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Hi Karla,

Your experience with your son sounds very

familiar. I knew something was wrong with my son

very early. At five, he was diagnosed as ADHD. I

tried Ritalin like they recommended. He ended up

as a Zombie during the daytime and was completely

out of control at night when the meds wore off.

Soon after that I found out that his problems were

related to his immune system. Its been a very

long road(he's ten now)We have seen many different

doctors, with many ups and downs. I now know that

he has a dysregulated immune system that is

causing an abnormal shut-down of bloodflow in his

brain(confirmed by NeuroSpect Scan at Harbor

General/UCLA. With the help of our current

doctor, Dr. Goldberg, my son is doing so much

better. He has a website


There is alot of information that explains what

is being found in alot of these children. The

information can be printed out to show your doctor

and in the conference area, you are able to

ask questions. I can tell you that as my son got

older, his symptoms were more like Aspergers, but

I know he has . Good Luck


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  • 4 years later...

In a message dated 8/28/2003 4:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,

sawyera@... writes:

> Hi Kim. I'd get a second opinion for sure. Perhaps with a good and highly

> recommended Pediatric Neurologist. If you post your general local someone

> on the list can probably recommend someone for you. Has your son ever had

> an MRI or an EEG?


Thanks for replying so quickly.I am in the DFW,Texas area. Logan has had an

MRI about 3 yrs ago. At that time,he was VERY delayed in all

skills. He has caught up in most areas,,gross motor is still delayed by about

6 months. Fine motor is a problem,due to his double jointedness. He has a

hard time with writing skills. He has just about overcome all of his Sensory

issues,,thanks to a wonderful OT :)

Kim,mom to Meaghan 13,,,Katelyn 11 Bipolar,OCD,,,Logan 5 Aspergers,JRA, & some

kind of connective tissue disorder, & last,,but not least,,Ethan 4 & 100% BOY

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Hi Kim. I'd get a second opinion for sure. Perhaps with a good and highly

recommended Pediatric Neurologist. If you post your general local someone

on the list can probably recommend someone for you. Has your son ever had

an MRI or an EEG? I'm no doctor, but like you, loss of a previously

acquired skill or developmental milestone or whatever would be cause for

concern to me. Best of luck and welcome, KIM

[ ] My Intro

> Hi,

> My name is Kim. I have 4 kids and have been married for 15 yrs. My

> kids are Meaghan 14,Katelyn 11,Logan 6,and Ethan 4. My 11 yr old has

> Bipolar and OCD ,and my 6 yr old has Aspergers,and a connective

> tissue disorder,possibly Ehlers Danlos.He is the reason I joined this

> group.

> Logan has always been delayed in almost all areas. He went to

> preschool for disabled kids from the time he was 3 till he was 5.

> Then he went to regular kindergarten. He has made wonderful progress.

> I am constantly amazed at the differenced in him,from how he used to

> be. Here is my question. Logan has had some speech problems,but for

> the most part ,he has been able to talk well,and has a vocabulary

> beyond his years. In June,he stopped saying the R sound,in some

> words. Mainly words that had started with re,or ri. Now he can't say

> any words that start with R. (room,run,really,ride,,etc)And he can't

> say some words with R in the middle,,like truck,train,,etc.Instead of

> replacing the letter R with a W,like most kids do,he replaces it with

> a Y. (yun,yoom,yide,etc) I called his pediatrician,in June,and he

> felt that this was cause for concern,,that this was a developmental

> step backwards,,and that he should see his developmental

> pediatrician. So,,,they,of course,couldn't get him in till Aug 22. I

> took him there on Friday,,and the visit was a big fat flop. I have

> never really cared for this Dr,and now I really don't like her ! She

> just basically examined Logan,then told me that she didn't feel this

> was a big deal. She told me that if he loses more skills,like if he

> stops walking,,then to give her a call !!WHAT?I couldn't believe it !

