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Re: Does MMS remove toxins?

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I agree, Not sure if MMS will take out " every " heavy matal and toxin,

But I bet it takes lots of them out. I know I have a mercury problem,

How....., You ask.?, Because I have a mouth full of amalgams. And I

have all the nice little side effects that mercury causes. The past

few years I find myself with plugged lymphatics, Swollen prostate and

locked up lower back plus many other symptoms to numerous to mention

here. When I started the MMS I started getting rashes over my lower

back and over my tummy which lies right over the prostate area. Little

red bumps and itching like crazy. I saw this and see this for what it

is, Simply a detox reaction. Because as this happens I expierence

relief in that area. I see so many posts here about killing microbes

and bugs but very little about heavy metals. I don't think MMS " S

effects would last long if it only killed microbes and left heavy

metals in your system, As heavy metals breeds and supports the nasty

little critters.If we are taking MMS to kill microbes only, And that

" is " all MMS does, Then are we not just treating the symptoms..? On

the other hand, If MMS neutralizes heavy metals, Pesticides and other

toxins as well as killing the microbes, Then we are attempting to

treat the cause. This is what I am hoping MMS doe's. I see it as a

toxin neutralizer as well as a microbe killer.


> Does MMS remove toxins not related to virus die-off, and heavy

metals? I

> think

> It does. It probably cannot remove them all, especially if you

start out

> with a compromised immune system, but I believe that it is removing


> Here's why.



> Background first:

> A friend of mine has a dog that has lymphoma. She took the dog to a vet

> about an hour and a half from here, because the vet does great work with

> cancers. She put the dog on IV chemo and special supplements. The

dog has

> done well and the nodes in her neck shrunk. This happened over a 5


> period. Then

> Recently the nodes came back, the dog got sick again and the vet

asked my

> friend if she just wanted to put her dog down. My friend said no.

The dog

> was bad enough that she was on IV antibiotics for 3 days to try and

lower an

> infection that had Hit the dog.


> When my friend told me this I suggested MMS to her. She took it to

her vet

> who decided to give it to the dog orally rather than IV because the

dog was

> already on IV antibiotics. Within one day of the MMS the dog was

able to

> get off the IV and go home. All the swelling had gone down

overnight and

> the dog seemed to be feeling much better, so the vet sent her home,


> my friend that she had never seen such a quick recovery before.

Since that

> time the dog has really recovered and my friend is thrilled. The dog is

> even jumping up on the bed to receive her squirt of AMMS (she hasn't


> able to jump on the bed for over 5 months). My friend just squirts

the AMMS

> from a syringe rather than putting into the dogs food and she says

the dog

> seems to know that it is helping. She is always eager to receive

the AMMS.

> The nodes are shrinking again. So, now my friend is a believer.


> I sent her all sorts of info on MMS and she has 2 clients who have

lots of

> candida so she is putting them both on MMS. So then my friend says

to me--

> you know, I use to have candida, and went on the candida diet and

did some

> cleanses and got rid of it, but that was a few years ago and I've been

> craving some strange things, so perhaps the candida is starting to

come back

> Maybe I should try the MMS " .


> MMS removes toxins?


> So--she started the MMS, slowly, with 1 drop as I had suggested.

Now, she

> considers herself pretty healthy. She is 62, but hikes, is physically

> active, eats a good health promoting diet, exercises, takes herbs

(she is an

> herbalist), and has done some other cleansing/detox protocols before.


> By the time she got up to 4 drops she called me, a bit worried, as

she got a

> rash on her stomach in the duodenal area. I told her that

sometimes people

> get rashes and other skin problems rather than the diarrhea/nausea I had

> originally told her to look for. She was relieved because she said

that she

> actually does detox through her skin rather than intestines, as this had

> happened before during her candida detox. She had thought the rash

was a

> reaction to the MMS rather than a detox as I had not originally told

her to

> look for that.


> In talking to her again later, once the rashing got to be really


> much so that she couldn't sleep and had to take antihistamine, I


> that we just found out my uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.

Two years

> ago his youngest son died of the very same leukemia! They swear up

and down

> that this leukemia is not hereditary but that they were both probably

> exposed to a petroleum based product at some point.


> My friend gasped and said that she had used a petroleum based

insecticide to

> keep flies off her horses. She not only had the rash over her

stomach area,

> where the pesticide had probably gone through the liver, but the

rash was

> very distinctly under her right arm (and not her left) which would

have been

> the side she put the pesticide on with.


> So. Why would the body rash in these areas if the AMMS was not trying to

> remove the toxins out through those areas? It is much harder to

tell what

> toxins are being removed via the bowel and kidneys, so we can wonder

if it

> is even doing this with any heavy metal. But I believe my friend's

case to

> show that the MMS is actually doing just that.


