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Benefits of MMS and nutritional IV's

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My overall health

2 years ago vs now:

Tired - Full of energy

Colorless and flat --- rosy cheeks

Lack of enthusiasm -- Full of bounce - I smile

at the world again

Slept 12 hours a night -- Up after 8-9 hours

Exhausted after 2 hours of work -- Can do an 8

hour shift

Both wrists had arthritis or tendonitis --it is


Legs were covered with blood clots from

cryoglobulinemia --clot scars are fading and no

new ones

Stools were soft, yellow, urine was acid pH

--stools are dark brown and solid, urine is

alkaline for the first time in 20 years.

Blood pressure ran around 100/60, just above

passing out --BP today was 116/73, and boy, can

I tell the difference.

Couldn't walk more than 1/2 a block and I was

tired -- went running with the dogs the other


Sex hurt and wasn't enjoyable --can't get enough

and it feels great!

Thought I was dying -- happy to be alive!

People worried about me --now they ask my hubby,

who is that? That can't be Kathy! She looks too


My house work wasn't getting done --I'm catching

up on 2 years of neglect

My garden went to weeds --I dug up 900 sq feet

of raspberries just before it snowed.

Oh, I almost forgot. Kind of embarassing,

but....here goes.

I used to pass more gas than anyone on the

planet, in fact, we would joke about hooking a

hose up to my butt and selling it. The

indigestion was from the liver not functioning

properly. Taking digestive enzymes and HCL

wasn't helping. Now I seldom have gas and my

digestion is fantastic.

Oh, I also used to be cold all the time and had

to have the heat up around 77. Now I keep it at

73, even when I run around the house naked. It's

just me and Hubby so I can do that.... I used to

have cold feet and hands all the time and use my

hubby for a furnace at night. Not anymore,

sometimes I'm warmer than he is! My bilirubin is

normal, my albumin is normal, and my HDL and LDL

were not at a good ratio 2 years ago, LDL was

too high, HDL too low. Now the ratio is very

fine, my WBC is normal, RBC is normal, I'm

actually needing to supplement some iron, so I'm

taking seaweed and other natural sources of


I also used to get sick all the time, especially

fever blisters, sore throats and UTI's. I

haven't had so much as a cold in the last few

months. Only a couple of headaches.

I think the things that has been most

significant in my overall health is my dietary

habits. I don't eat processed, fast and junk

foods. No alcohol, drugs or tobacco. I eat

things that grow in the garden, in as natural a

state as possible. I think the thing that has

been the worst contributor was my depression 2

years ago. That's when my immune system shut

down and the virus started to multiply. Now I'm

going to shut the virus down. I took my MMS and

laid down in bed, while my liver was pumping 2

pints of blood per minute, I realized that meant

8 pints in 4 minutes, so I played a video game.

I imagined the CLO2 cruising along, detecting a

virus and grabbing it's electrons, boom! Then

another, boom! Then a cluster, boom boom boom

boom boom! You see, I'm in control of my immune

system now! I gave up that control when I was

depressed, but I take it back now! My immune

system and I will destroy this virus!

I feel the best choice for me is a combination

of nutritional IV's, which bypass the liver and

put nutrition directly into the blood, a healthy

diet, supplements, exercise, rest, lots of

water, positive mental attitude, lots of love

and MMS. The last one kills, the rest rebuild.

This MMS is strong. It's a 28% solution. I just

took 20 drops. In 3 hours I will take 10 more,

and in the morning 15. Then 3 hours later, I

will start rebuilding and feeding my body and

immune system. I will do this until the virus is

gone. I will test every 2 months. I'll let you

know the results of the tests. It won't be until

late March.


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Hi Kathy, thanks for the testimony; I am getting much relief as well; energy is very good. Able to work my construction job without fatigue at 55, after 35+ hcv. I just need a bit more time to catch up with you.

[ ] Benefits of MMS and nutritional IV's

My overall health2 years ago vs now:Tired - Full of energyColorless and flat --- rosy cheeksLack of enthusiasm -- Full of bounce - I smileat the world again Slept 12 hours a night -- Up after 8-9 hours Exhausted after 2 hours of work -- Can do an 8hour shift Both wrists had arthritis or tendonitis --it isgone Legs were covered with blood clots fromcryoglobulinemia --clot scars are fading and nonew ones Stools were soft, yellow, urine was acid pH--stools are dark brown and solid, urine isalkaline for the first time in 20 years. Blood pressure ran around 100/60, just abovepassing out --BP today was 116/73, and boy, canI tell the difference.Couldn't walk more than 1/2 a block and I wastired -- went running with the dogs the otherday. Sex hurt and wasn't enjoyable --can't get enoughand it feels great! Thought I was dying -- happy

