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Alternative medicine is prosecuted....

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We are luckier hear in the UK, in that, alternative medicines are available

on private medical insurance & some are becoming available on the NH

(National Health) - However rumor has it that the US has a CURE for cancer

held in the vaults of god knows where, unreleased because of the dire

financial staites it would put the commercial world in?? Sorry, but I have

nothing to back this statement up, but have been told it is a simple, old,

formula of natural ingredients. These are some questions I ask myself:- Is

cancer a new thing? Did you ever hear of people dying of this " leach of

life " in years gone by? Have they just given a new name to an old killer?

or is there something (or combination of things) in our 'new' world that

causes this? Every century there seems to be a 'new' killer!! There is

soooo many forms of this deadly disease, are they really all the same thing

or many different diseases all lumped together for convenience??

IT is continuously on the rise & verging epidemic levels, still the

medical/governments (lumped together because I believe they are one) do

nothing, if not little to rid us of this curse & hinder the individuals

attempts to help them selves. Shouldn't they be doing everything in their

power to insure that every possible avenue by made open to all. We have

freedom of speech without freedom of action (that's the royal we).

Guess that would end in a free for all in the long run!!

Re: PC SPES-Web site

>Well said, Liz. Only those who witness cancer sufferers or are suffering

>themselves can understand that the current mainstream treatments are

>successful in only a handful of cases. Alternative medicine is


> Where is the logic or just plain common sense.????

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