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Re: Don't piss your life away.....drink it.

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I have heard of this, it is called Amaroli, an ancient therapy in

yogic tradition. But I had never heard of the homeopathic version.

Sounds easier to swallow, pun intended.


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Undestandable repulsion...at first. Triggered usually,

be an emotional reaction. It's only really " unusual "

in this country because people have been conditioned

to go outside or elsewhere for healing. Then, there's

the cultural and social stigma - the emotional thing.

I'm not exactly sure where, when or why people

engendered the mind set of disgust re their own

bodies eliminations. Maybe it was when Momma was

changing the infants diapers, held her nose and made

grotesque faces letting the infant know that what has

just come out of it's body is grotesque. That new,

unbiased mind must be made aware....that their body

fluids are....disgusting.

Yet, Americans are among the worst creators of waste

material. LOL

Seriously, There are many people, really sick with

acute conditions, or in weakened states who swear by

the benefits of UT. When one realizes that people in

other countries consume all manner of creatures and

substances, from wiggly worms to bats blood, survive

and remain healthy, one has to wonder, why all the

aghast hoopla about Urine. A few gals I know on

another list at first wanted to have the initial

poster who brought the topic up tarred and feathered,

but later went on to actually try the therapy and

reported very good results.

Having researched UT, were I in a state of depressed

health, wouldn't hesitate to engage in the therapy.

Couldn't be any worse than a shot of MMS. (grin)

--- Kat <makiah@...> wrote:

> I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here

> has any

> knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.


> start of forward```````


> The first time I was exposed to the concept that the

> body makes its

> own medicine, it was through a friend who was

> introduced to it

> through an eastern Indian " guru " type of fellow. I

> thought it was

> interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never

> thought about it again

> - until I came across a book. The book is entitled,

> " Your Own Perfect

> Medicine " by Martha Christy. She has an interesting

> story to tell.


> Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long

> time. Pelvic

> inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's

> disease, chronic

> fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease,

> mononucleosis. She had severe

> kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic

> cystitis, severe

> candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency,

> serious chronic ear

> and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies.

> And that wasn't

> the half of it. She had every conceivable medical

> test, her share of

> surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried

> all forms of

> alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs,

> mega-vitamins and liv-cell

> treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine

> failed to work, she

> and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get

> her well with

> alternative approaches. Nothing worked.


> And then one day, her husband brought home a little

> book that told of

> how individuals had been cured of even the worst

> diseases with a

> seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy.

> Soon afterwards,

> she began the therapy herself. From the first day

> she began, she

> received almost instantaneous relief from her

> incurable constipation

> and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe

> abdominal and pelvic

> pain was gone.


> The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal

> and external)

> soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion,

> and digestive

> problems all began to heal.


> After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore

> throats and on again

> off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which

> had fallen out

> by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick

> and lustrous.

> Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength

> came back. After

> nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy

> was whole again.

> What was this therapy that she had discovered? What

> was this therapy

> that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete

> emissions from

> their afflictions? What was it that she actually

> did?


> Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally

> re-consumed her own

> urine.


> Whoa! Gag! She did what?


> That's what I thought when I first heard about this.

> But I also

> absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is

> that urine is

> not the substance we think it is. In her book,

> Martha Christy

> explains what urine is....in layman's language


Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..




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I've been doing it for a few weeks now. It seems to be a consensus, and I agree, that the "morning catch" is the most beneficial. The main benefits of UT I've noticed are less fatigue (especially in the morning) and helps bowel regularity. The taste takes getting used to, but I'm more bothered by the temperature of the brew than anything - that's why I fill the cup up a quarter way with cold water to make it more lukewarm. A more idiosyncratic benefit to me is the subversiveness of UT - I feel like a rebel or something :). Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote: Undestandable repulsion...at first. Triggered usually,be an emotional reaction. It's only really "unusual"in this country because people have been conditionedto go outside or elsewhere for healing. Then, there'sthe cultural and social stigma - the emotional thing.I'm not exactly sure where, when or why peopleengendered the mind set of disgust re their ownbodies eliminations. Maybe it was when Momma waschanging the infants diapers, held her nose and madegrotesque faces letting the infant know that what hasjust come out of it's body is grotesque. That new,unbiased mind must be made aware....that their bodyfluids are....disgusting.Yet, Americans are among the worst creators of wastematerial. LOLSeriously, There are many people, really sick withacute conditions, or in weakened states who swear bythe benefits of UT. When one realizes

that people inother countries consume all manner of creatures andsubstances, from wiggly worms to bats blood, surviveand remain healthy, one has to wonder, why all theaghast hoopla about Urine. A few gals I know onanother list at first wanted to have the initialposter who brought the topic up tarred and feathered,but later went on to actually try the therapy andreported very good results. Having researched UT, were I in a state of depressedhealth, wouldn't hesitate to engage in the therapy. Couldn't be any worse than a shot of MMS. (grin) --- Kat <makiahsisna> wrote:> I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here> has any > knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.> > start of forward```````> > The first time I was exposed to the concept that the> body makes its > own

