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I'm new- have some questions

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How long do we wait before eating anything before and after taking MMS?

I know we are to wait 2 hours for taking supplements and I suppose

perscription drugs also?

Listening to the talk shows - When you talk about starting out with 2

drops- Is this 2 drops - 3 times a day?

When will Jim Humbles new book be avialable?

What is Jim Humbles e-mail address and phone#?

The plastic bottle that the MMS comes in. Can we use that to drop out

each drop we are using or are these drops to large or should we use

a glass dropper?

Thank You in advance


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It is best to go to miraclemineralsupplement.org and download the

free book. the second book that cost 10.00 is also avaliable. you can

read both books in a couple days and all of your questions will be



> How long do we wait before eating anything before and after taking



> I know we are to wait 2 hours for taking supplements and I suppose

> perscription drugs also?


> Listening to the talk shows - When you talk about starting out with


> drops- Is this 2 drops - 3 times a day?



> When will Jim Humbles new book be avialable?


> What is Jim Humbles e-mail address and phone#?


> The plastic bottle that the MMS comes in. Can we use that to drop


> each drop we are using or are these drops to large or should we


> a glass dropper?



> Thank You in advance

> Vi


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Hi Vi.

Sounds like you are doing your research!

I've generally avoided eating anything heavy

after taking MMS.

I ate potatoes right after taking it and ended

up vomiting.

The other night I took it and felt hungry after,

so I nibbled on an Asian Pear without any side


I think I could also drink juice within 1/2 hour

after taking it.

I might wait at least 30 minutes and up to an

hour so that I make sure it's all out of my

stomach and in my blood stream.

I wait 2 hours after eating, sometimes three,

before I start taking my nightly doses.

I use the bottle dropper. It really doesn't

matter to me which dropper, my body will decide

how much it needs, and whatever dropper I am

using will measure that for me. I would start

out with 2 drops once a day, and then go to 4

drops, once a day, etc. When I get to 10 drops,

I would then try 10 drops twice a day if all is

well. Depending on what I am treating.

My protocol right now, after restarting on Dec

21 and gradually working my way up to this.

18 drops at 10-11 pm

10 drops at 12-2 pm, trying for 2 to 3 hours

between doses.

12 drops at 5-9 pm, depending on when I wake up,

ideally around 6 or 7.

I find that taking it at night, when the liver

is not trying to digest food, works best for me

and my liver.

When I get no bowel disturbances, I up the

protocol 2 drops. NOt every dose, but in terms

of total drops. My goal is 45 drops a day for 2

months. I have HCV type 1A, which is the hardest

to treat. Conventional treatments offer a 50%

chance of killing it in 12 months, and a 75%

chance of it returning in 6 months. That comes

out to a 12% chance of success. At a cost of $50

grand. Not to mention the side effects.


Wishing you the best! Tell us what you are

treating and how you are doing, please share.


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Hi Kathy,

Just a question on one part of your post. Do you take two doses only

when you get to 10 drops a day? And then on the second dose go

immediately to 10 drops...instead of working up to 10 drops on the

second dose?



In , " Kathy Wenger "

<katmakiah@...> wrote:


> Hi Vi.



I would start

> out with 2 drops once a day, and then go to 4

> drops, once a day, etc. When I get to 10 drops,

> I would then try 10 drops twice a day if all is

> well. Depending on what I am treating.


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I hope that you realize that you are pioneering MMS in the treatment

of HCV type 1A. You probably already are but I would like to urge you

anyways, keep a journal of your treatment activity for future

sufferers on this site.

I remember thinking many times that when I get well I will be out of

here. but remembering what it was like to be new 6 months ago on the

groups and how difficult it was to learn in the weakend mental and

physcial state I was in, I would like to urge all of us to keep

journals of treatment so that it will be a matter of ease to help new

ones in the future.

Maby we will get so much better in the future so as to get our lives

back completely and we will be out of here, but i will wager to stay

that for me it will be another year atleast. but just imagine what

that 1 1/2 years of knowlage would be in the way of help for others.



> Hi Vi.


> Sounds like you are doing your research!


