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Black Salve

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hi cheri

its me again,im a little confused,is bloodroot and black salve the same thing?



[ ] Re: black salve

I use bloodroot powder internally. You can buy the powder and put it in

capsules or get it from tumorx. I have my own plants but I am saving those just

in case it is not available anymore.

It works.



> Phill

> right you are, there is very little on bloodroot taken orally. I have never

come across information on I, you are the first. So what I understand is that

you took the salve and put it into a capsule. Does that mean that there is no

bloodroot powder?


> It is so intriguing that it can cure cancer of the pancreas. I have read

many times that women " pull out " their breast cancers and I see bloodroot as

drawing salve like ichtiol, just stronger. So what can it possibly do with

cancer in the pancreas or, for that matter,

> in the lymph nodes, which is my case.


> Please tell me were I can go to find more on this. It is really very

promising and very scary.

> thanks



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hi john

im just as confused about the black slave as you.

[ ] Re: black salve


why should it be dangerous that the salve goes

after any cancer in the body? Isn't that desirable?

Please elaborate


Dave Felt <feltdd@...> wrote:


> In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

> biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

> " bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

> found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

> since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

> salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

> isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

> use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.

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Be careful.  Can cause necrosis. Highly oxidative  compound. ALso and a quinone.


 Better to use too little than too much. Google,  'blood root'

Read directions,  monitor area closely.


It has documented action in tumors near the skin. Some studies showed that even

though most of tumor had gone bye bye, margins still contained cells, and cancer

grew back.


So,  obviously it can be a tool, should not be the only intervention of course.

Could be part of comprenhensive plan.


Good luck!



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If the area still has active cancer cells they should partially react needing

more salve. Tiny cells will show a reaction so it is easy to treat. Normal cells

should show no damage other than becoming inflamed maybe.

Blood root used correctly is not a bad or dangerous product. The key is finding

a reputable product. Not all salves are created equal. Depending on the salve I

have even known it to successfully treat bone cancers where the only course of

action dr's have said was to amputate.



> Be careful.  Can cause necrosis. Highly oxidative  compound. ALso and a



>  Better to use too little than too much. Google,  'blood root'


> Read directions,  monitor area closely.


> It has documented action in tumors near the skin. Some studies showed that

even though most of tumor had gone bye bye, margins still contained cells, and

cancer grew back.


> So,  obviously it can be a tool, should not be the only intervention of

course. Could be part of comprenhensive plan.


> Good luck!




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In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

" bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.


Bret Peirce wrote:

> Be careful. Can cause necrosis. Highly oxidative compound. ALso and a



> Better to use too little than too much. Google, 'blood root'


> Read directions, monitor area closely.


> It has documented action in tumors near the skin. Some studies showed that

even though most of tumor had gone bye bye, margins still contained cells, and

cancer grew back.


> So, obviously it can be a tool, should not be the only intervention of

course. Could be part of comprenhensive plan.


> Good luck!





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It would seem like it would be better to post the information or at least part

of the info on this group site since other people who may be in the same

situation may find the info useful.



> From a private group. Email me and I can give you more info. It is based on

the alpha omega salve.


> Cheri

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My experience for what it's worth:

I tried many things but nothing worked as well as black salve. I used it under

my breasts. I could feel the black salve specifically targeting the tumors.

They became very painful and swollen. I could actually feel the path they were

taking out of my body. It was very interesting and this process took about ten

weeks. Afterwards, my breasts felt lighter and so much better. So did my lymph


While doing this, I also drank Pau D'Arco tea....and of course, I cut out sugar

and junk foods and changed my diet so that I had as much nutrition as possible.

I also use supplements and vitamins.

I continue with the tea and also am currently taking bloodroot internally...just

to be sure I got it all. After initially taking the bloodroot (the first week)

- I could feel my lymph nodes swell in my neck. Now there is no sensation and

I'm almost finished with my three month treatment.

For a couple of years, as I was fighting this, my PH balance was always acidic.

Now it is normal.