medicine, it was through a friend who was> introduced to it > through an eastern Indian "guru" type of fellow. I> thought it was > interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never> thought about it again> - until I came across a book. The book is entitled,> "Your Own Perfect > Medicine" by Martha Christy. She has an interesting> story to tell.> > Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long> time. Pelvic > inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's> disease, chronic > fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease,> mononucleosis. She had severe > kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic> cystitis, severe > candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency,> serious chronic ear > and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies.> And that wasn't > the half of it. She had every conceivable medical> test,

her share of > surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried> all forms of > alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs,> mega-vitamins and liv-cell > treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine> failed to work, she > and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get> her well with > alternative approaches. Nothing worked.> > And then one day, her husband brought home a little> book that told of > how individuals had been cured of even the worst> diseases with a > seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy.> Soon afterwards, > she began the therapy herself. From the first day> she began, she > received almost instantaneous relief from her> incurable constipation > and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe> abdominal and pelvic > pain was gone.> > The chronic cystitis and yeast

infections (internal> and external) > soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion,> and digestive > problems all began to heal.> > After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore> throats and on again > off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which> had fallen out > by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick> and lustrous. > Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength> came back. After > nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy> was whole again. > What was this therapy that she had discovered? What> was this therapy > that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete> emissions from > their afflictions? What was it that she actually> did?> > Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally> re-consumed her own > urine.> > Whoa! Gag! She did

what?> > That's what I thought when I first heard about this.> But I also > absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is> that urine is > not the substance we think it is. In her book,> Martha Christy > explains what urine is....in layman's language> Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html__________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping

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I drink a lot of herb teas and eat not a great diet - I won't be winning any taste tests at the county fair.Kat <makiah@...> wrote: So any aversion to piss on the rocks? By the way, I tasted it today, not bad really.I accredit that to my high fruit, low processed diet.Cheers! <burp>

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Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.


--- In , " Kat " <makiah@...>



> I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here has any

> knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.


> start of forward```````


> The first time I was exposed to the concept that the body makes its

> own medicine, it was through a friend who was introduced to it

> through an eastern Indian " guru " type of fellow. I thought it was

> interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never thought about it again

> - until I came across a book. The book is entitled, " Your Own Perfect

> Medicine " by Martha Christy. She has an interesting story to tell.


> Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic

> inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic

> fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe

> kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe

> candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear

> and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't

> the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of

> surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of

> alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell

> treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she

> and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with

> alternative approaches. Nothing worked.


> And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of

> how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a

> seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards,

> she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she

> received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation

> and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic

> pain was gone.


> The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external)

> soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive

> problems all began to heal.


> After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again

> off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out

> by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous.

> Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After

> nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again.

> What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy

> that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete emissions from

> their afflictions? What was it that she actually did?


> Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own

> urine.


> Whoa! Gag! She did what?


> That's what I thought when I first heard about this. But I also

> absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is that urine is

> not the substance we think it is. In her book, Martha Christy

> explains what urine is....in layman's language


> Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids

> that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body

> as " waste " . It is much different and much more. When you eat, the

> food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and

> intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are

> absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass

> through these tubes into the blood stream.


> The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food

> molecules and other nutrients, along with critical immune defense and

> regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies,

> plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are all

> manufactured at different locations in the body.


> As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are

> removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste.

> Eventually, this now purified " cleaned " blood makes its way to the

> kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an

> immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called

> nephron through which the blood is literally " squeezed " at high

> pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water,

> salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at

> the time.


> These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of

> a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the

> constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then

> reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream.

> The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder

> and is then excreted from the body.


> The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your

> blood balanced. When your body doesn't need something at a particular

> time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad

> for the body, but simply because the body does not need that

> particular element at the time.


> Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the

> blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when

> reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and

> stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.


> A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse


> In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free,

> published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in

> which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound

> (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that

> urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine

> constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients

> that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...


> Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids,

> Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine,

> Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol,

> Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine,

> Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus,

> Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin

> B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc


> Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by

> being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that

> survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that

> perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the

> mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's

> not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements

> not needed at the time.


> Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine,

> pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the

> sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening

> every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so

> they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance,

> Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of

> this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient

> $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in

> drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking

> coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best

> moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and

> lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have?

> Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.


> A Powerful Healer


> To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful healing

> substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy

> has been known to completely eliminate allergies.


> We read where researchers have discovered that allergic responses are

> caused by " renegade " white blood cells that inappropriately attack

> substances even when they may be no threat to the body. So it is the

> activity of these renegade white blood cells, called antigen

> receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cure the allergy.


> In 1982, studies published by Dr. Linscott (in Basic and

> Clinical Immunology) showed that when these antigen receptors (or

> renegade white blood cells) are reintroduced into the body, the body

> actually developed antibodies to these antigen receptors, and the

> antibodies then stopped the allergic response.


> Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the allergy

> causing antigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce

> the urine back to the allergic individual would mean antibodies would

> be produced which would then stop the allergic response. And that is

> exactly what happens. Allergies have been completely turned around

> with urine therapy.


> Using urine in this way to cure the allergy, is one form of isopathic

> treatment. You're using the same substance that is causing the

> allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have the body manufacture

> its own antibody to it. If you grasp this point, you may be able to

> see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any illness

> the body may experience.


> More Electrons for Your Body


> Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample's

> oxidation and reduction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often

> shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that there

> are more electrons (the charge is reduced in the negative direction).

> We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of electrons.

> If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they

> coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child, you're

> pissing your life away--might there be more to that statement then

> meets the ears? Free electrons can be given to free radicals to fight

> oxidation so perhaps urine therapy also works along these lines.

> Something to think about. Or maybe it is just that things are better

> the second time around - they've already been processed somewhat once.


> Concepts From the Isopathic Thinkers


> To take this isopathic idea a bit further, let's come back to the

> theories of Guenther Enderlein and his biological perspective. As

> you'll recall, Enderlein developed remedies that were based on his

> observations that how we get sick is a function of the blood pH

> getting thrown off causing microbes in the blood to grow into

> pathogenicity. His biological remedies involved re-introducing the

> small colloids of life, or the protits, back into the body to mate

> with the pathogenic forms so they would de-evolve back into a non-

> pathogenic state. Mmm….


> Now let's take this idea in relation to urine therapy and expand it

> to meet this biological framework. Urine therapy has been able to

> cure seemingly incurable disease states. Why is that? Well here's an

> idea. The colloids in your blood that are the protits/somatids, are

> very small particles. In fact they are so small as to be unfilterable

> by something like the kidneys. Though researchers haven't been

> looking, perhaps one of the invisible constituents of urine are these

> colloid particles that naturally just get passed through the kidneys

> out of the blood. When one consumes their own urine through the

> process of urine therapy, they are receiving a dose of these pure

> colloids. These biologically proceed to support the immune function,

> and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood back

> down to apathogenic states. In this way, urine truly becomes the

> body's own perfect medicine. Now Enderlein's theories have never been

> proven using modern scientific procedures to verify his ideas, and at

> some levels has been completely dis-proven, but nevertheless people

> still believe them. Maybe the power of belief in this instance

> overcomes what factually may not be real.


> Open Minds Can Open Doors


> Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus,

> rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic

> insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis,

> adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been said

> to be relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your

> initial gag response (I know I had one), you may realize that there

> might just be something to this and if you are searching for health,

> this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double

> blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the

> efficacy of using urine for health.


> The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on

> urine indicates that it is completely sterile. If it becomes

> contaminated it happens after it leaves the body. Urine is a by-

> product of blood filtration, not waste filtration.


> Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual

> from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,

> antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is

> totally non-toxic.


> With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you

> haven't heard of this before. Well, urine is abundant (everyone has

> their own supply), it's free, and it can't be patented. Reasons

> enough?


> How to Do It


> Very briefly, here are two main ways that are suggested to do urine

> therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the

> therapy, but simply an introduction.


> 1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion.


> First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This

> should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for

> women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of

> distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap

> and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6

> ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this

> mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a

> preservative.


> Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious

> improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement

> progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days,

> suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is

> resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.


> 2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed.


> Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work

> well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You

> should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in

> its natural form)


> Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the

> second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-

> 10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before

> you go to bed.


> Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the

> amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use

> the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by

> observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work

> up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time.


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I do not find the taste that objectionable. Christy says you can add a

little orange juice if you wish but I prefer to add just a little cold

(from the refrigerator) water. I did follow Christy's protocol and now

only drink the first morning catch.


So any aversion to piss on the rocks?


> By the way, I tasted it today, not bad really.

> I accredit that to my high fruit, low processed diet.


> Cheers! <burp>







> ---------------------------------

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I have chronic, late-stage Lyme disease (32 years). The three things

that have helped the most over the years are salt/c, UT and MMS.

I feel that with UT my system seems more in balance and I also notice

more energy. I definitely notice less susceptibility to colds and flu

from people around me, which was always very problematic, so I think

my immune system has definitely strengthened. Prior to UT, I had to

wear a mask when people in my home became ill because not only would I

get sick, but very sick and it took a long time to recover. Probably

these illnesses " flared " the Lyme disease. Also, I tend toward chronic

diarrhea and UT evened that out as well. (btw: if you're a person who

tends toward constipation, I always have a BM within minutes of

drinking the urine and I have heard others state this as well).

I now only do one maintenance dose of salt/c, a morning catch of urine

and I pulse MMS. This seems to work well for me.

Here is a UT forum if you are interested:



> >

> > Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.

> >

> > Ballady

> >

> > --


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Great article. Very informative. Makes me think twice about using it. But my conditioning is so strongly against this that I do not think I could. Maybe if I could inject it into the muscle. Do people do it that way?

-- [ ] Don't piss your life away.....drink it.