> I have since recommended my friend take some binding agents to help

the body

> get rid of these toxins more easily. I think from now on I will suggest

> that everyone also take such binding agents when on MMS. Because no


> how healthy we seem to be--who will perhaps even remember something

like a

> chemical or environmental exposure from years before, especially if you

> think it is already removed from your system because you've done detoxes

> before?


> Perhaps it would behoove all of us taking MMS to also take some clay or

> charcoal or the cheaper liquid zeolite, plus perhaps some liver support

> herbs like milk thistle. If we are stirring up these toxins, or as

in the

> recently reported case of cancer die-off overload that is dangerous, our

> bodies need all the help it can get to get rid of these things.

None of us

> are, apparently, as healthy as we think we are. (well, except for you,

> Wayne. :-)


> Samala,



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i was reading about zeolite and was wondering if it would be good for

me to take this, as i do not have cancer. at first i thought it was

NOT cheap at all until i found this site. http://www.zeolitedepot.com/

can someone check it out to see if it is a good brand? it is only $20

with free shipping, opposed to around $49 elsewhere. also, what type

of clay are u talking about...and what is meant by a " binder " ?

thanks, diana


> Perhaps it would behoove all of us taking MMS to also take some clay or

> charcoal or the cheaper liquid zeolite, plus perhaps some liver support

> herbs like milk thistle. If we are stirring up these toxins, or as

in the

> recently reported case of cancer die-off overload that is dangerous, our

> bodies need all the help it can get to get rid of these things.

None of us

> are, apparently, as healthy as we think we are. (well, except for you,

> Wayne. :-)


> Samala,



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I think you are right Bob. I think it does both. I know no one doubts it kills microbes, but I know there was a question as to whether or not it actually did anything with heavy metals, then the was the question of did it just stir up the metal without it actually being able to leave the body. I think my friend's experience and your experiences show that it does both. Neutralizes the metals and helps remove them. Thing is--the skin seems to be doing the liver's job in these instances. I don't know if that's normal, or even healthy. I would think the liver should be able to eliminate them via the stool and urine--but either because the liver is compromised too much already (from the metals, pathogens) that it just can't do it all, or perhaps is it that the skin actually does something with metals that the liver doesn't/can't do? That's the part I'm not so sure of. But in any case--liver support and maybe even skin support--sweating in a sauna, dry brushing, clay baths, etc--would certainly help.


-------Original Message-------

...? On

the other hand, If MMS neutralizes heavy metals, Pesticides and other

toxins as well as killing the microbes, Then we are attempting to

treat the cause. This is what I am hoping MMS doe's. I see it as a

toxin neutralizer as well as a microbe killer.

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MMS isn't a chelator. Only if you have very good liver, kidney and

bowel function will heavy metals be coming out. It's possible to

damage your liver and kidneys by attempting to remove metals without a

safe chelator especially if you have existing amalgams.

I had a serious liver problem and all detoxes and treatments would

leave me with rashes and fatigue. Nothing was getting past my liver.

I used Natural Cellular Defense and it did for me what over $20000

worth of other treatments didn't do and it didn't leave me with rashes

or pimples.

After getting out my amalgams, the chelation doc who is top in his

field in Germany and is author of a chelation textbook, told me he

couldn't do it on me since it would hurt me, perhaps permanently. My

liver and kidneys were in too bad a condition. Since educating myself

on this subject I've met many people whose chelation docs have not

bothered doing the testing beforehand!!! Please be aware of this.

Doctors have lost their licenses due to patient deaths with chelation.

I was googling a delicensed doctor and found this out recently.

With plugged lymphs I would suggest using a homepathic remedy from

Pascoe called Lymphdiaral. Use the cream and the drops internally.

Or do some Aqua Chi or Ion Cleanse treatments and use NCD (listen to

the recording on www.ncdpro.com/detoxqueen to hear exactly how it

works and compares to other chelation from a doctor). The footbath

will really help the lymphs and the NCD will remove the mercury from

your body but will not leach it from your existing amalgams.

Swollen prostate is due to toxins!!!! Don't let this get worse. You

need something to carry the heavy metals out of your body. The MMS

will work much better in a body that isn't so toxic. Your liver

function needs to improve to get rid of the toxins.

You can't " neutralize " a heavy metal. It needs to come out. It's

possible to overload your body. Hepeel homepathic ampules will also

help to support the liver but detox is crucial. It could save your life.


> >

> > Does MMS remove toxins not related to virus die-off, and heavy

> metals? I

> > think

> > It does. It probably cannot remove them all, especially if you

> start out

> > with a compromised immune system, but I believe that it is removing

> toxins.

