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Back 18 years ago when I went to the cancer nutritionist he put me on a bunch of supplements that were prescription, and one was SOD. At the time I had no idea what it was, and actually have heard very little of it since then. But here's a very interesting article on it. Sounds like SOD might be quite useful. I know I have seen oral supplements in the stores now, but according to this they are not really absorbed where needed? Hmmm

I know this letter is just a sales pitch, but I thought the information very interesting.


-- Why Some Elders Have Radiant Skin...

Revolutionary Breakthrough: Have Your Fun in the Sun without Toxic Sunscreens

New “Sunscreen Capsule” Protects Your Skin from the Inside Out

Dear Gaiacita,

My research and development is finally complete… Now you can protect your skin from the sun’s rays without covering yourself in a greasy layer of toxic sunscreen. And there’s much more to the story.

This high-powered ingredient prevents long-term damage to your skin. That means you won’t be left with dry, weathered skin as you age.

I’m sure you’ve seen people with deep grooves in their face… their skin looks like a dried-up piece of leather. This new discovery safeguards your skin, making big wrinkles a thing of the past. For the first time, keeping a youthful glow into old age isn’t just wishful thinking.

During my studies with our Wellness Research Foundation, I discovered good skin is not just about age: I found older patients who looked radiant and younger patients with dry, cracked faces. I knew there was a nutritional link and identified your body’s most powerful skin protector.

For the first time in the history of medicine, you can now take a “sunscreen capsule” with just a glass of water. And that’s great news…

If you’re a regular reader, you know getting 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine a day is critical for good health. It’s a well-known fact. But too much exposure can wreck your skin; speed up your aging and even lead to skin cancer.

Silence that voice in the back of your mind that wonders, “Did I get too much sun today… Is my skin sun damaged... I should use sunscreen, but it’s full of chemicals…”

There’s no reason for stress or anxiety. The research and clinical results supporting this discovery are astounding. Let me share them with you.

Get 8 Times the Protection from the Sun – In a Capsule!

When dermatologists at the Center Hospital University in France finished their study of this remarkable ingredient, they were stunned… They used UV light to give sunburns on the forearms of 50 people once a week for four weeks. The volunteers took this new capsule or a placebo (dummy pill) each day.1

Dermatologists Prove It…

The High-Powered SOD You’ll Find in Radiance Passes Clinical Tests with Flying Colors!

• 15 people who redden easily or have hypersensitivity to the sun, took the new form of SOD I use in my Radiance formula. After three to eight weeks of normal sun exposure, 100% of the people in the study reported a higher tolerance and significantly lower tendency to redden, flush or have sun-induced skin irritation, when compared to previous experiences of summer sun exposure.

• In another study, 150 people took this new form of SOD daily for two months and kept their sunbathing routines consistent. They were split into three groups: 75 people who usually have significant flushing or reddening almost immediately during exposure; 60 who experience moderate sun reactions, and 15 patients who experience other reactions like irritated skin. Results after four to eight weeks: 64 in the first group of sensitive sunbathers reported excellent tolerance to continued sun exposure. In the second group, 44 had no experience of sun burn or negative reactions. And in group three, a full 100% of the people reported none of the usual symptoms they usually experienced with sunbathing. Overall, 82% of people judged their skin was well prepared for sun exposure.

This was an open study conducted in France on 150 patients by 40 dermatologists following a protocol compiled by Laverdet, MD, et al. Sponsored by ISOCELL Nutra, France. March 2005

Source: Matsumura, Y. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2004

The researchers used something called chromometry to measure skin color and videocapillaroscopy to measure inflammatory changes in the skin. The people taking the “sunscreen capsule” had a dramatic increase in the minimum amount of exposure necessary to produce sunburn. Even fair-skinned people required eight times more UV exposure to produce sunburn than did the placebo group.

That means they needed 8 times more sunlight to produce the same sunburn the other group received with no protection! Just a single capsule ramps up your sun protection by 800%.

Here’s where the story gets even more fascinating… Once burning occurred, the redness went away much faster in the “sunscreen capsule” group. They also had less skin inflammation – the painful redness and puffiness you get from sunburn.

This powerful ingredient was extremely fast acting, with just two to three days of supplementation before they received the first sunburn from the researchers.

Here’s what one of the researchers said, “This study confirms the efficacy of [this

ingredient] in the prevention of the consequences of oxidative stress resulting from exposure to the sun. This efficacy is of particular interest for [fair-skinned individuals] that represent a major part of the consultations in dermatology.”

In every-day language, that means you can wipe out the damage of sun exposure and sunburn – and keep your skin looking great for years to come.

Imagine working in your garden without having a painful, red neck at the end of the day… Or going in and out of your pool on a hot summer day without the worry of a nasty burn… Best of all, you can throw your Coppertone in the garbage and avoid all those cancer-causing chemicals for good.

