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In a message dated 7/8/99 11:24:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, JVSPL@...



> Hi All

> As a newbie to this whole Lyme thing, I find I have many questions... I

> hope

> you don't mind my asking a couple now and again...


> 1. When I started both Doxycycline (May-June) and Tetracycline (June



> the extreme fatigue and foggy head feelings lifted, but with the

> Tetracycline

> I have been feeling new aches and joint pain, numbness, tingles, reduced

> sensation throughout body, and having difficulty moving from lying and/or

> sitting to standing and weight bearing. This sound like " herx " ? Anyone

> else

> get like this? Can it last the entire 4 weeks?


> 2. My Western Blot came back from IGENIX... it was equivocal!!!! Not

> positive... not negative... but borderline!!!! What's with this?? The

> doctor's assistant told me to continue the tetracycline and keep my next

> appointment. I am still awaiting the results from the Babeasis test. Has

> anyone else had a Western Blot come back " equivocal " ???


> Thanks in advance for any info you can share! I am getting very tired of

> feeling like a piece of " dung " ! Although, feeling like crap is a Lyme

> blessing... isn't it?? <G>

> {{hug}}

> Jane



Hi Jane

I've had the equivocal,western blot. a llmd will read into it---going by

symptoms etc.

You are always welcome to asking questions and we should all try to help.

Sorry you are diagnosed with lyme but atleast you seem to have a doctor who

understands lyme and you seem to be coming along.

hope you are feeling better soon.



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Welcome Jane,

I am not an expert...the only thing I can do is to tell you that the

entire 3 weeks that I was on Doxy, I felt much worse. The fatigue was

unbearable, as well as increased neck and back pain and an increase of

other symptoms, many of which you are having.

When the Doxy ran out (due to StonyBrook's cutting off my treatment), I

started feeling a decrease in these symptoms. My new LLMD put me on

Biaxin, and again I am experiencing an increase in fatigue, horrendous

headaches, and some different symptoms than when I was on the Doxy. I

don't know for sure if I am herxing, but it sure feels like it.

My Western Blot came back " Indeterminate " ...StonyBrook uses the CDC's

criteria of requiring a minimum of 5 specific reactive bands on the IgG

WB for a positive result. Since I had 4 specific reactive bands plus

other reactive non-specific bands, it wasn't a positive result. I don't

know what criteria Igenex uses, (I'm sure that they will tell you), but

I can tell you that at least 2 LLMD's that I have consulted considered

my WB results positive. I would most definitely continue the antibiotics

if I were you.

I hope I have helped...if not, I'm sure that someone else on the list

will. Take care, Joan LI, NY

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It is so upsetting I know,

I've had one positive western blot, one negative western blot, and one as

you are discribing, inconclusive, I also had a positive LUAT. You have to

go beyond those tests.......none, and I mean none are 100%....look at

symptoms, exclude other diseases, and have you taken a tick off yourself

ever???....and I mean ever?

Sounds to me like you are herxing......if you don't find improvement, you

should call your Dr. he/she may want to switch your meds. I was deathly

ill on Zithromax.....and now off of it, I feel better........still not sure

if I was Herxing or it was a reaction to the Zithromax.....My Dr. feels, it

was a reaction to the Zithromax. The longest I have ever herxed is about

five days........but I have heard of others herxing longer......Hope this

helps......Connie nwnj

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  • 2 months later...

Ms ,

I live in Western Louisiana and have a seven year old autistic daughter.

The doctors here are not equipped to treat autistic children whether one

is trying to live with it or find a fix. After several months of

searching for a doctor anywhere who was treating children like my

daughter, I took her to California to Dr. Goldberg this summer.

Her initial blood work indicated a candidas infection. Dr. Goldberg

prescribed an anti fungal. In one week, she was toilet trained. looking

us in the eye and speaking in complete sentences. She did get a bit

undisciplined; but who cares? Now she is sleeping through the night

without medication, playing with her brothers and sisters and has

stopped banging her head. All this occurred before we started the second

phase of treatment which is the low dose SSRI.

Taking my daughter to Dr. Goldberg was the best thing I have ever done

for her. I regret waiting.

By the way, my insurance company fights every step of the way.


