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Re: OT muscle testing

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I don't know anything about Quantum techniques. Personally I learned Immunics for free and have been practicing it for about 8 years. I believe that this method works as I have seen and experienced a lot with it. I have used Immunics to reduce pain in myself many times and to remove viruses. Using this method I can detect if foods or supplements are good for me. A couple of times I have stopped other people from having cold symptoms while they are with me. When I studied Immunics I was told that you can not remove bacteria with this method and I have found this to be true. However, I am able to determine what kind of bacteria I have and whether or not they are active.Hope that helps some!west612908 <Marie22@...> wrote: I have been doing some research on the Quantum techniques web page on muscle testing. Has anyone used this method of testing? Have you found a method that is easy but reliable? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please join Lyme Aware on facebook athttp://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4960726826

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Any sort of muscle testing will work, and there are many ways to do it. And yes, muscle testing works--but like anything else you have to practice it to get good results.

There is the body sway technique, where you hold something against your chest or abdomen (depending on who's teaching it) and see if your body moves forward (toward) the product or backwards (away) from the product. Forward means the product is good for you, away means it is bad for you.

Then there is the 2 person method, where one person holds their arm out and the other person tries pushing down on the arm. If the arm stays hard to push then the object being tested is good for the person, if the arm easily falls the object is bad for the person.

There is the interlocking circles made with the thumb and first finger method. There is the sticky hand method. There is the scissors (fingers scissoring back and forth) method. All work. All free and easy to learn.


-------Original Message-------

I have been doing some research on the Quantum techniques web page on

muscle testing. Has anyone used this method of testing? Have you found

a method that is easy but reliable?

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There is the body sway technique, where you hold something against your chest or

abdomen (depending on who's teaching it) and see if your body moves forward

(toward) the product or backwards (away) from the product. Forward means the

product is good for you, away means it is bad for you.


This has been my method for a few years now------I gotta tellya-----my body LIES

like a rug!

Supposedly this is caused by " reversed polarity " . I know just 2 techniques for

getting back into 'right polarity' (supposedly), but I'd sure like to hear some

ideas from those who use this technique successfully-----I.E., whatever tests

positive actually has benefit, rather than detriment to the experimenter.

Sharon M (starshar)

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Hi Sharon. It always works for me--when I am in the right state of mind, meaning I can't be too emotionally involved in getting an answer. The more emotionally involved you are the more wrong answers you get. Usually emotion isn't a problem when just trying to get what supplements or protocols to use :-) But it might be an emotional problem if the thing being asked for related to, say, cancer protocols for yourself. Because naturally--having cancer is a very emotional issue. In this case I would suggest the person get someone who is not in any way emotionally involved with the cancer person's outcome. Then you would get a much better (truer) answer with the other person asking for you.

I have a great book here--I'll have to look it up tomorrow because I can't remember the name of it. If I forget, remind me. It was written by a professor. He had always been sick as a child, and got progressively worse as an adult, until he had to give up teaching and focus all his energy on finding a cure to his problem, or he knew he would die. No doctors could help him. It turned out that he is switched and so he developed methods to unswitch (kind of like the cross crawl) and wrote a book about it. His methods are said to quickly unswitch dyslexic people, etc. If you haven't heard about this book perhaps you would be interested in reading it. I don't have any of the problems the book talks about, but someone on another list mentioned it, and as I am always interested in all things health related I got the book. I found it fascinating!

-------Original Message-------

This has been my method for a few years now------I gotta tellya-----my body LIES like a rug!

Supposedly this is caused by "reversed polarity". I know just 2 techniques for getting back into 'right polarity' (supposedly), but I'd sure like to hear some ideas from those who use this technique successfully-----I.E., whatever tests positive actually has benefit, rather than detriment to the experimenter.

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i agree, , about the state of mind and the need for emotional detachment.

I've been 3rd party tested (my chiro, who is very experienced) and my body still

lies! I've " blinded " stuff I've brought in to him, so that neither of us knows

which supp (out of maybe 5 or 6) is being tested. I'm beginning to believe that

muscle testing just might not work for me!


I'll bet you're talking about Dr Rochlitz's books?

Got 'em---------and use his method for 'unswitching'


Yup, probably need a shrink, but don't believe in them either


Sharon M


Hi Sharon. It always works for me--when I am in the right state of mind,

meaning I can't be too emotionally involved in getting an answer. The more

emotionally involved you are the more wrong answers you get. Usually emotion

isn't a problem when just trying to get what supplements or protocols to use :-)

But it might be an emotional problem if the thing being asked for related to,

say, cancer protocols for yourself. Because naturally--having cancer is a very

emotional issue. In this case I would suggest the person get someone who is not

in any way emotionally involved with the cancer person's outcome. Then you

would get a much better (truer) answer with the other person asking for you.

