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Re: Just a personal experience

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Hi ,I just saw this on another group and thought of you.Patarnosine Carnosine - The Remarkable Nutrient That Can Prevent Age-Related Diseases Like Diabetes And Arthritis Carnosine, also known as L-carnitine, was discovered over 100

years ago by two Russian scientists, Gulevitch and Amiragdibi, as a naturally occurring protein which is present in your brain, muscles and other tissues in your body. Yet it has only been recently that the incredible anti-ageing properties of this amino acid have come to light - helping to protect your body from a range of age-related illnesses, from arthritis and heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer's. It has even been found to prevent wrinkles by rejuvenating connective skin tissues!However, because levels of carnosine in your body diminish with age, many scientists are now recognising the benefits of supplementing with this essential amino acid. Carnosine helps disarm harmful free radicals By-products of your metabolism called free radicals are responsible for destroying valuable proteins and DNA in your body over time. Your body has developed various strategies to reduce the

impact of this damage, and carnosine plays an integral part in several of these processes. For example, carnosine is able to neutralise a chemical called MDA (malondialdehyde) , which is produced as a result of free radical damage. Left unchecked, MDA can be a contributory factor in age-related conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Carnosine is able to easily bind to the MDA molecule and thereby inactivate it (Age and Ageing 2000, 29:207-210). Carnosine is also what is known as a free radical scavenger - meaning that it is able to mop up any left-over free radicals and neutralise them before they can cause any further damage. It has also been found to work much more effectively in conjunction with vitamin E - another antioxidant which mops up free radicals. The reason for this is that carnosine's antioxidant properties are able to reach the parts of your body (those that contain water) which

vitamin E is unable to access. Vitamin E can only reach the fatty parts of your body. So, using the two together provides almost complete antioxidant protection (Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1998, 30:863-868). Extra protection against diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis Free radicals are not the only culprits capable of wreaking havoc on your metabolism. Another process, called glycosylation, is also thought to be just as detrimental in causing age-related damage. During glycosylation, sugar molecules attach themselves to valuable proteins, causing them to bend, twist and irreversibly attach themselves to other proteins. This can cause serious conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and loss of muscle (Biochem 2000, 65, 2-13). Carnosine helps prevent this process in several ways. For daily reports on the very

latest health breakthroughs, join our FREE daily email service: Firstly, it is able to attach itself onto protein molecules before they become damaged by glycosylation - providing protection by acting as a shield. Carnosine also fights certain chemicals which initiate the process of glycosylation, by binding to them and inactivating them (Biochim Biophys Acta 1998;46-54: Biochim Biophys Acta 1997;17-29). Even when a protein has already been damaged by glycosylation, carnosine helps the cells quickly eliminate the damaged material by

activating enzymes and other chemicals which digest the abnormal protein. The effects of carnosine on glycosylation have been found to be particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of diabetic complications. This is because carnosine is effective in protecting the nerves, arteries and kidneys against sugar-related damage - and it is these three areas which are most commonly affected as a result of diabetes, causing circulation problems and kidney failure. (Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1998 30;863-868). Carnosine is showing potential as a treatment for cataracts and stomach ulcers tooIn addition to helping the conditions mentioned above, carnosine is also proving to be beneficial in other areas also. Russian scientists have manufactured carnosine eye drops for the treatment of age-related cataracts. And in experiments, carnosine eye drops were found to cure cases of cataracts in up to an amazing 100 per cent of cases! (J Anti-Aging Med

2000 3;43-62). Chinese researchers also confirmed these results in separate trials, involving almost 100 patients in one study and 1,000 patients in another (Biochem 2000 65(7);869-871) . Unfortunately, carnosine eye drops are presently not available to purchase in the UK - but NHR will let you know as soon as they are. And, when combined with zinc, carnosine has been found to protect against stomach ulcers too (Molec Aspects Med 1992;13:379- 444). In Japan, carnosine and zinc are used as a treatment for indigestion, dyspepsia and stomach ulcers. How To Take Carnosine For Best ResultsAs well as being present in your body, carnosine can be obtained through following a high-protein diet - and is found in foods such as lean meat, chicken and game. Carnosine is also available to take in supplement form. The recommended dosage is 50 mg capsules taken once or twice a day, preferably with vitamin E. Other nutrients which

can enhance the health-giving benefits of carnosine further still, are co-enzyme Q10, vitamin C and alpha Lipoic acid. No side-effects have been reported in association with carnosine, and it can be taken long-term to offer continuous anti-ageing protection. For further information on carnosine, contact the British Longevity Society, P.O. Box 71, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9DN. <okielinda@...> wrote: I've been taking MMS activated with citric acid since November. I worked up slowly to 15 drops once a day. My problem is at that dose I

can't find anything I can dilute it with that I can stomach. (I've tried just about anything liquid I could find:) It is so bad that I start getting sick even before I swallow anything. Being diabetic

