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Re: I'm afraid to even try the stuff!!!

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Im no expert, but what I see is alot of very sick people with lyme and

Hep c, HIV and even cancers, which doctors have been unable to cure .

These people beleive in attacking their illness in as many ways as they

can.I also notice alot of the other alternative treatments are

nutritional supplements which build health while the MMS attacks and

destroys the viruses bacteria and yeasts .I see reports of these

people getting better. Many are sick of being sick and so rush to up

the doses so have a strong reaction to the MMS.

If you decide to try MMS, go slow. Follow the recomendations of Jim


Who but Jim Humble knows why Jim doesnt frequent these boards. But if

you email him I have heard he will answer questions.


-- In , " rfparry "

<rfparry@...> wrote:


> Hi all, Another Newbie here. I read what Jim had to say about MMS in

> the download Book 1. Seemed to be pretty convincing. I've been

> reading post for the past week and all I've discovered is that


> wants to try something else,(SOD, Urine treatment, Kombucha etc.) or

> your having so many reactions to MMS and it doesn't seem to be


> anything anyway.


> I even purchased a bottle of MMS and Citric acid activator but won't

> open it.


> Why doesn't Jim ever jump into this group? discussion groups


> pretty powerful. Jump in every once in awhile.


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My guess is, that people who have a shared, positive experience, like to share other good experiences. Lately the subjects have been only slightly off-topic. But actually, they are just part of an effort to enhance the success. I benefit from hanging around these forums because "one thing leads to another". I wouldn't have heard of mms otherwise. I don't have Lyme, but I imagine that Lymies have "episodes" same as hep c people. These critters are relentless. So you can be flying high one day and shot down the next. The mms does work IMHO, but we just have to work through the side issues. What I think you are seeing is the

ups and downs of the struggle. When it comes to treatment of hcv I have found nothing more convenient and effective. I have had no liver pain since the first day, 2 months ago. Thats saying something.

[ ] I'm afraid to even try the stuff!!!

Hi all, Another Newbie here. I read what Jim had to say about MMS in the download Book 1. Seemed to be pretty convincing. I've been reading post for the past week and all I've discovered is that everyone wants to try something else,(SOD, Urine treatment, Kombucha etc.) or your having so many reactions to MMS and it doesn't seem to be healing anything anyway. I even purchased a bottle of MMS and Citric acid activator but won't open it. Why doesn't Jim ever jump into this group? discussion groups are pretty powerful. Jump in every once in awhile.

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I hope that I didn't discourage anyone from trying, or continuing, MMS!

Some fellow lymies asked for my experience with MMS and I was just

reporting it.

Overall, MMS seems to have a good track record, so far. People are

reporting positive changes as well as the not-so-positive. I just

think we need to listen to our individual bodies. Not everyone will be

able to tolerate starting with 15 drops or even double dosing in a day.

As for myself, I have not ruled out a return to MMS, but right now I

am in a respite phase.


> >

> > Hi all, Another Newbie here. I read what Jim had to say about MMS in

> > the download Book 1. Seemed to be pretty convincing. I've been

> > reading post for the past week and all I've discovered is that

> everyone

> > wants to try something else,(SOD, Urine treatment, Kombucha etc.) or

> > your having so many reactions to MMS and it doesn't seem to be

> healing

> > anything anyway.

> >

> > I even purchased a bottle of MMS and Citric acid activator but won't

> > open it.

> >

> > Why doesn't Jim ever jump into this group? discussion groups

> are

> > pretty powerful. Jump in every once in awhile.

> >


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Rich , The only way you can give them the book is if you have paid for a hard copy and are giving the hard copy away. If you are giving the computerized version , that is theft . It is not yours to give.If anyone truely can't afford the part 2 Jim Humble will give the book to you just email him.But the right belongs to him. IN NC Wilkins


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Jim is fielding hundreds if not thousands of questions from people who write him via his web site, about MMS. He dosen't have time to join . You can write him if you have a certain question. I use to save everyone's questions when the other MMS list started, and sent them to him in one email. It still took him a few days to answer them because he was so busy, and this was back when MMS was still new to everyone--sheesh, all the way back to August 07. Lol MMS has grown in such popularity that he's flooded with questions now.

