating better? More protein? More veggies? Less processed

food, milk and sugar? Are you taking vitamins and getting a lot of


I just think that you need to do some serious research before taking such

poisonous stuff. I'd rather see you taking care of you, not your doctor's

pocketbook. Please tread carefully.


Read AIDS-Cured

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We need to get married, or at least date for a while. (803) 544-1976


caerfree wrote:

<<I totally get what your'e saying..but why has my t-cell count dropped

since I have been diagnosed, and why has my viral load increased? Could you

point me in a direction for which I could find out this info for myself and

compare it with other info? >>

That is a good question... How long has it been since you were diagnosed?

How much have they dropped? On the other hand? Why have friends of mine

who have been diagnosed 'hiv' positive had T-C counts that have stayed

steady for years? Why have there been hundreds of people who have low

T-Cell counts... and yet they function like anybody else?

How stressed are you about this? Do you have any idea how sick and horrible

I felt after a doctor told me I was going to die. I'll bet you anything my

T-Cells dropped because of that. I was losing my hair and getting cold

after cold. I have never been more unhealthy than after I found out and I

am a very healthy person generally. When I got over the fear, I got better

again. I haven't been sick since.

I understand your concern about these numbers, but at the same time, I'm

concerned that you're so concerned when they don't seem to mean anything.

They are different for everyone and scaring yourself isn't going to make

them any better.

The mainstream scientists basically said at the last conference in Barcelona

that viral load has absolutely no correlation with health and does not

accurately measure HIV anyway and yet doctors want to continue to use it. So

what good does it do you to make your viral load go down? Completely

healthy hiv negative people can have viral load too and they don't seem to

have doctors telling them to pop the pills.

What about all those people with bad T-Cell counts that don't test positive

for HIV? They're not taking those drugs. In fact, many thousands of people

have been prescribed drugs to treat other things, that as a side effect,

also suppress the immune system. Why aren't they taking Combivier and

ritrivir and Viramune to make their T-Cells go back up? Why aren't

thousands and thousands of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and low

T-Cell counts being prescribed the same drugs to make those T-Cell numbers

look the way they should?

Have you gone to talk with a holistic doctor? Maybe you should write to the

people at " Alive and Well " . They might be able to help you. Have you read

any of the dissident books?

Have you been eating better? More protein? More veggies? Less processed

food, milk and sugar? Are you taking vitamins and getting a lot of


I just think that you need to do some serious research before taking such

poisonous stuff. I'd rather see you taking care of you, not your doctor's

pocketbook. Please tread carefully.


Read AIDS-Cured

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I was on Trizivir and Combivir. When I was using Combivir it caused

me heart to race and pound so I thought it was going to jump out of my

chest and I would die. It scared me and this is a side effect my dr NEVER

informed me about. It happened 3 or 4 times when I would go to bed, I was

so frightened, thinking I would die in my sleep.

Now, since I'm off that junk, I have NOT experienced those heart

palpitations and I don't understand why my dr didn't reveal the side

effects or checked me for heart problems. I feel great now and thank God

for a second chance of life. These meds are only designed to kill. There

is no proven evidence that using these medications improve life. Even

these drs tell you the end result will not be favorable, why then do we

voluntarily poison ourselves?! HIV Drugs = Death

Just something I was thinking about. You know the Hiv poster boy - Magic

, well he's been " positive " for 11 years now. I don't know what

his " protocol " is, but I guess he would be on some type of meds. So IF he

is and with what we know about the medications, I believe there is no way

he is taking them. Taking these kind of medications for ELEVEN YEARS he

would be a dead man. I looked at him the other day while he was getting

inducted in the hall of fame, he doesn't look like the people I know on the

meds. I don't think he's taking them. I would love to hear anyone

thoughts and views on this.



On February 4th, the deadly side effects of HAART drugs that we

have been warning about for years were once again revealed by

establishment sources, as the LA Times published a story

stating that the new " powerful " protease inhibitors may be

linked to stroke and heart disease

AIDS Drugs cause Heart Disease

HAART therapy has been associated with an increase in heart disease (no pun

intended). This is apparently related to the mechanism that also causes fat

redistribution and other problems.

" Dr. Egger estimates that the more severe forms of lipodystrophy that

develop as a result of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can

increase the risk of coronary artery disease by three to four times. "

D. Commentary on Welsh study of cardiovascular disease in

HIV-infected people. Reuters Health. 2000 Sep 21.

" A significant number of the HAART patients had very high levels of Lp(a)

and various combinations of increased lipid values associated with

considerably increased risk for CHD [coronary heart disease]. The elevation

of Lp(a) did not relate to any other clinical or laboratory parameter than

to LDL-cholesterol. "

Koppel K et al. Serum lipid levels associated with increased risk for

cardiovascular disease is associated with highly active

antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in HIV-1 infection. Int J STD AIDS.

2000 Aug;11:451--455.

" highly active antiretroviral therapy [HAART], which includes two

nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and a protease inhibitor, has

been associated with an increased risk of potential cardiovascular

complications that was related to the length of protease-inhibitor

treatment and the type of protease inhibitor used. In approximately 60% of

patients who were treated with this type of therapy, complications such as

lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol and triglyceride

levels developed. In 10% to 20% of patients these complications were

severe. There is also anecdotal information suggesting that the risk of

angina and myocardial infarction is increased with high active

antiretroviral therapy. "

Lipshultz SE. Dilated Cardiomyopathy in HIV-Infected Patients. NEJM.