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What blood test did Dr. Goldberg run exactly on your daughter?

Re: questions...

> From: " Randolph C. " <rperez@...>


> Ms ,

> I live in Western Louisiana and have a seven year old autistic daughter.

> The doctors here are not equipped to treat autistic children whether one

> is trying to live with it or find a fix. After several months of

> searching for a doctor anywhere who was treating children like my

> daughter, I took her to California to Dr. Goldberg this summer.

> Her initial blood work indicated a candidas infection. Dr. Goldberg

> prescribed an anti fungal. In one week, she was toilet trained. looking

> us in the eye and speaking in complete sentences. She did get a bit

> undisciplined; but who cares? Now she is sleeping through the night

> without medication, playing with her brothers and sisters and has

> stopped banging her head. All this occurred before we started the second

> phase of treatment which is the low dose SSRI.

> Taking my daughter to Dr. Goldberg was the best thing I have ever done

> for her. I regret waiting.

> By the way, my insurance company fights every step of the way.

> Randy



> ---------------------------

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Hi! Thank you for your reply! I have wondered about Dean having a high

candida infection. He has had thrush twice, and had alot of ear infections

the first two years. He also gets yeast diaper rashes. Not so much

anymore, but alot the first two years. I have mailed off for the new

patient info packet, so Dr. Goldberg will definitely be hearing from me!

It's good to hear so many positive things about him and his practice. I

wondered if my insurance would cover an out of state doctor, but thats a

fight I'll deal with if it happens!!

Glad to hear your daughter is responding so well!

Thanks Again,


Re: questions...

> From: " Randolph C. " <rperez@...>


> Ms ,

> I live in Western Louisiana and have a seven year old autistic daughter.

> The doctors here are not equipped to treat autistic children whether one

> is trying to live with it or find a fix. After several months of

> searching for a doctor anywhere who was treating children like my

> daughter, I took her to California to Dr. Goldberg this summer.

> Her initial blood work indicated a candidas infection. Dr. Goldberg

> prescribed an anti fungal. In one week, she was toilet trained. looking

> us in the eye and speaking in complete sentences. She did get a bit

> undisciplined; but who cares? Now she is sleeping through the night

> without medication, playing with her brothers and sisters and has

> stopped banging her head. All this occurred before we started the second

> phase of treatment which is the low dose SSRI.

> Taking my daughter to Dr. Goldberg was the best thing I have ever done

> for her. I regret waiting.

> By the way, my insurance company fights every step of the way.

> Randy



> ---------------------------

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Just a sidelight on the insurance issue. Dr. Goldberg classifies the

children with a " medical " diagnosis and not PDD, PDDNOS, OR AUTISM. This

opens the door for the insurance company to pay as if it was any other

medical condition. I'm not saying they will agree right away, but it can

happen. I participate in a small HMO in the northeast. They originally

denied my claim to see Dr. G. but with a letter from him stating that this

was a medical condition and NOT autism; they changed their minds. I found a

sympathetic claims adjustor who I explained the whole process to. She said

she would take it to the committee and call me back. They have ended up

paying for almost 3 years of visits and I have an open referral until June

2000. Don't give up. Make the insurance company see this as a personal

case. Tell them lots about your child and make it very difficult for them to

morally turn you down. Lots of luck!

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The Candidas titer test was the test which confirmed my belief that the

yeast was the problem. Dr. Goldberg requested quite a few tests-about

$2000 worth. The insurance handled $1700 without appeal and I am

appealing the one which was not covered.


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Did you get your Pediatrician to refer you to Dr. Goldberg? Do you have an

HMO? I am still trying to figure out how to get m insurance company

involved. My son's Doctor will not order these tests and he will not refer

me out to anyone else. Of course I am switching Doctors now.

Re: questions...

> From: " Randolph C. " <rperez@...>


> ,

> The Candidas titer test was the test which confirmed my belief that the

> yeast was the problem. Dr. Goldberg requested quite a few tests-about

> $2000 worth. The insurance handled $1700 without appeal and I am

> appealing the one which was not covered.

> Randy



> ---------------------------

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If found references to Dr. Goldberg at Dr. Rimland's site three years

ago and was convinced by my daughter's history that she had this

" candidas induced autism. " Since then, I have taken my daughter to

several doctors (for routine childhood problems) who did not understand

when I made the appointment what it was like to have an autistic child

in the waiting room.