Many people are always seeking new protocols because you never know when something is going to change your health for the better. If you stop looking you are either already super healthy, or dead. :-) MMS is curing things, but it is not the be all and end all of health.

MMS kills pathogens. That's it. It doesn't build you up. That's a whole different thing you have to do. Say you have a virus in your fatty liver. You take MMS and it kills the virus sure enough. But will it rebuild the liver like milk thistle will? No. Will it help the liver expel toxins like dandelion will? No. MMS has one job--killing pathogens. So people keep looking for other things to use WITH MMS. MMS is one tool. If it's the only tool in your tool box you will not be a very good carpenter. To be a good one you need lots of tools.

Open up your MMS and citric and get started if you have something to kill. It's an interesting journey.


-------Original Message-------

Hi all, Another Newbie here. I read what Jim had to say about MMS in

the download Book 1. Seemed to be pretty convincing. I've been

reading post for the past week and all I've discovered is that everyone

wants to try something else,(SOD, Urine treatment, Kombucha etc.) or

your having so many reactions to MMS and it doesn't seem to be healing

anything anyway.

I even purchased a bottle of MMS and Citric acid activator but won't

open it.

Why doesn't Jim ever jump into this group? discussion groups are

pretty powerful. Jump in every once in awhile.

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It seems to me from reading the many postings regarding

MMS is, the ones who have a bad reaction don't have

the patience to start out slow,

They have spent years with their ailments & want overnight

cures. As Jim Humble has stated, start out with a few drops.

Personally, I have a bottle of MMS and citric acid.

However, I will wait until I have an ailment to try it.

My belief. . . .if it ain't broke, don't fix . . . . .


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I think your right about your obsevation smitty.

I began taking MMS 11 weeks ago and eventhough my hubby thought he was

not ill, he decided to take MMs too. you should beable to move up to 15

drops reletivly quickly if you are not ill with any virus ect.

it did not take long for him to realize that he could not go over 6

drops with out getting very ill. I guess what I am saying is, it would

not hurt you to take MMS and find out if your o.k.

Remember, after a person takes MMS for the alotted time to kill any

pathogen, Jim recomends that they continue to take 6 drops perday as a

maintenance dose anyway.


> It seems to me from reading the many postings regarding

> MMS is, the ones who have a bad reaction don't have

> the patience to start out slow,

> They have spent years with their ailments & want overnight

> cures. As Jim Humble has stated, start out with a few drops.

> Personally, I have a bottle of MMS and citric acid.

> However, I will wait until I have an ailment to try it.

> My belief. . . .if it ain't broke, don't fix . . . . .


> Smitty


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I have a few things to say.

One is that I also experienced overdosing from ramping up too quickly.

I was totally hesitant to start it again, but I did. I'm glad I did, I

feel that it is killing the virus and I'm in charge of restoring my

health from any herxing, not the MMS. It's not going to, trust me. MMS

is a killer of bad guys, that's all.

I then got blood tests after taking it for 40 days, and my viral load

had gone down 35%, but since I was totally focused on killing and not

on restoring, some of my other results were out of range. I felt

frustrated and angry at my ND, who is not supportive of MMS and wants

me back on Nutritional IV's at $170 each, three times a week. So I quit

taking it for 8 days while I went on a 5 day trip. Then I thought I

could just pick up where I left off and so I took 15 drops and got

really sick. I kept taking it, but at a much lower rate. It took 10

days to feel better. I think I picked up a flu bug on the way home.

I got to where I could take 15 drops every 3-4 hours three times each

night. Then I would have an emotionally upsetting fight with my husband

and herx again. Viruses thrive on that upset emotional fighting stuff.

