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Son's Testicular Cancer Worse Than Dad's

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Son's Testicular Cancer Worse Than Dad's

By Charnicia Huggins

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Sons of men with testicular cancer may develop


disease at a much earlier age than their fathers did, results of a new

study suggest. The sons may also develop a more severe form of the disease

than their fathers had.

``The most important point of the study is that for father-son testicular

tumors (i.e. case

histories where both the father and a son develop a testicular tumor

during their lifetime) the age of onset for the son is almost 20 years

earlier than the age of onset for the father,'' chief investigator Dr.

E. Peschel, told Reuters Health.

In a study of 47 cases in which both the father and son developed

testicular cancer between 1972 and 1999, the sons developed the cancer at

an earlier age than their fathers (average age 27 years versus 43 years),

suggesting a phenomenon known as genetic anticipation. Overall, 43% of sons

had more severe disease than their father did, 47% had the same disease

severity and in 10% of cases, their disease was less severe, according to

the report in the May 15th issue of Cancer.

Testicular cancer is now the most common cancer in white males aged 20 to

34 years, according to Peschel, a professor of therapeutic radiology from

the Yale University

School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and co-author Dr.

Han. However, the cause of the illness is unknown. Research shows that sons

of men with

testicular cancer are 6 to 10 times more likely to develop the condition,

which suggests that the cancer may have a genetic component.

``Our results strongly suggest a genetic defect is responsible for many

father-son testicular tumors,'' Peschel noted. However, ``Until the

underlying genetic etiology (cause) in father-son testicular tumor is

better defined, the concept of genetic anticipation is noteworthy but

unproven,'' the authors write.

``For all males with a family history of a father with a testicular tumor,

the sons should begin self-examination of the testes at a very early age

(less than 20 years old),'' Peschel advised.

The disease could have a greater impact on the sons than the fathers,

according to the

report. Radiation therapy used to treat cancer can cause a permanent

low-sperm count that could interfere with their future ability to have

children. Also, both father and son have a 2% to 10% chance of developing a

second cancer in the 15 to 25 years after receiving radiation treatment.

SOURCE: Cancer 2000;88:2319-2325.

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Here's another hypothesis about the cause of Dad-Son's testicular cancers:

Since husbands can give cervical cancer to their wives through infectious

organisms from adulterous affairs, do you think that perhaps Dad-Son

testicular cancer is also contracted in a similar manner? If a son

inherits cancer-causing viruses from his dad, the chances would be greater

of him contracting cancer. See Dr. Hulda 's book on " Cure for all

cancers " and " Cure for all advanced cancers " . Dr. has identified

certain organisms to cause cancer, and did Dr. Rife when he had successful

cancer centers in several states before the FDA shut them down.

Dr. 's protocol includes parasite cleanses, nutrition, and avoids

toxins (e.g. in brand-named processed foods which contain carcinogens

introduced by chemicals used to clean the machines), etc.

A thought about spiritual inheritance--I heard a pastor once describe how

soldiers serving in Vietnam brought back the adulterous spirit to their

sons and to this nation. This pastor also served in the war, but he said

he literally ran past certain places of prostitution to avoid temptation.

It paid off, as evidenced by his happy children and his successful

marriage and ministry. In contrast, those men who " played with the

prostitutes " may have a greater chance of having children who are also

promiscuous (a Biblical law of " spiritual inheritance " ), and also may have

a higher risk of getting cancer through the pathogens they acquired

through sex. An illustration of " spiritual inheritance " is seen in one of

Dr. Brown's book (in " Set the Captives Free " ??) where she

describes a young man who had emotional and spiritual problems just at

about the same time his aunt who practiced witchcraft died. These

problems remained with him for several years until he was prayed for and

freed of it. (Dr. Brown refused a post-doctoral scholarship in Oncology to

obey God's call to set captives free from satanism.)