This summer, I decided to take her to see Dr. Goldberg, regardless of

costs or financial consequences. (Dr. Goldberg is very reasonable and I

wish I lived in Tarzana so he could be the family doctor.) He sent me a

list of recommended tests. I called one of the doctors who had seen my

daughter, asked him to order the tests and offered to bring my girl in

so he could charge me for an office visit. He declined to see her, but

ordered the tests.

I have somewhat old fashioned insurance, I pay a deductible and 10% of

approved costs with no HMO (there are not any solvent HMOs in Western

Louisiana) and no PPN (there are no big networks here either). It was

easy to see him as he is a pediatrician (primary care provider).

I would recommend carefully reading his articles and trusting your gut

feeling on whether he is successfully treating children like yours. You

know your child better than anyone. I knew three years ago the candidas

was the problem, but it is not mainstream medicine yet and there was not

a test other than a lucky intestinal biopsy.


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Thank you for all your information. We are in process of switching primary

doctors right now. However, his chiroprator did order a blood test from

immuno labs called the elisa test and a stoll test from great plains for

candida. I have yet to egt these tests since i cannot afford the $900.00

combined cost. My son is on Feingold and GFCF as well as Super Nu Thera

which have all seemed to give up a substantial improvement. Thats why I am

thinking maybe the yeast medication could take us the rest of the way.

Maybe it's time to get on a plane.

Thanks Again!

Re: questions...

> From: " Randolph C. " <rperez@...>


> ,

> If found references to Dr. Goldberg at Dr. Rimland's site three years

> ago and was convinced by my daughter's history that she had this

> " candidas induced autism. " Since then, I have taken my daughter to

> several doctors (for routine childhood problems) who did not understand

> when I made the appointment what it was like to have an autistic child

> in the waiting room.

> This summer, I decided to take her to see Dr. Goldberg, regardless of

> costs or financial consequences. (Dr. Goldberg is very reasonable and I

> wish I lived in Tarzana so he could be the family doctor.) He sent me a

> list of recommended tests. I called one of the doctors who had seen my

> daughter, asked him to order the tests and offered to bring my girl in

> so he could charge me for an office visit. He declined to see her, but

> ordered the tests.

> I have somewhat old fashioned insurance, I pay a deductible and 10% of

> approved costs with no HMO (there are not any solvent HMOs in Western

> Louisiana) and no PPN (there are no big networks here either). It was

> easy to see him as he is a pediatrician (primary care provider).

> I would recommend carefully reading his articles and trusting your gut

> feeling on whether he is successfully treating children like yours. You

> know your child better than anyone. I knew three years ago the candidas

> was the problem, but it is not mainstream medicine yet and there was not

> a test other than a lucky intestinal biopsy.

> Randy




> ---------------------------

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You really are strong and doing all you can! We have done the RAST and

ELISA blood tests as well as the Meridian Valley food allergy testing, all

with different results... We did the stool test from the Great Smokies,

expecting yeast, but it came back with a parasite infection that we were

able to take to his pediatrician and he finally (sort of) took us seriously.

The Feingold Diet is so hard - and avoiding gluten and casein too must be

very difficult. I was barely managing to keep my son off dairy and egg; I

added supplements, acidophilus and EFAs - the ear infections stopped and his

yeast-looking rash on his privates cleared up. I've ordered the liquid

Super NuThera and have hope for that - I couldn't get the powder into him -

he's pretty tough to give medicine or anything else like that to, I have to

slip it into things. Now that he's older I can explain more, but I think I

at least have a better shot at the small amount of liquid the Super NuThera

instructions show need to be used. You are certainly my hero! Meals at

your house must be tough. I've got 3 other kids and sometimes I wanted to

move into a hotel to isolate him from all the foods he reacts to. I caved

in on the diet completely when we moved to California, thinking it was ok

since my son had improved enough to be verbal and not meet autistic

criteria. Now he's chronic with the infections and diagnosed with PDD-NOS

again. We are seeing a neuroimmunologist in a couple of weeks (Dr. Gupka at

Univ of CA at Irvine, works sort of like Dr. Goldberg from what I am told).