I have a great book here--I'll have to look it up tomorrow because I can't

remember the name of it. If I forget, remind me. It was written by a

professor. He had always been sick as a child, and got progressively worse as

an adult, until he had to give up teaching and focus all his energy on finding a

cure to his problem, or he knew he would die. No doctors could help him. It

turned out that he is switched and so he developed methods to unswitch (kind of

like the cross crawl) and wrote a book about it. His methods are said to

quickly unswitch dyslexic people, etc. If you haven't heard about this book

perhaps you would be interested in reading it. I don't have any of the problems

the book talks about, but someone on another list mentioned it, and as I am

always interested in all things health related I got the book. I found it


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Ha is right. Lol that's the book. Well, I dunno. You might have to sit down and have a talk with your subconscious--maybe try some EFT?

When you unswitch, how long does it last? And can you get right answers when you unswitch?


-------Original Message-------

I'll bet you're talking about Dr Rochlitz's books?

Got 'em---------and use his method for 'unswitching'

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I'm saving your (other) very informative post on MT-----and thanks so much for

taking the time to spell it all out.

I suspect I get 'unswitched' in a heart beat.

when my chiro does MT, he automatically includes a balancing technique before


so much for that!

I think there is just too much chance for subjectivity when doing muscle

testing----at least for me.

I'm not thrilled with EFT, but have saved some other sites for variations.

Sharon M------seeking a 48 hour day


Ha is right. Lol that's the book. Well, I dunno. You might have to sit down

and have a talk with your subconscious--maybe try some EFT?

When you unswitch, how long does it last? And can you get right answers when

you unswitch?


-------Original Message-------

I'll bet you're talking about Dr Rochlitz's books?

Got 'em---------and use his method for 'unswitching'

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Do you do the first part of the EFT, the one most people don't do anymore? I can't remember what that is called, but it is to unswitch people. Some people don't get much out of EFT until they do that first part which is rolling the eyes, humming, etc.


-------Original Message-------

At least for me.

I'm not thrilled with EFT, but have saved some other sites for variations.

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That's actually the 2nd part, , after doing the " tapping " around the

eyes/face/underarm/fingers. One then taps the -----point (I can't remember the

name of it at the moment), between the ring and little finger while rolling

eyes, humming, counting, then another round of the original tapping.

I actually found this whole process rather boring, but discovered that some

other people seemed to agree, and shorthand methods are claimed to work just as

well. I probably have some of these saved to file.

" what's his name " has shortened the original protocol considerably, also,

but I think he believes that newcomers should be familiar with the original

procedure first.

Sharon M

Do you do the first part of the EFT, the one most people don't do anymore? I

can't remember what that is called, but it is to unswitch people. Some people

don't get much out of EFT until they do that first part which is rolling the

eyes, humming, etc.


-------Original Message-------

At least for me.

I'm not thrilled with EFT, but have saved some other sites for variations.

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Actually what you are talking about is the 9 point gamut. (only used

if you can not gain ground the regular way). It is not the first part.

Tapping the side of you hand between the little finger and the wrist

and saying even though I have this problem, Is what they do for

reversed people. I think that is what was talking about.


> That's actually the 2nd part, , after doing the " tapping "

around the eyes/face/underarm/fingers. One then taps the -----point (I

can't remember the name of it at the moment), between the ring and

little finger while rolling eyes, humming, counting, then another

round of the original tapping.


> I actually found this whole process rather boring, but discovered

that some other people seemed to agree, and shorthand methods are

claimed to work just as well. I probably have some of these saved to file.


> " what's his name " has shortened the original protocol

considerably, also, but I think he believes that newcomers should be

familiar with the original procedure first.


> Sharon M



> Do you do the first part of the EFT, the one most people don't do

anymore? I can't remember what that is called, but it is to unswitch

people. Some people don't get much out of EFT until they do that

first part which is rolling the eyes, humming, etc.


> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> At least for me.

> I'm not thrilled with EFT, but have saved some other sites for



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Ah! The Gamut Point; that's the word I couldn't think of. Thanks, Bob.

Yes, that side point is known as the " karate chop " point. It is the last step

when using the whole, original, procedure.


From: " Bob " <winestien@...>

> Actually what you are talking about is the 9 point gamut. (only used

> if you can not gain ground the regular way). It is not the first part.

> Tapping the side of you hand between the little finger and the wrist

> and saying even though I have this problem, Is what they do for

> reversed people. I think that is what was talking about.




>> That's actually the 2nd part, , after doing the " tapping "

> around the eyes/face/underarm/fingers. One then taps the -----point (I

> can't remember the name of it at the moment), between the ring and

> little finger while rolling eyes, humming, counting, then another

> round of the original tapping.


>> I actually found this whole process rather boring, but discovered

> that some other people seemed to agree, and shorthand methods are

> claimed to work just as well. I probably have some of these saved to file.


>> " what's his name " has shortened the original protocol

> considerably, also, but I think he believes that newcomers should be

> familiar with the original procedure first.

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Yes, that's it. It use to be, when first developed it, that it was the first thing a person would do before starting. Then they found out that most people do not need to do this 9 Gamut unless they are switched.


-------Original Message-------

Actually what you are talking about is the 9 point gamut. (only used

if you can not gain ground the regular way). It is not the first part.

Tapping the side of you hand between the little finger and the wrist

and saying even though I have this problem, Is what they do for

reversed people. I think that is what was talking about.

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