to be alive! People worried about me --now they ask my hubby,who is that? That can't be Kathy! She looks toogood! My house work wasn't getting done --I'm catchingup on 2 years of neglect My garden went to weeds --I dug up 900 sq feetof raspberries just before it snowed.Oh, I almost forgot. Kind of embarassing,but....here goes.I used to pass more gas than anyone on theplanet, in fact, we would joke about hooking ahose up to my butt and selling it. Theindigestion was from the liver not functioningproperly. Taking digestive enzymes and HCLwasn't helping. Now I seldom have gas and mydigestion is fantastic.Oh, I also used to be cold all the time and hadto have the heat up around 77. Now I keep it at73, even when I run around the house naked. It'sjust me and Hubby so I can do that.... I used tohave cold feet and hands all the time and use myhubby for a furnace

at night. Not anymore,sometimes I'm warmer than he is! My bilirubin isnormal, my albumin is normal, and my HDL and LDLwere not at a good ratio 2 years ago, LDL wastoo high, HDL too low. Now the ratio is veryfine, my WBC is normal, RBC is normal, I'mactually needing to supplement some iron, so I'mtaking seaweed and other natural sources ofiron. I also used to get sick all the time, especiallyfever blisters, sore throats and UTI's. Ihaven't had so much as a cold in the last fewmonths. Only a couple of headaches. I think the things that has been mostsignificant in my overall health is my dietaryhabits. I don't eat processed, fast and junkfoods. No alcohol, drugs or tobacco. I eatthings that grow in the garden, in as natural astate as possible. I think the thing that hasbeen the worst contributor was my depression 2years ago. That's when my immune system shutdown and

the virus started to multiply. Now I'mgoing to shut the virus down. I took my MMS andlaid down in bed, while my liver was pumping 2pints of blood per minute, I realized that meant8 pints in 4 minutes, so I played a video game.I imagined the CLO2 cruising along, detecting avirus and grabbing it's electrons, boom! Thenanother, boom! Then a cluster, boom boom boomboom boom! You see, I'm in control of my immunesystem now! I gave up that control when I wasdepressed, but I take it back now! My immunesystem and I will destroy this virus!I feel the best choice for me is a combinationof nutritional IV's, which bypass the liver andput nutrition directly into the blood, a healthydiet, supplements, exercise, rest, lots ofwater, positive mental attitude, lots of loveand MMS. The last one kills, the rest rebuild.This MMS is strong. It's a 28% solution. I justtook 20 drops. In 3 hours I

will take 10 more,and in the morning 15. Then 3 hours later, Iwill start rebuilding and feeding my body andimmune system. I will do this until the virus isgone. I will test every 2 months. I'll let youknow the results of the tests. It won't be untillate March.Kathy

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Kathy--this is such great news. I'm so happy for you! And thank you for sharing everything with us. It has been a journey to watch you change, and a privilege.


-------Original Message-------

My overall health

2 years ago vs now:

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your post is an inspiration to me. i am waiting for my mms to arrive

....anxiously awaiting my first dose...and hope that i can give such a

glowing report soon. of course we are all different.

i love your posts. thank u so much,

" We are looking at our reality as a mirror in front of us, reflecting

back to us who we are. You cannot change the frown to a smile on the

mirror, you must smile first, then the mirror has no choice but to

reflect a smile back to you. "


> Hi Kathy, thanks for the testimony; I am getting much relief as

well; energy is very good. Able to work my construction job without

fatigue at 55, after 35+ hcv. I just need a bit more time to catch up

with you.



> [ ] Benefits of MMS and

nutritional IV's


> My overall health


> 2 years ago vs now:


> Tired - Full of energy

> Colorless and flat --- rosy cheeks

> Lack of enthusiasm -- Full of bounce - I smile

> at the world again


> Slept 12 hours a night -- Up after 8-9 hours

> Exhausted after 2 hours of work -- Can do an 8

> hour shift


> Both wrists had arthritis or tendonitis --it is

> gone

> Legs were covered with blood clots from

> cryoglobulinemia --clot scars are fading and no

> new ones


> Stools were soft, yellow, urine was acid pH

> --stools are dark brown and solid, urine is

> alkaline for the first time in 20 years.

> Blood pressure ran around 100/60, just above

> passing out --BP today was 116/73, and boy, can

> I tell the difference.


> Couldn't walk more than 1/2 a block and I was

> tired -- went running with the dogs the other

> day.

> Sex hurt and wasn't enjoyable --can't get enough

> and it feels great!


> Thought I was dying -- happy to be alive!

> People worried about me --now they ask my hubby,

> who is that? That can't be Kathy! She looks too

> good!