> I asked her for a hearing test,and she had the nurse do one. His

> hearing was a little diminished in his right ear,,but she didn't feel

> this was important either. I have no idea what to do,or

> think.Yesterday,instead of saying Lawn,he said Yawn. He did it 3

> times,,then he corrected himself. I am just so worried that he has

> something wrong,and we aren't going to catch it soon enough. Has

> anyone heard of anything like this?

> Sorry this was so long,,I hope somebody makes it to the end of the

> post,,I'll try not to be so long winded next time.


> Kim,mom to Meaghan 13,,,Katelyn 11 Bipolar,OCD,,,Logan 6

> Aspergers, & some kind of connective tissue disorder, & last,but not

> least,,Ethan 4 & 100% BOY


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Welcome Kandi!

Your son sounds like the same mix as many here. It is indeed a matter

of working out the program that best suits the individual. My older son

is certainly very intelligent but he just needs to be taught

differently than the mainstream masses. We just see this as a matter of

someone needs to be on the edge of the Bell Curve. We can't all be in

the exact middle and be exactly average. It is great to hear that all

your efforts have helped your son so much.

Enzymes have about a 90-93% success rate, which makes it one of the

most effective things out there. The nice bonus is that enzymes usually

make all your other therapies go much better and be more effective.

If you have any specific questions, just ask away. There is a lot of

information at www.enzymestuff.com. The Related Topics section also

have much non-enzyme info on nutritional issues.


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  • 7 months later...

In a message dated 2/14/2006 8:52:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

gdeweese@... writes:

Glad we're getting it treated now. We have a 7 and 5 yr old also and

the 7 yr old already thinks he can yell at us and get throw a major fit

when he doesn't get his way because he sees his older brother doing it.

Course the older brother has more of a reason for totally losing it but

now we'll be able to start getting that under control.

Glad to be here and know that I'm not alone.


Welcome Ginger! I'm so glad you are finally getting some real answers and

real help!

Roxanna ô¿ô

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

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Ginger, you're really not alone. Our son who is now almost 18, was also

treated for ADD from the time he was in 3rd grade until the time he was

in 5th grade, when he was diagnosed with AS. Makes me furious, cuz

I was trying my hardest to get a diagnosis. arrggghhh. It is not made

easy, either by the school system or by the health care system.


On Feb 14, 2006, at 9:31 AM, Ginger DeWeese wrote:

> Hi, I'm Ginger, mom to Steaphan who is 13 and in 7th grade. He's been

> treated for ADD since he started 3rd grade and it helped but not quite.

> He's had problems since preschool with focusing and getting frustrated

> really easily. He's a smart kid but the behaviors aren't letting him

> show it. He has torn up his homework when he's frustrated and during

> school goes under his desk and curls into a fetal position. Still does

> that one. He'll obsess for the rest of the day because he forgot his

> favorite pen. He's very sensitive to touch (clothes have to be really

> soft), taste and texture of food, sound etc. Looking back, it's such

> an

> autistic thing but it didn't click with anyone, including me.

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Makes me furious too. I kept telling the teachers this can't be normal

behavior but they kept saying 'he's just immature, let him grow up a few

years... " And I defer to the educators cause they're the experts. With

your first child, especially, it's trial and error and since I don't see

25 kids each year to compare behavior I expect them to tell me what's

normal and what's not. I realize they can't diagnose (though 2nd grade

teacher had no problem telling us he had ADD and why weren't we putting

him on medicine.) but they can say he needs to be seen by a dr.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


I have heard the same things about my son...since Kindergarten. It's a

phase...he will gorw out of it...he needs more discipline...my favorite this

year is Bobby need to worry more about Bobby and less about everybody

else...like I don't know this about my own child...but this teacher hates me and

hates him and won't do anything to help me...I am still in the process of

getting a proer diagnosis but I know it is AS in my heart...he goes to the

psychiatrist on the 9th so we will go from there!