I also regularly rife and use a VIBE machine.

I have my life back and I thank God everyday.

My best friend is now bedridden and dying of breast cancer. She chose to go the

chemo route. I tried to talk her out of it, but we are all different and need

to use what's best for our own body. I asked God to guide me - it just felt

right to do what I did.

Good luck with your journey.


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What info would you like posted? I am reluctant to post an email address where

they can get it for obvious reasons.


> >

> > From a private group. Email me and I can give you more info. It is based on

the alpha omega salve.

> >

> > Cheri


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I am also doing the bloodroot internally. I have learned how to make my own

capsules and add things to help stomach upset but really I am fine.

Today was a really bad day as I had to lie to my mom who is undergoing chemo and

it is killing her. She was crying. She is in so much pain the morphine is not

even touching it.

Crying again here.




> My experience for what it's worth:


> I tried many things but nothing worked as well as black salve. I used it

under my breasts. I could feel the black salve specifically targeting the

tumors. They became very painful and swollen. I could actually feel the path

they were taking out of my body. It was very interesting and this process took

about ten weeks. Afterwards, my breasts felt lighter and so much better. So did

my lymph nodes!


> While doing this, I also drank Pau D'Arco tea....and of course, I cut out

sugar and junk foods and changed my diet so that I had as much nutrition as

possible. I also use supplements and vitamins.


> I continue with the tea and also am currently taking bloodroot

internally...just to be sure I got it all. After initially taking the bloodroot

(the first week) - I could feel my lymph nodes swell in my neck. Now there is

no sensation and I'm almost finished with my three month treatment.


> For a couple of years, as I was fighting this, my PH balance was always

acidic. Now it is normal.


> I also regularly rife and use a VIBE machine.


> I have my life back and I thank God everyday.


> My best friend is now bedridden and dying of breast cancer. She chose to go

the chemo route. I tried to talk her out of it, but we are all different and

need to use what's best for our own body. I asked God to guide me - it just felt

right to do what I did.


> Good luck with your journey.


> Margie


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> has anyone tried black salve ?

Yes I have, the following is a post I posted on another forum on the



For the last thirty-odd years I have been having skin cancers treated with

excisions, liquid nitrogen, some spark thing that cooked them, a cream called

Aldara, and the dreaded radiation.

Except for Radiation and Aldara, all other treatments have resulted in at least

some of the cancers returning over time, usually around the so-called 'Margins'

of the original cancers.

Radiation at aged 28 or 29 has left me with extremely thin skin with no pigment

on my nose, and the likelihood of needing a skin graft soon. Not exactly ideal.

Aldara was looking like a good thing until reports of it being itself

carcinogenic surfaced.

Frustration led me to spend a lot of time researching alternative treatments, of

which there are many, but sifting through conflicting information,

misinformation, sorting out facts from fiction, I eventually settled on the idea

of trying out some stuff called Black Salve. It is based on the extract of a

plant which grows in the USA, called Bloodroot.

I bought my first container of the stuff almost three years ago and began


I was pleasantly surprised to find that it did exactly what I had expected from

my huge amount of research.

At last I had found something that worked, and was basically a natural cure

which had been used from well over a hundred years ago (possibly hundreds) by

American Indians. Side effects which I read about, and which I experienced were

only pain.

When I say only pain, I mean that pain was my only side effect. The amount of

pain was from very mild, as I experienced on my arms and back, to severe pain

which I experienced on a large cancer on my nose, which had previously been

treated twice with Western Medicine. When I say severe, I mean at least as

painful as a migraine.

I was taking about double the recommended dose of strong painkillers for 5 days,

but I feel that it was well worth it. This time I am sure it will not come back.

It does leave scarring, which on my arms and back, all but disappears within a


The latest treatments on my nose have left reasonably deep depression scars,

which I am hoping will be insignificant in a year or so. They are filling in


The scarring is at worst, no more than would be left by Western treatments, and

for the most part, much less severe, almost negligible.

I am in no way suggesting that anyone try it. I am merely sharing my experience

for one reason only, and that is so that other people can do their own research

on Black Salve & Bloodroot.