> My house work wasn't getting done --I'm catching

> up on 2 years of neglect

> My garden went to weeds --I dug up 900 sq feet

> of raspberries just before it snowed.


> Oh, I almost forgot. Kind of embarassing,

> but....here goes.

> I used to pass more gas than anyone on the

> planet, in fact, we would joke about hooking a

> hose up to my butt and selling it. The

> indigestion was from the liver not functioning

> properly. Taking digestive enzymes and HCL

> wasn't helping. Now I seldom have gas and my

> digestion is fantastic.


> Oh, I also used to be cold all the time and had

> to have the heat up around 77. Now I keep it at

> 73, even when I run around the house naked. It's

> just me and Hubby so I can do that.... I used to

> have cold feet and hands all the time and use my

> hubby for a furnace at night. Not anymore,

> sometimes I'm warmer than he is! My bilirubin is

> normal, my albumin is normal, and my HDL and LDL

> were not at a good ratio 2 years ago, LDL was

> too high, HDL too low. Now the ratio is very

> fine, my WBC is normal, RBC is normal, I'm

> actually needing to supplement some iron, so I'm

> taking seaweed and other natural sources of

> iron.


> I also used to get sick all the time, especially

> fever blisters, sore throats and UTI's. I

> haven't had so much as a cold in the last few

> months. Only a couple of headaches.


> I think the things that has been most

> significant in my overall health is my dietary

> habits. I don't eat processed, fast and junk

> foods. No alcohol, drugs or tobacco. I eat

> things that grow in the garden, in as natural a

> state as possible. I think the thing that has

> been the worst contributor was my depression 2

> years ago. That's when my immune system shut

> down and the virus started to multiply. Now I'm

> going to shut the virus down. I took my MMS and

> laid down in bed, while my liver was pumping 2

> pints of blood per minute, I realized that meant

> 8 pints in 4 minutes, so I played a video game.

> I imagined the CLO2 cruising along, detecting a

> virus and grabbing it's electrons, boom! Then

> another, boom! Then a cluster, boom boom boom

> boom boom! You see, I'm in control of my immune

> system now! I gave up that control when I was

> depressed, but I take it back now! My immune

> system and I will destroy this virus!


> I feel the best choice for me is a combination

> of nutritional IV's, which bypass the liver and

> put nutrition directly into the blood, a healthy

> diet, supplements, exercise, rest, lots of

> water, positive mental attitude, lots of love

> and MMS. The last one kills, the rest rebuild.

> This MMS is strong. It's a 28% solution. I just

> took 20 drops. In 3 hours I will take 10 more,

> and in the morning 15. Then 3 hours later, I

> will start rebuilding and feeding my body and

> immune system. I will do this until the virus is

> gone. I will test every 2 months. I'll let you

> know the results of the tests. It won't be until

> late March.


> Kathy









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this is great!

still, consider CSilver alone gave me mostly the same level of HCV

improvement and i had many of the same issues. so, in the interest of

avoiding long term possible problems from MMS while keeping up kill power

alternating (pulsing) MMS and CS might be a far better thing to do.

> [ ] Benefits of MMS and nutritional

> IV's



> My overall health


> 2 years ago vs now:


> Tired - Full of energy

> Colorless and flat --- rosy cheeks

> Lack of enthusiasm -- Full of bounce - I smile

> at the world again


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Hi , loved your sig file. It's so true. We can't get from the world anything we can't give ourselves.

Have you read The Four Agreements? The smoky mirror....it reminded me of that.

May I ask what are you treating?

I hope that MMS can give you some relief! Last night I went to my local support group and everyone there was complaining of aches and pains and some had been drinking and were suffering from that. I was sitting there feeling guilty for feeling so good. Then this one lady said she was feeling great, everything was going well, no complaints. Turns out she was on MMS too. I told the group about it, and one guy asked where he could get some, and the medical professional/facilitator started telling everyone that it was dangerous, that they shouldn't believe me, that I was sounding like an infomercial.

I told her, I didn't try to sell it, the guy asked where he could get it. I'm just sharing my joy. OK? I'll shut up now. But she kept on me, giving me reason after reason for her opinions, telling me that it was hurting my liver, telling me that she knows I will never get a liver biopsy and never take the drugs, and then the drinking guy dsyd that the whole story about Jim's discovery is just a big infomercial. I got emotional. I told the facilitator a simple please stop would have sufficed and that I needed support, not criticism, and that I was done with the group. I don't want to hang out with people that don't seem to want to get well.

Truth is, so many people who are sick, no matter how much they pretend, are hurt and scared.

So we need each other.

Just watched the movie, 'Lean on me' with Freeman. Great movie!

Have a wonderful day! Sometimes the journey gets rough, but I'm sure everything will be alright in the end.