Medicine often forgets the spiritual side of diseases, and neglects to

tell us that we have a choice in preventing cancer by the spiritual

choices we make. Our government and schools often help promote diseases by

their laws and teachings (e.g., teaching " safe sex " can actually increase

venereal diseases and HIV, since viruses etc. easily pass through the

holes and microscopic breaks in the condons.) These doctrines of man come

in direct conflict with God's laws, " Do not commit fornification. Do not

commit adultery... " . If God's laws were taught, we can easily rid

ourselves of all sex-generated diseases.

Blaming diseases on genetics keeps most individuals helpless and dependent

on their doctors. But there are other modalities of healing. Pastor Hinn

(TV evangelist; " This is Your Day " ) once broke a generational curse of

blindness in a family which doctors had said was genetic; now all the sons

who were blind can see. Many people with genetic disorders are living

normal, healthy lives through taking designer foods, a nutritional


Knowing that our actions, our thoughts, and our behaviour can contribute

to cancer can free us to help ourselves. Some people who have

successfully seen supernatural healings in their ministry say that unclean

spirits tend to attach themselves to places of woundedness, whether it is

physical woundedness (an injury), emotional woundedness (anger,

unforgiveness, bitterness, etc.), or spiritual woundedness (sin). People

with unforgiveness and bitter emotions in their hearts tend to have

greater risks of getting cancer.

When I have symptoms of disease, I evaluate all areas...my thought

processes (changing negative thoughts to positive ones), my diet (eating

healthy and taking designer foods), my actions, and do commanding prayer

as Jesus did (command the spirit to leave). It has been my experience

that if you develop spiritual authority, the last avenue is the fastest

when the cause is spiritual, because healing can come within seconds or

instantly (you use the name of Jesus--his name has legal authority in the

spiritual realm). If the cause of the disease is physical, taking quality

designer foods give good results. Since all three areas are interrelated,

healing any one of these areas can bring about healing.

For many people, healing through prayer comes gradually--as in the case of

a man who had kidney failure. Several months ago, the man's pastor

prophecied over him that " his healing had begun " , and with prayer, the man

grew stronger until his doctors said his heart was strong enough for him

to undergo a kidney transplant. But last Sunday, the man testified with

tears in his eyes that the doctors took him off dialysis because his

kidney had begun to work and the kidney transplant was no longer needed.

Healing is becoming common in churches who embrace the power of the Holy

Spirit. To learn more about supernatural healing or to build faith for

healing, go to:


On Fri, 19 May 2000, Webster wrote:

> Son's Testicular Cancer Worse Than Dad's


> By Charnicia Huggins


> NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Sons of men with testicular cancer may develop

> the

> disease at a much earlier age than their fathers did, results of a new

> study suggest. The sons may also develop a more severe form of the disease

> than their fathers had.


> ``The most important point of the study is that for father-son testicular

> tumors (i.e. case

> histories where both the father and a son develop a testicular tumor

> during their lifetime) the age of onset for the son is almost 20 years

> earlier than the age of onset for the father,'' chief investigator Dr.

> E. Peschel, told Reuters Health.


> In a study of 47 cases in which both the father and son developed

> testicular cancer between 1972 and 1999, the sons developed the cancer at

> an earlier age than their fathers (average age 27 years versus 43 years),

> suggesting a phenomenon known as genetic anticipation. Overall, 43% of sons

> had more severe disease than their father did, 47% had the same disease

> severity and in 10% of cases, their disease was less severe, according to

> the report in the May 15th issue of Cancer.


> Testicular cancer is now the most common cancer in white males aged 20 to

> 34 years, according to Peschel, a professor of therapeutic radiology from

> the Yale University

> School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and co-author Dr.

> Han. However, the cause of the illness is unknown. Research shows that sons

> of men with

> testicular cancer are 6 to 10 times more likely to develop the condition,

> which suggests that the cancer may have a genetic component.


> ``Our results strongly suggest a genetic defect is responsible for many

> father-son testicular tumors,'' Peschel noted. However, ``Until the

> underlying genetic etiology (cause) in father-son testicular tumor is

> better defined, the concept of genetic anticipation is noteworthy but

> unproven,'' the authors write.


