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Re: soaking nuts with salt added to water

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Great article! Thanks for sharing.


-- [ ] soaking nuts with salt added to water

On soaking of nuts in salt... it appears that salt also is an enzyme inhibitor. I didn't know that.. have to read up on that a bit more... but here is a link which might be of interesthttp://www.naturalways.com/phyto-opti-zymes.htmDigestive Enzyme SupportA healthy digestive system is the gateway to vibrant health and enzymes are the key to opening the door.Enzymes are protein-based substances found in every cell of every living plant and animal, including the human body. Without enzymes, life would cease to exist.All life processes, such as digestion and breathing are regulated in part by a complex series of chemical reactions we refer to as metabolism. Metabolism reflects two actions: anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the process of “building up”, in which simpler substances are combined to form more complex substances. i.e. forming new tissue.Catabolism is the process of breaking down substances into simpler substances, such as what occurs in digestion. Enzymes are catalysts that make anabolism and catabolism possible and effect their efficiency.In addition to their vital role in metabolism, enzymes are also food potentiators. All foods have potential nutrients. It is enzymes that have the ability to turn these potential nutrients into available nutrients.Despite their importance in metabolism, according to Dr. Howell, considered the father of enzyme research, the number of enzymes each cell can produce is limited. To multiply our “enzyme store”, we must replenish them from our foods.Historically, the best way to replenish this store has been to include fresh fruits, vegetables and grains in our diet. Almost all nutritional authorities recommend that we eat three to five servings of vegetables and two or three servings of fresh fruit daily to provide the body with rich sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.Unfortunately, statistics reveal that fewer than 10% of Americans meet these guidelines.• 50% of those polled indicated that they eat no vegetables• 70% eat no vegetables or fruit rich in vitamin C• 80% eat no vegetables or fruits rich in carotenoids.Instead, the popular diet consists of hamburgers, French fries, sugar loaded soft drinks, coffee and other fast foods. Moreover, most of our foods are fried, microwaved, baked, canned, frozen, dried or irradiated, all processes that deplete valuable enzymes. With our food potentiators destroyed, vital nutrients are not available to fuel the body.Signs of Enzyme DeficiencyWhile not all signs of enzyme deficiency are obvious, the following symptoms can be considered early warning signs: Disturbed Digestion Indigestion and heartburn Slow to heal Stomach Upset Gas Bloating Weight problems Low energy levels, fatigue Allergies Excessive Aging Slow recovery from illnessA number of factors can inhibit and destroy important enzymes in our food and our bodies:CookingFor thousands of years, humans ate their food raw. Now, our diet is primarily, if not exclusively, composed of cooked food. There are benefits to cooking: it breaks down tough fibers, softens food and kills bacteria. It does, however, kill enzymes needed for digestion.It is generally agreed that temperatures over 140° F (some say as low as 107° F) will kill the enzymes in food. Almost every method of cooking devised is hot enough to destroy enzymes. Water boils at 212° F . If food is boiled enough to just soften fibers, it must boil for several minutes. In order to cook potatoes, for example, their internal starch molecule must reach the “gelatinization stage”, approximately 150° F Frying and deep-frying (used in most fast food restaurants) may reach temperatures of 400° F! Frying an egg requires the temperature to reach between 255° F and 250° F. Baking requires a minimum of 350° F. Broiling requires 450° F to 500° F. Milling and RefiningModern technology used to refine wheat, rice, oats and other grains not only depletes the enzymes, but also destroys many vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to function. Of the 22 nutrients decreased during the milling of white flour, only four (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and iron) are replaced when flour is enriched. Fortifying, however, does not replace the lost enzymes.DryingExtending shelf life and preserving the color of dried foods means halting maturation and ripening before they are dehydrated. Consequently, many dried foods are often pretreated to kill the enzymes. The most common methods used to inactivate enzymes are blanching the food with hot water, or steaming followed by rapid cooling. These steps can set the color, kill microorganisms and shorten drying time. Another method used to inactivate enzymes that cause foods to turn brown is to treat them with sulfur compounds.CanningOnce food is canned, it must be heated in its sealed container (usually glass or metal) to kill microorganisms. Canning normally requires temperatures of 212°. Most, if not all enzymes are destroyed in this process.IrradiationIrradiation is a relatively new process that exposes food to as much as 300,000 Rads (about the same amount of radiation as 30 million chest x-rays). There is evidence that irradiated foods lose vitamins that are important enzyme cofactors, especially B complex vitamins, plus vitamins A, C and E.Preservatives and Flavor EnhancersSodium Nitrate can reduce the activity of digestive enzymes in the small intestines. Many artificial flavorings can cause allergic reactions and some may also inactivate many of the body’s enzymes. For example, the flavoring agent, benzaldehyde, made synthetically through the oxidation of toluene or from benzol chloride and lime, effectively inactivates glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for removing hydrogen peroxide from the brain. Inactivating the enzyme may interfere with nerve transmissions.Salt and Sugar are both enzyme destroyers. Salt is an enzyme inhibitor because it denatures proteins.Excessive Alcohol ConsumptionHigh alcohol intake can impair the digestion and absorption of nutrients, especially the B vitamins needed as coenzymes. Acetaldehyde, a by-product of alcohol metabolism, causes B vitamin deficiencies and deactivates an enzyme involved in prostaglandin production.A number of enzymes, especially trypsin and chymotrypsin, which help digest proteins, are inhibited by alcohol and acetaldehyde. The higher the alcohol consumption, the greater the enzyme inhibition.The Sun RaysA recent study analyzed the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase in the body. One-half hour after UVB radiation, they found enzyme activity had decreased to almost 60% of the control values.MedicationsDrugs can affect your enzymes and your nutritional status in many ways including decreasing the appetite, altering food digestion and interfering with the absorption of nutrients. They can affect metabolism and excretion. In addition, drugs can directly affect specific enzymes and enzyme systems.According to Professor Devlin, Ph.D., author of Textbook of Biochemistry (New York: Wiley-Liss, 1993), enzyme inhibition is the goal of almost all modern drug therapy. Many drugs, including antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor drugs are designed to inhibit specific enzymes and, therefore, interfere with certain metabolic processes.For example, antacids neutralize stomach acid which is necessary to activate the enzyme pepsin.Should one supplement with enzymes?The answer is a resounding, YES.Dr. Howell states, “The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential.”Phyto Opti-Zymes™ by New Spirit Naturals Phyto Opti-Zymes™ is a complete food grade multienzyme complex composed of all plant based enzymes. (no animal source enzymes are used) Phyto Opti-Zymes™ are formulated to work in a wide pH range (from 3 - 9+). This is the most common range in the body.Phyto Opti-Zymes™ contain a powerful combination of enzymes, including: Three Proteases (protein digesting enzymes) Seven Carbohydrases (carbohydrate digesting enzymes), including alpha and beta amylase, cellulase, lactase, sucrase, invertase and maltase. A proprietary acid stable lipase along with peptizymes and bromelain from pineapple. A special proprietary hemicellulase is included to assist in the breakdown of indigestible fiber.Phyto Opti-Zymes™ are prepared in a special base of enzyme enhancers (Jerusalem Artichoke and fructo-oligosac-charides) that help cultivate healthy probiotics which aid in digestion and absorption.Recommendations for Using Phyto Opti-Zymes™ When taking enzymes, consume at least 6 to 8 oz. of water. Water is required to activate the “water craving” hydrolytic enzymes. The moisture in the mouth may not be sufficient. To improve digestion: enzymes should be taken just before, during or just after meals. To complete the digestive process while you sleep: Take enzymes just before retiring. For systemic therapy: Take enzymes either one hour before meals or at least two hours after a meal. Taking them on an empty stomach is suggested so that they can be absorbed quickly and assist various body systems in fighting inflammation as well as acute and chronic diseases. To obtain the best level of enzyme concentration within the body: Spread the dose over the day. i.e. rather than taking 9 capsules at once, it is better to take 3 capsules, three times a day.Therapeutic use of EnzymesDr. Cichoke in his book, The Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy, cites the use of enzymes in the following conditions: Malabsorption Malnutrition Intestinal endotoxins Dysbiosis Leaky gut syndrome Food Allergies Autoimmune diseases Inflammatory bowel Constipation Diarrhea Detoxification Bloating Flatulence, abdominal gas Fibromyalgia Shingles Sport injury Sinusitis Sciatica Rheumatoid Arthritis Prostate problem PMS Steatorrhea Poor digestion Pancreatic insufficiency Pancreatitis Candidiasis Canker Sores Carbohydrate intolerance Lactose intolerance Cancer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome DermatitisReferencesDr. J. Cichoke, The Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy, Avery Publishing Group, New York, 1999.Dr. Howell, Enzyme Nutrition, The Food Enzyme Concept, Avery Publishing Group, New York, 1985.

