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oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

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this gives a good conscise explanation of the HCV structure and processes,

and how ozone, peroxides, and oxidizers attack and disable the virus.


this is about half of it... follow the link to get to the best part:

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a global disease with an expanding incidence and

prevalence base. Of massive public health importance, hepatitis C presents

supremely challenging problems in view of its adaptability and its

pathogenic capacity. The unique strategies that HCV utilizes to parasitize

its host make it a formidable enemy and therapeutic interventions need

considerable honing to counter its progress. Ozone, because of its special

biological properties, has theoretical and practical attributes to make it a

potent HCV inactivator.

History of the virus A form of hepatitis became recognized in the 1970's

that resembled hepatitis B, serum hepatitis, and to a lesser extent

hepatitis A, infectious hepatitis. It had, however, novel features, amongst

them, a distinctive serological profile. In 1989, the genome of hepatitis C

(HCV) was deciphered.

It is possible, by means of extrapolation from the genetic evolution of a

virus, to approximate its age. Sequence genetic analysis points to the

diversification of different HCV genotypes 200 to 400 years ago. Ancestors

to these genotypes probably date back 100,000 or so years when viruses

co-evolved with modern humans. Further analysis of genetic viral trees and

Old and New World primates take the primordial forms of these viruses to

primate speciation periods some 35 million years ago.

Today, in the context of human population growth, migration, and global

travel, the hepatitis C virus has expanded its territories, geographically,

and demographically. There is every indication that the evolution of this

virus, in all its forms, is currently manifesting an accelerated phase.

Virion architecture and molecular biology The HCV particle is composed of a

nucleocapsid containing its genome, an RNA single strand composed of

approximately 9600 nucleotides, and its protein coating. The nucleocapsid is

surrounded by an envelope which allows attachment and penetration into host

cells. The genome encodes structural proteins designated as core ©,

envelope 1 (E1), envelope 2 (E2), and P7 (unknown function), providing for

virion architecture, and nonstructural proteins, mainly enzymes essential to

the virion's life cycle, designated as NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B.

Proteases release structural and nonstructural proteins. Helicases unwind

viral nucleic acid. Polymerases replicate RNA. Within this genome is located

a hypervariable region implying an area of intensive genetic fluidity and

mutational potential. HCV displays great genotypic flexibility which makes

for sophisticated evasiveness to host defenses.

The nucleocapsid is surrounded by an envelope, a lipid bilayer associated

with a union of carbohydrates and proteins, glycoproteins. Up to 60% of the

lipid component of the envelope is phospholipid and the remainder is mostly

cholesterol. It possesses projections called peplomers which facilitate

attachment to host cells. One protein on peplomers of the HCV particle which

is thought to be instrumental in the attachment process is designated CD-81.

The sequence of nucleotides within the HCV genome shows significant

variations. Strains obtained from different parts of the world, for example,

may differ substantially in their structural and nonstructural protein

compositions. This has lead to a system of classification of the HCV family

into 6 genotypes (1 to 6), and approximately 100 subtypes (designated a, b,

c, ect.). Genotypes vary from each other by a factor of 30% over the entire

genome. Subtypes vary by about 20%. Genotypes 1 to 3 have global

distribution, while genotype 4 and 5 are found mainly in Africa, and 6 is

distributed in Asia. Importantly, genotype and subtype differences have

shown varying susceptibility to antiviral therapy.

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Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it been approved by

the FDA already?


http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com





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Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it been approved by

the FDA already?


http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com





Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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i believe he's speaking of various ozone treatments that have been used in

europe (especially germany), ussr/russia, mexico, cuba and more for a long

time... they're not FDA approved " safe and effective " in the USA but do

happen .

any way that ozone or oxidative compounds (H2O2, ClO2, O3 are what i'm aware

of) get into the system and circulate so the oxidation reaction can happen

with contacting virus the virus will be disabled from entering a host cell,

and/or replicating.

the way i see it is that every little bit helps, for the only good HCV is a

dead HCV.

drinking ozonated water, transdermal ozone absorbtion from

cupping/bagging/bodysuits, ozonating removed blood then replacing it, direct

IV ozone injections, rectal/anal ozone insufflations, ozone water enemas,

peroxide baths, MMS, maybe tetrasilver tetroxide ingestion or injection

(Ag4O4 kills with silver and oxygen)... i'm just learning about this stuff,

but it's got a lot of history of widespread safe and effective touted for

most of it.

there's lots of various benefits to various claimed for just drinking

ozonated water... like breaking down toxins in the body from dead microbes

(die-off cleanup) to pesticides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons like carbon

monoxide, etc etc...

google is your friend.