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Have you tried flavored stevia at www.stevitastevia.com  (no sugar in this product) for mms dilution??...how about classical homeopathy for everything else?  My son is off of anti-seizure, psychotropic,  acid reflux, allergy, pain and otc drugs as a result of classical homeopathy.... LydiaOn Feb 21, 2008, at 6:23 PM, wrote:I've been taking MMS activated with citric acid since November. I worked up slowly to 15 drops once a day.My problem is at that dose I can't find anything I can dilute it with that I can stomach. (I've tried just about anything liquid I could find:) It is so bad that I start getting sick even before I swallow anything.Being diabetic I can't do the fruit juice. I tried it but even a couple of swallows raises my blood sugar way to much to suit me as at the moment I don't take any medication or insulin and I want to keep it that way.Consequently I don't take it very often.Ok, So I've got or had GERD. That I "controlled" with baking soda and it worked pretty well but it never really went away. I would just take some baking soda when the burning started.I've been reading all the posts of the different ways people were taking MMS and decided to try to just put some drops in my water bottle (1 litre bottle). I'm on a well and the water is very acidic so I have to neutralize it with a little baking soda or the GERD comes back big time. Any way I put 15 drops of MMS in my bottle along with and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Baking soda first. I figured that would neutralize the HCl in the stomach and not cause the MMS to activate so fast.Well, I know some are not going to agree with me but it did work. (Makes the water taste good too:) The first night after drinking the water I did not wake up with my stomach burning. I can now sleep on my back or right side without it starting to burn now. Never could do that before.And I know it is working because I still belch ClO2 but not nearly as much and not all at once. Just very small belches over a period of about an hour at the most.I got to thinking, baking soda is alkaline and so is MMS so the baking soda would not neutralize it but it would neutralize the acid used which would keep the MMS from activating until it hit some acid like the HCl in the stomach. This seems to me to be what's happening.Also I have a question about the Herks thingy. MMS kills more pathogens than the body can excreet which makes you feel sick or gives you diahrea, right? If so how can taking some vit C or baking soda suddenly stop you from being sick? Does the Vit C or baking soda get rid of the dead pathogens all of a sudden? Seems to me that even if you deactivate the MMS (personally I think you can only slow it down rather than completely deactivate it) you would still continue to feel sick until your body is able to excreet the dead pathogens.Now about me:)I'm almost 64 and proud of it:) Retired laboratory technician for an oil company.1 husband, 2 sons and 6 grandkids.I live in Choctaw, Oklahoma.I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Gerd, osteopenia and diabetes II. Was taking 6 different prescriptions.The doctors kept wanting to raise my dosages even though I told them the prescriptions made me feel bad and hurt.Finally I just threw them away. I told my doctor and he asked my what I wanted him for. I told him I just needed him to run the tests I requested and write me a prescription for my glucose strips so I could keep track of my blood sugar. Believe it or now he agreed to do that.Since then my blood pressure is lower than I ever remember it being (this morning after exercising it was 109/65 and pulse rate 69)My last A1c was 5.4. Cholesterol is still high according the doctors but I'm not worried about it. It will come down when I don't need it any longer. Besides I don't think 277 is all that bad.Although I have the diabetes under control my goal is to get rid of it and I really believe I will eventually. I'm also having a good time trying. Love the learning. Once it's gone I think the cholesterol will be fine too.That's about it. As you see I can get very windy now and then:)Okie

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Thanks a lot for this information. I knew about the l-carnatine and the

others that go along with it.

I took lots of them for a long time but didn't see any results so when

the bottle ran out I started trying something else.

After reading this I may try it again.


Pat Lane wrote:

Hi ,

I just saw this on another group and thought of you.



Carnosine - The Remarkable Nutrient That Can Prevent Age-Related

Diseases Like Diabetes And Arthritis

Carnosine, also known as L-carnitine, was discovered over 100

years ago by two Russian scientists, Gulevitch and Amiragdibi, as a

naturally occurring protein which is present in your brain, muscles and

other tissues in your body.

Yet it has only been recently that the incredible anti-ageing

properties of this amino acid have come to light - helping to protect

your body from a range of age-related illnesses, from arthritis and

heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer's. It has even been found to

prevent wrinkles by rejuvenating connective skin tissues!

However, because levels of carnosine in your body diminish with age,

many scientists are now recognising the benefits of supplementing with

this essential amino acid.