I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here has any

knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.

start of forward```````

The first time I was exposed to the concept that the body makes its

own medicine, it was through a friend who was introduced to it

through an eastern Indian "guru" type of fellow. I thought it was

interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never thought about it again

- until I came across a book. The book is entitled, "Your Own Perfect

Medicine" by Martha Christy. She has an interesting story to tell.

Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic

inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic

fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe

kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe

candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear

and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't

the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of

surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of

alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell

treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she

and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with

alternative approaches. Nothing worked.

And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of

how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a

seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards,

she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she

received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation

and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic

pain was gone.

The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external)

soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive

problems all began to heal.

After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again

off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out

by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous.

Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After

nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again.

What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy

that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete emissions from

their afflictions? What was it that she actually did?

Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own


Whoa! Gag! She did what?

That's what I thought when I first heard about this. But I also

absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is that urine is

not the substance we think it is. In her book, Martha Christy

explains what urine is....in layman's language

Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids

that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body

as "waste". It is much different and much more. When you eat, the

food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and

intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are

absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass

through these tubes into the blood stream.

The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food

molecules and other nutrients, along with critical immune defense and

regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies,

plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are all

manufactured at different locations in the body.

As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are

removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste.

Eventually, this now purified "cleaned" blood makes its way to the

kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an

immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called

nephron through which the blood is literally "squeezed" at high

pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water,

salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at

the time.

These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of

a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the

constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then

reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream.

The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder

and is then excreted from the body.

The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your

blood balanced. When your body doesn't need something at a particular

time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad

for the body, but simply because the body does not need that

particular element at the time.

Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the

blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when

reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and

stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.

A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free,

published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in

which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound

(purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that

urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine

constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients

that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...

Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids,

Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine,

Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol,

Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine,

Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus,

Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin

B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc

Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by

being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that

survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that

perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the

mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's

not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements

not needed at the time.

Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine,

pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the

sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening

every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so

they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance,

Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of

this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient

$1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in

drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking

coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best

moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and

lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have?

Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.

A Powerful Healer

To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful healing

substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy

has been known to completely eliminate allergies.

We read where researchers have discovered that allergic responses are

caused by "renegade" white blood cells that inappropriately attack

substances even when they may be no threat to the body. So it is the

activity of these renegade white blood cells, called antigen

receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cure the allergy.

In 1982, studies published by Dr. Linscott (in Basic and

Clinical Immunology) showed that when these antigen receptors (or

renegade white blood cells) are reintroduced into the body, the body

actually developed antibodies to these antigen receptors, and the

antibodies then stopped the allergic response.

Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the allergy

causing antigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce

the urine back to the allergic individual would mean antibodies would

be produced which would then stop the allergic response. And that is

exactly what happens. Allergies have been completely turned around

with urine therapy.

Using urine in this way to cure the allergy, is one form of isopathic

treatment. You're using the same substance that is causing the

allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have the body manufacture

its own antibody to it. If you grasp this point, you may be able to

see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any illness

the body may experience.

More Electrons for Your Body

Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample's

oxidation and reduction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often

shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that there

are more electrons (the charge is reduced in the negative direction).

We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of electrons.

If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they

coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child, you're

pissing your life away--might there be more to that statement then

meets the ears? Free electrons can be given to free radicals to fight

oxidation so perhaps urine therapy also works along these lines.

Something to think about. Or maybe it is just that things are better

the second time around - they've already been processed somewhat once.

Concepts From the Isopathic Thinkers

To take this isopathic idea a bit further, let's come back to the

theories of Guenther Enderlein and his biological perspective. As

you'll recall, Enderlein developed remedies that were based on his

observations that how we get sick is a function of the blood pH

getting thrown off causing microbes in the blood to grow into

pathogenicity. His biological remedies involved re-introducing the

small colloids of life, or the protits, back into the body to mate

with the pathogenic forms so they would de-evolve back into a non-

pathogenic state. Mmm….

Now let's take this idea in relation to urine therapy and expand it

to meet this biological framework. Urine therapy has been able to

cure seemingly incurable disease states. Why is that? Well here's an

idea. The colloids in your blood that are the protits/somatids, are

very small particles. In fact they are so small as to be unfilterable

by something like the kidneys. Though researchers haven't been

looking, perhaps one of the invisible constituents of urine are these

colloid particles that naturally just get passed through the kidneys

out of the blood. When one consumes their own urine through the

process of urine therapy, they are receiving a dose of these pure

colloids. These biologically proceed to support the immune function,

and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood back

down to apathogenic states. In this way, urine truly becomes the

body's own perfect medicine. Now Enderlein's theories have never been

proven using modern scientific procedures to verify his ideas, and at

some levels has been completely dis-proven, but nevertheless people

still believe them. Maybe the power of belief in this instance

overcomes what factually may not be real.

Open Minds Can Open Doors

Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus,

rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic

insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis,

adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been said

to be relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your

initial gag response (I know I had one), you may realize that there

might just be something to this and if you are searching for health,

this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double

blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the

efficacy of using urine for health.