> I've generally avoided eating anything heavy

> after taking MMS.

> I ate potatoes right after taking it and ended

> up vomiting.


> The other night I took it and felt hungry after,

> so I nibbled on an Asian Pear without any side

> effects.

> I think I could also drink juice within 1/2 hour

> after taking it.

> I might wait at least 30 minutes and up to an

> hour so that I make sure it's all out of my

> stomach and in my blood stream.


> I wait 2 hours after eating, sometimes three,

> before I start taking my nightly doses.


> I use the bottle dropper. It really doesn't

> matter to me which dropper, my body will decide

> how much it needs, and whatever dropper I am

> using will measure that for me. I would start

> out with 2 drops once a day, and then go to 4

> drops, once a day, etc. When I get to 10 drops,

> I would then try 10 drops twice a day if all is

> well. Depending on what I am treating.


> My protocol right now, after restarting on Dec

> 21 and gradually working my way up to this.

> 18 drops at 10-11 pm

> 10 drops at 12-2 pm, trying for 2 to 3 hours

> between doses.

> 12 drops at 5-9 pm, depending on when I wake up,

> ideally around 6 or 7.


> I find that taking it at night, when the liver

> is not trying to digest food, works best for me

> and my liver.


> When I get no bowel disturbances, I up the

> protocol 2 drops. NOt every dose, but in terms

> of total drops. My goal is 45 drops a day for 2

> months. I have HCV type 1A, which is the hardest

> to treat. Conventional treatments offer a 50%

> chance of killing it in 12 months, and a 75%

> chance of it returning in 6 months. That comes

> out to a 12% chance of success. At a cost of $50

> grand. Not to mention the side effects.

> http://hcvadvocate.org


> Wishing you the best! Tell us what you are

> treating and how you are doing, please share.


> Kathy


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Thanks West,

Your letter came at a most opportune time.

As a pioneer who is reaching out into the darkness, I sometimes get a little despondent and feel very much alone.

There are many pioneers here.

We need to support each other.


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HI Avril,

I think that would depend on each person.

There is no set way to do this.

I felt good on the one dose of 10 drops, so I reasoned that if I took them far enough apart that they didn't end up on top of each other, I could take 2 10 drops doses.

Jim said that the MMS molecules last for 2 hours, but that MMS keeps creating molcules for up to 12 hours. I don't know if he still feels that way.

I found that taking 15 drops every 8 hours, that by the 4th or 5th dosage, I would get a cumulative effect and herx.

At the same time, I also found that I could take less each dose and take more doses and avoid herx.

I have HCV and Jim says it may take more longer to kill it, especially since it is chronic, I picked up the virus in 1972, but it didn't start to really multiply and affect me until 2005.

I have noticed a lot of things improving since I began taking MMS.

I've listed them in past emails.

Now, my husband, he is not going to take 10 drops twice right off the bat, because he has seen me get really sick on a herx.

So he takes 10, then 5

Then 10 and 8

Then 12 and 8

Then 12 and 10

He is working up to 15, but he doesn't have the HCV. His only real problem is his skin gets moles, warts, keratosis, crusty little bumps, age spots. His skin is his weak spot.

He is 65 and healthier than most 30 year olds.

Hope that helps, Avril.



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Thank you Kathy,

I enjoy all post, but I have my very favorite people that I especialy

enjoy reading on the groups and you are one of them.


> Thanks West,


> Your letter came at a most opportune time.

> As a pioneer who is reaching out into the

> darkness, I sometimes get a little despondent

> and feel very much alone.


> There are many pioneers here.


> We need to support each other.


> Kathy


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Hi Kathy,

Thanks for taking the time to give such a detailed response. I took

one dose one day and yesterday I took two doses an hour apart.

Judging by my response, I think I'll go reeaall slow! I have Lyme

plus the babesia co-infection so I'm experiencing air hunger. I'm

also experiencing some sinus drainage and what I call " antsiness " .

There's also a funny heat/pressure under my thymus. I'm also sighing

a lot which usually indicates liver involvement for me. All that from

just two drops!

