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Re: Buddy, please read

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chemist , biologist doctor phd no thank you .The way I look at it is when one start investing lots of time and money in education and science stuff they want a return on their investment and cheap non patentable home therapy must be pushed aside for rentability sake and theirfore their comments are like poison to the self healer. I would rather rely on common sense and common knowledge that people share here.

If one here find no improvement from MMS it could be because their problem is not of a parasite origin. Their are other alternative therapy that could also help.

I would like to add that after going from 0 to 12 drop one night I was sick after 36 hours and vomited in a

unsual way. Not sure if it was a herx reaction because their are lots of sick people at work. Anyways my dark circle under my eyes are gone like never before , not 100% but close. To me doctor are like bark canoe obsolite

[ ] Buddy, please read

Buddy, or should I say, BT,You are talking to people here that you mightwant to see as patients, rather than colleagues.We are sick, we are taking MMS to try to getwell. For some it is working quite well, forothers, not so well.You come here and instead of reading the pastposts, you ask us all "if MMS has helped you, could you, in a sentenceor two, list what specific health problems MMShas helped you with, and how long it took to seesignificant improvements in your condition."When you didn't get a response, you startedreading the past posts. That was a good thing todo! Then you start criticizing Jim Humble. "he needs to consult with a chemist or two,maybe a physiologist, and a few medical doctorsso we can find out exactly what is going on withthis stuff. For instance, I have my skepticismabout the 'herx' reaction people are describing.Sure,if [sic] could be a die off reaction, buthas this ever been measured in people takingMMS? It seems like a fairly simple thing todo." This makes a lot of assumptions! If you read thebook, you would know that he DID consult withchemists and that he is working closely withmedical doctors! There is even a chapter in Part2 of the book by a doctor; and Adam Abraham hasinterviewed another doctor that is working withMMS right now down in Mexico, where much of thealternative therapies that are prohibited in theUS go, and people go there to use them. Youwould also have read that they did research withHIV, which was gone in all but 2 of theinfected, about 1/2 in 4 days and the rest in amonth. Adam Abraham is also making a video thatwill be ready soon. Another thing. As sick people some of us tend totake things personally, especially when a doctorcomes here and starts criticizing the very thingour hopes are focused on. Perhaps you could be alittle more PATIENT with us? Could you work withus, instead of venting on us? I know, you don'tsee it that way, but some of us do. So bear thatin mind when you post, ok? Remember, we don'towe you anything, ok? I have seen your website, but the way you talkto us makes me wonder if you're for real. Evenyour name seems fake! Seriously. It sounds likea good name for someone who wants to touchpeople and be their buddy. (Kind of like MMSbeing discovered by Jim HUMBLE....what acoincidence!)Kathy

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Sorry all. Perhaps I chose the wrong words, but my intentions

were not to play the skeptic. It was simply to try to make all of

this better, so that it reaches more people. You're

correct, I do need to understand my audience. I belong to mostly

research and professional email groups, so the tone of the

conversations are much different.

The main reason I am here for is to do more research on MMS so I can

decide whether or not this is something I feel comfortable offering my

patients. We're all better off if I just stay on the side lines.

Oh, and I promise I'm real. Google my name. I'm pretty good

if I can fake highschool and college baseball archives, chamber of

commerce events, etc.

BuddyOn 1/8/08, nadon michel <nadonm@...> wrote:

chemist , biologist doctor phd no thank you .The way I look at it is when one start investing lots of time and money in education and science stuff they want a return on their investment and cheap non patentable home therapy must be pushed aside for rentability sake and theirfore their comments are like poison to the self healer. I would rather rely on common sense and common knowledge that people share here.

If one here find no improvement from MMS it could be because their problem is not of a parasite origin. Their are other alternative therapy that could also help.

I would like to add that after going from 0 to 12 drop one night I was sick after 36 hours and vomited in a

unsual way. Not sure if it was a herx reaction because their are lots of sick people at work. Anyways my dark circle under my eyes are gone like never before , not 100% but close. To me doctor are like bark canoe obsolite