This new discovery is by far the easiest and most convenient way to protect yourself from long-term sun damage. And maybe the only reliable way to keep youthful skin as you age.

Get the Only “Usable” Source of this Breakthrough Nutrient…

The remarkable ingredient that amazed French researchers isn’t new… we’ve known about it for decades. But until now, there was no way for you to take it as a supplement. I’m talking about SOD (superoxide dismutase).

Structure of the active site of human superoxide dismutase

SOD is the most powerful antioxidant your body has. Antioxidants that come from vitamins and food sources pale in comparison. SOD is the “master guardian” of your body’s immune system and is your number one primary antioxidant.

It’s so vital, production of SOD starts when you’re in the womb. In one study, genetically engineered mice whose bodies couldn’t make their own SOD died in just days from massive free radical damage.2

You see, antioxidants come from two places, your body and your diet. The ones your body can make – like SOD – are the primary antioxidants and the most powerful. Secondary antioxidants are the ones you get from your diet or supplements like CoQ10, Vitamin E, etc.

How Do Your Antioxidants Stack Up?


Protection Level

Primary Antioxidants





Glutathione Peroxidase (Gpx)


Secondary Antioxidants

Glutathione, CoQ10

Very Strong

Carotenoids, Vitamin E


Flavinoids, Vitamins A, C


Minerals, Proteins


In the past, I’ve told you about secondary antioxidants like CoQ10… They are very powerful and I use them with my patients everyday. But for the first time in medical history, we have a way to get your body to make more of its own SOD.

This is a remarkable achievement and very exciting news. So far, this new kind of SOD is the only way to boost your body’s level of SOD.

Here’s why: SOD is such a fragile molecule, it was impossible for it to get through your digestive system without being destroyed. Ongoing research has shown:3

Free SOD is destroyed in the stomach.

Oral supplementation of free SOD does not increase tissue SOD activity.

A small percentage of native SOD can be presented in the intestinal tract but cannot translocate the Gastrointestinal (GI) barrier.

These past challenges make this new form real breakthrough… This patented technology (US Patent 6 04 5809) wraps SOD in a protective coating, sending it through your digestive tract without being damaged. When it’s safe, SOD is efficiently absorbed by your small intestine – with all its power intact.

I worked out a deal with the makers of this new SOD to make it a part of my “sunscreen capsule” formula I call Radiance.

Let Other People Worry about a Weary, Weathered Face – You Can Have a Second Shot at Younger-Looking Skin

Radiance keeps you safe from the sun’s rays. It’s also your best chance at keeping a fresh, taught face that projects a clean, warm glow…

And unlike chemical sunscreens, Radiance won’t stop the sun from helping your body make vital vitamin D while you’re out walking or enjoying a barbeque or spending time with your family outdoors. That way, you get all the sun’s benefits and none of the risks.

SOD doesn’t just seek and destroy free radicals. That’s what secondary antioxidants do. SOD actually raises the response of your entire immune system. This makes every cell in your body more resilient and better able to fight off attacks from the outside. No other antioxidant even comes close to this kind of power.

That’s why the clinical results are so impressive. SOD is the first antioxidant to attack harmful superoxide radicals by transforming them into less reactive ions. This is what happens during sun exposure… SOD zaps the destructive free radicals that form when sunlight hits your skin – and it powers up your immune system at the same time.

To make Radiance even more effective, I added 5 powerful skin-saving ingredients. Each one on its own would be enough to reverse years of sun damage. Together, they form an unbeatable barrier against harmful UV rays.

Meet the Radiance all stars:




Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Vegetable oils

Anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighter, immune booster, cellular building block

Sea Buckthorn oil

Berries of a plant native to Europe and Asia

Rich in antioxidants, anti-aging power, speeds skin cell regeneration and healing from burns and injuries

Mixed tocopherols (Vit. E)

Leafy greens, seeds and nuts

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, DNA repair, immune booster, protects cell membranes

High omega flax seed oil

Flowering plant native to Canada

Antioxidant, cancer fighter, accelerates healing

Hyaluronic acid

Root vegetables

Basic building block of tissue throughout the body, anti-aging, cell repair and healing, reduces wrinkles, keeps skin firm and elastic

Raspberry seed oil


Antioxidant, healing agent


Patented “antioxidant catalyst” from France

Ramps up your body’s production of a super powerful antioxidant enzyme; cancer-fighter, anti-inflammatory, immune booster, detoxifies cell tissue

Of course, if you plan to stay out in the sun all day, or if you get a lot of regular exposure you might want to use additional protection – like staying covered up or using a non-toxic zinc oxide sunscreen.

But for day to day protection, Radiance is the easiest and most convenient way to stay safe and keep great-looking skin.

Expensive Skin Creams are a Waste of MoneyRadiance Protects that Youthful Glow from the Inside – Where It Counts!