Love, Kathy

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Thanks Arthur. And thank you, . It's so nice to be able to have some support and to give it as well.

I still have my days. Some days I have headaches. Some days I get feeling kind of down, because I feel all alone. Some days Ray and I fight over stupid misunderstandings, mostly mine, and I start to hurt in my gut and feel my liver is being ravaged. But we work it out. Lucky I have a great husband who supports me. I really have beat up on him emotionally since I got sick, I take things personally and then I hate myself and I hate him for witnessing just how stupid I can get, so I push him away. But he stands by me and I'm truly blessed to have him in my life.

Hep C is a strange creature. It makes me feel a lot of fear and anger. It makes me feel WHY ME? I get easily hurt by people. At first I try to reason with them, and if they are unreasonable I get that way too. Then I hate myself for being so easily thrown off track. Then I suffer. I'm really hard on myself, I spend too much time in my own self-fabricated hell, feeling damned by my own stupidity for getting this virus.

But something inside me says that when I think about those things, and get scared or depressed or feeling like a helpless victim, that the virus is happy and multiplies, so I try to keep my thoughts positive. I try to remember Ray and how much he loves me.

Hoping everyone here hs someone to love!

I love you all for being such great pioneers.


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Kathy, many of those feelings might be better handled with EFT than just trying to wait them out. If you don't know EFT read up at www.emofree.com Lots of great info there, and it is something you can do for yourself with just a little practice. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


-------Original Message-------

Hep C is a strange creature. It makes me feel a lot of fear and anger. It makes me feel WHY ME? I get easily hurt by people. At first I try to reason with them, and if they are unreasonable I get that way too. Then I hate myself for being so easily thrown off track. Then I suffer. I'm really hard on myself, I spend too much time in my own self-fabricated hell, feeling damned by my own stupidity for getting this virus.

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Truly she was no real facilitator. She would have known better than to keep on railing against something, especially when TWO of you were doing something out of the ordinary and getting good response. It could very well be a fear of her own--that of something she doesn't understand and so she can't accept it and must keep others from accepting it too.

Maybe you can try to find a different support group? Sometimes it is good to be with other people who are going through, or have gone through, what you are. It's hard to go it alone all the time.


-------Original Message-------

But she kept on me, giving me reason after reason for her opinions, telling me that it was hurting my liver, telling me that she knows I will never get a liver biopsy and never take the drugs, and then the drinking guy dsyd that the whole story about Jim's discovery is just a big infomercial.

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Thanks, will look into tapping my way to happiness!

Today it feels like a fog has lifted.

I actually talked to my mom today for the first time without harboring some kind of expectation of her insulting me.

It was like I had totally let go of the past and was free to let her be whatever she wanted to be.

Then I was able to take her tesing without getting upset.

She said to me, Oh you dummy, you shouldn't let those things bother you! You're what, 53?

And I just grinned and said, I'm 5. She said 53? I said, 4. We settled on 54.

We talked for 45 minutes, that is an all time record.

I didn't take any thing she said personally.

I think EFT might be a good thing to help manage situations where I start to get upset from confrontations.

I actually lose my mind. I can't think straight. It's like the feeling of, "I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud."

Hugs, Kathy

So I have a question, and don't expect anyone to answer it for me, but just wondering what everyone thinks.

This Hep C is insidious. It actually is replicating in liver cells. It puts on a stealth layer of protein and the cell sees it as food. Once inside it takes off the protein and begins to make more RNA virus, but they are not identical copies. They skip the order to make copies and they just say, make more. So each can be slightly different. It mutates 3 times a day according to one source. When it makes too many copies, the cell wall bulges, breaks, and the new swarm leave, taking some protein with them to hide themselves. A wolf in sheep's clothing. So the body's immune system is confused, as it was told to go and get this thing, and suddenly it's not that thing anymore, it's something close, but different.

Hence, Jim Humble says that it can be difficult to irradicate. Another thing it does is actually leave the liver and go on field trips, find a nice little place in the bones, spine, muscles, other organs, and just hang. When it hangs, it no longer replicates, it just takes a little siesta. It hibernates. It can hibernate a long long time without having any needs to meet, then decide to head home and replicate in the liver again. This is why someone can test negative for viral load and 6 months later have an active viral load. The little bastards come back home. The chance of that happening to a type 1a (which I'm facing) is about 70 %.

So the question is, how much will it take to kill them all. How much will it take to kill the ones in the liver, and for how long on the maximum dose, and then how long to keep dosing for the prodigal sons that wake up and come back home. I'm thinking that I might as well treat MMS like interferon; in my case I would need to be on interferon for 48 weeks, or maybe even longer. What long term negative effects could taking 45 drops of MMS a day have? Could it damage the liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart, intestines, lungs? It's a big dose, after all.