Right now I'm taking 12 drops 3 times a night.

I hear people here feeling scared, giving up hope, and hey, I

understand. But I ask you, what good is giving up? Who ever got happy

or well or any good thing by giving up? Who really thinks that giving

up is better than trying?

It's also easy to be impatient and want a miracle cure. Maybe we should

change the name of MMS to Patience Solution, because using it requires

a lot of patience for those of us with really tricky diseases like

Lyme, Mold and Hep C.

Electrolytes can be fixed by taking electrolytes, Real Salt and

EmergenC, Gator-Aid... probiotics to fix the colon. We should be taking

these all along.

Take your time! That's what I've learned. Don't expect a miracle. You

know, at times, I think, hell, why do I even want to stay here and

fight? Why am I playing this stupid earth game anyway? What's so

special about being attached to living, attached to earth, that makes

us all want to get better, makes us all want to get well? Then again, I

realize that's the devil in me talking, wanting me to give up.

Maybe some of us thrive on being sick, we like the attention that it

gives us. I have known professional sick people. They get sick and then

they use your sympathy and compassion for their weakened state to milk

you of your excess and sometimes even things that you hold dear. They

are willing to take you down with them. They like the power being sick

gives them.

Oh, and pendulum testing or whatever you want to use, it's still going

to be influenced by your thoughts. I've proven that over and over. I

can flip a coin 10, 12 times in a row and get heads every time, if I

truly " know " in my being that it will be heads. If I doubt for a second

it flips a tails. I've tried to use the coin to figure out when I'm

going to be well, and the definitive answer is this: When I'm truly

ready to be well. When I have let go of any need to stay sick, whether

to punish someone or to get compassion and pity, or to punish

myself.....whatever reason I have for being sick.

Meanwhile, I'm going to keep taking MMS. If I overdose and get

diarrhea, I'm going to take care of myself and get over it as soon as I

can, and get back on the horse and ride. Because right now, MMS is my

only hope. It is the only thing outside of my own immune system that

can destroy viruses while not harming healthy cells. And I believe

that, I've seen it work. Even Ballady admitted that after he was sick

for a few days he felt better! And those with Lyme need to take toxin

binders. Do you need a doctor to prescribe these side treatments? ...To

tell you to eat right, drink lots of water, exercise, get your rest and

think positively, did I leave anything out?

Certainly if, after taking MMS for a month or so, you don't have a

sense of getting better from whatever you have, then perhaps MMS is not

for you. Perhaps a maintenance dose would suffice until a better

solution comes along. At least that would help keep the other baddies

at bay.

New people, ignorance is not bliss, it's naivete. It's like living in

the fog, not knowing which way to turn. Knowledge is power. Knowledge

gives you options and tools. Don't let other people's experiences

frighten you and cause you to give up! Weigh them carefully, and learn

from them how to be careful! Learn from our mistakes, don't quit

because of them. We have a powerful tool here that may help, but this

is the frontier. We are on new territory and we are just a bunch of

fools if we don't learn from each other.

Here's to health!


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My husband is one of the healthy ones, 15 drops don't even phase him.

I agree that it is a good way to find out if you have something. I

might suggest that your husband get some blood tests done, it's a

pretty good way to see where the body is having problems.

Best of luck!


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bravo, bravo, bravo!!!

what a pep talk. it sure convinced me, and i was beginning to give up

on MMS, because of something a good friend said about it...she is very

knowledgeable and i was confused and just wanted to quit... so,

tomorrow, back to MMS!



> Here, Here! Great post!


> -- [ ] Re: I'm afraid to even try the

> stuff!!!


> I have a few things to say.


> One is that I also experienced overdosing from ramping up too quickly.

> I was totally hesitant to start it again, but I did. I'm glad I did, I

> feel that it is killing the virus and I'm in charge of restoring my

> health from any herxing, not the MMS. It's not going to, trust me. MMS

> is a killer of bad guys, that's all.