Maybe finally someone can guide me instead of all the guesswork!

Re: questions...

From: " Nannie " <nannie@...>


Thank you for all your information. We are in process of switching primary

doctors right now. However, his chiroprator did order a blood test from

immuno labs called the elisa test and a stoll test from great plains for

candida. I have yet to egt these tests since i cannot afford the $900.00

combined cost. My son is on Feingold and GFCF as well as Super Nu Thera

which have all seemed to give up a substantial improvement. Thats why I am

thinking maybe the yeast medication could take us the rest of the way.

Maybe it's time to get on a plane.

Thanks Again!

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  • 1 year later...

hi sarah

I've been taking mtx orally since sept with no results. late nov. i started

enbrel injections. and the results are great! i'd say at least a 75%


now the chicken part. I was really freaked out in the begining about injecting

myself. whenever i get blood taken or an injection by the doctor i have to look

away cause i feel faint! well the fist one was done in the rhemy's office. he

put it in and had me push the plunger in. I take it twice a week. weel its

been a few months now and i'm getting used to it. still makes me a little quesy

sometimes. but i was so bad off b4 the enbrel that its worth it. i can relate

to waht you said about feeling 70 cause i sure did. i could hardly walk and my

feet, elbows, and wrist were very painful. now they are almost back to normal

and i feel more like the 39 year old that i am.

hope that helped

good luck let me know how u make out


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Hi ,

I'm sorry you're feeling so down at this time. I'm 38 years old with PA and Fibromyalgia too. I work full time from home as a travel agent and I've got a husband and 4 kids who depend on me. So, don't despair, I'm living proof that it is possible to continue living a 'normal' existence even with the PA. I currently take Enbrel and Celebrex and the Enbrel has done wonders for me.

Most of my symptoms have dissipated greatly which enable me to continue 'living my life'.

I was just wondering.. why is your Rheumy starting you on Enbrel together with MTX? Why don't you just try to give the Enbrel a chance to work its magic on you. You might be pleasantly surprised to find you don't have to take the MTX at all!

From your post I assume you haven't started the MTX yet. If so, ask your Rheumy if he can start you on the Enbrel alone (or with an anti-inflammatory like celebrex or vioxx). Then if the Enbrel doesn't do the trick...you can always add MTX to your program later on. (Why take a strong drug like MTX if you don't have too?)

As for the needle issue.....See if you can pull up my previous posting from the archives dated 1/10/01. It is titled "PAINLESS solution to self injections". If you can't access it, let me know and I'll be happy to repeat it for you.

Good Luck and Happy Birthday!

Rivky :-)

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--- sdcreate@... wrote:

>what size needle did your

> docs recommend for the

> mtx?


I was way chicken also, as I think most of us were at

one time so don't feel bad. I have been doing mtx

injections for a couple of months now (.8cc) and it is

finally starting to work miracles. I actually ran with

my 6 yr old daughter for the first time. My doc gave

me the same needles that diabetics uses for insulin,

they have an orange cap. It is a prescription,

although you may be able to get it OTC also. My advice

is have someone there for support and someone told me

to think of your thigh or tummy as a dart board. I

notice if I go straight down 90 angle it doesn't hurt

at all. Good luck I promise it gets so much easier.

(PS Drink lost of water)


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I have been "shooting" MTX for months now. I use the insulin needles, pop into the tummy. Not bad at all - don't really even feel it. But, I have never minded needles so did not have the "fear" component. My only problem is that the mtx IS NOT VERY EFFECTIVE. I seem to be getting worse and worse, with just about total loss of my right hand. Left hand is about 6 months behind, and my feet are getting bad. Poor me, I also go in for another liver biopsy next month - I would rather have an IRS audit!

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In a message dated 2/6/01 11:34:26 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

sdcreate@... writes:

<< I am very nervous about the needles (ok I am a chicken...lol) >>

Hi - I take MTX by injection, with an insulin needle - I can't even

feel it most times - squeeze your thigh and stick it in - that's what I found

to be the best method

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Thanks to everyone who replied to my 'questions'.  It's nice to know that there is a place I can go where everyone understands.  You are a great group of people!