I recently had cause to treat my dog and this is a copy of a post I posted on

another forum on that experience.........

Earlier this year my dog Boof was limping and not looking too well at all.

Under his front right foot there was a lump of meat sticking out through the

skin. It looked a bit like he had cut himself and it had swollen up badly, so

off to the Vet he went.

The news was not good. He was diagnosed with an advanced tumor between the pads

on his foot, and Pancreas cancer.

Because of his age, 12 yrs. the vets opinion was that he would not handle

radiation and chemo very well, and he would have to have his foot amputated.

He advised us to take him home and enjoy what time he had until it got too

painful, then bring him back to put him down. All he offered was anti

inflammatory pills which might slow it down.

We took him home and started him on the pills. His condition worsened quickly.

I remembered that when I was researching a natural cure for skin cancers (which

I use myself) I read couple of cases of people using Black Salve (Bloodroot) to

treat internal cancer and it had worked for them. My wife & I talked it over and

decided that we had little to loose by trying it at this stage, so we started

him on twice a day doses, and an application to his foot every second day.

A week went by and there was no improvement. I felt that something was wrong.

This tuff had worked so well on my own skin cancers every time. Back to the

internet for answers. After many hours of research, I stumbled on a small

article about Black Salve which suggested that the use of anti inflammatory

medication would reduce or stop the action of bloodroot, because bloodroots

action was to cause inflammation of the cancerous tissue.

Armed with this new information, we ceased the anti inflammatory pills

immediately, and continued on with the bloodroot. During this new research I had

read about the fact that cancer cells do not like an oxygen rich environment (or

an alkaline one) so we decided to bathe his foot in 6% hydrogen Peroxide every

second day when dressing & re-applying the bloodroot to his tumor.

For the next few days, the tumor on his foot seemed to stop growing. By this

time his foot was swollen to about 25% larger than his other foot, and he could

not put weight on it.

By two weeks after stopping the A/I pills, the bloodroot had started to reduce

the tumor size on his foot. What was happening inside him with his Pancreas, we

had no way of knowing. The tumor was coming off a layer at a time, each time we

re-dressed his foot. It was slowly getting smaller.

By the end of about 8 weeks, he was walking around on his foot, the tumor had

completely gone.

We decided to take him back to the vet to show him the foot, and to have him

re-examine him for the internal tumor.

The vet was stunned. Where the foot tumor was, all that remained was 'Residual

thickening' of the surrounding tissue, and better yet, there was no sign of the

Pancreas tumor. So stunned was the vet that he did not charge us for the visit.

He recommended that we continue a maintenance dose for a time, so we have cut

him down to once a day internal dose.

There is very little information out there about the use of Black Salve

internally, so we were literally flying in the dark with regard to what amount

to give him, how often to give it, etc. I am in no way recommending that anyone

use this treatment. I am only posting this as a sharing of an experience that we

had, and what brought it about. Hopefully it will lead to others doing their own


Boof weighs approximately 35Kg. The dosage we gave him was about half the size

of a green pea, put into a capsule and given immediately prior to food. This was

twice daily. At some stage, probably halfway through the treatment, we also

introduced Hydrogen Peroxide to his drinking water. We are still doing this.

It is a month since he was given the all clear by the vet, and he is running

around like nothing was ever wrong.


I posted that in May this year, so it is now three months since his all clear,

and he is going well.

I hope it is not too long winded, but there is so little good information

available that I just want to spread the word for the benefit of those who want

to know.

Good luck,


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I use bloodroot powder internally. You can buy the powder and put it in capsules

or get it from tumorx. I have my own plants but I am saving those just in case

it is not available anymore.

It works.



> Phill

> right you are, there is very little on bloodroot taken orally. I have never

come across information on I, you are the first. So what I understand is that

you took the salve and put it into a capsule. Does that mean that there is no

bloodroot powder?