I think I'm going to have use some of these symptoms as a gauge for

increasing the dose, rather than just nausea and diarrhea.

I'm glad to hear of your good success with MMS...especially since

you've had the HCV virus for a while. I'm guessing that I've had Lyme

for over 50 years. I've had so many symptoms and diagnoses, but it

wasn't until June 2006 that I finally had a blood test for Lyme and

it came back positive. So I'm hoping that MMS will help me bring it

under control.



In , " Kathy Wenger "

<katmakiah@...> wrote:


> HI Avril,


> I think that would depend on each person.

> There is no set way to do this.

> I felt good on the one dose of 10 drops, so I

> reasoned that if I took them far enough apart

> that they didn't end up on top of each other, I

> could take 2 10 drops doses.


> I have HCV and Jim says it may take more longer

> to kill it, especially since it is chronic, I

> picked up the virus in 1972, but it didn't start

> to really multiply and affect me until 2005.

> I have noticed a lot of things improving since I

> began taking MMS.

> I've listed them in past emails.


> Hope that helps, Avril.


> Namaste!

> Kathy


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Hi Avril

Those with Lyme disease seem to have a tough


They really have to go slowly with the MMS.

There is a question of which activator to use.

There are limeys here who can answer that.

I don't recall.

I use lime juice.

I am excited!

I'm going to 45 drops a day tonight!

20, then 10 then 15 in the early morning.

I've got some pro medical people on a Hep list

really trying to discourage me, but they don't

know any better.

Funny how misinformed they are, and what they

insist is true, isn't even close to the truth.


OK, done with sighing!

I am now in charge of my immune system!

I take the MMS, lie down, and while the liver

filters over 2 pints per minute, I imagine the

CLO2 finding viruses and zapping them! It's a

great video game, especially when I get to zap a

whole cluster all at once!


-----Original Message-----

On Behalf Of Avril

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for taking the time to give such a

detailed response. I took

one dose one day and yesterday I took two doses

an hour apart.

Judging by my response, I think I'll go reeaall

slow! I have Lyme

plus the babesia co-infection so I'm

experiencing air hunger. I'm

also experiencing some sinus drainage and what I

call " antsiness " .

There's also a funny heat/pressure under my

thymus. I'm also sighing

a lot which usually indicates liver involvement

for me. All that from

just two drops!

I think I'm going to have use some of these

symptoms as a gauge for

increasing the dose, rather than just nausea and


I'm glad to hear of your good success with

MMS...especially since

you've had the HCV virus for a while. I'm

guessing that I've had Lyme

for over 50 years. I've had so many symptoms and

diagnoses, but it

wasn't until June 2006 that I finally had a

blood test for Lyme and

it came back positive. So I'm hoping that MMS

will help me bring it

under control.



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Hi fellow Lymie,

Avril, I also have Babesia and I also experience air hunger and

sighing, as you describe, when I take too much MMS. Although I am

still doing well with it I decided to start over with 3 drops and have

been increasing just one drop daily. At 10 drops I will take another

dose a few hours after the first and then no MMS for a few days. I

really think pulsing works better for me. I also think MMS is

something that needs (and can) be adapted to one's particular illness,

so I just listen to my body and symptoms and go from there.

I'll be interested to hear how it goes for you Avril,


> >

> > HI Avril,

> >

> > I think that would depend on each person.

> > There is no set way to do this.

> > I felt good on the one dose of 10 drops, so I

> > reasoned that if I took them far enough apart

> > that they didn't end up on top of each other, I

> > could take 2 10 drops doses.

> >>>

> > I have HCV and Jim says it may take more longer

> > to kill it, especially since it is chronic, I

> > picked up the virus in 1972, but it didn't start

> > to really multiply and affect me until 2005.

> > I have noticed a lot of things improving since I

> > began taking MMS.

> > I've listed them in past emails.

> >

> > Hope that helps, Avril.

> >

> > Namaste!

> > Kathy

> >


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You have such a positive attitude...it's very encouraging. You really

are " tough " to stand up to all the flack that you're getting at your

Hep C forum.