> > Here's why.

> >

> >

> > Background first:

> > A friend of mine has a dog that has lymphoma. She took the dog to

a vet

> > about an hour and a half from here, because the vet does great

work with

> > cancers. She put the dog on IV chemo and special supplements. The

> dog has

> > done well and the nodes in her neck shrunk. This happened over a 5

> month

> > period. Then

> > Recently the nodes came back, the dog got sick again and the vet

> asked my

> > friend if she just wanted to put her dog down. My friend said no.

> The dog

> > was bad enough that she was on IV antibiotics for 3 days to try and

> lower an

> > infection that had Hit the dog.

> >

> > When my friend told me this I suggested MMS to her. She took it to

> her vet

> > who decided to give it to the dog orally rather than IV because the

> dog was

> > already on IV antibiotics. Within one day of the MMS the dog was

> able to

> > get off the IV and go home. All the swelling had gone down

> overnight and

> > the dog seemed to be feeling much better, so the vet sent her home,

> telling

> > my friend that she had never seen such a quick recovery before.

> Since that

> > time the dog has really recovered and my friend is thrilled. The

dog is

> > even jumping up on the bed to receive her squirt of AMMS (she hasn't

> been

> > able to jump on the bed for over 5 months). My friend just squirts

> the AMMS

> > from a syringe rather than putting into the dogs food and she says

> the dog

> > seems to know that it is helping. She is always eager to receive

> the AMMS.

> > The nodes are shrinking again. So, now my friend is a believer.

> >

> > I sent her all sorts of info on MMS and she has 2 clients who have

> lots of

> > candida so she is putting them both on MMS. So then my friend says

> to me--

> > you know, I use to have candida, and went on the candida diet and

> did some

> > cleanses and got rid of it, but that was a few years ago and I've been

> > craving some strange things, so perhaps the candida is starting to

> come back

> > Maybe I should try the MMS " .

> >

> > MMS removes toxins?

> >

> > So--she started the MMS, slowly, with 1 drop as I had suggested.

> Now, she

> > considers herself pretty healthy. She is 62, but hikes, is physically

> > active, eats a good health promoting diet, exercises, takes herbs

> (she is an

> > herbalist), and has done some other cleansing/detox protocols


> >

> > By the time she got up to 4 drops she called me, a bit worried, as

> she got a

> > rash on her stomach in the duodenal area. I told her that

> sometimes people

> > get rashes and other skin problems rather than the diarrhea/nausea

I had

> > originally told her to look for. She was relieved because she said

> that she

> > actually does detox through her skin rather than intestines, as

this had

> > happened before during her candida detox. She had thought the rash

> was a

> > reaction to the MMS rather than a detox as I had not originally told

> her to

> > look for that.

> >

> > In talking to her again later, once the rashing got to be really

> itchy--so

> > much so that she couldn't sleep and had to take antihistamine, I

> mentioned

> > that we just found out my uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.

> Two years

> > ago his youngest son died of the very same leukemia! They swear up

> and down

> > that this leukemia is not hereditary but that they were both probably

> > exposed to a petroleum based product at some point.

> >

> > My friend gasped and said that she had used a petroleum based

> insecticide to

> > keep flies off her horses. She not only had the rash over her

> stomach area,

> > where the pesticide had probably gone through the liver, but the

> rash was

> > very distinctly under her right arm (and not her left) which would

> have been

> > the side she put the pesticide on with.

> >

> > So. Why would the body rash in these areas if the AMMS was not

trying to

> > remove the toxins out through those areas? It is much harder to

> tell what

> > toxins are being removed via the bowel and kidneys, so we can wonder

> if it

> > is even doing this with any heavy metal. But I believe my friend's

> case to

> > show that the MMS is actually doing just that.

> >

> > I have since recommended my friend take some binding agents to help

> the body

> > get rid of these toxins more easily. I think from now on I will


> > that everyone also take such binding agents when on MMS. Because no

> matter

> > how healthy we seem to be--who will perhaps even remember something

> like a

> > chemical or environmental exposure from years before, especially

if you

> > think it is already removed from your system because you've done


> > before?

> >

> > Perhaps it would behoove all of us taking MMS to also take some

clay or

> > charcoal or the cheaper liquid zeolite, plus perhaps some liver


> > herbs like milk thistle. If we are stirring up these toxins, or as

> in the

> > recently reported case of cancer die-off overload that is

dangerous, our

> > bodies need all the help it can get to get rid of these things.