Carnosine helps disarm harmful

free radicals

By-products of your metabolism called free radicals are responsible for

destroying valuable proteins and DNA in your body over time. Your body

has developed various strategies to reduce the impact of this damage,

and carnosine plays an integral part in several of these processes.

For example, carnosine is able to neutralise a chemical called

MDA (malondialdehyde) , which is produced as a result of free radical


Left unchecked, MDA can be a contributory factor in age-related

conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Carnosine is able to easily bind to the MDA molecule and thereby

inactivate it (Age and Ageing 2000, 29:207-210).

Carnosine is also what is known as a free radical scavenger -

meaning that it is able to mop up any left-over free radicals and

neutralise them before they can cause any further damage. It has also

been found to work much more effectively in conjunction with vitamin E

- another antioxidant which mops up free radicals.

The reason for this is that carnosine's antioxidant properties

are able to reach the parts of your body (those that contain water)

which vitamin E is unable to access. Vitamin E can only reach the fatty

parts of your body. So, using the two together provides almost complete

antioxidant protection (Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1998, 30:863-868).

Extra protection against diabetes,

heart disease and osteoporosis

Free radicals are not the only culprits capable of wreaking havoc on

your metabolism. Another process, called glycosylation, is also thought

to be just as detrimental in causing age-related damage.

During glycosylation, sugar molecules attach themselves to

valuable proteins, causing them to bend, twist and irreversibly attach

themselves to other proteins. This can cause serious conditions such as

diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and loss of muscle (Biochem 2000,

65, 2-13).

Carnosine helps prevent this process in several ways.

For daily reports on the very latest health breakthroughs,

join our FREE daily email service:

Firstly, it is able to attach itself onto protein molecules before they

become damaged by glycosylation - providing protection by acting as a

shield. Carnosine also fights certain chemicals which initiate the

process of glycosylation, by binding to them and inactivating them

(Biochim Biophys Acta 1998;46-54: Biochim Biophys Acta 1997;17-29).

Even when a protein has already been damaged by glycosylation,

carnosine helps the cells quickly eliminate the damaged material by

activating enzymes and other chemicals which digest the abnormal


The effects of carnosine on glycosylation have been found to be

particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of diabetic complications.

This is because carnosine is effective in protecting the nerves,

arteries and kidneys against sugar-related damage - and it is these

three areas which are most commonly affected as a result of diabetes,

causing circulation problems and kidney failure. (Int J Biochem Cell

Biol 1998 30;863-868).

Carnosine is showing potential as a treatment for cataracts and

stomach ulcers too

In addition to helping the conditions mentioned above, carnosine is

also proving to be beneficial in other areas also. Russian scientists

have manufactured carnosine eye drops for the treatment of age-related

cataracts. And in experiments, carnosine eye drops were found to cure

cases of cataracts in up to an amazing 100 per cent of cases! (J

Anti-Aging Med 2000 3;43-62).

Chinese researchers also confirmed these results in separate

trials, involving almost 100 patients in one study and 1,000 patients

in another (Biochem 2000 65(7);869-871) . Unfortunately, carnosine eye

drops are presently not available to purchase in the UK - but NHR will

let you know as soon as they are.

And, when combined with zinc, carnosine has been found to

protect against stomach ulcers too (Molec Aspects Med 1992;13:379-

444). In Japan, carnosine and zinc are used as a treatment for

indigestion, dyspepsia and stomach ulcers.

How To Take Carnosine For Best Results

As well as being present in your body, carnosine can be obtained

through following a high-protein diet - and is found in foods such as

lean meat, chicken and game.

Carnosine is also available to take in supplement form. The

recommended dosage is 50 mg capsules taken once or twice a day,

preferably with vitamin E. Other nutrients which can enhance the

health-giving benefits of carnosine further still, are co-enzyme Q10,

vitamin C and alpha Lipoic acid.

No side-effects have been reported in association with carnosine, and

it can be taken long-term to offer continuous anti-ageing protection.

For further information on carnosine, contact the British Longevity

Society, P.O. Box 71, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9DN.

<okielinda@...> wrote:

I've been taking MMS activated with citric acid since

November. I worked

up slowly to 15 drops once a day.

My problem is at that dose I can't find anything I can dilute it with

that I can stomach. (I've tried just about anything liquid I could

find:) It is so bad that I start getting sick even before I swallow


Being diabetic

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Hello, Lydia,

Thanks for the suggestion. I use stevia along with erythritol all the


Never thought about using it with MMS though.

I think as long as what I'm doing now is working I'll stick with it but

if it stops working I will try the stevia.

I'm not sure what you mean by classical homeopathy but all the

homeopathic remedies I've tried caused my blood sugar to go up.