The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on

urine indicates that it is completely sterile. If it becomes

contaminated it happens after it leaves the body. Urine is a by-

product of blood filtration, not waste filtration.

Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual

from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,

antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is

totally non-toxic.

With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you

haven't heard of this before. Well, urine is abundant (everyone has

their own supply), it's free, and it can't be patented. Reasons


How to Do It

Very briefly, here are two main ways that are suggested to do urine

therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the

therapy, but simply an introduction.

1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion.

First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This

should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for

women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of

distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap

and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6

ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this

mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a


Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious

improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement

progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days,

suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is

resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.

2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed.

Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work

well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You

should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in

its natural form)

Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the

second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-

10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before

you go to bed.

Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the

amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use

the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by

observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work

up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time.

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How much of the stuff in ounces must one drink?

I've looked into this subject years back, but the whole

subject makes me feel like hurling. What could it

be mixed with? Is a little helpful?


>I do not find the taste that objectionable. Christy says you can add a

> little orange juice if you wish but I prefer to add just a little cold

> (from the refrigerator) water. I did follow Christy's protocol and now

> only drink the first morning catch.


> Ballady

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Even a few drop sublingual will work. The book - Your Own Perfect

Medicine - by Martha Christy is worth a read.



> How much of the stuff in ounces must one drink?

> I've looked into this subject years back, but the whole

> subject makes me feel like hurling. What could it

> be mixed with? Is a little helpful?

> jp



> >I do not find the taste that objectionable. Christy says you can add a

> > little orange juice if you wish but I prefer to add just a little cold

> > (from the refrigerator) water. I did follow Christy's protocol and now

> > only drink the first morning catch.

> >

> > Ballady


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UT is a very useful and beneficial therapy. One word of caution is

you MUST not drink alcohol, smoke cigs, or take either street drugs

or pharmacuticals. I had tried it for several months with some

noticable improvements of LD but felt I needed to back off due to my

somewhat 'unclean' system. I will start back up when I feel my system

is ready. I always just drank it straight and after about a week it

was almost bearable. After 2 weeks it did not bother me in the

slightest to drink 6oz straight down.



--- In , " Kat " <makiah@...>



> I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here has any

> knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.


> start of forward```````


> The first time I was exposed to the concept that the body makes its

> own medicine, it was through a friend who was introduced to it

> through an eastern Indian " guru " type of fellow. I thought it was

> interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never thought about it


> - until I came across a book. The book is entitled, " Your Own


> Medicine " by Martha Christy. She has an interesting story to tell.


> Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic

> inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic

> fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had


> kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe

> candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear

> and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't

> the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share


> surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of

> alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell

> treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work,


> and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with

> alternative approaches. Nothing worked.


> And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told


> how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a

> seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon


> she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she

> received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable


> and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic

> pain was gone.


> The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external)

> soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive

> problems all began to heal.


> After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again

> off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out

> by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous.

> Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After

> nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole


> What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this


> that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete emissions from

> their afflictions? What was it that she actually did?


> Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own

> urine.


> Whoa! Gag! She did what?


> That's what I thought when I first heard about this. But I also

> absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is that urine is

> not the substance we think it is. In her book, Martha Christy

> explains what urine is....in layman's language


> Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and


> that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body

> as " waste " . It is much different and much more. When you eat, the

> food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and

> intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are

> absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass

> through these tubes into the blood stream.


> The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food

> molecules and other nutrients, along with critical immune defense


> regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies,

> plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are


> manufactured at different locations in the body.


> As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins


> removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid


> Eventually, this now purified " cleaned " blood makes its way to the

> kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an

> immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called

> nephron through which the blood is literally " squeezed " at high

> pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water,

> salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need


> the time.


> These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form


> a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the

> constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then

> reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream.

> The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the


> and is then excreted from the body.


> The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your

> blood balanced. When your body doesn't need something at a


> time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad

> for the body, but simply because the body does not need that

> particular element at the time.


> Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of


> blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and


> reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and

> stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.


> A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse


> In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free,

> published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in

> which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound

> (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that

> urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine

> constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of


> that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...


> Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids,

> Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine,

> Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol,

> Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine,

> Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus,

> Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea,


> B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc


> Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died


> being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that

> survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that

> perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome


> mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body.


> not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements

> not needed at the time.


> Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine,

> pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the

> sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening

> every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine


> they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance,

> Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of

> this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient

> $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in

> drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking

> coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best

> moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and

> lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have?

> Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.


> A Powerful Healer


> To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful


> substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy

> has been known to completely eliminate allergies.


> We read where researchers have discovered that allergic responses


> caused by " renegade " white blood cells that inappropriately attack

> substances even when they may be no threat to the body. So it is


> activity of these renegade white blood cells, called antigen

> receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cure the allergy.


> In 1982, studies published by Dr. Linscott (in Basic and

> Clinical Immunology) showed that when these antigen receptors (or

> renegade white blood cells) are reintroduced into the body, the


> actually developed antibodies to these antigen receptors, and the

> antibodies then stopped the allergic response.


> Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the


> causing antigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce

> the urine back to the allergic individual would mean antibodies


> be produced which would then stop the allergic response. And that


> exactly what happens. Allergies have been completely turned around

> with urine therapy.


> Using urine in this way to cure the allergy, is one form of


> treatment. You're using the same substance that is causing the

> allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have the body


> its own antibody to it. If you grasp this point, you may be able to

> see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any


> the body may experience.


> More Electrons for Your Body


> Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample's

> oxidation and reduction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often

> shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that


> are more electrons (the charge is reduced in the negative


> We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of


> If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they

> coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child,


> pissing your life away--might there be more to that statement then

> meets the ears? Free electrons can be given to free radicals to


> oxidation so perhaps urine therapy also works along these lines.

> Something to think about. Or maybe it is just that things are


> the second time around - they've already been processed somewhat



> Concepts From the Isopathic Thinkers


> To take this isopathic idea a bit further, let's come back to the

> theories of Guenther Enderlein and his biological perspective. As

> you'll recall, Enderlein developed remedies that were based on his

> observations that how we get sick is a function of the blood pH

> getting thrown off causing microbes in the blood to grow into

> pathogenicity. His biological remedies involved re-introducing the

> small colloids of life, or the protits, back into the body to mate

> with the pathogenic forms so they would de-evolve back into a non-

> pathogenic state. Mmm….


> Now let's take this idea in relation to urine therapy and expand it

> to meet this biological framework. Urine therapy has been able to

> cure seemingly incurable disease states. Why is that? Well here's


> idea. The colloids in your blood that are the protits/somatids, are

> very small particles. In fact they are so small as to be


> by something like the kidneys. Though researchers haven't been

> looking, perhaps one of the invisible constituents of urine are


> colloid particles that naturally just get passed through the


> out of the blood. When one consumes their own urine through the

> process of urine therapy, they are receiving a dose of these pure

> colloids. These biologically proceed to support the immune


> and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood


> down to apathogenic states. In this way, urine truly becomes the

> body's own perfect medicine. Now Enderlein's theories have never


> proven using modern scientific procedures to verify his ideas, and


> some levels has been completely dis-proven, but nevertheless people

> still believe them. Maybe the power of belief in this instance

> overcomes what factually may not be real.


> Open Minds Can Open Doors


> Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis,


> rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic

> insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis,

> adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been


> to be relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your

> initial gag response (I know I had one), you may realize that there

> might just be something to this and if you are searching for


> this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and


> blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting


> efficacy of using urine for health.


> The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on

> urine indicates that it is completely sterile. If it becomes

> contaminated it happens after it leaves the body. Urine is a by-

> product of blood filtration, not waste filtration.


> Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual

> from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,

> antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It


> totally non-toxic.


> With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you

> haven't heard of this before. Well, urine is abundant (everyone has

> their own supply), it's free, and it can't be patented. Reasons

> enough?


> How to Do It


> Very briefly, here are two main ways that are suggested to do urine

> therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the

> therapy, but simply an introduction.


> 1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion.


> First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This

> should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for

> women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of

> distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine.


> and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another


> ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this

> mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a

> preservative.


> Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious

> improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement

> progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days,

> suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is

> resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.


> 2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed.


> Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops


> well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection.


> should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in

> its natural form)


> Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the

> second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take


> 10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before

> you go to bed.


> Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the

> amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you


> the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by

> observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work

> up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time.


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Sublingual...That might be doable! I may try that. Thanks for that suggestion.

-- [ ] Re: Don't piss your life away.....drink it.

Even a few drop sublingual will work. The book - Your Own Perfect

Medicine - by Martha Christy is worth a read.



> How much of the stuff in ounces must one drink?

> I've looked into this subject years back, but the whole

> subject makes me feel like hurling. What could it

> be mixed with? Is a little helpful?

> jp



> >I do not find the taste that objectionable. Christy says you can add a

> > little orange juice if you wish but I prefer to add just a little cold

> > (from the refrigerator) water. I did follow Christy's protocol and now

> > only drink the first morning catch.

> >

> > Ballady


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It is a well documented therapy. No I have not tried it but have done quite

a bit of reading and would resort to it if I felt it would be beneficial.

Cheers, Doug

[ ] Don't piss your life away.....drink


I just got this in email and wondered if anyone here has any

knowledge or experience with this unusual therapy.

start of forward```````

The first time I was exposed to the concept that the body makes its

own medicine, it was through a friend who was introduced to it

through an eastern Indian " guru " type of fellow. I thought it was

interestingbut a wacky kind of idea and I never thought about it again

- until I came across a book. The book is entitled, " Your Own Perfect

Medicine " by Martha Christy. She has an interesting story to tell.

Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic

inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic

fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe

kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe

candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear

and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't

the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of

surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of

alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell

treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she

and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with

alternative approaches. Nothing worked.

And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of

how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a

seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards,

she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she

received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation

and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic

pain was gone.

The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external)

soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive

problems all began to heal.