> It is so intriguing that it can cure cancer of the pancreas. I have read many

times that women " pull out " their breast cancers and I see bloodroot as drawing

salve like ichtiol, just stronger. So what can it possibly do with cancer in the

pancreas or, for that matter,

> in the lymph nodes, which is my case.


> Please tell me were I can go to find more on this. It is really very promising

and very scary.

> thanks



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why should it be dangerous that the salve goes

after any cancer in the body? Isn't that desirable?

Please elaborate


Dave Felt <feltdd@...> wrote:


> In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

> biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

> " bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

> found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

> since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

> salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

> isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

> use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.

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Because in theory the black salve will go after any cancer it finds..

heart,brain, anywhere it can find cancer, that might not always be

good. In my case, it went after the reddish spots on my arm and bubbled

up there, eventually crusting over and clearing up. It did result in a

bigger scar when I eventually had the surgery, but pathology came back

no cancer found in the tissues they removed (a football-shaped piece

almost 4 " long...)


Magal wrote:

> Dave

> why should it be dangerous that the salve goes

> after any cancer in the body? Isn't that desirable?

> Please elaborate

> Thanks



> Dave Felt <feltdd@...> wrote:


>> In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

>> biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

>> " bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

>> found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

>> since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

>> salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

>> isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

>> use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.




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please tell me something about taking black salve internally. I have cancer in

the abdominal lymph nodes so that would be the only way I could use it. Do you

think that the internal use alone is enough to kill the cancer? Why are some of

the posts considering it dangerous?

Interstingly you mention other things which you used at the same time,

like Rife. How much of your success do you acribe to the salve and to Rife?



> Be careful.  Can cause necrosis. Highly oxidative  compound. ALso and a



>  Better to use too little than too much. Google,  'blood root'


> Read directions,  monitor area closely.


> It has documented action in tumors near the skin. Some studies showed that

even though most of tumor had gone bye bye, margins still contained cells, and

cancer grew back.


> So,  obviously it can be a tool, should not be the only intervention of

course. Could be part of comprenhensive plan.


> Good luck!




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Yes and no. Bloodroot is one ingredient in black salve.


> >

> > Phill

> > right you are, there is very little on bloodroot taken orally. I have

never come across information on I, you are the first. So what I understand is

that you took the salve and put it into a capsule. Does that mean that there is

no bloodroot powder?

> >

> > It is so intriguing that it can cure cancer of the pancreas. I have read

many times that women " pull out " their breast cancers and I see bloodroot as

drawing salve like ichtiol, just stronger. So what can it possibly do with

cancer in the pancreas or, for that matter,

> > in the lymph nodes, which is my case.

> >

> > Please tell me were I can go to find more on this. It is really very

promising and very scary.

> > thanks

> >

> >







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please tell me how u made your own capsules and what was the problem

with the stomach upset, because I'm very much interested in getting to the

bottom of this issue and there are not many informations


Thank you


> I am also doing the bloodroot internally. I have learned how to make my own

capsules and add things to help stomach upset but really I am fine.


> Today was a really bad day as I had to lie to my mom who is undergoing chemo

and it is killing her. She was crying. She is in so much pain the morphine is

not even touching it.


> Crying again here.


> Cheri

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It is pretty simple really. Bloodroot causes stomach upset depending on the

person. Slippery elm taken at the same times helps with that. You need to take

it in the middle of a heavy meal to also help with stomach issues. Not a big

fruit veggie meal You need protein like whole milk meat etc. You can buy empty

capsules and machines to fill them. Start out slow and work up to tolerance.

Like only partially fill capsules so you are getting a small dose.

Also you can take about 1/2 " of dried root and make a cup of tea and drink it

that way. I am not sure how well that would work but I assume it would. Also

start slow maybe taking a couple sips at a time.

Like with anything if you go out all gangbusters in the beginning you not only

risk stomach upset but also a healing crisis where you feel like crap because

you are detoxifying too fast.

This is just what I do. Every one is different.


> >

> > I am also doing the bloodroot internally. I have learned how to make my own

capsules and add things to help stomach upset but really I am fine.