No matter what you put on your face, the ingredients will likely have little impact. As much as manufacturers want you to believe their new cream will keep you looking young forever, these topical ingredients have no way entering your bloodstream and making a real difference.

Of course, you need to keep your skin moisturized and that’s the main benefit of a face cream. But in terms of actually slowing down your skin’s aging process, they’re useless.

To really protect the vitality and elasticity of your skin you need to help your body make more of the primary defense that does all the real work. And your top primary defense is SOD.

Slow Down Your Skin’s Aging and Repair Past Damage

You may be surprised to hear you can get reliable sun protection – and youthful skin – from a little capsule and a glass of water. At first, I was too… But after going over the test results and talking to other doctors, I know it to be true.

That’s why I’m writing to you today. I want you to have this amazing breakthrough right away. Living in south Florida, I started taking it as soon as I could… Even in winter, Radiance slows your skin’s aging clock and zaps those deep lines and wrinkles.

Good skin is one of the most noticeable features you can have. It’s what other people notice about you first… So why not “put your best face forward?” Radiance makes it easy.

Radiance is risk and regret free. You can always get your money back if it’s not for you. Even your shipping and handling. Eva – my services director – always takes care of you. She makes sure you get all the sun protecting, age reversing benefits of Radiance without any hassle or “buyer’s remorse.”

My Special Gift to You

Eva has a special bonus for you… If she hears from you today, she’ll send you a FREE copy of my latest release Your Best Health Under the Sun. In it, you’ll find the real benefits of sunshine and how to protect yourself from all 3 forms of skin cancer. I also expose the myths, half-truths and falsehoods about sun exposure that flood the media.

You may not have heard:

Why skin cancer was virtually unheard of before 1930 – and the chilling clinical studies mainstream medicine has hidden from publication.

The 5 simple nutrients that actually protect your skin from cancer – (you probably have these in your fridge right now…)

Why exposing yourself to the sun actually lowers your risk of deadly skin cancer.

The truth about the “sun safety alliance” and why their backroom deals lead to the death of over 300,000 Americans every year.

The little-known secret about sunlight that relieves depression, strengthens bones and prevents cancer.

What the ancient Greeks knew about the healing power of the sun – that we don’t!

The 7 dangerous chemicals in sunscreen that increase your risk of skin cancer.

Or Eva may send you an excerpt from Your Best Health Under the Sun called Foods to Keep Your Skin Youthful. This report reveals the foods that keep your skin soft and supple. You’ll also find the easiest ways to get more vitamin D into your diet and daily routine. Check out her packages and choose the one you like.

Just click below… right now… to take advantage of this totally no-risk offer.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

BEST DEAL: You SAVE 15% when you order a 6-month supply of Radiance for just $203.76. PLUS, you get a FREE copy of Dr. Sears’ Your Best Health Under the Sun (Retail Value: $24.95) and FREE Shipping and Handling. That’s a Total Savings of $72.84.

Click Here to Order Your Best Deal!

GREAT DEAL: You SAVE 10% when you order a 3-month supply of Radiance for just $107.88. PLUS, you get a FREE copy of Dr. Sears’ report Foods to Keep Your Skin Youthful (Retail Value: $14.95). and FREE Shipping and Handling. That’s a Total Savings of $35.87.

Click Here to Order Your Great Deal!

*To get your special discount, just enter the number of bottles you want in the "Quantity" box. Your discount will be calculated automatically!

TRIAL OFFER: Order a 1-month supply of Radiance for just $39.95 + $5.95 shipping and handling. Total Price: $45.90.

Click Here to Order Your Trial Offer!


1 Mac-, M. Sainthillier, J. et al. “Evaluation of the Effect of GliSODin on the Intensity of Actinic Erythema,” presented at the CARD (Annual Congress of Dermatological Research) meeting in Brest, France, May 28th 2005.2 Li, et al. Cardiomyopathy and neonatal lethality in mutant mice lacking manganese superoxide dismutase. 1995. Nature Genetics. 11:376-381.3 Dietary free superoxide dismutase does not affect tissue levels. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1983, 37:5-7.

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My Mom used to get tons of pep when she took SOD. It was like she was

on an amphetamine or something (God bless her).

I still see it in health stores. They also call it AOX/PLX and/or Cell







> Back 18 years ago when I went to the cancer nutritionist he put me on a

> bunch of supplements that were prescription, and one was SOD. At

the time I

> had no idea what it was, and actually have heard very little of it since

> then. But here's a very interesting article on it. Sounds like SOD


> be quite useful. I know I have seen oral supplements in the stores

now, but

> according to this they are not really absorbed where needed? Hmmm


> I know this letter is just a sales pitch, but I thought the

information very

> interesting.


> Samala


> -

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Interesting. I'm going to look into SOD more. Thanks.


-------Original Message-------

My Mom used to get tons of pep when she took SOD. It was like she was

on an amphetamine or something (God bless her).

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