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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i believe he's speaking of various ozone treatments that have been used in

europe (especially germany), ussr/russia, mexico, cuba and more for a long

time... they're not FDA approved " safe and effective " in the USA but do

happen .

any way that ozone or oxidative compounds (H2O2, ClO2, O3 are what i'm aware

of) get into the system and circulate so the oxidation reaction can happen

with contacting virus the virus will be disabled from entering a host cell,

and/or replicating.

the way i see it is that every little bit helps, for the only good HCV is a

dead HCV.

drinking ozonated water, transdermal ozone absorbtion from

cupping/bagging/bodysuits, ozonating removed blood then replacing it, direct

IV ozone injections, rectal/anal ozone insufflations, ozone water enemas,

peroxide baths, MMS, maybe tetrasilver tetroxide ingestion or injection

(Ag4O4 kills with silver and oxygen)... i'm just learning about this stuff,

but it's got a lot of history of widespread safe and effective touted for

most of it.

there's lots of various benefits to various claimed for just drinking

ozonated water... like breaking down toxins in the body from dead microbes

(die-off cleanup) to pesticides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons like carbon

monoxide, etc etc...

google is your friend.

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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I would be very scared of peroxide therapy, it can be deadly. 2004 a woman in

Columbia, SC

accidentally killed herself. I have see hydrogen peroxide therapy listed as tx

for many ailments in Trudeau's book " Cures the government doesn't want you

to know about " , i am not positive of that name but the author is correct,(maybe

spelled wrong) . Please be very careful if you are thinking of this type of



bob Larson <bobList@...> wrote:

i believe he's speaking of various ozone treatments that have been used in

europe (especially germany), ussr/russia, mexico, cuba and more for a long

time... they're not FDA approved " safe and effective " in the USA but do

happen .

any way that ozone or oxidative compounds (H2O2, ClO2, O3 are what i'm aware

of) get into the system and circulate so the oxidation reaction can happen

with contacting virus the virus will be disabled from entering a host cell,

and/or replicating.

the way i see it is that every little bit helps, for the only good HCV is a

dead HCV.

drinking ozonated water, transdermal ozone absorbtion from

cupping/bagging/bodysuits, ozonating removed blood then replacing it, direct

IV ozone injections, rectal/anal ozone insufflations, ozone water enemas,

peroxide baths, MMS, maybe tetrasilver tetroxide ingestion or injection

(Ag4O4 kills with silver and oxygen)... i'm just learning about this stuff,

but it's got a lot of history of widespread safe and effective touted for

most of it.

there's lots of various benefits to various claimed for just drinking

ozonated water... like breaking down toxins in the body from dead microbes

(die-off cleanup) to pesticides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons like carbon

monoxide, etc etc...

google is your friend.

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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I would be very scared of peroxide therapy, it can be deadly. 2004 a woman in

Columbia, SC

accidentally killed herself. I have see hydrogen peroxide therapy listed as tx

for many ailments in Trudeau's book " Cures the government doesn't want you

to know about " , i am not positive of that name but the author is correct,(maybe

spelled wrong) . Please be very careful if you are thinking of this type of



bob Larson <bobList@...> wrote:

i believe he's speaking of various ozone treatments that have been used in

europe (especially germany), ussr/russia, mexico, cuba and more for a long

time... they're not FDA approved " safe and effective " in the USA but do

happen .

any way that ozone or oxidative compounds (H2O2, ClO2, O3 are what i'm aware

of) get into the system and circulate so the oxidation reaction can happen

with contacting virus the virus will be disabled from entering a host cell,

and/or replicating.

the way i see it is that every little bit helps, for the only good HCV is a

dead HCV.

drinking ozonated water, transdermal ozone absorbtion from

cupping/bagging/bodysuits, ozonating removed blood then replacing it, direct

IV ozone injections, rectal/anal ozone insufflations, ozone water enemas,

peroxide baths, MMS, maybe tetrasilver tetroxide ingestion or injection

(Ag4O4 kills with silver and oxygen)... i'm just learning about this stuff,

but it's got a lot of history of widespread safe and effective touted for

most of it.

there's lots of various benefits to various claimed for just drinking

ozonated water... like breaking down toxins in the body from dead microbes

(die-off cleanup) to pesticides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons like carbon

monoxide, etc etc...

google is your friend.

