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"Defensive Armor, for Mr. Lion"

( This Poem I did for,Spring Garden Club Luncheon )

And later, at a Culinary-meeting..Which helped me

win-money toward my Home Garden..And I got a

potted plant..you've guessed it.." Dandelions ". 1968

Tis early spring, they do not haste,

to manicure our yard in style.

With fast pace they grow, and grow,

and flavor with pleasure, our palate,

with bitter, yet mild delicious taste.

They camouflage Not as they stretch a cross

the many,many miles..

blanketed out in dress of green; and

there spiked out in vivid yellow flowers..

everywhere can be seen,

well dense across our land determined

to grow one step ahead of man.

Spontaneously peeking through the crevices

and all those cracks;

this reputable offensive, bitter plant,

makes new life upon my lawn.

On my property.. No Doubt..

intending to stay, and stay.

Like a thief, they steal the earth,

both through the night and then

the day.

Each Mr. Dent de Lion,camps

upon newly clovered hay..

because the grass has not yet

been mown.

INTRUDERS..are my own Family.

The evil ones continuously remark.

" Oh horrid weeds, tremendoously they

always seem to thrive. Especially

in the flower beds and garden hide.

I wonder why you don't curl right

up and die, die, die?

You pesty critters, why are you

determined to stay alive?"

I frown and pucker up my

quivering lips to cry.

"Show some mercy..a little love,

these plants are a natures source..

surely you can see,,there a gift

from God above.

There great value of nutritional bliss.

Surely, you can see all this?

From early morn's ..a number of years

I've gathered them in wet dew.

I've bent my back against the sun..

ached and sweat for you.

I've gathered a massive bountiful supply.

I've washed, soaked, even towel dried.

For days after I washed away the stains,

for every part of the plant I use..

and do them in anyway I choose.

Months on end I preserve,

in order to make meals..

freeze, garnish, bake, french-fries and stew.

All for everyone of you.

In the cellar lined on pantry shelf's.

fermented wines and herbal oils.


In my personal thoughts I think..

No matter what I say to do..

some member of my family, tries to

maliciously destroy you.

With cruel devices, such as tools..

a spray container to spread 2-4D..

enough stuff to kill the world of fleas..

You continue to defecate bees, and

damage trees.

My biggest enemy, an army of intruders:

jeer daily, remarks at me..when together

march side by side, delighted in a

teaseling pride.

" DIG ! DIG ! out all the young.

Don't let one of them grow tall.

Better still..get them all, and

especially those growing along the

garden wall."

On humble knees, I plead, and plead.

" Oh Please..Oh please !

Must you Eradicate, eliminate.

all my Mr. Lions?"

I felt alone, and discredited.

Madly up and down I run,

stomping my feet upon the ground,

waved my fist above my head,

screamed and shouted till I was out of

breath..knowing any moment..

Mr. Lion would be




" Mercy to abortiontory !" I exclaimed

knowing particualrly whom to blame

that monstrous mowing lawn machine..

ready to launch out..grinds it's gears,

where moments before all 's band,

ne'r no more upon my land.

Indentions now mashed mingled flowers,

yellow and green strewn everywhere.

I in stress felt sorry for every blooming flower.

" You INTERLOPERS! STOP." I cried.

" Get off of Mr.s Inherited God Giver

Private Estate Turf. don't you see I

take with pride, to keep what you've called

pest alive? You'll all suffer...

mark my word..and truly you will need a

buffer.. before I die."

I Cried.. Cried, Cried.

" Why Mom..why do you fuss so much?

The dandelion would be better off dead.

He's a nuisance of a cuss>"

I dare not lie,with gritted teeth I was about to say

"knowing that the devil and

chemical companies are out to make

a fast buck."

Only my conscience told me otherwise.

" God made these plants..every year for

man to harvest.

He sowed the seeds along the hills,

and rolling meadow green.

With fertile lime and rich soil..and

surely not intended for man to spoil.

No matter what you try to do..

they will continue to Grow,

Grow, Grow."

Continually I plucked the flowers left,

and cut the tender buds and leaves

with gentle care..

making sure my basket was overflowing there.

I tracked the mucky creek bed near, and

sidewalk boarders along the way,

beside the corner of the house,

even at the downspout, where their

lived a tiny brown tit' mouse..

right where Mr. Lion he also shared,

and I really didn't care..as

for the shade he refuge there.

Without a doubt a lesson was taught,

and definitely hard learned that day.

For my family soon put their gear away.

The thunder clouds tossed and turned,

and harsh winds begin to blow.

The blue sky changed to vivid gray, for

God with His Mighty Power,

sent down a welcome cleansing shower, and

kindly chased the enemies indoors, and

washed the chemicals away.

Later that night my meal well planned

I knew that it most grand..

the best a cross the land.

I got the best china out, and

carefully set the table.

Each member took a turn to say grace,

then forks in hand, and a smile upon

each face..they lifted their lid.

Now the smile was a grin upside down.

And there was 7 biggest frowns. for

beneath the lids upon each plate, and

in the middle of the table in full course dinner,

Looking up, sat Mr. Lion, with

all his sister's, and brother's. For in the

circle I shaped them like a Circus Clown..

In Unison I could loudly hear.

" Oh GOD No!, please not this..Dandelion!"

And thus it's been my crop was saved, as

each in turn doctored up their meal,

Some used mustard, catsup,any kind of dressing

they could get.

But for me it was a sight to see..

Delicatessencies..of Ingenious Incredibility.


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