Take care,

D in MN

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  • 8 months later...

>> Just for the record, I found both 's and Dana's responses

> informative and un-commercial-like. My understanding of 's

> question about purchasing all the items recommended by the poster's

> paediatrican was a gentle suggestion to buy and try one item at a

> time. I didn't get the impression that anyone was pushing for

> Kirkman's. (By the way, Dana, thank-you for your direction on my

> question about DMG/TMG; I followed your link.)

Thanks, no problem here. I was just going to suggest that if the

person had not purchased yet, they could consider getting the sample

sizes to try first - especially with the nu-thera because there is

more than one formulation, and one might be tolerated better than

another. That's all.


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  • 1 year later...

basicially amalgam fillings give off mercury vapour that is absorbed

by the body, and also there is leaching of mercury from the surface

of the filling and you can be getting anywhere from 10 to 120

micrograms of mercury a day from this.

it has a cascading effect that defeats the normal removal mechanisms

(such as they are)

my thirty cents is to take about 100mcg of selenomethionine daily

starting immediately as this will help and start to look at the

degree of toxicty, other supplements and possibly chelation.

bascially the joint pain etc is mercury tying up the sulphur ,but if

you are mercury toxic you have a limited tolerance for sulphur and

also sulphur is needed to flush mercury out of the body... so

removing the remaining amalgams is a first step.

--- In @y..., " s " <spacyperson@y...>


> Hello I'm new here and I guess I just have soem questions... altho


> have no autisic child there are soem concerns I have about mercury

> poisoning and this was the only place I saw to ask. Lets start with

> the fact that I have poor dental health and have 6 remaining silver

> fillings in my mouth. Yesterday I had oral surgrey to remove a


> and the doctor removed some left over fillings from the spot next


> it where I had a tooth pulled 3 1/2 years ago. They left silver

> filling inside my gum and it has sat there all this time. Skip

> forward a few years now.. I suffer from Chronic Faigue, Low BP


> Stiffness and pain.. Join Pain.... Diarrea and constipation

> alternatly. Also for the last 3 years I have been suffering from

> fainting spells to the point I can not work anymore. I have 3

> children and can barely care for them. Can one get mercury


> from a broken filling that was under the gumline? My friend is the

> one who made me start looking into this ... no Doctor has ever come

> up wtih a reason why a 24 year old should be feeling this ill all


> time. Please I'm only looking for advice as to if this is soemthign


> should be investigating or is my friend wrong and I'm just freaking

> out. Thank you



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> Hello I'm new here and I guess I just have soem questions... altho I

> have no autisic child there are soem concerns I have about mercury

> poisoning and this was the only place I saw to ask.

You might also try the " adult metal chelation " group, also on !


> Lets start with

> the fact that I have poor dental health and have 6 remaining silver

> fillings in my mouth. Yesterday I had oral surgrey to remove a tooth

> and the doctor removed some left over fillings from the spot next to

> it where I had a tooth pulled 3 1/2 years ago. They left silver

> filling inside my gum and it has sat there all this time. Skip

> forward a few years now.. I suffer from Chronic Faigue, Low BP


> Stiffness and pain.. Join Pain.... Diarrea and constipation

> alternatly. Also for the last 3 years I have been suffering from

> fainting spells to the point I can not work anymore. I have 3

> children and can barely care for them. Can one get mercury poisoning

> from a broken filling that was under the gumline?

Yes, quite easily.

> My friend is the

> one who made me start looking into this ... no Doctor has ever come

> up wtih a reason why a 24 year old should be feeling this ill all


> time.

You are the human sacrifice to the great medical god of mainstream

medicine! What an honor!

> Please I'm only looking for advice as to if this is soemthign I

> should be investigating


> or is my friend wrong


> and I'm just freaking out. Thank you



Andy . .. . . . . . . . . .