After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again

off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out

by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous.

Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After

nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again.

What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy

that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete emissions from

their afflictions? What was it that she actually did?

Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own


Whoa! Gag! She did what?

That's what I thought when I first heard about this. But I also

absolutely needed to know more. What I discovered is that urine is

not the substance we think it is. In her book, Martha Christy

explains what urine is....in layman's language

Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids

that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body

as " waste " . It is much different and much more. When you eat, the

food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and

intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are

absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass

through these tubes into the blood stream.

The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food

molecules and other nutrients, along with critical immune defense and

regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies,

plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are all

manufactured at different locations in the body.

As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are

removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste.

Eventually, this now purified " cleaned " blood makes its way to the

kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an

immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called

nephron through which the blood is literally " squeezed " at high

pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water,

salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at

the time.

These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of

a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the

constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then

reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream.

The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder

and is then excreted from the body.

The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your

blood balanced. When your body doesn't need something at a particular

time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad

for the body, but simply because the body does not need that

particular element at the time.

Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the

blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when

reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and

stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.

A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free,

published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in

which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound

(purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that

urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine

constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients

that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...

Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids,

Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine,

Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol,

Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine,

Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus,

Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin

B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc

Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by

being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that

survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that

perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the

mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's

not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements

not needed at the time.

Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine,

pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the

sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening

every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so

they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance,

Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of

this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient

$1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in

drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking

coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best

moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and

lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have?

Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.

A Powerful Healer

To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful healing

substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy

has been known to completely eliminate allergies.

We read where researchers have discovered that allergic responses are

caused by " renegade " white blood cells that inappropriately attack

substances even when they may be no threat to the body. So it is the

activity of these renegade white blood cells, called antigen

receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cure the allergy.

In 1982, studies published by Dr. Linscott (in Basic and

Clinical Immunology) showed that when these antigen receptors (or

renegade white blood cells) are reintroduced into the body, the body

actually developed antibodies to these antigen receptors, and the

antibodies then stopped the allergic response.

Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the allergy

causing antigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce

the urine back to the allergic individual would mean antibodies would

be produced which would then stop the allergic response. And that is

exactly what happens. Allergies have been completely turned around

with urine therapy.

Using urine in this way to cure the allergy, is one form of isopathic

treatment. You're using the same substance that is causing the

allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have the body manufacture

its own antibody to it. If you grasp this point, you may be able to

see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any illness

the body may experience.

More Electrons for Your Body

Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample's

oxidation and reduction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often

shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that there

are more electrons (the charge is reduced in the negative direction).

We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of electrons.

If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they

coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child, you're

pissing your life away--might there be more to that statement then

meets the ears? Free electrons can be given to free radicals to fight

oxidation so perhaps urine therapy also works along these lines.

Something to think about. Or maybe it is just that things are better

the second time around - they've already been processed somewhat once.

Concepts From the Isopathic Thinkers

To take this isopathic idea a bit further, let's come back to the

theories of Guenther Enderlein and his biological perspective. As

you'll recall, Enderlein developed remedies that were based on his

observations that how we get sick is a function of the blood pH

getting thrown off causing microbes in the blood to grow into

pathogenicity. His biological remedies involved re-introducing the

small colloids of life, or the protits, back into the body to mate

with the pathogenic forms so they would de-evolve back into a non-

pathogenic state. Mmm..

Now let's take this idea in relation to urine therapy and expand it

to meet this biological framework. Urine therapy has been able to

cure seemingly incurable disease states. Why is that? Well here's an

idea. The colloids in your blood that are the protits/somatids, are

very small particles. In fact they are so small as to be unfilterable

by something like the kidneys. Though researchers haven't been

looking, perhaps one of the invisible constituents of urine are these

colloid particles that naturally just get passed through the kidneys

out of the blood. When one consumes their own urine through the

process of urine therapy, they are receiving a dose of these pure

colloids. These biologically proceed to support the immune function,

and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood back

down to apathogenic states. In this way, urine truly becomes the

body's own perfect medicine. Now Enderlein's theories have never been

proven using modern scientific procedures to verify his ideas, and at

some levels has been completely dis-proven, but nevertheless people

still believe them. Maybe the power of belief in this instance

overcomes what factually may not be real.

Open Minds Can Open Doors

Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus,

rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic

insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis,

adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been said

to be relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your

initial gag response (I know I had one), you may realize that there

might just be something to this and if you are searching for health,

this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double

blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the

efficacy of using urine for health.

The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on

urine indicates that it is completely sterile. If it becomes

contaminated it happens after it leaves the body. Urine is a by-

product of blood filtration, not waste filtration.

Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual

from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,

antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is

totally non-toxic.

With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you

haven't heard of this before. Well, urine is abundant (everyone has

their own supply), it's free, and it can't be patented. Reasons


How to Do It

Very briefly, here are two main ways that are suggested to do urine

therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the

therapy, but simply an introduction.

1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion.

First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This

should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for

women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of

distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap

and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6

ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this

mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a


Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious

improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement

progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days,

suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is

resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.