> None of us

> > are, apparently, as healthy as we think we are. (well, except for


> > Wayne. :-)

> >

> > Samala,

> >

> >


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Thank you for the info. I do think MMS is great, But like you said I

think I need some help getting this stuff out, It is about to kill me.

It's like a slow death. I am guessing that my liver is sluggish and

have been wondering what I could add that I could afford that would

help speed up the process and still be safe while I have this mercury

still in my mouth. I will look into the items you talked about. Thank

you so much.


> >

> >

> > I agree, Not sure if MMS will take out " every " heavy matal and toxin,

> > But I bet it takes lots of them out. I know I have a mercury problem,

> > How....., You ask.?, Because I have a mouth full of amalgams. And I

> > have all the nice little side effects that mercury causes. The past

> > few years I find myself with plugged lymphatics, Swollen prostate and

> > locked up lower back plus many other symptoms to numerous to mention

> > here. When I started the MMS I started getting rashes over my lower

> > back and over my tummy which lies right over the prostate area. Little

> > red bumps and itching like crazy. I saw this and see this for what it

> > is, Simply a detox reaction. Because as this happens I expierence

> > relief in that area. I see so many posts here about killing microbes

> > and bugs but very little about heavy metals. I don't think MMS " S

> > effects would last long if it only killed microbes and left heavy

> > metals in your system, As heavy metals breeds and supports the nasty

> > little critters.If we are taking MMS to kill microbes only, And that

> > " is " all MMS does, Then are we not just treating the symptoms..? On

> > the other hand, If MMS neutralizes heavy metals, Pesticides and other

> > toxins as well as killing the microbes, Then we are attempting to

> > treat the cause. This is what I am hoping MMS doe's. I see it as a

> > toxin neutralizer as well as a microbe killer.

> >

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Hello Sharon, Just my comment here about getting rid of heavy metals from

the body. I have hemochromatosis, (iron overload), and heard that drinking

distilled water helped rid the body of some metals. I have been drinking

only distilled water, using it for cooking, cleaning teeth, washing etc, and

my ferritin levels have dropped for the first time in years by about 200

points over a period of about 5 months. I have not changed anything else,

just drinking the distilled water, so I am wondering if it would also be

helpful in getting rid of mercury, or other heavy metals. I know distilled

water gets some bad press, but I have found it helpful in my case at least.

Probably won't drink it exclusively after my next blood test, even if my

ferritin is down even further, but short term it might help. Just a thought.

Regards. Lorraine.

> MMS isn't a chelator. Only if you have very good liver, kidney and

> bowel function will heavy metals be coming out. It's possible to

> damage your liver and kidneys by attempting to remove metals without a

> safe chelator especially if you have existing amalgams.


> I had a serious liver problem and all detoxes and treatments would

> leave me with rashes and fatigue. Nothing was getting past my liver.

> I used Natural Cellular Defense and it did for me what over $20000

> worth of other treatments didn't do and it didn't leave me with rashes

> or pimples.


> After getting out my amalgams, the chelation doc who is top in his

> field in Germany and is author of a chelation textbook, told me he

> couldn't do it on me since it would hurt me, perhaps permanently. My

> liver and kidneys were in too bad a condition. Since educating myself

> on this subject I've met many people whose chelation docs have not

> bothered doing the testing beforehand!!! Please be aware of this.

> Doctors have lost their licenses due to patient deaths with chelation.

> I was googling a delicensed doctor and found this out recently.


> With plugged lymphs I would suggest using a homepathic remedy from

> Pascoe called Lymphdiaral. Use the cream and the drops internally.

> Or do some Aqua Chi or Ion Cleanse treatments and use NCD (listen to

> the recording on www.ncdpro.com/detoxqueen to hear exactly how it

> works and compares to other chelation from a doctor). The footbath

> will really help the lymphs and the NCD will remove the mercury from

> your body but will not leach it from your existing amalgams.


> Swollen prostate is due to toxins!!!! Don't let this get worse. You

> need something to carry the heavy metals out of your body. The MMS

> will work much better in a body that isn't so toxic. Your liver

> function needs to improve to get rid of the toxins.


> You can't " neutralize " a heavy metal. It needs to come out. It's

> possible to overload your body. Hepeel homepathic ampules will also

> help to support the liver but detox is crucial. It could save your life.