I like your mental video game against the Hep virus! I think I'll try

that against spirochetes and babs protozoa....although my search and

destroy mission will have to extend to the far reaches of my body. :o)



In , " Kathy Wenger "

<katmakiah@...> wrote:


> Hi Avril


> Those with Lyme disease seem to have a tough

> battle.

> I've got some pro medical people on a Hep list

> really trying to discourage me, but they don't

> know any better.

> Funny how misinformed they are, and what they

> insist is true, isn't even close to the truth.

> Sigh.


> OK, done with sighing!


> I am now in charge of my immune system!

> I take the MMS, lie down, and while the liver

> filters over 2 pints per minute, I imagine the

> CLO2 finding viruses and zapping them! It's a

> great video game, especially when I get to zap a

> whole cluster all at once!


> Kathy



> -----Original Message-----

> On Behalf Of Avril

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Hi Ballady (fellow Lyme cure seeker)!

I don't know how much further I can drop back my dose! :o) But I will

heed your advice to go slow. I actually took a break yesterday...kind

of wimpy here.

When you get to 10 drops will your second dose also be 10 drops?



In , " ballady4 "

<ballady4@...> wrote:


> Hi fellow Lymie,


> Avril, I also have Babesia and I also experience air hunger and

> sighing, as you describe, when I take too much MMS. Although I am

> still doing well with it I decided to start over with 3 drops and


> been increasing just one drop daily. At 10 drops I will take


> dose a few hours after the first and then no MMS for a few days. I

> really think pulsing works better for me. I also think MMS is

> something that needs (and can) be adapted to one's particular


> so I just listen to my body and symptoms and go from there.


> I'll be interested to hear how it goes for you Avril,


> Ballady


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Ah, Avril you are really going to have some

great fun then!

Spirochetes, that sounds like a name for a

roller derby team.

Babs protozoa, sounds like sexy vampires.

Give them images and you have something to shoot


Laugh your way to health!

Love ya! Kathy

Thanks, Jesus said, Forgive them, for they know

not what they do.

Well, I think they think they are doing their

best. So all I can do is do my best too and not

take them personally.

Don't make assumptions and be impeccable with my

word. Makes my life easier, plus, I can always

hit the delete button.

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Very funny images – thanks for the



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Kathy Wenger

Ah, Avril you are really going to have some

great fun then!

Spirochetes, that sounds like a name for a

roller derby team.

Babs protozoa, sounds like sexy vampires.

Give them images and you have something to shoot


Laugh your way to health!

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He he he! I agree with Dana, you gave us a good chuckle! Those are

really very vivid images for my personal video game.



In , " Kathy Wenger "

<katmakiah@...> wrote:


> Ah, Avril you are really going to have some

> great fun then!


> Spirochetes, that sounds like a name for a

> roller derby team.

> Babs protozoa, sounds like sexy vampires.

> Give them images and you have something to shoot

> at!


> Laugh your way to health!


> Love ya! Kathy


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You're welcome!

I think " Laugh your way to health " is a good

slogan for me to remember, I have a tendency to

let things get to me and drown in my own

feelings of stupidity at times, for really no

apparent reason other than that someone

disagrees with me and I feel stupid.

That's when I need to remember to laugh.



-----Original Message-----

On Behalf Of Avril

He he he! I agree with Dana, you gave us a good

chuckle! Those are

really very vivid images for my personal video




In ,

" Kathy Wenger "

<katmakiah@...> wrote:


> Ah, Avril you are really going to have some

> great fun then!


> Spirochetes, that sounds like a name for a

> roller derby team.

> Babs protozoa, sounds like sexy vampires.

> Give them images and you have something to


> at!


> Laugh your way to health!


> Love ya! Kathy


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Thanks to all for giving this symptom a name " air hunger. " I

experienced it and thought I was just imagining things. I also felt

antsy at first. I spoke about it in November when I first started but

didn't know what to call it. I just said it seemed like I was in some

altered state.

It is nice to have this forum and all you brave souls.



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Ahhhh Yes

The hollies, Great song, Just brought back some good ole memories.

Now you have the song playing in my head. haha



> " Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe

> and to love you. "


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