> ``For all males with a family history of a father with a testicular tumor,

> the sons should begin self-examination of the testes at a very early age

> (less than 20 years old),'' Peschel advised.


> The disease could have a greater impact on the sons than the fathers,

> according to the

> report. Radiation therapy used to treat cancer can cause a permanent

> low-sperm count that could interfere with their future ability to have

> children. Also, both father and son have a 2% to 10% chance of developing a

> second cancer in the 15 to 25 years after receiving radiation treatment.


> SOURCE: Cancer 2000;88:2319-2325.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry

> experiments.

> 1/4051/10/_/378/_/958750435/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get HUGE info at http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net, and post your own links

there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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Thanks for the great message. It can be easy to get so cuaght up in

what substabce we should be taking etc. that we can sometimes neglect

the spiritual side to health and healing.

Another ministry, in addition to the great ones you listed, that has

helped my family with diseases passed from family member to family

memeber and from one generation to the next is Marilyn Hickey and her

book Break The Generation Curse. Excellent reading for anyone who

wants to be set free from the spiritual cause of sicknes, disease and

any other problems that run in families i.e Alcoholism.


> > Son's Testicular Cancer Worse Than Dad's

> >

> > By Charnicia Huggins

> >

> > NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Sons of men with testicular cancer

may develop

> > the

> > disease at a much earlier age than their fathers did, results of

a new

> > study suggest. The sons may also develop a more severe form of

the disease

> > than their fathers had.

> >

> > ``The most important point of the study is that for father-son


> > tumors (i.e. case

> > histories where both the father and a son develop a testicular


> > during their lifetime) the age of onset for the son is almost 20


> > earlier than the age of onset for the father,'' chief

investigator Dr.

> > E. Peschel, told Reuters Health.

> >

> > In a study of 47 cases in which both the father and son developed

> > testicular cancer between 1972 and 1999, the sons developed the

cancer at

> > an earlier age than their fathers (average age 27 years versus 43


> > suggesting a phenomenon known as genetic anticipation. Overall,

43% of sons

> > had more severe disease than their father did, 47% had the same


> > severity and in 10% of cases, their disease was less severe,

according to

> > the report in the May 15th issue of Cancer.

> >

> > Testicular cancer is now the most common cancer in white males

aged 20 to

> > 34 years, according to Peschel, a professor of therapeutic

radiology from

> > the Yale University

> > School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and co-author Dr.

> > Han. However, the cause of the illness is unknown. Research shows

that sons

> > of men with

> > testicular cancer are 6 to 10 times more likely to develop the


> > which suggests that the cancer may have a genetic component.

> >

> > ``Our results strongly suggest a genetic defect is responsible

for many

> > father-son testicular tumors,'' Peschel noted. However, ``Until


> > underlying genetic etiology (cause) in father-son testicular

tumor is

> > better defined, the concept of genetic anticipation is noteworthy


> > unproven,'' the authors write.

> >

> > ``For all males with a family history of a father with a

testicular tumor,

> > the sons should begin self-examination of the testes at a very

early age

> > (less than 20 years old),'' Peschel advised.

> >

> > The disease could have a greater impact on the sons than the


> > according to the

> > report. Radiation therapy used to treat cancer can cause a


> > low-sperm count that could interfere with their future ability to


> > children. Also, both father and son have a 2% to 10% chance of

developing a

> > second cancer in the 15 to 25 years after receiving radiation


> >

> > SOURCE: Cancer 2000;88:2319-2325.

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------


> > Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive


> > experiments.

> > 1/4051/10/_/378/_/958750435/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> > Get HUGE info at http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net, and post your

own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-

unsubscribeegroups or by visiting


> >

> >

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Hi ne, I donot intend being crude, but from higher prospective


Bladded Dis ease (and yes most of all Cancer) is Caused by a person's being

Pissed Off! to put it bluntly. At himself most probably, at someone else or

by someone toward that person.. and yes hatreds and resentments and being

really ticked off can and does become a

family thing.