> Sharon

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Heres a little blurb about cilantro removing heavy metals. I got 100,000 hits on cilantro/heavy metals. I plan to use it as a juice veg for a bit, and see what happens. I have tried in the past to do the pesto, but it gets monotonous to eat. It is also said to protect against aflatoxins- might be good to eat if you are eating a lot of brazil nuts. I was warned about the B ns from a guy who lives in brazil. They can lay on the forest floor for a long time and mold. It doesn't matter if the claim is "organic". He says there are no organic brazil nuts, although they probably aren't sprayed.. They grow on huge trees in the jungle.The aflatoxin is said to grow

between the brown skin and nut. As a side note, just prior to starting the mms, I would consistently get liver pain from nuts, first from the brazil, then from peanut butter, then milder pain from almond butter. I finally just quit. For what its worth, we have here a nut dis. company, and they note on their label that the nuts in the bags were processed on the same equipment as peanuts. (maybe because of allergies?) (just wondering about that one)

Re: [ ] Re: Does MMS remove toxins?

Hello Sharon, Just my comment here about getting rid of heavy metals from the body. I have hemochromatosis, (iron overload), and heard that drinking distilled water helped rid the body of some metals. I have been drinking only distilled water, using it for cooking, cleaning teeth, washing etc, and my ferritin levels have dropped for the first time in years by about 200 points over a period of about 5 months. I have not changed anything else, just drinking the distilled water, so I am wondering if it would also be helpful in getting rid of mercury, or other heavy metals. I know distilled water gets some bad press, but I have found it helpful in my case at least. Probably won't drink it exclusively after my next blood test, even if my ferritin is down even further, but short term it might help. Just a thought. Regards. Lorraine.> MMS isn't a chelator. Only if you have very good liver, kidney

and> bowel function will heavy metals be coming out. It's possible to> damage your liver and kidneys by attempting to remove metals without a> safe chelator especially if you have existing amalgams.>> I had a serious liver problem and all detoxes and treatments would> leave me with rashes and fatigue. Nothing was getting past my liver.> I used Natural Cellular Defense and it did for me what over $20000> worth of other treatments didn't do and it didn't leave me with rashes> or pimples.>> After getting out my amalgams, the chelation doc who is top in his> field in Germany and is author of a chelation textbook, told me he> couldn't do it on me since it would hurt me, perhaps permanently. My> liver and kidneys were in too bad a condition. Since educating myself> on this subject I've met many people whose chelation docs have not> bothered doing

the testing beforehand!! ! Please be aware of this.> Doctors have lost their licenses due to patient deaths with chelation.> I was googling a delicensed doctor and found this out recently.>> With plugged lymphs I would suggest using a homepathic remedy from> Pascoe called Lymphdiaral. Use the cream and the drops internally.> Or do some Aqua Chi or Ion Cleanse treatments and use NCD (listen to> the recording on www.ncdpro.com/ detoxqueen to hear exactly how it> works and compares to other chelation from a doctor). The footbath> will really help the lymphs and the NCD will remove the mercury from> your body but will not leach it from your existing amalgams.>> Swollen prostate is due to toxins!!!! Don't let this get worse. You> need something to carry the heavy metals out of your body. The MMS> will work much

better in a body that isn't so toxic. Your liver> function needs to improve to get rid of the toxins.>> You can't "neutralize" a heavy metal. It needs to come out. It's> possible to overload your body. Hepeel homepathic ampules will also> help to support the liver but detox is crucial. It could save your life.>> Sharon

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I love posts like this one. They are not only encouraging, they are

interesting and informative. Someone a while back said that we on

this group were conducting our own studies on MMS and that is

correct. with the input of others we all learn so THANKS



> Does MMS remove toxins not related to virus die-off, and heavy

metals? I

> think

> It does. It probably cannot remove them all, especially if you

start out

> with a compromised immune system, but I believe that it is removing


> Here's why.



> Background first:

> A friend of mine has a dog that has lymphoma. She took the dog to

a vet

> about an hour and a half from here, because the vet does great work


> cancers. She put the dog on IV chemo and special supplements. The

dog has

> done well and the nodes in her neck shrunk. This happened over a 5


> period. Then

> Recently the nodes came back, the dog got sick again and the vet

asked my

> friend if she just wanted to put her dog down. My friend said no.

The dog

> was bad enough that she was on IV antibiotics for 3 days to try and

lower an

> infection that had Hit the dog.


> When my friend told me this I suggested MMS to her. She took it to

her vet

> who decided to give it to the dog orally rather than IV because the

dog was

> already on IV antibiotics. Within one day of the MMS the dog was

able to

> get off the IV and go home. All the swelling had gone down

overnight and

> the dog seemed to be feeling much better, so the vet sent her home,


> my friend that she had never seen such a quick recovery before.

Since that

> time the dog has really recovered and my friend is thrilled. The

dog is

> even jumping up on the bed to receive her squirt of AMMS (she

hasn't been

> able to jump on the bed for over 5 months). My friend just squirts

the AMMS

> from a syringe rather than putting into the dogs food and she says

the dog

> seems to know that it is helping. She is always eager to receive

the AMMS.

