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Re: Castor Oil for Healing

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Hi Everyone--yesterday on Null's Natural Living radio show he talked

with Jack Rosen who does a lot of healing of many different problems--both

injuries and diseases, I take it, with castor oil packs and a heating pad.

Cancer was among the many things he uses this for. I didn't hear the whole

show, so I'm not clear on exactly how he uses this, but somehow it is a

castor oil pack with heat provided by a heating pad. It sounded interesting

and he seems to have results quickly for many of the diseases I heard him

discuss. Unfortunately, I missed the part about cancer--I only got that

from 's summary at the end. But it seems like it is worth looking

into--it's simple and cheap, and purportedly quick. If anyone is

interested, the tape of Jack Rosen's interview is Null Show #2471 and

may be ordered by phone from American Reporters, 888-317-2346. I think I'll

order it myself. The information in it would be worth having for many

emergency medical problems.

My warmest wishes to you all, and the best of health,

PS--Congratulations Skye!!! It is so wonderful to hear another success

story on the site, especially from one who is directly involved, rather than

a second hand story. It is inspiring, and interesting that healing is for

everyone, not the exclusive domain of Christians:>)


>From: betboys@...

>Reply-cures for canceregroups

>cures for canceregroups

>Subject: Healing, Herbal Medicine and Cancer Conference

>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 10:15:56 EDT


>Hi all - Found this information on a seminar in Massachusettes at the

>website " Holistic Internet Resources. " Anyone in the Mass. area


>in going? Maybe you can summarize the conference for us on this





>October 28 and 29, 2000


>Healing, Herbal Medicine and Cancer Conference

>Cape Cod Massachusetts


>The goal of the two day Conference is to share current, credible


>on natural approaches to alleviating the symptoms of cancer and reducing


>risks for cancer.

>Over 20 professional presentations and workshops will be offered in herbal

>and naturopathic medicine, nutrition, psychology, aromatherapy, meditation

>and exercise. Might there be an interest in being one of our sponsors?



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