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andrew is right about mercury removal, but in the mean time, joint pain can be

eased. i took nutralife glucosamine chondroitin complex which has 500mg

glucosmine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate for a week and that eased terrible

pain which meant that i had difficulty walking. then i just took a pill if i

had that level of pain (maybe once a week for a while) and now i rarely get


Message: 23

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 20:42:40 -0000

From: " andrew " <alevin@...>

Subject: Re: Questions...

basicially amalgam fillings give off mercury vapour that is absorbed

by the body, and also there is leaching of mercury from the surface

of the filling and you can be getting anywhere from 10 to 120

micrograms of mercury a day from this.

it has a cascading effect that defeats the normal removal mechanisms

(such as they are)

my thirty cents is to take about 100mcg of selenomethionine daily

starting immediately as this will help and start to look at the

degree of toxicty, other supplements and possibly chelation.

bascially the joint pain etc is mercury tying up the sulphur ,but if

you are mercury toxic you have a limited tolerance for sulphur and

also sulphur is needed to flush mercury out of the body... so

removing the remaining amalgams is a first step.

--- In @y..., " s " <spacyperson@y...>


> Hello I'm new here and I guess I just have soem questions... altho


> have no autisic child there are soem concerns I have about mercury

> poisoning and this was the only place I saw to ask. Lets start with

> the fact that I have poor dental health and have 6 remaining silver

> fillings in my mouth. Yesterday I had oral surgrey to remove a


> and the doctor removed some left over fillings from the spot next


> it where I had a tooth pulled 3 1/2 years ago. They left silver

> filling inside my gum and it has sat there all this time. Skip

> forward a few years now.. I suffer from Chronic Faigue, Low BP


> Stiffness and pain.. Join Pain.... Diarrea and constipation

> alternatly. Also for the last 3 years I have been suffering from

> fainting spells to the point I can not work anymore. I have 3

> children and can barely care for them. Can one get mercury


> from a broken filling that was under the gumline? My friend is the

> one who made me start looking into this ... no Doctor has ever come

> up wtih a reason why a 24 year old should be feeling this ill all


> time. Please I'm only looking for advice as to if this is soemthign


> should be investigating or is my friend wrong and I'm just freaking

> out. Thank you





Message: 24

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 20:57:49 -0000

From: " andrew " <alevin@...>

Subject: Re: Questions...(more)

also fluoride is an enzyme depressant so you need to keep fluoride to

a minimuim...


check out fluoride and teeth

u have to cut right back on sugar though..



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--- In @y..., " s " <spacyperson@y...>



> forward a few years now.. I suffer from Chronic Faigue, Low BP


> Stiffness and pain.. Join Pain.... Diarrea and constipation

> alternatly. Also for the last 3 years I have been suffering from

> fainting spells to the point I can not work anymore.

For immediate relief of some/most/all of these symptoms, stop

eating/drinking milk or other high phenol foods


Milk causes major chronic fatigue for many people, including me. You

might also consider removing gluten for the diarrhea, or consider



Enzymes help me with constipation/diarrhea issues, altho I still need

to keep away from milk or I get really sleepy.

I have 3

> children and can barely care for them. Can one get mercury poisoning

> from a broken filling that was under the gumline?


My general chelation information page



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Wheels...

It's relatively common for people to start having pain 10-15 years after

having scoliosis fusion surgery, especially for people who had fusions into

the lumbar spine. I think that most commonly the problem is degeneration of

discs above and below the old fusion. You should be seen by a physician who

has experience in treating patients with prior fusions.


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  • 8 months later...

What exactly do you need to know?

[ ] Questions...


> Update on us, I have stopped the 250mg, 3 days on 11 off protocol. I

appear to have back.

> I am going to attempt the smaller dose, frequent dosing of DMSA. I need a

schedule of how to do that and do I administer DMSA and ALA??

> Also, what are you supplementing with while chelating that might be

helpful. Currently we are taking: coromega, theralac, b complex, kirkman's

everyday, calcuim powder, milk thistle, olive leaf extract, 5 htp, B-12

shots, topical glutathione and magnesium from Kirkman's, amino acids, TMG,

Zinc, and GSE. And a partridge in a pear tree.

> There is a dr here in Texas running a chelation center who says NAC is

VITAL to recovery, any comments on this?? feelings? vibes??

> I am so glad to hear that TTFD isn't a good thing. I just had a horrible

feeling about it. I have had a tube for months and couldn't bring myself to

put it on Ry.

> Thank you all, parents, Dana and Andy, for the support and information.

> I am going to attempt this for Ry again with a better understanding.

> Robyn

> 's Momma



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