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Re: Re: Lyme and enzymes

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> I've had groin and hip aches. The lyme disease was quite prevalent in this

whole area

> accross pelvis, I went to a cranial sacral person. This area was put right

but then it

> went out again and my left leg was shorter than the right so it might be a


> thing thing rather than enzymes or both. It comes and goes I think it's


> because aches are really back on th mms

> Jo

Thanks for this, Jo!

That's one fairly clear 'vote' for structural, to my mind.

With my problem, it's the right leg that actually shortens due to the twisted

pelvis. the pain is all on the left however.

Sharon (Starshar)



>> This topic is hitting very close to home for me, and I really want to find


> answer (yeah, I know---wishful thinking)


>> Got Lyme in '01. Fortunately had bull's eye so got started on 28 days of

Doxy. End

> of problem----I assumed.


>> In autumn '03 got caught up in the new Vitalzyme craze and took these


> enzymes from mid-Sept to mid Jan of '04 when I ran out. Product extremely



>> 2 weeks after stopping enzymes my problems began with what eventually turned

> out to be a lipoma in left groin area. It was painfully pulling on whole left

leg. Had it

> removed in June of '06. Surgeon said she didn't think it was source of what


> become a very painful *left* hip (somthing on this planet seems to like to

attack left

> hips!) and to see an ortho. Ortho said arthritis and I would sooner or later

need a hip

> replacement.


>> What I don't know, and may never know, is if this arthritic hip is from Lyme


> eye was high on left thigh), did it have anything to do with using then


> stopping the enzymes, OR is it just the result from a twisted pelvis which

every chiro I

> ever saw for 25 yrs dxed.......


>> Kathy's comment about enzymes breaking things down is what my mind has been

> playing with ever since this whole mess started.


>> So, I wanted to throw my situation into this whole Lyme/enzyme topic and see


> else might turn up amongst us all.


>> I foolishly proclaimed about 4-6 wks ago, either here or another list where


> problems were being tossed around, that I really felt that my hip was just

about cured

> due to a combo of raw liver powder and a raw powdered bone supplement.

>> Ha! A day or so after I wrote that, the knife started stabbing the hip again.

But, I'm

> still better than when I saw the ortho almost 2 yrs ago.


>> Among all the stuff I take to fortify the hip, I do take--rather


> bromelain off and on. I'm a bit leery of enzymes till, when and if, I can

figure out

> whether they are for me or agin me.

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You can also just buy the paperback book Pain Free by Pete Egoscue. It has just about all the exercises in it that they use in the clinic. I recommend this book to everyone who has any type of joint pain, anywhere on their body. I've seen some remarkable things in people I know using these simple stretches.

samala,On 3/3/08, Avril <loullew3@...> wrote:

Hi Sharon, Secondly, if it's structural then www.egoscue.com is a very effective way to remedy it. Jim Humble mentioned this protocol somewhere in his writings. " Pain Free " is a book by Mr. Egoscue. My sister found an

Egoscue clinic near her and went through a series of very unusual exercises that cured her severe pain in the sciatic and foot areas. She had tried everything...acupuncture, orthotics, chiropractic, yoga, physical therapy, etc. and this was the only thing that worked

for her. If you can't find a clinic nearby, then you can send in photos of your body and you will be given exercises via email (with pix) that will work for what's going on in your body.

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Yes, they are fantastic. My friend, who I told about the book, said that she had minor scoliosis as a child. After doing these stretches for about 6 months, she happened to have (made previously) an appt with her chiro. He was astounded at how straight her spine was and asked what happened. She told him about it and he wants to get a practitioner in his office. Plus, she went to a regular doctor and he told her that she had the straightest spine he had ever seen in a woman her age--she's 62. All due to these stretches.

samala,On 3/4/08, Avril <loullew3@...> wrote:

, His exercises are truly effective. You wouldn't think by looking at the pix of the exercises that they would change the musculo/skeletal structure the way they do...but they do.

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Yes, my friend was so impressed with what Egoscue did for her that she has since become a therapist!! She is starting an independent practice. If she were to register on the Egoscue site as a certified therapist it will cost her $10,000!!! So she can't say she's certified, but she has taken their course and will just call herself an Egoscue practitioner.

samala,On 3/4/08, Avril <loullew3@...> wrote:

Wow, what good reports! Maybe that will motivate me to get my book out and start doooing the exercises. :o)

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Hi Avril,

I'm still optimistically *assuming* I killed the dreaded Lyme critters. In

addition to the Doxy I drank and insufflated ozonated water every day, took C

till it came out my ears, took Samento, Oregano, Thyme raw glandular------and

God only knows what else at this point. You get the idea......... <G>

That's a new Lyme test to me, I'm going to save that link. I've been wondering

how accurate a test is on someone who once had Lyme --------would it always be

positive, even though there is no evidence of the disease?

Thanks to who tipped me off about 2 yrs ago, I have " Pain Free " and have

rather randomly done some of the exercises/positions. Recently " scolded "

me about not being disciplined with it, when I told her that it cut into my

email reading time.

(Way to go, -------I need a disciplinarian!)

As of late this afternoon, the hip pain ramped up to be about as bad as it ever

was. Egoscue, here I come.

And, yes, I am gobbling down every last supplement known to help arthritis! and

applying DMSO

Sharon (starshar)

From: " Avril " <loullew3@...>

> Hi Sharon,


> I see two possibilites here. First, the 28 days of Doxy may not have

> been enough. Some doctors are saying that a minimum of six weeks is

> the necessary amount of time and the Doxy dose has to be fairly

> high...400 to 600 mgs...if memory serves me. This also has to be

> taken VERY soon after the tick bite. www.centralfloridaresearch.com

> is supposed to have a Lyme test that is more accurate than the normal

> antibody tests like Western Blot, if you want to check out that

> avenue.


> Secondly, if it's structural then www.egoscue.com is a very effective

> way to remedy it. Jim Humble mentioned this protocol somewhere in his

> writings. " Pain Free " is a book by Mr. Egoscue. My sister found an

> Egoscue clinic near her and went through a series of very unusual

> exercises that cured her severe pain in the sciatic and foot areas.

> She had tried everything...acupuncture, orthotics, chiropractic,

> yoga, physical therapy, etc. and this was the only thing that worked

> for her. If you can't find a clinic nearby, then you can send in

> photos of your body and you will be given exercises via email (with

> pix) that will work for what's going on in your body.

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If that test measures present infection it would be a godsend to those of us who

still wonder whether Lyme is messing around in the body!

I need to look into that.

Poor ----what have I gotten her into?!

Thanks, Avril!

Sharon (starshar)

From: " Avril " <loullew3@...>

> Hi Sharon,


> Sounds like you hit the Lyme pretty hard. The central florida

> research test is somewhat similar to Mattman's Bowen test. It

> doesn't just test for antibodies but somehow measures the present

> infection. I don't know that much about it since I was strongly

> positive for both chronic and acute Lyme infection on the Western

> Blot. I was not fortunate to " catch " Lyme right after the bite.


> Sounds like you got a plan...hit those Egoscue exercises! Will

> also be my disciplinarian?

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Wha chk I'm cracking that whip! Get that book out every darn one of you and get stretching!!!samala,--Egoscue coachOn 3/4/08, Starshar <starshar@...> wrote:

Poor ----what have I gotten her into?!

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