2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed.

Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work

well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You

should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in

its natural form)

Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the

second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-

10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before

you go to bed.

Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the

amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use

the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by

observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work

up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time.

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Hi Sam,

What did UT do for you?



> Kat,


> UT is a very useful and beneficial therapy. One word of caution is

> you MUST not drink alcohol, smoke cigs, or take either street drugs

> or pharmacuticals. I had tried it for several months with some

> noticable improvements of LD but felt I needed to back off due to my

> somewhat 'unclean' system. I will start back up when I feel my system

> is ready. I always just drank it straight and after about a week it

> was almost bearable. After 2 weeks it did not bother me in the

> slightest to drink 6oz straight down.


> Regards,

> Sam



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Glad to hear that these therapies help you.

I've leaned toward D since starting oil pulling in 3/07. I definitely

am not constipated, plus MMS gives me diarrhea often.

Thanks for the link and info.



> I have chronic, late-stage Lyme disease (32 years). The three things

> that have helped the most over the years are salt/c, UT and MMS.


> I feel that with UT my system seems more in balance and I also notice

> more energy. I definitely notice less susceptibility to colds and flu

> from people around me, which was always very problematic, so I think

> my immune system has definitely strengthened. Prior to UT, I had to

> wear a mask when people in my home became ill because not only would I

> get sick, but very sick and it took a long time to recover. Probably

> these illnesses " flared " the Lyme disease. Also, I tend toward chronic

> diarrhea and UT evened that out as well. (btw: if you're a person who

> tends toward constipation, I always have a BM within minutes of

> drinking the urine and I have heard others state this as well).


> I now only do one maintenance dose of salt/c, a morning catch of urine

> and I pulse MMS. This seems to work well for me.


> Here is a UT forum if you are interested:


> urine_therapy/


> Ballady






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Garlic sure made it rich! LOL


So any aversion to piss on the



> By the way, I tasted it today, not bad really.

> I accredit that to my high fruit, low processed diet.


> Cheers! <burp>







> ---------------------------------

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agreed UT and MMS a truely amazing , but what do you mean by salt/c

[ ] Re: Don't piss your life away.....drink it.

I have chronic, late-stage Lyme disease (32 years). The three thingsthat have helped the most over the years are salt/c, UT and MMS. I feel that with UT my system seems more in balance and I also noticemore energy. I definitely notice less susceptibility to colds and flufrom people around me, which was always very problematic, so I thinkmy immune system has definitely strengthened. Prior to UT, I had towear a mask when people in my home became ill because not only would Iget sick, but very sick and it took a long time to recover. Probablythese illnesses "flared" the Lyme disease. Also, I tend toward chronicdiarrhea and UT evened that out as well. (btw: if you're a person whotends toward constipation, I always have a BM within minutes ofdrinking the urine and I have heard others state this as well).I now only do one maintenance dose of salt/c, a morning catch of urineand I pulse MMS. This seems to work well for me.Here is a UT forum if you are interested:urine_therapy/Ballady > >> > Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.> > > > Ballady> > > > -->

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Hi Ballady,

I just wanted to respond here with an update on my condition as you

and I are on about the same therapy. We started UT about the same time

and when you posted back in December with your improvements from MMS I

started that also. As of late I have really been having some great

improvements and it is so exciting.

The muscles on the right side of my neck have been useless /infected

/atrophied since early 2003. About a year ago I started having a

little bit of muscle or tendon movement in my neck again. Just very

little. After starting UT in July of 2007 I made some big gains and

had quite a bit more muscle response.

I started MMS the end of December, slowing increasing to 4-6 drops 3x

a day. Yesterday, for the first time in 5 years, the large muscle in

my neck, called the SCM, started moving. It feels so wonderful. Today

I had even more movement. It is very sore as this muscle has not moved

in 5 years but ITS ALIVE!!!!!

As far as the salt/c, I pretty much have abandoned it but do salt my

food liberally (very, very liberally sometimes) and eat 1-4 servings

of vitamin C fruit daily.

Thanks so much for sharing your MMS experience, Ballady as that is

what really got me started on it. Life is getting easier!


> > >

> > > Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.

> > >

> > > Ballady

> > >

> > > --

> >


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do you have a link explaining the procedure

[ ] Re: Don't piss your life away.....drink it.

salt/c is a protocol for Lyme DiseaseBallady> > >> > > Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.> > > > > > Ballady> > > > > > --> >>

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Hi Olive!

This is so great to hear! I am happy for you as I know you have had

chronic problems with your neck since developing LD.

I am finding that I do better with small doses of MMS, not more than 6

drops once a day, and after I do this for a week I take 3 or 4 days

off before resuming. I had a very strong reaction a month or so ago

and it took me a long time to receup from it. Since that episode, my

body cannot tolerate higher doses.

Are you still doing UT?

I celebrate your success with MMS!


> > > >

> > > > Yes, I have been doing urine therapy (UT) for about 8 months.

> > > >

> > > > Ballady

> > > >

> > > > --

> > >

> >


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