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MMS and Morgellons

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This is my first post, not sure how many Morgs people you have but he

is my experience so far

I posted this on this site and thread



I have just started the MMS and have Morgellons, have had for about 2

years now

after 5 days I am up to 9 drops 2x per day and have not seen anything

but I just started a low carb low sugar diet that will help as well I

will report my progress over the next few weeks

I used nutra silver for over a year, I guess it helped, but diet

exercise and vinegar 2 x per day seemed to work as well

I was using Praziquantal before that and it helped a bit, I bought it

by the pound from ornamental fish distributors.

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I have used nutra silver for over a year at those doses, it does make

the symptoms improve but it does not get rid of these critters, machines..

now I am up to 15 drops in the morning and 11 in the afternoon

I have no lesions or visable fibers but still have some symptoms

so far not much of a change had " D " a couple of days, very little nausea

I will continue to ramp up my dosage, towards 15 drops 3x per day,

should take another week or so.

One thing, I have stopped my other treatments, dewormers etc, and am

not getting worse, which usually happens by now.


Update on my progress using MMS on Morgellons

I have ramped up my dosage to 15 drops at 9 am and 15 drops at 11 am

thereby getting the benefit of 30 drops at once. Some D if this window

is less than 2 hours, I have recently been doing 15 drops before bedtime.

First thing that I noticed was a sore or cyst that I have had on my

skin, behind the left ear (not on the ear but on my head) for over 15

years, and at one time thought it could be cancer, boiled up like a

large pimple, and was sensitive. This alarmed me at fist as this spot

has been dormant for years. Then after a few days it turned into a

scab and was sloughed away, leaving a bit of tough tissue behind.

After a few more days that sloughed off and for the first time in over

15 years the spot feels normal!!!!!!!

On the morgellons issue, I started this with my NMT (The Feinberg

Technique) practitioner that has kept this at bay for over a year.

This is a type of energetic medicine that allows your own body to

recognize the " faults " in your conscious and subconscious that are not

allowing you to heal. It also allows the practitioner to take

measurements of various loads on the body in reference to disease and

progress, microbes, chemicals, organs affected etc.

My session with Dr yesterday, at the end, we tested to see what

my total draw down over the last 2 weeks has been, if the infectious

agents were at 100% where were we now, the answer was 36%. By Far the

best response of any that I have had using any other method and I have

used them all.

Asking how to get to 0% seemed to included a low sugar carb diet and

keeping the attack on for at least 2 lunar cycles. Seems as though

these critters have several stages and it takes time to wipe them out


Changes to my diet now, no more wine at dinner, committed to at least

a 90 day low carb schedule.

The symptoms that I had that are gone, the strange worm like or

egglike things in my nose are no longer there. Fibers that were

protruding through the roof of my mouth have mostly retreated. Ichy

burning sensations are mostly gone. Creepy crawly mostly gone.

I am also losing weight, seems I heard this on another thread,

sleeping better.

The combination of using NMT with this protocol along with diet may be

critical here, as well as the length of time this needs to go on.

More info on NMT Feinberg here http://www.neuromodulationtechnique.com/


my next NMT

session will be on Feb 8.

My thoughts are that I should get to a 0% load with these critters and

stay there for 2 lunar cycles. This timing also seems to coincide with

Dr Schwartz protocol, which I have done.

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