> The nodes are shrinking again. So, now my friend is a believer.


> I sent her all sorts of info on MMS and she has 2 clients who have

lots of

> candida so she is putting them both on MMS. So then my friend says

to me--

> you know, I use to have candida, and went on the candida diet and

did some

> cleanses and got rid of it, but that was a few years ago and I've


> craving some strange things, so perhaps the candida is starting to

come back

> Maybe I should try the MMS " .


> MMS removes toxins?


> So--she started the MMS, slowly, with 1 drop as I had suggested.

Now, she

> considers herself pretty healthy. She is 62, but hikes, is


> active, eats a good health promoting diet, exercises, takes herbs

(she is an

> herbalist), and has done some other cleansing/detox protocols



> By the time she got up to 4 drops she called me, a bit worried, as

she got a

> rash on her stomach in the duodenal area. I told her that

sometimes people

> get rashes and other skin problems rather than the diarrhea/nausea

I had

> originally told her to look for. She was relieved because she said

that she

> actually does detox through her skin rather than intestines, as

this had

> happened before during her candida detox. She had thought the rash

was a

> reaction to the MMS rather than a detox as I had not originally

told her to

> look for that.


> In talking to her again later, once the rashing got to be really


> much so that she couldn't sleep and had to take antihistamine, I


> that we just found out my uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.

Two years

> ago his youngest son died of the very same leukemia! They swear up

and down

> that this leukemia is not hereditary but that they were both


> exposed to a petroleum based product at some point.


> My friend gasped and said that she had used a petroleum based

insecticide to

> keep flies off her horses. She not only had the rash over her

stomach area,

> where the pesticide had probably gone through the liver, but the

rash was

> very distinctly under her right arm (and not her left) which would

have been

> the side she put the pesticide on with.


> So. Why would the body rash in these areas if the AMMS was not

trying to

> remove the toxins out through those areas? It is much harder to

tell what

> toxins are being removed via the bowel and kidneys, so we can

wonder if it

> is even doing this with any heavy metal. But I believe my friend's

case to

> show that the MMS is actually doing just that.


> I have since recommended my friend take some binding agents to help

the body

> get rid of these toxins more easily. I think from now on I will


> that everyone also take such binding agents when on MMS. Because

no matter

> how healthy we seem to be--who will perhaps even remember something

like a

> chemical or environmental exposure from years before, especially if


> think it is already removed from your system because you've done


> before?


> Perhaps it would behoove all of us taking MMS to also take some

clay or

> charcoal or the cheaper liquid zeolite, plus perhaps some liver


> herbs like milk thistle. If we are stirring up these toxins, or as

in the

> recently reported case of cancer die-off overload that is

dangerous, our

> bodies need all the help it can get to get rid of these things.

None of us

> are, apparently, as healthy as we think we are. (well, except for


> Wayne. :-)


> Samala,



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I'm talking about mycotoxins. I believe it oxydizes metals but I'm

not sure it will do anything for mycotoxins or other toxins that are

already dead. I have a genetic inability to filter toxins and 24% of

the population has what I have. For us toxins are a problem.


> >

> > Does MMS remove toxins not related to virus die-off, and heavy

> metals? I

> > think

> > It does. It probably cannot remove them all, especially if you

> start out

> > with a compromised immune system, but I believe that it is


> toxins.

> > Here's why.

> >

> >

> > Background first:

> > A friend of mine has a dog that has lymphoma. She took the dog


> a vet

> > about an hour and a half from here, because the vet does great


> with

> > cancers. She put the dog on IV chemo and special supplements.


> dog has

> > done well and the nodes in her neck shrunk. This happened over a


> month

> > period. Then

> > Recently the nodes came back, the dog got sick again and the vet

> asked my

> > friend if she just wanted to put her dog down. My friend said


> The dog

> > was bad enough that she was on IV antibiotics for 3 days to try


> lower an

> > infection that had Hit the dog.

> >

> > When my friend told me this I suggested MMS to her. She took it


> her vet

> > who decided to give it to the dog orally rather than IV because


> dog was

> > already on IV antibiotics. Within one day of the MMS the dog was

> able to

> > get off the IV and go home. All the swelling had gone down

> overnight and

> > the dog seemed to be feeling much better, so the vet sent her


> telling

> > my friend that she had never seen such a quick recovery before.

> Since that

> > time the dog has really recovered and my friend is thrilled. The

> dog is

> > even jumping up on the bed to receive her squirt of AMMS (she

> hasn't been

> > able to jump on the bed for over 5 months). My friend just


> the AMMS

> > from a syringe rather than putting into the dogs food and she


> the dog

> > seems to know that it is helping. She is always eager to receive

> the AMMS.