I don't know if anyone has taken it that long.

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Kathy I think the feelings that you have are common among all of us.

Long term illness does that to you, you begin to desire just to be

normal. I have had the same issues with my hubby and am convinced he

has the patience of JOB. ;)


> Thanks Arthur. And thank you, . It's so

> nice to be able to have some support and to give

> it as well.


> I still have my days. Some days I have

> headaches. Some days I get feeling kind of down,

> because I feel all alone. Some days Ray and I

> fight over stupid misunderstandings, mostly

> mine, and I start to hurt in my gut and feel my

> liver is being ravaged. But we work it out.

> Lucky I have a great husband who supports me. I

> really have beat up on him emotionally since I

> got sick, I take things personally and then I

> hate myself and I hate him for witnessing just

> how stupid I can get, so I push him away. But he

> stands by me and I'm truly blessed to have him

> in my life.


> Hep C is a strange creature. It makes me feel a

> lot of fear and anger. It makes me feel WHY ME?

> I get easily hurt by people. At first I try to

> reason with them, and if they are unreasonable I

> get that way too. Then I hate myself for being

> so easily thrown off track. Then I suffer. I'm

> really hard on myself, I spend too much time in

> my own self-fabricated hell, feeling damned by

> my own stupidity for getting this virus.


> But something inside me says that when I think

> about those things, and get scared or depressed

> or feeling like a helpless victim, that the

> virus is happy and multiplies, so I try to keep

> my thoughts positive. I try to remember Ray and

> how much he loves me.


> Hoping everyone here hs someone to love!


> I love you all for being such great pioneers.


> Kathy


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I am sorry to say but the facilitator is a dork. I have never heard

of anyone dead from AMMS. I have heard of people dead from Lyme, HCV,

AIDS, ect.ect.


> Hi , loved your sig file. It's so true. We

> can't get from the world anything we can't give

> ourselves.

> Have you read The Four Agreements? The smoky

> mirror....it reminded me of that.

> May I ask what are you treating?


> I hope that MMS can give you some relief! Last

> night I went to my local support group and

> everyone there was complaining of aches and

> pains and some had been drinking and were

> suffering from that. I was sitting there feeling

> guilty for feeling so good. Then this one lady

> said she was feeling great, everything was going

> well, no complaints. Turns out she was on MMS

> too. I told the group about it, and one guy

> asked where he could get some, and the medical

> professional/facilitator started telling

> everyone that it was dangerous, that they

> shouldn't believe me, that I was sounding like

> an infomercial.


> I told her, I didn't try to sell it, the guy

> asked where he could get it. I'm just sharing my

> joy. OK? I'll shut up now. But she kept on

> me, giving me reason after reason for her

> opinions, telling me that it was hurting my

> liver, telling me that she knows I will never

> get a liver biopsy and never take the drugs, and

> then the drinking guy dsyd that the whole story

> about Jim's discovery is just a big infomercial.

> I got emotional. I told the facilitator a simple

> please stop would have sufficed and that I

> needed support, not criticism, and that I was

> done with the group. I don't want to hang out

> with people that don't seem to want to get well.


> Truth is, so many people who are sick, no matter

> how much they pretend, are hurt and scared.


> So we need each other.


> Just watched the movie, 'Lean on me' with

> Freeman. Great movie!


> Have a wonderful day! Sometimes the journey gets

> rough, but I'm sure everything will be alright

> in the end.


> Love, Kathy


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yes, i have read the four agreements. when i first read it, i said, i

gotta find out where i can be involved in this group and a few monthis

i met someone who teaches it. and then a couple of weeks ago, i met a

woman who translates for the mother of the author of the book.


i am treating diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

circulation, and at times, depression. that is why i am so excited

about mms. i hate having this young spirit and have to deal with this


about your support group..sounds like the teacher should take her won

advice. it's a shame that u felt the need to defend yourself when u

have this gift to offer. i see everything that happens in our life as

an opportunity for growth. everyone we encounter is our

teacher...even those that we call our enemies. however, please find a

good support group. i can see a few people here who might serve u in

this area...including me.

sometimes it's best to watch who we share our gifts with...like

throwing pearls to swine! just be strong within yourself.

take care,



> Hi , loved your sig file. It's so true. We

> can't get from the world anything we can't give

> ourselves.

> Have you read The Four Agreements? The smoky

> mirror....it reminded me of that.

> May I ask what are you treating?