We are all here...struggling...understanding...giving

advice...venting...rambling...etc...so welcome!


mom to Bobby, 14, currently, ADHD, ODD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well

as being a congenital amputee

Delores Goneau <dgoneau@...> wrote:

My name is Delores I am a 36 yr.old mom of two,Caleb 5 with

AS,Childhood BP,with intermittent agressive outbursts . and Briar 19 months

still undiagnosed. My DH Is Ed 37 with AS although undiagnosed he has every

known trait of an AS. I knew my son was different at age 15 mo.he acted

completely different than other children.He was diagnosed in Nov. 2006,because

none of the 6 so called physicians I have taken him to over the years would

listen to me! They would say " it's a phase he'll grow out of it " or my favorite "

He just needs more dicipline " In2005 He awoke one morning and his eyes were

dialated but he had not taken any meds. the night before. Naturally I tell his

Dr. He just says wait to see if it happens again,Stupid me says OK,and I wait

......And yes it happens again but it lasts all day! What does the Dr. say again?

Lets wait and see if it happens again,Needless to say after a few choice nasty

phrases,I have to wait . The n in Oct.2006

He gets up with his eyes Dialated again but with slurred speach,and unable to

stand on his own I take him to his Dr....Now the Dr. is scared and immediately

sends me to a Neurologist near here. This seizure lasted 11 hours.But while I

was at theNeurologist He also diagnosed him with everything else he currently

has. We still have no explanation for the seizure. I prefer to think of it as

perhaps some sort of Divine intervention.I am not an overly religious person.I

do believe in a definate higher power especially after all of this. Thank you

all so much for allowing me to join your group and not letting me feel so all


Delores Goneau


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Hi Delores! Welcome to the group!

How scary it must have been for you with Caleb! I'm so glad someone's

finally listening to you and helping him!

-Jenn, AEP (ADD, Bi-Polar, Anxiety/Depression)

Proud Momma of Cory Albert (14yrs ADHD), h Dawn (12yrs


and Jerry Lee " Trey " (9yrs ADHD, Bi-Polar, Asperger's)

-- ( ) My Intro

My name is Delores I am a 36 yr.old mom of two,Caleb 5 with AS,Childhood

BP,with intermittent agressive outbursts . and Briar 19 months still

undiagnosed. My DH Is Ed 37 with AS although undiagnosed he has every

known trait of an AS. I knew my son was

different at age 15 mo.he acted completely different than other children.He

was diagnosed in Nov. 2006,because none of the 6 so called physicians I have

taken him to over the years would listen to me! They would say " it's a phase

he'll grow out of it " or my favorite " He just needs more dicipline " In2005 He

awoke one morning and his eyes were dialated but he had not taken any meds.

the night before. Naturally I tell his Dr. He just says wait to see if it

happens again,Stupid me says OK,and I wait .....And yes it happens again but

it lasts all day! What does the Dr. say again? Lets wait and see if it

happens again,Needless to say after a few choice nasty phrases,I have to

wait . The n in Oct.2006

He gets up with his eyes Dialated again but with slurred speach,and unable

to stand on his own I take him to his Dr....Now the Dr. is scared and

immediately sends me to a Neurologist near here. This seizure lasted 11

hours.But while I was at theNeurologist He also diagnosed him with

everything else he currently has. We still have no explanation for the

seizure. I prefer to think of it as perhaps some sort of Divine

intervention.I am not an overly religious person.I do believe in a definate

higher power especially after all of this. Thank you all so much for

allowing me to join your group and not letting me feel so all alone.

Delores Goneau


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  • 8 months later...

I heard about MMS a couple of weeks ago and have received a bottle of

MMS but am still waiting to get my hands on the e-book. For the past

twenty years or so I have been plagued by a progressing illness that

until 3 years ago went undiagnosed/misdiagnosed. For the past three

years I have been battling Lyme disease using both long term

antibiotics and then the Salt/c protocol.

The reason I am writing is to introduce myself and to learn more about

MMS and parasites/lyme. Yesterday I took my first dose a half drop

and today I have taken a full drop so far no real change although last

night my sinuses drained big time. These two times I activated the

drop with apple cider vinegar as I have not made up any citric acid

yet. I wonder if when I do should I go back to half a drop?

I appreciate any comments or information you would care to share about



Salty Sue

Get your free Lyme disease awareness poster by writing LymeAware@...

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