> > The nodes are shrinking again. So, now my friend is a believer.

> >

> > I sent her all sorts of info on MMS and she has 2 clients who


> lots of

> > candida so she is putting them both on MMS. So then my friend


> to me--

> > you know, I use to have candida, and went on the candida diet and

> did some

> > cleanses and got rid of it, but that was a few years ago and I've

> been

> > craving some strange things, so perhaps the candida is starting


> come back

> > Maybe I should try the MMS " .

> >

> > MMS removes toxins?

> >

> > So--she started the MMS, slowly, with 1 drop as I had suggested.

> Now, she

> > considers herself pretty healthy. She is 62, but hikes, is

> physically

> > active, eats a good health promoting diet, exercises, takes herbs

> (she is an

> > herbalist), and has done some other cleansing/detox protocols

> before.

> >

> > By the time she got up to 4 drops she called me, a bit worried,


> she got a

> > rash on her stomach in the duodenal area. I told her that

> sometimes people

> > get rashes and other skin problems rather than the


> I had

> > originally told her to look for. She was relieved because she


> that she

> > actually does detox through her skin rather than intestines, as

> this had

> > happened before during her candida detox. She had thought the


> was a

> > reaction to the MMS rather than a detox as I had not originally

> told her to

> > look for that.

> >

> > In talking to her again later, once the rashing got to be really

> itchy--so

> > much so that she couldn't sleep and had to take antihistamine, I

> mentioned

> > that we just found out my uncle has been diagnosed with


> Two years

> > ago his youngest son died of the very same leukemia! They swear


> and down

> > that this leukemia is not hereditary but that they were both

> probably

> > exposed to a petroleum based product at some point.

> >

> > My friend gasped and said that she had used a petroleum based

> insecticide to

> > keep flies off her horses. She not only had the rash over her

> stomach area,

> > where the pesticide had probably gone through the liver, but the

> rash was

> > very distinctly under her right arm (and not her left) which


> have been

> > the side she put the pesticide on with.

> >

> > So. Why would the body rash in these areas if the AMMS was not

> trying to

> > remove the toxins out through those areas? It is much harder to

> tell what

> > toxins are being removed via the bowel and kidneys, so we can

> wonder if it

> > is even doing this with any heavy metal. But I believe my


> case to

> > show that the MMS is actually doing just that.

> >

> > I have since recommended my friend take some binding agents to


> the body

> > get rid of these toxins more easily. I think from now on I will

> suggest

> > that everyone also take such binding agents when on MMS. Because

> no matter

> > how healthy we seem to be--who will perhaps even remember


> like a

> > chemical or environmental exposure from years before, especially


> you

> > think it is already removed from your system because you've done

> detoxes

> > before?

> >

> > Perhaps it would behoove all of us taking MMS to also take some

> clay or

> > charcoal or the cheaper liquid zeolite, plus perhaps some liver

> support

> > herbs like milk thistle. If we are stirring up these toxins, or


> in the

> > recently reported case of cancer die-off overload that is

> dangerous, our

> > bodies need all the help it can get to get rid of these things.

> None of us

> > are, apparently, as healthy as we think we are. (well, except


> you,

> > Wayne. :-)

> >

> > Samala,

> >

> >


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here it really is...... http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/detox/cilantro.htm

Re: [miracle_mineral_ supplement] Re: Does MMS remove toxins?

Hello Sharon, Just my comment here about getting rid of heavy metals from the body. I have hemochromatosis, (iron overload), and heard that drinking distilled water helped rid the body of some metals. I have been drinking only distilled water, using it for cooking, cleaning teeth, washing etc, and my ferritin levels have dropped for the first time in years by about 200 points over a period of about 5 months. I have not changed anything else, just drinking the distilled water, so I am wondering if it would also be helpful in getting rid of mercury, or other heavy metals. I know distilled water gets some bad press, but I have found it helpful in my case at least. Probably won't drink it exclusively after my next blood test, even if my ferritin is down even further, but short term it might help. Just a thought. Regards. Lorraine.> MMS isn't a chelator. Only if you have very good liver, kidney

and> bowel function will heavy metals be coming out. It's possible to> damage your liver and kidneys by attempting to remove metals without a> safe chelator especially if you have existing amalgams.>> I had a serious liver problem and all detoxes and treatments would> leave me with rashes and fatigue. Nothing was getting past my liver.> I used Natural Cellular Defense and it did for me what over $20000> worth of other treatments didn't do and it didn't leave me with rashes> or pimples.>> After getting out my amalgams, the chelation doc who is top in his> field in Germany and is author of a chelation textbook, told me he> couldn't do it on me since it would hurt me, perhaps permanently. My> liver and kidneys were in too bad a condition. Since educating myself> on this subject I've met many people whose chelation docs have not> bothered doing