> I hope that MMS can give you some relief! Last

> night I went to my local support group and

> everyone there was complaining of aches and

> pains and some had been drinking and were

> suffering from that. I was sitting there feeling

> guilty for feeling so good. Then this one lady

> said she was feeling great, everything was going

> well, no complaints. Turns out she was on MMS

> too. I told the group about it, and one guy

> asked where he could get some, and the medical

> professional/facilitator started telling

> everyone that it was dangerous, that they

> shouldn't believe me, that I was sounding like

> an infomercial.


> I told her, I didn't try to sell it, the guy

> asked where he could get it. I'm just sharing my

> joy. OK? I'll shut up now. But she kept on

> me, giving me reason after reason for her

> opinions, telling me that it was hurting my

> liver, telling me that she knows I will never

> get a liver biopsy and never take the drugs, and

> then the drinking guy dsyd that the whole story

> about Jim's discovery is just a big infomercial.

> I got emotional. I told the facilitator a simple

> please stop would have sufficed and that I

> needed support, not criticism, and that I was

> done with the group. I don't want to hang out

> with people that don't seem to want to get well.


> Truth is, so many people who are sick, no matter

> how much they pretend, are hurt and scared.


> So we need each other.


> Just watched the movie, 'Lean on me' with

> Freeman. Great movie!


> Have a wonderful day! Sometimes the journey gets

> rough, but I'm sure everything will be alright

> in the end.


> Love, Kathy


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Hi :

You mention " ... diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

circulation, and at times, depression. "

As sometimes " poor circulation " might lead to 'one's body being cold, taking

ages to warm up in bed etc' I wonder if this could be what can be troubling

to you.

I have experienced depression due to a sodium deficiency (when I used to

keep my salt intake too low), and poor circulation which meant that for

years my wife noticed that I was colder. She would always feel very warm to

me. That got fixed as soon as I lifted my magnesium intake (and has stayed

fixed, and I have had more energy too). I get more done these days! (I put

magnesium chloride on my skin regularly now.)


[ ] Re: Benefits of MMS and nutritional



yes, i have read the four agreements. when i first read it, i said, i

gotta find out where i can be involved in this group and a few monthis

i met someone who teaches it. and then a couple of weeks ago, i met a

woman who translates for the mother of the author of the book.


i am treating diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

circulation, and at times, depression. that is why i am so excited

about mms. i hate having this young spirit and have to deal with this


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Kathy, maybe you wouldn't need to take the full 45 drop dose every day forever. Maybe once it goes into remission--or siesta as they say here :-) you could drop the dose down to 15 a day. That's tops for most everything else. And so long as the cells weren't active, but still acidic, the MMS would kill them. Then, if the cells got afraid and did a break out again, you could always go back up to the 45 dose.

I think truly, you are worrying about something too far in the future. You are good at listening to your body--just do what your body says. Stay on that 45 drop dose until you feel like it's time to take a break, and then go down to, say 15. Then listen to your body to see how it feels. You don't know--I don't think anyone knows for sure, because every single case seems to be different--but perhaps with all that you do besides the MMS, you could be killing off all your Hep cells. Just because someone says they replicate and move and so on, does not mean that you can't defeat them. And the more you ponder about how hard it is going to be, the harder it will be.

You have already come so far. Don't worry about the future. You will know what to do when the time comes.

It's a thought.


-------Original Message-------

So the question is, how much will it take to kill them all. How much will it take to kill the ones in the liver, and for how long on the maximum dose, and then how long to keep dosing for the prodigal sons that wake up and come back home. I'm thinking that I might as well treat MMS like interferon; in my case I would need to be on interferon for 48 weeks, or maybe even longer. What long term negative effects could taking 45 drops of MMS a day have? Could it damage the liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart, intestines, lungs? It's a big dose, after all.

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> > > > I hope that MMS can give you some relief! Last > night I went to my local support group and > everyone there was complaining of aches and > pains and some had been drinking and were > suffering from that. I was sitting there feeling > guilty for feeling so good. Then this one lady > said she was feeling great, everything was going > well, no complaints. Turns out she was on MMS >

too. Facilitator can't have TOO many folks with no complaints and feeling good in the group, now can she? Spoil the ambience. lol. Group would soon dissipate, where would she be? People who get better tend to move on as the lethargic energy of such groups begins to tax/drain their own systems. In plain english, the energies no longer jive, and can become vampiric. Inevitable for those on the road to recovery.>I told the group about it, and one guy > asked where he could get some, and the medical > professional/facilitator started telling > everyone that it was dangerous, that they > shouldn't believe me, that I was sounding like > an infomercial. MMS is not dangerous to the group, you are. <g> knowledge isalways a dangerous thing...to people who feel threatened....by your recovery. Sounds like your facilitator is

