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Re: Incompassionate Doctors

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Contact your state Department of Health in Talahassee. If you have internet

access do a search on the web on Keywords such

as " Medical Practice Regulation " , " Medical Complaints " " Florida Department

of Health " etc. Since your state does not have an alternative medical

practice act and as I recall your state is one of the worst in aggessively

harrassing alternative doctors particularly in the South Florida area you

will probably find a structure in place but it is too often used to go after

the good doctors and protect the traditional medical procedures that aren't

very effective.

Good luck,

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Incompassionate Doctors

> Hello, can anyone tell me where I can find out if a doctor has a medical

> lawsuit against him or one pending. Also where can I report a doctor who


> mistreated a patient by not allowing her to have services her insurance

> provides because it will basically save him money. Any help would be


> Thankyou to all.


> Chere


> PS This is for the state of Florida


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