Murray <dirty_rotten_bull@...> on 09/29/2002 12:32:00 PM

Please respond to cures for AIDS

cures for AIDS


Subject: Re: low t-cell count

The meds she wants to put me on are...Trizivir, Combivir, and Viramune

curedaids@... wrote:I don't know. The healthiest people I know are

not concerned with t-cell counts or any other ritual markers, but those

who have been counted are much lower than " normal. "

Of course if they started smoking, gorging themselves on junk (not food),

drinking coffee and alcohol on a daily basis, and so many of the other

things " normal " people do, I'm sure their numbers would rise to " normal "



THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.


Read AIDS-Cured

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Magic is actually NOT taking AIDS drugs. Even Dr. Duesberg

stated in his book that he personally, along with other dissidents sent

Magic information soon after his diagnosis. Suddenly he went quiet

and stopped talking about how important the drugs were. MDs were saying

that he basically could not possibly look,feel and perform as he does if he

were taking the drugs. He just recently revealed that he has not been

taking the drugs and takes care of his health with diet and excersize.


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Boy, I tell you, that just makes me angry how drs are deceiving people

using him as an example. My drs would always tell me, " You can be beat

this, just follow our instructions and you can live a long, healthy life,

look at Magic . " Well, I'm glad he is smart enough to listen to

the people who tried to really help him. Too bad he isn't speaking out on

what he's doing and learned since the drs use him as an example to others

as surviving HIV.

Well thanks for the info, you just answered what I thought all along. I

knew there was NO way he could be on any meds and still be in the shape

he's in.

" caerfree " <caerfree@...> on 09/30/2002 10:25:01 AM

Please respond to cures for AIDS

<cures for AIDS >


Subject: RE: low t-cell count

Magic is actually NOT taking AIDS drugs. Even Dr. Duesberg

stated in his book that he personally, along with other dissidents sent

Magic information soon after his diagnosis. Suddenly he went quiet

and stopped talking about how important the drugs were. MDs were saying

that he basically could not possibly look,feel and perform as he does if he

were taking the drugs. He just recently revealed that he has not been

taking the drugs and takes care of his health with diet and excersize.


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I agree. I have a feeling that Magic had to be careful on this though.

Anyone who is really famous who takes a stand is just opening his or herself

to a huge can of worms. And he tested positive right in the middle of the

scare. He would have been ripped to pieces. When they do that, they are

publicly attacked, ridiculed and denounced by medical establishments. I

would be very afraid of making a stand when I'm that much in the spotlight

just because they would never leave me alone. I'm just glad that the man is

quietly healthy and fine and hasn't been bullied back in to taking the drugs

in order to be a 'role model' and a 'better citizen'.

Just some information that I know off hand about famous people who are

dissidents: Rock is a dissident, the band " The Foo Fighters " are

pretty darn active for the dissident cause. I think there was talk at one

point of Sharon Stone being a dissident after she attended a lecture for

mothers about being free to refuse drugs to their babies. There is also a

group that has taken up the dissident banner in Europe. They are called

Color Humano and can be found on the net. Their next CD's them will be

about the lies and deception behind the AIDS enigma.

We should support these people in any way we can.


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In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 11:32:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

dirty_rotten_bull@... writes:


> The meds she wants to put me on are...Trizivir, Combivir,

> and Viramune

Sorry, I missed a few days here. There's a certificate of efficacy for you to

print out and bring to your doctor at aliveandwell.org.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.

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In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 8:07:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

caerfree@... writes:

> Have you been eating better? More protein? More veggies? Less processed

> food, milk and sugar? Are you taking vitamins and getting

> a lot of

> antioxidants?

If you are implying that a high protein diet is healthy, I have to take

exception here. Protein might raise t-cells, but I don't think that is healthy.

The protein myth is not based in science, but on propaganda by the meat and

dairy industry who saw to it that they were incorporated into the " 4 food

groups. "

Should anyone need more protein than a growing newborn? I think you'll agree

with me that we know what the perfect food is for a human infant? Mother's

milk, which is less than 3% protein, like an apple.

I believe our high protein diet is the cause of much disease.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.

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thank you.

curedaids@... wrote:In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 11:32:00 AM Eastern

Standard Time, dirty_rotten_bull@... writes:


> The meds she wants to put me on are...Trizivir, Combivir,

> and Viramune

Sorry, I missed a few days here. There's a certificate of efficacy for you to

print out and bring to your doctor at aliveandwell.org.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.

Read AIDS-Cured

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<<If you are implying that a high protein diet is healthy, I have to take

exception here. Protein might raise t-cells, but I don't think that is

healthy. The protein myth is not based in science, but on propaganda by the

meat and dairy industry who saw to it that they were incorporated into the

" 4 food groups. " >>

Actually, I do agree with you to an extent. However I did run into problems

when I was getting very little protein, which happens with such high carb

diets. But you're right. Protein isn't as important as we are led to

believe. My bad for making it a general statement. It is something that

needs to be looked at.


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Undenatured whey protein in products such as Immunocal or ImmunePro have

increased T-cells in some individuals. They help raise the body's glutathione

levels which is pretty hard to do.

caerfree wrote:Also, I have never heard of more protein making your T cells

rise... I was

just talking about general health... So I definitely wasn't implying that.


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