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Re: Organic Cotton wool in one ear

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,How fascinating!  I wonder if it has to be done continuously or can be done only at night.  There is no way I, or most anyone else I know could completely avoid computer monitors or cells phones for an extended period of time. I'd lose my job! :-)I have a friend whose daughter has had a cough for almost two months, so I'm going to suggest this to her as well.Thanks for sharing!On Feb 10, 2008, at 4:46 AM, wrote:I was just sent this and found it utterly fascinating.  I'm going to try it out on my DH, as he has a persistent cough these past 2 weeks that nothing is seeming to help. I've also placed a link to the full article in case anyone is interested.  It is the Fetal Cure he talks about.  And now I'm wondering about something, after reading his Fetal Cure. (you have to go read the full article to understand this) I am thinking this fetal stimulation may be the real thing.  Because the other night we watched the movie Rain Man again.  Such a great movie.  Hoffman did such a wonderful job duplicating all the body moves that these special people do.  In one scene only he did something my cousin Patty use to do all the time as a child.  She was born with Down's Syndrome.  He started rocking a bit and holding his hands up next to his mouth in an open manner not like a funnel but loose fingered, and whispered into his hands.   Now I see that this guy mentions keeping the hands up by the mouth like a fetus does.  Which makes me wonder if that's why those special kids do this thing because they remember the fetal body positions!!!  And who knows--perhaps the fetus does talk through its hands--and the Mom just doesn't hear it!!!!  Wow.  What a concept. Link to the full article;http://www.naturalworldhealing.com/thefetalcure.htm Samala, -------Original Message-------    ... protect the immune system for any type of infectionFrom stevelord on 2005-09-2959 replies 1947 viewsHiI am a retired lawyer in Santa Barbara, Ca. I foundthat merely applying slight pressure to the ear nextto the ear canal by placing a small piece from anORGANIC cotton ball (nothing else works) stimulatesour immune system to such a great degree that 11 of ustried it for colds, some bad enough to see a doctorfor them and the average time it took to completelycure our colds was 3 hours. (this is not a joke or ahoax). The average time it took us to completelyeradicate the malaise, fever and sore throat was onehour and the other 2 hours was needed for the nasalsymptoms. Similar effects are seen in my flu's andseveral cases of food poisoning.That level of immune stimulation is of courseunprecedented ! and it would seem likely to be greatenough to cure many if not most of the infectiousdiseases in the world. It also has remarkable tissuehealing effects as well.THis method is befitting to be investigated by variousmembers of the medical community. Dr Ralph (naturopathic physician) has put my story on hiswebsite (push essays on the left side and mine is THEFETAL CURE , in the T section, see the emails of theman who put his severe 20 year autoimmune disease intocomplete remission in a few days with this method-thisessay also describes why it works).Dr emailed the head of microbiology at the USNational Institutes of HEalth Division of Immunologyand Infectious Disease supporting it.. That heademailed me that she had told her clinical researchersabout it and would bring it up again to them. Aresearcher at the Univ of Arizona Medical School toldme she would include it in her grant request ! using QiGong for AIDS from the Gates Foundation if whe couldgain agreement of her colleagues. A medical researcherat Bastyr Univ (naturopathic college) who used to bethe head of research there emailed me 2 days agosaying she was presently trying it as a test inherself. She didnt say what condition she was using itfor.One just places a piece of a cotton ball in ONE ear ,(either ear and you can switch ears for comfort sake)the size of a small marble (not so big to beuncomfortable, but big enough to cause a littlepressure) and poke it in gently until it stops goingin any more to where you put an ear plug for noise,next to the ear canal and keep checking it to makesure it stays in place and wear it there with nothingin the other ear.Best results would be obtained by wearing the cotton24 hours a day even during sleep , checking it everyso often to see if it has slipped out some. Poke itgently a couple of times again to make sure its in allthe way. Repl! ace it as needed to keep it clean anddry.Our immune system I have found cant be stimulatedwhile exposed to most types of manmade radiation suchas cell phones (even when just being carried) orwithin 2 or 3 feet of you) or when using a computerand it would be better to take the cotton out at thosetimes. The same problem if you smoke (80 or 90% of theeffect is lost) and some amount will be lost by thingsthat suppress immunity such as steroids or sytheticopiate pain killer.The cotton ball has to be ORGANIC cotton, it must sayORGANIC on the package because ordinary cotton ballsare either genetically modified now or are syntheticand neither will work, the body wont respond to them.Most health food markets sell orgnic cotton balls. Youwould have to call around.One shouldnt do this if you take close to a toxic doseof any drugs with severe side effects since thismethod may increase circulation causing ! a mildlygreater drug effect. I am not a Doctor and can tprescribe this for anyone..Check with your Doctor.Good Luck 

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It can be done continuously. You just switch ears when it gets uncomfortable. The cell phones and monitors will interfere, but not totally block it according to the full article.

Remember, ORGANIC cotton.


-------Original Message-------

How fascinating! I wonder if it has to be done continuously or can be done only at night. There is no way I, or most anyone else I know could completely avoid computer monitors or cells phones for an extended period of time. I'd lose my job! :-)

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I have got to try this. You know how I love CHEAP and EFFECTIVE. I'll be

going to the local big town soon so I'll put it on my list right now. I

doubt there's any on this little town. DB

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12:21 PM

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Wife and I both tried it last night, We slept good but that's about all I

can say. It's easy to do at night. I suspect it will take a while to

attribute anything to it, if anything at all comes of it. I gave some to our

youngest, a Lymie, home this weekend, going back to college today. Can't

hurt. Daddybob

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2:16 PM

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Wife thinks it may have helped her with some eye redness from allergies, but

we both forgot it last night. DB

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5:50 AM

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