May be I just got the wrong thing. Any suggestions?

For some reason my body doesn't react as expected to many things. Often

I would tell the doctor what was happening and he wouldn't believe me

because that wasn't how that medication worked. that's one of the

reasons I gave up on doctors.

I'll either heal myself or kill myself but at least it will me my

decisions that do it:)


Lydia Flynn wrote:

Have you tried flavored stevia at www.stevitastevia.com

(no sugar in this product) for mms dilution??

....how about classical homeopathy for everything else? My son

is off of anti-seizure, psychotropic, acid reflux, allergy, pain and

otc drugs as a result of classical homeopathy....


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Hi ,Classical homeopathy means that you had a one to two hour interview with an experienced and professionally trained homeopath who prescribes a single highly potentized remedy (not the combo deals you get at the health food store) based on your mental, emotional and physical symptomology.   What homeopathic remedies did you try?.... It was probably the wrong remedy if you didn't experience a cure at some level.I'm with you on doctors... I get panic attacks just being near one.LydiaOn Feb 21, 2008, at 9:24 PM, wrote:Hello, Lydia,Thanks for the suggestion. I use stevia along with erythritol all the time.Never thought about using it with MMS though.I think as long as what I'm doing now is working I'll stick with it but if it stops working I will try the stevia.I'm not sure what you mean by classical homeopathy but all the homeopathic remedies I've tried caused my blood sugar to go up.May be I just got the wrong thing. Any suggestions?For some reason my body doesn't react as expected to many things. Often I would tell the doctor what was happening and he wouldn't believe me because that wasn't how that medication worked. that's one of the reasons I gave up on doctors.I'll either heal myself or kill myself but at least it will me my decisions that do it:)OkieLydia Flynn wrote:Have you tried flavored stevia at www.stevitastevia.com  (no sugar in this product) for mms dilution??...how about classical homeopathy for everything else?  My son is off of anti-seizure, psychotropic,  acid reflux, allergy, pain and otc drugs as a result of classical homeopathy.... Lydia

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Maybe a tomato juice without added C?

Then use a straw to get it past your tongue.

I think a lot of the problem is you know it's going to taste bad.

Maybe mind over matter would help.

I've been taking MMS activated with citric acid since November. I worked up slowly to 15 drops once a day.My problem is at that dose I can't find anything I can dilute it with that I can stomach. (I've tried just about anything liquid I could find:) It is so bad that I start getting sick even before I swallow anything.Being diabetic I can't do the fruit juice. I tried it but even a couple of swallows raises my blood sugar way to much to suit me as at the moment I don't take any medication or insulin and I want to keep it that way.


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Okie wrote: " Being diabetic I can't do the fruit

juice.....raises my blood sugar way to much... "

Me too . I tried a couple of drops of stevia in my dose this

morning but I just don't like it. Not sure what to do but I'll

continue with the stevia till I hear of other options that



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I get panic attacks being around doctors too. I think it is because

we have had symptoms for so long that they will not listen to. they

get tired of hearing you tell them things that can not figure out so

they become aggressive at times with you and resort to the old

standard " its all in your head " .

I mean imagine how you would feel if you just spent 8 years going to

school thinking you had learned everything and then somebody springs

something on you that you can do nothing about. (not to mention you

may have developed a god complex thinking your superior intelect has

set you apart from the average pee-on)

> >

> >> Have you tried flavored stevia at www.stevitastevia.com (no


> >> in this product) for mms dilution??

> >> ...how about classical homeopathy for everything else? My son


> >> off of anti-seizure, psychotropic, acid reflux, allergy, pain


> >> otc drugs as a result of classical homeopathy....

> >>

> >> Lydia

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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.........pee-on. LOL hilarious. west612908 <Marie22@...> wrote: Lydia,I get panic attacks being around doctors too. I think it is because we have had symptoms for so long that they will not listen to. they get tired of hearing you tell them things that can not figure out so they become aggressive at times with you and resort to the old standard "its all in your head". I mean imagine how you would feel if you just spent 8 years going to school

thinking you had learned everything and then somebody springs something on you that you can do nothing about. (not to mention you may have developed a god complex thinking your superior intelect has set you apart from the average pee-on)> >> >> Have you tried flavored stevia at www.stevitastevia.com (no sugar > >> in this product) for mms dilution??> >> ...how about classical homeopathy for everything else? My son is > >> off of anti-seizure, psychotropic, acid reflux, allergy, pain and > >> otc drugs as a result of classical homeopathy....> >>> >> Lydia> >>> >> >> >> Acid Reflux? Constipation? Belly Fat?

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