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RE: Newbie to MMS - need advice

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i use and am exposed to chemicals on the job as a painter and paperhanger.

have hep-C also. the liver takes a beating dealing with chemicals that

aren't natural to the human animal existence, and what it doesn't know how

to destroy and eliminate it often just buries stored in fat.

i'd go for some kind of liver cleansing protocol, and as part of that check

out dr. sandra cabot's " the liver cleansing diet " .

ozone water is a lot more pleasant than MMS and also oxidizes

petrochemicals/hydrocarbons. it's a good thing to be able to make some

ozone water to drink a couple times a day when being around the poisons.

that requires buying an ozone generator though, but it's a good investment

in health issues far beyond chemical detox.

the MMS will also probably do the job well, and i'd keep that up and

increase to doing it twice daily, before bed and either when you get up to

(try to) pee or upon arising. then at midday keep up the C and add in some

chlorella & /or spirulina, brazil nuts for selenium, some MSM, and E. these

are all chelators and are used up in the detox process so you need to make

sure you have enough. consider working up to 15drop doses and keep that up

a couple weeks. get lots of raw fruits and veges all along the way, and cut

way back on fats, drink lots of water, get sun and exercise. you want to be

burning fat from deposits, not storing more, to get the buried toxins from

there. i think winter is a tough time to go low-fat as it is counter to

natural cyclic inclination, but probably a good idea.

> [ ] Newbie to MMS - need advice



> I am currently using MMS to detox myself after a somewhat severe

> chemical (solvent) overexposure. I became ill after working as a wood

> finisher in a place with inadequate ventilation. I was sick with what

> felt like a hangover/flu/migraine for about 6 months. (ever had a

> headache for 6 months straight?... it sucks). Anyway, after a couple

> of months of using Recancostat powder and up to 12000mg of Vitamin C

> per day I am finally about 80% well. I found out about MMS while

> searching for info on my illness. I decided to use it to cleanse my

> internal organs (plus I have a couple of skin tags and other bumps).


> I started with 1 drop and have increased by 1 drop each day, once a

> day (before bed). On the morning after my 8-drop dose I had a FOUL bm

> that looked more like brown jelly with black spots and was nauseous

> until it was over. I am up to 11 drops with no further problems, yet.

> What I am wondering is do I need to be taking this dose twice a day?

> Is once a night effective (I take Vitamin C at noon, MMS at bedtime)?

> Any suggestions? Also, has anyone had any success with curing

> prostate problems? Do I need to stop the Vitamin C until I finish my

> MMS program?




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