It is not worth dieing for, do you think? Do some home analysis scream it

out against those that upset him and you, write letters to those who

'wronged' him and you asking for and giving Forgiveness....Deliver them or

burn them, makes no diferrence. Words are things, Thoughts are things and

if turned into a dark force of negativety, disease fourishes. Turn it into

Loving Yourself, Loving God Within Self (being One with the Father),Love

Your neighbor and the Universe. BE WELL, And so it is. Ask God to come sit

in your heart with you and give you the guidance you seek.Have a real Love

affair with God. He and you Cocreated this moment in time.

Love and blessings be with you, Liz

PS: I don't like the language of 'being pissed off' but it does make the

point intended.

At 06:12 AM 05/22/2000 EDT, you wrote:

>This is interesting. My father, now 72, developed bladder cancer over 10

>years ago. It's easily treated by " burning the tumors off " about once a


>Now, 2 years ago, I, his daughter, developed bladder cancer at age 40. I


>not have the little removable tumors, but rather one large, aggressive

> " fatal " tumor. I believe younger people are getting these cancers due to

>something which has to do with the P53 gene suppressor cells. As usual, my

>doctor just wanted me to have another surgery (a radical cystectomy) to


>the symptom rather than the cause and would not discuss the P53. I refused

>the second surgery. I take Laetrile and am currently doing fine, hence, no

>more American medical doctor.







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Hi again, Yes, I agree with what you have to say. Not knowing from whence

you came, some would not feel the God-Father Mother God created(cocreated

with us) as One, without seperation (many theories,many viewpoints). of how

we got here....in the disconnected Illusion/Maze to get our footing and

live our Soul's purpose and Remember who we really are.

As I undertand it all beings have cancer and many other disease processes

visit our bodies on many cyclic levels, even the plants are affected by our

aflitions and thought processes, possibly a few times a year. A strong

Mind,Body Spirit by thinking and doing the highest good for ourseves.

Stinkin' Thinkin' is a Real Dis ease . Those with a Strong enough Immune

system just exit the 'cancer' or whatever out of our systems.

For example, one of my great, late Natural Healing Teachers, Rev. Hanna

Kroger spoke on children with Leukemia. She said show me a child with

Leukemia and I will show you a child's parents fight. At the end of WWII,

she had trained and worked in a 4000 bed Wholistic Hospital in Dresden,

Germany. As one can imagine the holocost in that area on the nerves of the

Adults and the Children. The routine treatment was to 'put the pailbone' in

place, she said our Vitamin C is assemulated and stored there. Under stress

the coccix is oulled and twisted. They played a game with the children of

'pop corn' to do a simple manuver of the legs to pop it back in place, no

pain or etc.

Hanna published many books of things she learned or gathered and shared. A

very valuable little booklet " CANCER, Traditional and New Concepts "

compiled by Hanna Kroeger,Ms.D.,Minister of the Chapel of Miracles. costs

about $3.00 now from Hanna's Herbs, in Boulder,Colorado. Her Classes will

continue during Summers ,many 'students' are Healthe Care Practioners,

Physicans of every cut and are sold out and standing room only when she was

still here. After whe went 'home' teachers/students will contunue to carry

out the Retreat sessions. She has a website and her associate Ginger does

too. At Southern' Herbs and Hanna's in Boulder,Colorado. Sincerely, Liz

>(got to run now, figertivly speaking of course, as my nurse helper has

arrive and the musclespasm Rx is kicking in and my thinking ability is out

the window for the time being).



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This is interesting. My father, now 72, developed bladder cancer over 10

years ago. It's easily treated by " burning the tumors off " about once a


Now, 2 years ago, I, his daughter, developed bladder cancer at age 40. I did

not have the little removable tumors, but rather one large, aggressive

" fatal " tumor. I believe younger people are getting these cancers due to

something which has to do with the P53 gene suppressor cells. As usual, my

doctor just wanted me to have another surgery (a radical cystectomy) to treat

the symptom rather than the cause and would not discuss the P53. I refused

the second surgery. I take Laetrile and am currently doing fine, hence, no

more American medical doctor.