one of them people...and rather selfish, at that.Also sounds like that "guy" may have his own agenda for being in the group. There is some truth to the saying, misery loves company. > > I told her, I didn't try to sell it, the guy > asked where he could get it. I'm just sharing my > joy. OK? I'll shut up now. But she kept on > me, giving me reason after reason for her > opinions, telling me that it was hurting my > liver, telling me that she knows I will never > get a liver biopsy and never take the drugs, and > then the drinking guy dsyd that the whole story > about Jim's discovery is just a big infomercial. > I got emotional. I told the facilitator a simple > please stop would have sufficed and that I > needed support, not criticism, and that I was > done with the group. I don't want to hang out > with people that don't seem to want

to get well.Time to go? Group no longer serves your higher interests? But, You already know by your last statment. I was involved in a cancer support groupmore than 20 years ago. Macrobiotics orientated. Like you,I was usually feeling good, upbeat and intent on recovery. After a few meetings, I realized I did not belong there, nor should I stay there...bad for my health. At every meeting, people would get together and reminisce about those that died during the week.The weekly mood of the majority of the group was always rather morose, as if they accepted their impending deaths as the inevitable, as opposed to recovery. > > Truth is, so many people who are sick, no matter > how much they pretend, are hurt and scared. > > So we need each other. True, to a certain extent. Which was my reason for joining

the support group. Truth is also, that as time goes by, and the fear lessens, the spirit grows stronger. Wisdom, experience will then allow you to choose your groups more selectively. To ones that will engender inspiration, encouragement. Groups, regardless, always have their share of people who neverget past the fear and prefer the status quo. > > Just watched the movie, 'Lean on me' with > Freeman. Great movie!If there is man to be first on my list as #1 for a lunch date, it would be Freeman. Dinner - with Hopkins, and dessert with . (big grin) > Have a wonderful day! Sometimes the journey gets > rough, but I'm sure everything will be alright > in the end.Kathy...keep up the great attitude, love of life and laughter. It

will carry you great distances. > Love, Kathy Yes. Love - Kathy = you= yourself. ; ) It is the numero uno of the 4 Agreements. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Kathy Wenger <katmakiah@...> wrote: Hep C is a strange creature. It makes me feel a lot of fear and anger. It makes me feel WHY ME? I get easily hurt by people. At first I try to reason with them, and if they are unreasonable I get that way too. Then I hate myself for being so easily thrown off track. Then I suffer. I'm really hard on myself, I spend too much time in my own self-fabricated hell, feeling damned by my own stupidity for getting this virus.Kathy. Hep C makes you do things? Could it be that you are attributing to the thoughts

of dis-ease more power and credit than it deserves. But something inside me says that when I think about those things, and get scared or depressed or feeling like a helpless victim, that the virus is happy and multiplies, so I try to keep my thoughts positive. I try to remember Ray and how much he loves me. You may take

offense to this as well. I hope not, though. You are the dis-ease, the dis-ease is you.The mind and body are one. Trying to segregate the two....just think about the word...segretation as it applies to real time, now life circumstances. Segregation never works. Causes resentment,sense of entitlement to one entity or the other. Integration. Suggestion. Look into neuro-linguistic programing....or re-programing.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming Hoping everyone here hs someone to love! I love you all for being such great pioneers. Kathy Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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hi phil,

actually i am quite warm most of the time. also, i use sea salt, as i

think it's necessary, due to mineral content, so don't think it's

sodium deficiency. also take magnesium, but am thinking of trying

magnesium chloride, but hesitate, due to the expense. what with

buying organic, taking supplements, there is not enough $$ to take

everything that comes along. as for my depression, i have had it as

long as i can remember, however, it is so unnoticeable that i appear

quite sane in my demeanor...only i know it's there. as the years

pass, i seem to be lightening up, due to an unstoppable drive to be

happier. i am happier at this time than as a child. imo, body

follows mind, so i can only look forward to better times.

thanks for your input,



> Hi :

> You mention " ... diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

> circulation, and at times, depression. "


> As sometimes " poor circulation " might lead to 'one's body being

cold, taking

> ages to warm up in bed etc' I wonder if this could be what can be


> to you.


> I have experienced depression due to a sodium deficiency (when I

used to

> keep my salt intake too low), and poor circulation which meant that for

> years my wife noticed that I was colder. She would always feel very

warm to

> me. That got fixed as soon as I lifted my magnesium intake (and has


> fixed, and I have had more energy too). I get more done these days!

(I put

> magnesium chloride on my skin regularly now.)

> Phil




> [ ] Re: Benefits of MMS and


> IV's



> Kathy,


> yes, i have read the four agreements. when i first read it, i said, i

> gotta find out where i can be involved in this group and a few monthis

> i met someone who teaches it. and then a couple of weeks ago, i met a

> woman who translates for the mother of the author of the book.

> synchronicity!!!