the testing beforehand!! ! Please be aware of this.> Doctors have lost their licenses due to patient deaths with chelation.> I was googling a delicensed doctor and found this out recently.>> With plugged lymphs I would suggest using a homepathic remedy from> Pascoe called Lymphdiaral. Use the cream and the drops internally.> Or do some Aqua Chi or Ion Cleanse treatments and use NCD (listen to> the recording on www.ncdpro.com/ detoxqueen to hear exactly how it> works and compares to other chelation from a doctor). The footbath> will really help the lymphs and the NCD will remove the mercury from> your body but will not leach it from your existing amalgams.>> Swollen prostate is due to toxins!!!! Don't let this get worse. You> need something to carry the heavy metals out of your body. The MMS>

will work much better in a body that isn't so toxic. Your liver> function needs to improve to get rid of the toxins.>> You can't "neutralize" a heavy metal. It needs to come out. It's> possible to overload your body. Hepeel homepathic ampules will also> help to support the liver but detox is crucial. It could save your life.>> Sharon

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where do you get your NCD, and how much do you use?

> > >

> > >

> > > I agree, Not sure if MMS will take out " every " heavy matal and


> > > But I bet it takes lots of them out. I know I have a mercury


> > > How....., You ask.?, Because I have a mouth full of amalgams.

And I

> > > have all the nice little side effects that mercury causes. The


> > > few years I find myself with plugged lymphatics, Swollen

prostate and

> > > locked up lower back plus many other symptoms to numerous to


> > > here. When I started the MMS I started getting rashes over my


> > > back and over my tummy which lies right over the prostate area.


> > > red bumps and itching like crazy. I saw this and see this for

what it

> > > is, Simply a detox reaction. Because as this happens I


> > > relief in that area. I see so many posts here about killing


> > > and bugs but very little about heavy metals. I don't think MMS " S

> > > effects would last long if it only killed microbes and left


> > > metals in your system, As heavy metals breeds and supports the


> > > little critters.If we are taking MMS to kill microbes only, And


> > > " is " all MMS does, Then are we not just treating the

symptoms..? On

> > > the other hand, If MMS neutralizes heavy metals, Pesticides and


> > > toxins as well as killing the microbes, Then we are attempting


> > > treat the cause. This is what I am hoping MMS doe's. I see it

as a

> > > toxin neutralizer as well as a microbe killer.

> > >


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Hi Arthur,

Thanks for the information on Brazil nuts. Maybe that's why my mouth

and throat get so irritated after eating them.

As fas as cilantro goes, it is very good at knocking toxins/mercury

loose, but I've heard many times that you need to accompany it with a

good chelator/binder like chlorella or NCD so toxins don't get

redistributed in the body.


In , arthur rambo

<alquitit@...> wrote:


> here it really is......




> Re: [ ] Re: Does MMS remove



> Heres a little blurb about cilantro removing heavy metals. I got

100,000 hits on cilantro/heavy metals.

> I was warned about the B ns from a guy who lives in brazil. They

can lay on the forest floor for a long time and mold. It doesn't

matter if the claim is " organic " . He says there are no organic

brazil nuts, although they probably aren't sprayed.. They grow on

huge trees in the jungle.The aflatoxin is said to grow between the

brown skin and nut.>

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Hi Lorraine,

It sounds like you have done a lot of research. I'm glad that you

discovered benefit from drinking distilled water. Have you given

blood at a blood bank?

My research, like yours, really opened my eyes to the extent and

gravity of hemachromatosis. It is like Lyme Disease (which I have) in

that it doesn't get diagnosed very often...at least compared to its

frequency in the population.

I hope that you have every success in managing your disease,


In , " Lorrainel "

<lorries@...> wrote:


> Hello Avril, Thankyou for your comments. You are right about the


> and tannic acid, also there is some relationship between ingestion


> calcium and iron, one inhibiting the absorption of the other. I too


> done extensive study of hemochromatosis, since finding out I have

the genes

> about 10 or so years ago. It is apparently more common in the


> than might be realised, and certainly can be an underlying factor

in many

> diseases and disorders, especially liver and heart, but all body

organs can

> be compromised by iron overload. It is a serious condition, and


> treated by drawing blood at regular intervals. It was only chance

that led

> me to try the exclusive drinking of distilled water, and I am

pleased that

> at least so far my ferritin levels have dropped for the first time


> several years.

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