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Re: Large single dose vs 3 small?

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PS - I bought pat 2 of JH's book. It says that some people cannot

avoid diarrhea, because they " need to be cleaned out " . So, it appears

that I ought to try to stay on this train and sooner or later I too

will begin to clean out. :)

Do any of you think a low carb diet in necessary if someone has

bacteria like I seem to have? I've eaten it before and didn't like it

much. Since saturating my body with coconut oil 7 years ago, I can eat

about all the natural carbs I want to eat with no problems.

Offhand, I'd say I ought to eat the foods that appeal to me and not

worry about counting carbs. For breakfast I had 2 HB free range eggs

on an English muffin with CNOil, organic oatmeal, roasted SF seeds,

and goat cheese.

I don't eat sugar. I get all carbs from food. I backed off of fruit

lately. I eat 1 or 2 apples a day now, and a pound or two of

blackberies a week. I used to eat more fruit but perhaps I should

back off it some. The type O+ diet recommends 1-2 pieces of fruit daily.


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Hi Joe,

I practice oil pulling, as well. I haven't found that it causes loose

stools, but I have wondered about the oil stimulating the liver to

release bile. Since we're using it sublingually (in a sense) I wonder

if the oil's effect on the liver is more intense. Just a thought.


In , " tonytaptoe "

<joe525us@...> wrote:



> Since starting oil pulling on 3/4/07, I'm more prone to speeded up


> tract. I wondered if I should stop OP for now and focus on MMS


> for now, and see if it helps slow down my GI tract. Maybe I have an

> over stimulated GI tract from OP and other things. Do any of you


> if this is ever a good idea?

> Joe


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One thing I have observed from my own use of MMS and from listening

to what others have said, is that MMS has a strong tendency to root

out old problems that we have had. I have had days when old symptoms

of things I experianced when I was a kid came back for a few hours,

to a few days. Look for this stuff. It will suprise you.

It is not a desceminitory killer, it is first come first serve with

MMS. And by its mode of travel (red blood cells, because of the dbl.

oxegen molecule) what ever it meets first with electrons to grab, it

takes. Remember too that pathogens do not make us feel sick, it is

the die off of pathogens that make us feel sick. So when you are

feeling symptoms be assured that MMS is at work.

Jim Humble speculates through logic, that MMS nutralizes many toxin

given off by pathogens simply because such a massive die off of

pathogens should make a person sicker then they usually do. Some of

us do make ourselves sick with larger doeses ( flu like effects )

with me it was at 9 drops once a day. yet I can take 13 drops if I

space them out. 13 drops logicaly will kill more then 9 drops so why

am I able to deal with it better then a single dose of 9 drops?

I think what is happening with a contant slow trickle of MMS over a

period of 10 hours is that the latter doeses ( I always feel worse

with the first 3 doses and better with the last 3 doeses ) are being

used in my body to nutralize or oxidize the die off, neurotoxin, and

other rubish, of the first three doses. Because remember with MMS it

is first come first serve, and it figures that after three doses the

little dead bodies of pathogens are free floating in my blood trying

to get to detox pathways (right where the MMS is, in my blood ) so it

makes sense that the last doses would come across the toxins first

before critters.

I guess in a nut shell-- expect to have a reacurrence of old

symptoms, but I personally feel that it is easier and more benificial

to small dose over a period of time.



> Is it ever a good idea to take, say 6 drops at one time in a day,

vs 2

> drops multiple times daily? I'm wondering if this might be an idea


> me right now to help get the critters under control.


> The 1 drop I now take twice a day (AM & PM) seems to speed up the


> in my GI tract and I can feel my forearms trying hard to get enough

> protein. (When/if I get speeded up GI tract, the body will steal

> proteins from the arms, legs, and other places in order to nourish


> organs.) This has gone on with me off and on for years, and I have

> lousy muscle tone because of it. I think they call it

malabsorption. I

> sometimes worry and wonder if I can ever rebuild that lost muscle.


> I was thinking of going back to just one drop a day, to slow down my

> GI tract more so I can pick up proteins and nutrients better, but I

> guess I ought to hang in there and see if it may go away in a week


> two. I can increase my protein powder intake, have protein snacks,

> etc. I'm a blood type O so I need lots of proteins. I eat meat,


> cheese, nuts, seeds, with each meal.


> I couldn't drink Prill water for the same reason - it gave me loose

> bowels. They told me it would stop after a week or so but it never

> seemed to stop for me when I drank Prill, so I stopped drinking it.