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After I sent that article I got my Nourishing Traditions off the shelf

and looked up the soaking of nuts with salt.

All I can say is, I am a little confused now but would gut instinct

tells me to give Sally Fallon more credibility.

Here is the excerpt from the book:

Page 512

Nuts are an extremely nutritious food if properly prepared. Once

again, the habits of traditional peoples should serve as a guide.

They understood instinctively that nuts are best soaked or partially

sprouted before eaten. This is because nuts contain numerous enzyme

inhibitors that can put a real strain on the digestive mechanism if

consumed in excess.

Nuts are easier to digest, and their nutrients more readily available it

they are first soaked in salt water overnight, then dried in a warm oven.

(You may also use a dehydrator). This method imitates the Aztec

practice of soaking pumpkin or squash seeds in brine and then letting

them dry in the sun before eating them whole or grinding them into


Salt in soaking water activates enzymes that neutralize enzyme



At 12:53 PM 27/01/2008, you wrote:

Great article! Thanks for



-- [ ] soaking nuts with

salt added to water

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Hi Hanneke,

Since I've been on the salt/c protocol and learned a lot at that

forum, I don't have the same bad opinion of salt that much in the

medical community and media do. I think Sally Fallon is a good

source. I follow some of her advice through Jordan Rubin who has

incorporated some of it in his book, " The Maker's Diet " .

You can get unpasteurized sauerkraut at some health food stores.


In , Hanneke

<blosshan@...> wrote:


> Yes Avril, good point about the salt and the enzymes in sauerkraut.

> I am on the fence about the salt not being good for soaking but


> towards using salt. Sally Fallon's instructions are close to gospel

for me.


> Don't know about sauerkraut not being pasteurized when shop bought.


> Hanneke



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