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MMS at night...Hep-C, iron, blood building...

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it's good to be able to reply to you Kathy... i frankly just get frustrated

with the blue text html format that always crashes my email sfwe, so rather

than go to the extra trouble of copy/pasting in another mssg i often just

don't reply at all. sorry, i have a tolerance limit for needless


glad to see you're working with the night-time MMS schedule... it works so

much better than days for all the reasons you mentioned and more. i'm still

laying off MMS and cruising fine with CS/herbs until the thought of MMS

doesn't make me cringe/shudder anymore.

i think S. Buhner's book is really good. now that i managed to buy some ALA

and N-acetyl cysteine (affordable in bulk from china, so pray for me please)

and some phyllanthus caps i only still need to find a source of affordable

baical skullcap to complete all his priority recommendations. the baical

skullcap seeds to grow are common, but the bulk or capped herb sure isn't

around much... have one bottle coming but it's all the seller had. try

Buhner's astragalus rice recipe sometime. i only keep short grain brown

around (love it) and the astragalus only makes it better.

another good book is " the liver cleansing diet " dr. sandra cabot (not just

for heppers at all).

yet another is " healing hepatitis C with modern chinese medicine " dr. qincai

zhang. his herbal protocol somewhat overlaps Buhners. he has a lot of good

info and perspectives to offer, and apparently a pretty solid success


a blue-text post on the hepC-objectives list indicates you haven't run into

the stuff about iron and heppers yet. it's a frequent problem for heppers

that iron accumulates, levels rise and cause trouble ... i forget the

mechanisms and effects, but it's a widely recommended rule of thumb to avoid

high-iron foods and supplements. steph will likely run down the highlights

of how it works. if she doesn't, let me know (in plain text please) and

i'll pull it from my keepers and fwd to you or anyone else that's interested

(i should re-read anyway i guess). of course she'll also surely remind us

that nothing will eradicate the HCV but inf/riba, and even a failed tx is

" worthwhile " yada yada yada (yeah right... she does have some points with

all that, but kind of misses some also).

for the blood building, try quality org cold-pressed sesame oil. it has a

good rep for RBC and platelets, so probably also hematocrits etc. it's nice

oil to use generally, and adding a tad uncooked to foods is easy and cheap

enough. i've been trying to remember to have some tahini every day also.

have found a slice of whole grain bread cut in half (to make a smallish

sandwich) toasted with some butter rubbed on, org peanut butter, org raw

honey, and tahini is really nice. chlorophyll is also said to build

blood... but sesame butter has cured leukemia before.

> -----Original Message-----

> I find that taking it before bed and upon waking

> to go to the bathroom then going back to sleep

> for a couple more hours woks really well.

> I was leary about taking it in the morning, but

> so far so good.


> Kathy


I'm developing a routine that will work for me and the MMS.

I have a book by Buhner about hepatitis. He explains the liver cycles. The

liver is up for digestion of food from 9 am to 9 pm.

It is down for maintenance from 9 pm to 9 am. The switch is flipped at 3 am

and 3 pm. This means that eating your big meal at noon is a good practice.

Not eating after 9 pm is crucial if you have liver damage. Almost every

American has liver damage due to our toxic diet and environment.

With this in mind, I take MMS as soon after 9 pm as I can, based on taking

it 2 hours after my dinner. Sometimes I eat later than other nights. I try

to eat dinner and be done eating by 8 pm. Ideally would be better earlier, I

know. Then I take the MMS usually around 10 pm. I wait three hours and take

another dose. Sometimes I end up sleeping through the 1 am dose and so I've

been taking it around 7 am and sleeping another couple hours. I am not sure

if my body will let me, but I would like to try for 3 15 drop doses, at 10

pm, 1 am, and 4 am.

Then during the day, make sure I drink lots of good water, take my

supplements, and eat a good balanced diet, exercise and get some sunshine

every day.

This to me is like the Yin Yang balance. Use the night to kill the virus.

Use the day to replenish and restore health and balance to the body.

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