[ ] Buddy, please read

Buddy, or should I say, BT,You are talking to people here that you mightwant to see as patients, rather than colleagues.We are sick, we are taking MMS to try to getwell. For some it is working quite well, forothers, not so well.You come here and instead of reading the pastposts, you ask us all " if MMS has helped you, could you, in a sentenceor two, list what specific health problems MMShas helped you with, and how long it took to seesignificant improvements in your condition. " When you didn't get a response, you startedreading the past posts. That was a good thing todo! Then you start criticizing Jim Humble. " he needs to consult with a chemist or two,maybe a physiologist, and a few medical doctorsso we can find out exactly what is going on withthis stuff. For instance, I have my skepticismabout the 'herx' reaction people are describing.Sure,if [sic] could be a die off reaction, buthas this ever been measured in people takingMMS? It seems like a fairly simple thing todo. " This makes a lot of assumptions! If you read thebook, you would know that he DID consult withchemists and that he is working closely withmedical doctors! There is even a chapter in Part2 of the book by a doctor; and Adam Abraham hasinterviewed another doctor that is working withMMS right now down in Mexico, where much of thealternative therapies that are prohibited in theUS go, and people go there to use them. Youwould also have read that they did research withHIV, which was gone in all but 2 of theinfected, about 1/2 in 4 days and the rest in amonth. Adam Abraham is also making a video thatwill be ready soon. Another thing. As sick people some of us tend totake things personally, especially when a doctorcomes here and starts criticizing the very thingour hopes are focused on. Perhaps you could be alittle more PATIENT with us? Could you work withus, instead of venting on us? I know, you don'tsee it that way, but some of us do. So bear thatin mind when you post, ok? Remember, we don'towe you anything, ok? I have seen your website, but the way you talkto us makes me wonder if you're for real. Evenyour name seems fake! Seriously. It sounds likea good name for someone who wants to touchpeople and be their buddy. (Kind of like MMSbeing discovered by Jim HUMBLE....what acoincidence!)Kathy

-- Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic1209 Centre TurnpikePO Box 217Orwigsburg, PA 17961570-366-2613 phone570-366-2618 fax


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Buddy,Why take the incriminating risk or responsibility yourself for prescribing MMS? Why not just refer your patients to this website, or casually mention MMS in conversation as something you heard about and actively investigating for yourself. Allow them to take responsibility for themselves as active participants, and quite possibly the primary decision makers in their recovery process. Empower them. Share what information you do have, even if you feel uncomfortable thinking its not enough. Just be straight forward and honest about what you don't know. Look at it this way, many doctors who do NOT familiarize themselves with RX drugs dispense them freely just because they have been "approved and sanctioned" and they are apparently, in most cases more detrimental, if not down right deadly to their patients. You know as well as I do, that some drugs should NEVER have been approved, yet, are prescribed

widely. You gonna wait, on the sidelines, for the FDA to wave it's magical endorsement wand? As a DC, correct me if I am wrong, I do not think you are allowed to write scripts anyway. MMS requires no scripts.....just $20 bucks and a Book. IF your patients can't afford the book, Jim Humble says he will provide. IF you really want to empower your patients by having them take part in their own healing and health care, the best recourse would be for you to just find a way to refer them to the research....live trials are taking place, right here. There are other MMS internet sites as well. This is to me reasonable solution to your dilemma. Surely, IF MMS proves (per testimonials here, and elsewhere which are unsolicited, not profit driven you will be doing them a greater service than personally making the decision for them. Why deprive them of knowledge being

shared here and elsewhere.I would think that you think, that your patients are not imbeciles, are intelligent enough to communicate with other people and perhaps consult with you after they have done their own research and discovery. "Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C." <dr.touchinsky@...> wrote: The main reason I am here for is to do more research on MMS so I can decide whether or not this is something I feel comfortable offering my patients. We're all better

off if I just stay on the side lines. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Hi Buddy.

Good to see you helping folk.

May I ask you if you have some advice/guidance for people. When I started having MMS I had problems. Shortly after I backed away for a time from MMS I began spraying my skin with magnesium chloride and other sea mineral chlorides. The minerals intake gave me many improvements: much more energy, hands hardly tremble at all now, eyes focus better close up where I had problems, and more. In fact I wonder if I would probably "handle" MMS better now. My question relates to the nutritional status of the individual and the likely problems if people have deficiencies. This is a very wide question, I realize. Have you any helpful thoughts for us?

Thanks. Phil.

Re: [ ] Buddy, please read

Sorry all. Perhaps I chose the wrong words, but my intentions were not to play the skeptic. It was simply to try to make all of this better, so that it reaches more people. You're correct, I do need to understand my audience. I belong to mostly research and professional email groups, so the tone of the conversations are much different. The main reason I am here for is to do more research on MMS so I can decide whether or not this is something I feel comfortable offering my patients. We're all better off if I just stay on the side lines.Oh, and I promise I'm real. Google my name. I'm pretty good if I can fake highschool and college baseball archives, chamber of commerce events, etc.Buddy

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Please don't feel that you have to " stay on the side lines. "

Personally, I welcome all questions, suggestions. No one here is an

expert. We are all learning together, which is the value of a forum

such as this.




> We're all better off if I just stay on the side lines.