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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i wouldn't spend a nickel or give a card# to trudeau's organization for


correct, one must be careful to know what they're doing. oxygen therapies

range from " drink freely " to " do NOT try this at home! "

messing with 35% peroxide requires great caution. shooting up peroxide is

powerful and can kill you (i'll not be messing with that one any time soon).

pouring a bottle if 3% from the dollar store in a hot bath can only help (i

might try that tonight).

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >






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i wouldn't spend a nickel or give a card# to trudeau's organization for


correct, one must be careful to know what they're doing. oxygen therapies

range from " drink freely " to " do NOT try this at home! "

messing with 35% peroxide requires great caution. shooting up peroxide is

powerful and can kill you (i'll not be messing with that one any time soon).

pouring a bottle if 3% from the dollar store in a hot bath can only help (i

might try that tonight).

> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >






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ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I start traditional

tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have 2 little boys 3 years and 3

months I just want to be healthy for the boys for a change.

Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I start traditional

tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have 2 little boys 3 years and 3

months I just want to be healthy for the boys for a change.

Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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you have to have an ozone generator that bubbles ozone through water. the

ozone only lasts a short while before dissipating out so you make it right

before you drink/use it.

such generators are around for under $200; the real super cheapies mostly

aren't much good... it should have an " air dryer " cartridge with it so it

doesn't make so many nitrogen compounds.

to get the idea, here's a decent cheap one on ebay: item# 110224689174,

another that can use pure oxygen but needs an air pump (like for a fish

tank) if using ambient air: 110225497780

here's one for instant ozone water that sits on countertop and connects to

the faucet: 120221824751

for doing vaginal, rectal, ear, or body cupping/bagging you need one that

makes very pure ozone, called a medical grade generator, that's fed with

pure oxygen usually regulated from a tank, not air. the best ones have no

metal in the ozone path at all... around $2000 for the whole rig, they'll

make IV injectible quality ozone. the " synergy " brand medical grade

generators on ebay are about as cheap as this category gets, but i believe

they have stainless steel in the ozone path, which according to dr. saul

pressman who sells $2k cold-plasma ozone machines, is an unhealthful bad


i have an Enaly corona discharge that'll take oxygen feed and use it with

the air dryer cartridge for drinkable ozone water and to wash food. when i

get an oxygen tank & regulator i'll chance ear and body cupping treatments

with it, and use it's water in enemas.

> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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you have to have an ozone generator that bubbles ozone through water. the

ozone only lasts a short while before dissipating out so you make it right

before you drink/use it.

such generators are around for under $200; the real super cheapies mostly

aren't much good... it should have an " air dryer " cartridge with it so it

doesn't make so many nitrogen compounds.

to get the idea, here's a decent cheap one on ebay: item# 110224689174,

another that can use pure oxygen but needs an air pump (like for a fish

tank) if using ambient air: 110225497780

here's one for instant ozone water that sits on countertop and connects to

the faucet: 120221824751

for doing vaginal, rectal, ear, or body cupping/bagging you need one that

makes very pure ozone, called a medical grade generator, that's fed with

pure oxygen usually regulated from a tank, not air. the best ones have no

metal in the ozone path at all... around $2000 for the whole rig, they'll

make IV injectible quality ozone. the " synergy " brand medical grade

generators on ebay are about as cheap as this category gets, but i believe

they have stainless steel in the ozone path, which according to dr. saul

pressman who sells $2k cold-plasma ozone machines, is an unhealthful bad


i have an Enaly corona discharge that'll take oxygen feed and use it with

the air dryer cartridge for drinkable ozone water and to wash food. when i

get an oxygen tank & regulator i'll chance ear and body cupping treatments

with it, and use it's water in enemas.

> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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you have to have an ozone generator that bubbles ozone through water. the

ozone only lasts a short while before dissipating out so you make it right

before you drink/use it.

such generators are around for under $200; the real super cheapies mostly

aren't much good... it should have an " air dryer " cartridge with it so it

doesn't make so many nitrogen compounds.

to get the idea, here's a decent cheap one on ebay: item# 110224689174,

another that can use pure oxygen but needs an air pump (like for a fish

tank) if using ambient air: 110225497780

here's one for instant ozone water that sits on countertop and connects to

the faucet: 120221824751

for doing vaginal, rectal, ear, or body cupping/bagging you need one that

makes very pure ozone, called a medical grade generator, that's fed with

pure oxygen usually regulated from a tank, not air. the best ones have no

metal in the ozone path at all... around $2000 for the whole rig, they'll

make IV injectible quality ozone. the " synergy " brand medical grade

generators on ebay are about as cheap as this category gets, but i believe

they have stainless steel in the ozone path, which according to dr. saul

pressman who sells $2k cold-plasma ozone machines, is an unhealthful bad


i have an Enaly corona discharge that'll take oxygen feed and use it with

the air dryer cartridge for drinkable ozone water and to wash food. when i

get an oxygen tank & regulator i'll chance ear and body cupping treatments

with it, and use it's water in enemas.

> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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you have to have an ozone generator that bubbles ozone through water. the

ozone only lasts a short while before dissipating out so you make it right

before you drink/use it.

such generators are around for under $200; the real super cheapies mostly

aren't much good... it should have an " air dryer " cartridge with it so it

doesn't make so many nitrogen compounds.

to get the idea, here's a decent cheap one on ebay: item# 110224689174,

another that can use pure oxygen but needs an air pump (like for a fish

tank) if using ambient air: 110225497780

here's one for instant ozone water that sits on countertop and connects to

the faucet: 120221824751

for doing vaginal, rectal, ear, or body cupping/bagging you need one that

makes very pure ozone, called a medical grade generator, that's fed with

pure oxygen usually regulated from a tank, not air. the best ones have no

metal in the ozone path at all... around $2000 for the whole rig, they'll

make IV injectible quality ozone. the " synergy " brand medical grade

generators on ebay are about as cheap as this category gets, but i believe

they have stainless steel in the ozone path, which according to dr. saul

pressman who sells $2k cold-plasma ozone machines, is an unhealthful bad


i have an Enaly corona discharge that'll take oxygen feed and use it with

the air dryer cartridge for drinkable ozone water and to wash food. when i

get an oxygen tank & regulator i'll chance ear and body cupping treatments

with it, and use it's water in enemas.

> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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Is there more information out there about this type of therapy and if it helps

with Hep C?? If anyone has links to articles, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I start traditional

tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have 2 little boys 3 years and 3

months I just want to be healthy for the boys for a change.

Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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Is there more information out there about this type of therapy and if it helps

with Hep C?? If anyone has links to articles, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I start traditional

tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have 2 little boys 3 years and 3

months I just want to be healthy for the boys for a change.

Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...



> Bob,

> Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> been approved by the FDA already?



> jpereira

> http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> http://depression.jamestpereira.com



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did you read this one, which started this thread? the bibliography appears



here's one from dr. Perfect (gary null). long, but pretty

interesting...mostly about treating HIV but mentions some about hep:


a short encouraging paragraph:


here's a .pdf from work in egypt i guess:


these are the first hits on the first page of a google search for " hepatitis

ozone "

google is your friend.

have fun, and a glass of ozone water with it


> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...







> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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did you read this one, which started this thread? the bibliography appears



here's one from dr. Perfect (gary null). long, but pretty

interesting...mostly about treating HIV but mentions some about hep:


a short encouraging paragraph:


here's a .pdf from work in egypt i guess:


these are the first hits on the first page of a google search for " hepatitis

ozone "

google is your friend.

have fun, and a glass of ozone water with it


> Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...







> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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Thank you much for the information, It is much appreciated !

Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...







> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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Thank you much for the information, It is much appreciated !

Re: Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...







> ok guys call me stupid but where do you get ozonated water?? I

> start traditional tx wednesday so say some prayers for me. I have

> 2 little boys 3 years and 3 months I just want to be healthy for

> the boys for a change.


> Re:oxidation, O3, & hep-C...

> >

> >

> > Bob,

> > Is this ozone treatment still in experimental stage or has it

> > been approved by the FDA already?

> >

> >

> > jpereira

> > http://Hepatitis C.jamestpereira.com

> > http://fibromyalgia.jamestpereira.com

> > http://transfat.jamestpereira.com

> > http://depression.jamestpereira.com

> >

> >



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