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Dear ne.. Thanks for this information. We all want what is best for

you. And may you continued to stay in good health. For some of us that don't

know what Laetrile is..and no time at the moment to research..could you be

kind enough to write and tell us?

----- Original Message -----

From: <mewsmuse@...>

<cures for canceregroups>

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 5:12 AM

I take Laetrile and am currently doing fine, hence, no more American

medical doctor.


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Hi ,

you wrote:

> Hi ne, I donot intend being crude, but from higher prospective

> viewpoint....

> Bladder Dis ease (and yes most of all Cancer) is Caused by......

you sound so certain! ;-) Or is this just theory?

Since cancer was rarely heard before 1900, we may yet discover that

cancer is basically the result of a weakened immune system brought on

by the chemical destruction of our environment, that coupled with

knowing this and yet still ignoring early warning signals. Cancer may

be the result of nothing more than a simple lack of regard for the

health of ones body and ones environment. Valuing theories and

beliefs more than what has always been here, natures effortless,

healing powers.

>.....a person's being

> Pissed Off! to put it bluntly. At himself most probably, at someone

else or

> by someone toward that person.. and yes hatreds and resentments and


> really ticked off can and does become a

> family thing.

If that were the case, then all of humanity would have cancer before

adulthood. No one gets more pissed off than kids and they certainly

hold grudges too. At this stage in the evolution of man, being pissed

off comes with the territory of being an emotional thinking entity,

unless one is in a state of denial which also comes with the

territory, nothing to be ashamed of. But plenty to look into and take

heed from. In fact if beliefs cause cancer, then how come plants and

animals also get it?

> It is not worth dieing for, do you think? Do some home analysis

scream it

> out against those that upset him and you, write letters to those who

> 'wronged' him and you asking for and giving Forgiveness....Deliver

them or

> burn them, makes no difference.

Or perhaps discover the senselessness in having hard feelings at all,

thereby nipping them in the bud before they even begin. No stupidity

to have to tolerate, no one to bestow or receive ones haughty

forgiveness. Find out what pisses oneself off and handle it

intelligently, without blaming others.

>Words are things, Thoughts are things...

Yes, they are intimately connected to our Homo sapien brain, giving

them the power to snap the synapses, activate the body, and get us

into all sorts of physical mischief.


> if turned into a dark force of negativity, disease fourishes.

Positive and negative is not our only choice, in fact choosing one

actually reinforces the other. I prefer reality myself, that

benevolent force balanced beautifully between the two. Absolute


Turn it into

> Loving Yourself, Loving God Within Self (being One with the


> Your neighbor and the Universe. BE WELL, And so it is. Ask God to

come sit

> in your heart with you and give you the guidance you seek.Have a

real Love

> affair with God. He and you Cocreated this moment in time.

Perfection is really already right here, right now, in All That

Exists. Nothing excluded. It is purely a human theory that the

perfection of being is not already within us and needs to be called

into the heart. Actually it reinforces the erroneous belief that one

can be separated from creation. No concept of a love affair with

gigantic *HE* male is required. All That Is, is forever in the heart

of all things. Except of course in mankind's strange illogical and

environmentally damaging imagination.

> Love and blessings be with you, Liz

> PS: I don't like the language of 'being pissed off' but it does make


> point intended.

Warmest regards


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I found that the best description of Laetrile came from World Without Cancer.

They give a very detailed explanation of how Laetrile works against cancer.

(Better than I could give.) The E-mail is www.worldwithoutcancer.com. They

explain everything about how Laetrile works. I had checked out information

on Dr. Contreras' Oasis Hospital in Mexico, but did not have the funds to go

for treatment. The doctors actually even talked to my husband on the phone

for over an hour, something I don't believe I ever got at my local doctor's

office. I had purchased the Laetrile from World Without Cancer. Later, I

discovered that my local healthfood co-op had many of the supplements (and I

added much more to the original protocol), but still got the Laetrile from

World Without Cancer. As of the beginning of May, 2000, the FDA harassed

them for the last time about Laetrile so they no longer sell supplements and

have given a new website where all of these items can be purchased. World

Without Cancer also sells a video on the " Story of Vitamin B17 " (Laetrile),

plus many other books relating to cancer. Christian Brothers of New York

also had the same problem with the FDA. We just have to stay ahead of them I


There are times when I don't have the money to purchase the Laetrile, but I

continue with what supplements I can afford. The Oasis of Hope Hospital has

a site at www.oasisofhope.com.