> >

> > Today was a really bad day as I had to lie to my mom who is undergoing chemo

and it is killing her. She was crying. She is in so much pain the morphine is

not even touching it.

> >

> > Crying again here.

> >

> > Cheri


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hi cheri

its me again,im a little confused,is bloodroot and black salve the same thing?



From: cheryl

Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:54 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: black salve

I use bloodroot powder internally. You can buy the powder and put it in capsules

or get it from tumorx. I have my own plants but I am saving those just in case

it is not available anymore.

It works.


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Let me answer that on the black salve.

The reason Dave had the sore come upon the arm with the black salve is because

he still had cancer activity there. IF there had been nothing left there of the

cancer cells, he would not have gotten any reaction from the salve. The salve

will NOT hurt healthy skin or tissue. Only if there is any activity on the spot

where applied. I would rather have the scar from the salve than have to have

more surgery to cut away at the arm.

I am sure you are free of the cancer now. Dont knock the salve because it is

supposed to work on unhealthy tissue. I have applied it to my self and gotten

nothing. Then go to another location and have a sore arise and be come sore and

heal and is now gone.

Believe me I know the salve and how it works.


> Dave

> why should it be dangerous that the salve goes

> after any cancer in the body? Isn't that desirable?

> Please elaborate



> Dave Felt <feltdd@> wrote:

> >

> > In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

> > biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

> > " bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

> > found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

> > since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

> > salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

> > isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

> > use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.



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Hi ,

Just wanted you to know that i haven't forgotten about you and i am still

seriously interested in the black salve. There just has been a change of plans.

I have been considering going to 's center for quite a while now and I

can see my current treatment going exactly where I did not want it to go.

Endless chemo. I have had 6 chemo sessions and although i am tolerating them

ok, it is becoming increasingly harder. Due to the swelling in my neck, it is

difficult to get anything down as I choke on everything. I have a hard time

eating. When I first was diagnosed I was a little overweight (about 165lbs). I

am now 119. I am weak and I feel like I am in my late 50's. How I would love

to live like a 30 year old woman again. So I gave a call and he feels

that I need to go immediately as I have an aggressive cancer and am stage IV.

Having read his posts for the past year, I have faith in him and I believe I

have finally made the

decision to go. It is a little scary for me. I have never been on an airplane

and San Diego is all the way across the country. But, I have always wanted to

go out west. So for now, I think this will be my plan of action but I would

still love to speak to you when I return as I believe you also have alot to

offer and I can use all the help I could possibly get right now. Thank you for

your thoughfulness and I will keep in touch.

Be Well,



From: mkathryn59 <mkathryn59@...>

Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:44:10 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: black salve

Let me answer that on the black salve.

The reason Dave had the sore come upon the arm with the black salve is because

he still had cancer activity there. IF there had been nothing left there of the

cancer cells, he would not have gotten any reaction from the salve. The salve

will NOT hurt healthy skin or tissue. Only if there is any activity on the spot

where applied. I would rather have the scar from the salve than have to have

more surgery to cut away at the arm.

I am sure you are free of the cancer now. Dont knock the salve because it is

supposed to work on unhealthy tissue. I have applied it to my self and gotten

nothing. Then go to another location and have a sore arise and be come sore and

heal and is now gone.

Believe me I know the salve and how it works.


> Dave

> why should it be dangerous that the salve goes

> after any cancer in the body? Isn't that desirable?

> Please elaborate



> Dave Felt <feltdd@> wrote:

> >

> > In my case, the Black Salve , when applied to an area on my arm in which

> > biopsy found carcinoma, caused redness in three areas which eventually

> > " bubbled up " , crusted over, and finally healed. A follow-up surgery

> > found no cancer remaining. Got a great scar from it however (needlessly

> > since the cancer was gone..) One needs to be very careful with black

> > salve I'm told it will go after after any cancer in the body - and that

> > isn't always good. A friend used it for breast cancer (VERY painful to

> > use black salve on an open wound) and I think eventually had surgery.




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