> Since starting oil pulling on 3/4/07, I'm more prone to speeded up


> tract. I wondered if I should stop OP for now and focus on MMS


> for now, and see if it helps slow down my GI tract. Maybe I have an

> over stimulated GI tract from OP and other things. Do any of you


> if this is ever a good idea?


> I got a nice improvement from OP. I felt a lot calmer, slept better,

> made decisions easier and better, so it's not easy for me to walk


> from it now. I use Sesame oil to OP. I used to OP with coconut oil


> after a few weeks it gave me really loose bowels, so I went back to

> Sesame and it eventually stopped.


> Anyone is welcome to chip in their opinion.


> Joe


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Since your asking for opinions and I like to give mine, I say NO NO.

I think if your not overweight, you eat REAL food, with no sugar or

artifical sweetners, get 80% of your carbs from fruts and veggies not

from grains, have protein with every meal, eat olive oil, raw soaked

nuts, real butter, coconut oil, how can you go wrong.



> PS - I bought pat 2 of JH's book. It says that some people cannot

> avoid diarrhea, because they " need to be cleaned out " . So, it


> that I ought to try to stay on this train and sooner or later I too

> will begin to clean out. :)


> Do any of you think a low carb diet in necessary if someone has

> bacteria like I seem to have? I've eaten it before and didn't like


> much. Since saturating my body with coconut oil 7 years ago, I can


> about all the natural carbs I want to eat with no problems.


> Offhand, I'd say I ought to eat the foods that appeal to me and not

> worry about counting carbs. For breakfast I had 2 HB free range eggs

> on an English muffin with CNOil, organic oatmeal, roasted SF seeds,

> and goat cheese.


> I don't eat sugar. I get all carbs from food. I backed off of fruit

> lately. I eat 1 or 2 apples a day now, and a pound or two of

> blackberies a week. I used to eat more fruit but perhaps I should

> back off it some. The type O+ diet recommends 1-2 pieces of fruit



> Joe


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Hi Marie,

I may have already been having some of these symptoms. A few times

lately I've gotten real chilled. In the 80s sometimes I'd get chilled

if I ate just about any amount of carb. The only vegs I could eat for

quite a while were broccoli, cabbage, onion, and turnip. Any vegs

besides those and I got chilled until that food was out of my system.

That was no fun. :)

I was real chilled last night so I had a 20 minute bath with Epsom

salts, baking soda, and sea salt in it, which warmed me up.

It'll be good to get rid of that stuff. I must be very toxic. :) That

stuff can do no one any good - only harm.



> One thing I have observed from my own use of MMS and from listening

> to what others have said, is that MMS has a strong tendency to root

> out old problems that we have had. I have had days when old symptoms

> of things I experianced when I was a kid came back for a few hours,

> to a few days. Look for this stuff. It will suprise you.



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Hi there,

I've heard it said that OP is like a liver flush.

Some of the OP " guru " sites claim that OP will cure anything, but I'm

not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure I'm quite toxic, according to

the way MMS causes symptoms. OP may be a great therapy but at least

for me, I needed something more powerful. I plan to keep up OP though.

It's worth taking the time to OP AFAIC.



> Hi Joe,


> I practice oil pulling, as well. I haven't found that it causes loose

> stools, but I have wondered about the oil stimulating the liver to

> release bile. Since we're using it sublingually (in a sense) I wonder

> if the oil's effect on the liver is more intense. Just a thought.


> Avril


> In

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Hi Joe,

I think that many of us are so toxic that just one form of detox is

not going to do the trick. I also do other things besides OP.


In , " tonytaptoe "

<joe525us@...> wrote:


> Hi there,


> I've heard it said that OP is like a liver flush.


> Some of the OP " guru " sites claim that OP will cure anything, but


> not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure I'm quite toxic, according


> the way MMS causes symptoms. OP may be a great therapy but at least

> for me, I needed something more powerful. I plan to keep up OP


> It's worth taking the time to OP AFAIC.


> Joe



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I do too. I've found inversion therapy to be a GREAT way to help detox

and drain the lymph system. I had Herx for the first week I inverted.

In a way the body is like a capped test tube full of blood. Inverting

is like taking that capped test tube and tipping it upside down and

stirring up the blood. It decongests the liver and sends fresh

oxygenated blood to the brain, which is probably why it's helped my

moods. It prevent Alzheimer's and stroke.

It's not for everyone though. People should talk to their MD before

inversion therapy if they have health problems.



> Hi Joe,


> I think that many of us are so toxic that just one form of detox is

> not going to do the trick. I also do other things besides OP.


> Avril


> I

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