> I then got blood tests after taking it for 40 days, and my viral load

> had gone down 35%, but since I was totally focused on killing and not

> on restoring, some of my other results were out of range. I felt

> frustrated and angry at my ND, who is not supportive of MMS and wants

> me back on Nutritional IV's at $170 each, three times a week. So I quit

> taking it for 8 days while I went on a 5 day trip. Then I thought I

> could just pick up where I left off and so I took 15 drops and got

> really sick. I kept taking it, but at a much lower rate. It took 10

> days to feel better. I think I picked up a flu bug on the way home.


> I got to where I could take 15 drops every 3-4 hours three times each

> night. Then I would have an emotionally upsetting fight with my husband

> and herx again. Viruses thrive on that upset emotional fighting stuff.

> Right now I'm taking 12 drops 3 times a night.


> I hear people here feeling scared, giving up hope, and hey, I

> understand. But I ask you, what good is giving up? Who ever got happy

> or well or any good thing by giving up? Who really thinks that giving

> up is better than trying?


> It's also easy to be impatient and want a miracle cure. Maybe we should

> change the name of MMS to Patience Solution, because using it requires

> a lot of patience for those of us with really tricky diseases like

> Lyme, Mold and Hep C.


> Electrolytes can be fixed by taking electrolytes, Real Salt and

> EmergenC, Gator-Aid... probiotics to fix the colon. We should be taking

> these all along.


> Take your time! That's what I've learned. Don't expect a miracle. You

> know, at times, I think, hell, why do I even want to stay here and

> fight? Why am I playing this stupid earth game anyway? What's so

> special about being attached to living, attached to earth, that makes

> us all want to get better, makes us all want to get well? Then again, I

> realize that's the devil in me talking, wanting me to give up.


> Maybe some of us thrive on being sick, we like the attention that it

> gives us. I have known professional sick people. They get sick and then

> they use your sympathy and compassion for their weakened state to milk

> you of your excess and sometimes even things that you hold dear. They

> are willing to take you down with them. They like the power being sick

> gives them.


> Oh, and pendulum testing or whatever you want to use, it's still going

> to be influenced by your thoughts. I've proven that over and over. I

> can flip a coin 10, 12 times in a row and get heads every time, if I

> truly " know " in my being that it will be heads. If I doubt for a second

> it flips a tails. I've tried to use the coin to figure out when I'm

> going to be well, and the definitive answer is this: When I'm truly

> ready to be well. When I have let go of any need to stay sick, whether

> to punish someone or to get compassion and pity, or to punish

> myself.....whatever reason I have for being sick.


> Meanwhile, I'm going to keep taking MMS. If I overdose and get

> diarrhea, I'm going to take care of myself and get over it as soon as I

> can, and get back on the horse and ride. Because right now, MMS is my

> only hope. It is the only thing outside of my own immune system that

> can destroy viruses while not harming healthy cells. And I believe

> that, I've seen it work. Even Ballady admitted that after he was sick

> for a few days he felt better! And those with Lyme need to take toxin

> binders. Do you need a doctor to prescribe these side treatments? ...To

> tell you to eat right, drink lots of water, exercise, get your rest and

> think positively, did I leave anything out?


> Certainly if, after taking MMS for a month or so, you don't have a

> sense of getting better from whatever you have, then perhaps MMS is not

> for you. Perhaps a maintenance dose would suffice until a better

> solution comes along. At least that would help keep the other baddies

> at bay.


> New people, ignorance is not bliss, it's naivete. It's like living in

> the fog, not knowing which way to turn. Knowledge is power. Knowledge

> gives you options and tools. Don't let other people's experiences

> frighten you and cause you to give up! Weigh them carefully, and learn

> from them how to be careful! Learn from our mistakes, don't quit

> because of them. We have a powerful tool here that may help, but this

> is the frontier. We are on new territory and we are just a bunch of

> fools if we don't learn from each other.


> Here's to health!


> Kathy








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