> i am treating diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

> circulation, and at times, depression. that is why i am so excited

> about mms. i hate having this young spirit and have to deal with this

> body.


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dianamagic2000 wrote:

hi phil,

actually i am quite warm most of the time. also, i use sea salt, as i

think it's necessary, due to mineral content, so don't think it's

sodium deficiency. also take magnesium, but am thinking of trying

magnesium chloride, but hesitate, due to the expense.

It's simple to make from, for instance Dead Sea salt.  All you need is

the salt, water, and some lye.

You dissolve the salt in the water, raise the pH by adding lye,  and a

white precipitate forms.  This is what the passage below is referring

to as "the precipitate"

"The Wet Method gives me a relatively non-laxative magnesium supplement when I dissolve the precipitate with HCl. Then the magnesium is a chloride. If you are deficient of magnesium you should apply magnesium chloride to your skin. (Do read the book I mention below.)

When taken transdermally (applied to the skin) the magnesium is very effectively utilized - many times more-so than when taken orally, because of it's laxative effects. "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", a book by Mark Sircus, discusses the topic at length in his book. Suppliers of "Magnesium Oil" use sea minerals having very high mineral concentrations such that the solutions have a density of 1.3 (even 1.4 for the sample ex "Ancient Minerals" that I was given recently. My own precipitate of NZ sea water when dissolved with HCl has a (relative) density of 1.0, but after dehydrating it for 24 hours the value became just over 1.1 - when the solution volume was reduced to 68%. The solution has some of the "Magnesium Oil" effect but is definitely is of a weaker strength than my "Ancient Minerals" sample. However I use more and have achieved a very good gain in my tissue levels of magnesium, that I experience due to the increased energy at cell level that I now have. In the above mentioned book in chapter 3, Dietary Magnesium Deficiencies, Page 19, is this: "Studies show that as many as half of all Americans do not consume enough magnesium. Magnesium deficits have been tied to allergies, asthma, ADD, anxiety, muscle cramps and other conditions." and, "The latest government study shows a staggering 68% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Even more frightening are data from this study showing that 19% of Americans do not consume even half of the governments recommended daily intake of magnesium."

Note: That when the dissolved solution is made acidic, the easy way to return to 7pH is to have some "spare precipitate" to add - slowly while stirring. The precipitate dissolves readily, but you need to use a pH meter to check the pH as you do this.

Naturally a precipitate induced to have lots of ORMUS will be even more beneficial, but you will enjoy it more if you avoid experiencing the effects of being magnesium deficient.


what with

buying organic, taking supplements, there is not enough $$ to take

everything that comes along. as for my depression, i have had it as

long as i can remember, however, it is so unnoticeable that i appear

quite sane in my demeanor...only i know it's there. as the years

pass, i seem to be lightening up, due to an unstoppable drive to be

happier. i am happier at this time than as a child. imo, body

follows mind, so i can only look forward to better times. thanks for your input,


Hi :

You mention "... diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor circulation, and at times, depression."

As sometimes "poor circulation" might lead to 'one's body being

cold, taking

ages to warm up in bed etc' I wonder if this could be what can be


to you.

I have experienced depression due to a sodium deficiency (when I

used to

keep my salt intake too low), and poor circulation which meant that for years my wife noticed that I was colder. She would always feel very

warm to

me. That got fixed as soon as I lifted my magnesium intake (and has


fixed, and I have had more energy too). I get more done these days!

(I put

magnesium chloride on my skin regularly now.)


[ ] Re: Benefits of MMS and




yes, i have read the four agreements. when i first read it, i said, i

gotta find out where i can be involved in this group and a few monthis

i met someone who teaches it. and then a couple of weeks ago, i met a

woman who translates for the mother of the author of the book.


i am treating diabetes II, arthritis, sciatica, and i have poor

circulation, and at times, depression. that is why i am so excited

about mms. i hate having this young spirit and have to deal with this


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When you feel that the HCV in the liver is cleared out and you only want

to protect against the stealthily returning virus, perhaps you could go

down to a maintenance dose and increase dosage again at a period or

frequency which would nip any reinfection in the bud. (ie: Some form of

maintenanced and pulsing.)




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Kathy


Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:10 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Benefits of MMS and

nutritional IV's

So the question is, how much will it take to kill them all. How

much will it take to kill the ones in the liver, and for how long on the

maximum dose, and then how long to keep dosing for the prodigal sons

that wake up and come back home. I'm thinking that I might as well treat

MMS like interferon; in my case I would need to be on interferon for 48

weeks, or maybe even longer. What long term negative effects could

taking 45 drops of MMS a day have? Could it damage the liver, kidneys,

pancreas, heart, intestines, lungs? It's a big dose, after all.

I don't know if anyone has taken it that long.

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