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MMS 3 Month Update.

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Hi Gang,

I have Lyme/CFS 29 years, Epstein Barr Virus and perhaps other

unknowns. I was on a walking frame for years and sometimes in a

wheelchair. I have been on salt & C www.Lymephotos.com for 39 months

and had many great improvements which have taken me from near death

and being housebound to traveling overseas and walking well.

However, I felt that it was not killing something. 3 months ago I

began taking MMS www.miraclems.com and have noticed some interesting


I had a large cluster of wart-like things on my foot with crusty,

flakey skin around them. After just 3 days on MMS they dried up and

fell off. Another one came up last week and I stuck a pin in it.

Clear fluid came out, so now I think they were probably shingles

which are caused by the chickenpox virus. Whatever they were, MMS

cleared them up quickly. The new skin is moist and healthy looking.

I have extreme dryness in my mouth, nose, eyes and skin. (Suspected

Sjogren's Syndrome, bet negative testing) The moisture and saliva

seem to be slowly returning.

I have also had a very red, sore throat with little blisters on it

for over 20 years. For years it felt like tiny pins prickling the

back of my throat when I swallowed.

Every doctor I have shown it to just say it means I am " coming down

with something! " Mmmmm, I wonder when I will finally " come down with

it! " Anyhow, after being on MMS 3 months, the little blisters are

finally almost gone and the throat is a healthy pink color. I no

longer have the prickly feeling when swallowing. This is amazing to

me as I had learned to live with it and just felt like I had the flu

all the time.

I had a cyst in my breast for over 20 years. There was often a

discharge and the lump was quite painful. Since being on MMS, the

lump has reduced dramatically and can hardly be detected. There is

hardly any pain and the discharge is almost completely gone.

So, I don't feel 100% and sometimes still get headaches, diarrhea,

nausea, herxes and other symptoms, but I believe I have PROOF that

MMS is killing some " critters " that nothing else has been able to


Hang in there, this is exciting.


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