> Buddy


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> The main reason I am here for is to do more research on MMS so I

can decide

> whether or not this is something I feel comfortable offering my



Hi Buddy,

Well, I don't know if you will be reading this, but the one thing I

can testify about MMS that seems to be true with several that have

also noticed is that it improves breathing. If you have patients

with breathing problems, that might be something you'd want to them

about it.

But I have a question for you. You're a chiropractor? Is that

correct? Does the " D.C. " mean chiropractor? Was wondering what the

law requires for you to offer the MMS or is there any law

requirement? Just curious. It wouldn't be like a perscription tho.

How do you 'offer' it to them? Wouldn't want anybody to get into


Hope you answer.


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Agreeing and chuckling at the same time. Very well put. I think I am

going to keep this email for all the other times we address this



> Buddy, or should I say, BT,


> You are talking to people here that you might

> want to see as patients, rather than colleagues.

> We are sick, we are taking MMS to try to get

> well. For some it is working quite well, for

> others, not so well.


> You come here and instead of reading the past

> posts, you ask us all

> " if MMS has helped you, could you, in a sentence

> or two, list what specific health problems MMS

> has helped you with, and how long it took to see

> significant improvements in your condition. "


> When you didn't get a response, you started

> reading the past posts. That was a good thing to

> do!


> Then you start criticizing Jim Humble.

> " he needs to consult with a chemist or two,

> maybe a physiologist, and a few medical doctors

> so we can find out exactly what is going on with

> this stuff. For instance, I have my skepticism

> about the 'herx' reaction people are describing.

> Sure,if [sic] could be a die off reaction, but

> has this ever been measured in people taking

> MMS? It seems like a fairly simple thing to

> do. "


> This makes a lot of assumptions! If you read the

> book, you would know that he DID consult with

> chemists and that he is working closely with

> medical doctors! There is even a chapter in Part

> 2 of the book by a doctor; and Adam Abraham has

> interviewed another doctor that is working with

> MMS right now down in Mexico, where much of the

> alternative therapies that are prohibited in the

> US go, and people go there to use them. You

> would also have read that they did research with

> HIV, which was gone in all but 2 of the

> infected, about 1/2 in 4 days and the rest in a

> month. Adam Abraham is also making a video that

> will be ready soon.


> Another thing. As sick people some of us tend to

> take things personally, especially when a doctor

> comes here and starts criticizing the very thing

> our hopes are focused on. Perhaps you could be a

> little more PATIENT with us? Could you work with

> us, instead of venting on us? I know, you don't

> see it that way, but some of us do. So bear that

> in mind when you post, ok? Remember, we don't

> owe you anything, ok?


> I have seen your website, but the way you talk

> to us makes me wonder if you're for real. Even

> your name seems fake! Seriously. It sounds like

> a good name for someone who wants to touch

> people and be their buddy. (Kind of like MMS

> being discovered by Jim HUMBLE....what a

> coincidence!)


> Kathy


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Absolutely excellent!!!


> Buddy,

> Why take the incriminating risk or responsibility yourself for

prescribing MMS? Why not just refer your patients to this website,

or casually mention MMS in conversation as something you heard about

and actively investigating for yourself.


> Allow them to take responsibility for themselves as active

participants, and quite possibly the primary decision makers in

their recovery process. Empower them. Share what information you do

have, even if you feel uncomfortable thinking its not enough. Just be

straight forward and honest about what you don't know.


> Look at it this way, many doctors who do NOT familiarize

themselves with RX drugs dispense them freely just because they have

been " approved and sanctioned " and they are apparently, in most

cases more detrimental, if not down right deadly to their patients.

You know as well as I do, that some drugs should NEVER have been

approved, yet, are prescribed widely. You gonna wait, on the

sidelines, for the FDA to wave it's magical endorsement wand?


> As a DC, correct me if I am wrong, I do not think you are allowed

to write scripts anyway. MMS requires no scripts.....just $20 bucks

and a Book. IF your patients can't afford the book, Jim Humble says

he will provide.


> IF you really want to empower your patients by having them take

part in their own healing and health care, the best recourse would be

for you to just find a way to refer them to the research....live

trials are taking place, right here. There are other MMS internet

sites as well. This is to me reasonable solution to your

dilemma. Surely, IF MMS proves (per testimonials here, and

elsewhere which are unsolicited, not profit driven you will be doing

them a greater service than personally making the decision for them.

Why deprive them of knowledge being shared here and elsewhere.


> I would think that you think, that your patients are not imbeciles,

are intelligent enough to communicate with other people and perhaps

consult with you after they have done their own research and



> " Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C. " <dr.touchinsky@...>


> The main reason I am here for is to do more research on MMS so I

can decide whether or not this is something I feel comfortable

offering my patients. We're all better off if I just stay on the

side lines.









> Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you


> http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html


> ---------------------------------

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