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I started writing a response to this e-mail about resentments, but my power

shut down and erased it, so I'll try to write it again.

I do believe that bladder cancer can be caused by being " pissed off " and by

internalized resentments. I started writing a book a few years ago about the

depression which has haunted me all of my life. Now, I have to add the

bladder cancer in with it, because I do feel that there is a connection.

Part of the depression has to do with biological things such as my serotonin

levels and part of it has to do with my emotionally dysfunctional parents. I

learned over the years that I could not change my parents, but that I could

change my mental attitude about the trauma it caused me.

Over the years I searched for why I was depressed. I had extremely high

anxiety levels whenever I even THOUGHT of my parents. This was not normal.

I did not know this at the time, however. By the way, my parents never beat

me or anything like that. They just can't communicate is all. They cannot

look me in the eyes and say " I love you. " I say it to them now though, and

that's okay if they can't say it back. I could have had a gene abnormality

in the bladder area (maybe from my father, P53) in which anxieties were

centralized (pissed off). But, bladder cancer is also caused by well known

toxins. I worked in factories for 25 years, 5-7 days a week, 8-12 hours a

day around these chemicals that are known to cause bladder cancer such as azo

dyes and organic solvents. I had more than an average exposure to these

chemicals, and that had to have played a role as well.

Perhaps a person's immune system in degraded by psychological aspects as well

as physical aspects. I think that it is a little bit of all of these things

which made me vulnerable.


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Not long ago a man went for an operation in a Florida Hospital to have a foot

amputated. Imagine loosing a foot to gangrene. It must look somewhat

different from a healthy foot, but the good doctor removed the healthy foot.

Now, what does this have to do about how one feels toward life, or himself.

Well, from where I sit, a lot after this error.

He may have felt somewhat depressed in the thought of loosing one foot to

ganging, because he was diabetic, but after the loss of his good foot, well,

I am sure he now has a much different outlook towards life. I sure he will

never be the same and not very happy.

Um...interesting, we human creatures.

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Edgar Cayce many times brought up the

point that physical infirmaties were directly

connected to acts and thoughts, ie: A person

who was closed-minded (only saw his side of

things) will have poor eye-sight; another, who

couldn't handle criticism, might internalize it and

have stomach trouble, etc.,etc. Best, JR

I started writing a response to this e-mail about resentments, but my power

shut down and erased it, so I'll try to write it again.

I do believe that bladder cancer can be caused by being " pissed off " and by

internalized resentments. I started writing a book a few years ago about the

depression which has haunted me all of my life. Now, I have to add the

bladder cancer in with it, because I do feel that there is a connection.

Part of the depression has to do with biological things such as my serotonin

levels and part of it has to do with my emotionally dysfunctional parents. I

learned over the years that I could not change my parents, but that I could

change my mental attitude about the trauma it caused me.

Over the years I searched for why I was depressed. I had extremely high

anxiety levels whenever I even THOUGHT of my parents. This was not normal.

I did not know this at the time, however. By the way, my parents never beat

me or anything like that. They just can't communicate is all. They cannot

look me in the eyes and say " I love you. " I say it to them now though, and

that's okay if they can't say it back. I could have had a gene abnormality

in the bladder area (maybe from my father, P53) in which anxieties were

centralized (pissed off). But, bladder cancer is also caused by well known

toxins. I worked in factories for 25 years, 5-7 days a week, 8-12 hours a

day around these chemicals that are known to cause bladder cancer such as azo

dyes and organic solvents. I had more than an average exposure to these

chemicals, and that had to have played a role as well.

Perhaps a person's immune system in degraded by psychological aspects as well

as physical aspects. I think that it is a little bit of all of these things

which made me vulnerable.



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