Guest guest Posted June 13, 2000 Report Share Posted June 13, 2000 Re: Dr. Johanna Budwig diet Hi Jim, The people I know have gone the conventional route, much to their sorrow. My brother-in-law, went to Victor Herbert's hospital, Loma , and went the prostate-ectomy, castration, radiation, hormone, chemotherapy route, and now is very dismayed at being taken in by the " heroic efforts " [$$$] of the AMA. [Victor Herbert epitomizes the AMA in his typical false accusations against " alternative " health practices. I say typical, because you can always tell an establishment man by the false accusations]. Two in our family have gone the non-surgical route, and have had good results, ie: myself included. The other family member went the vegetarian, supplement route, [we use no vitamin supplements, but depend on our food supply to give us all the vitamins and minerals we need] which worked for him regarding his prostate, but something went haywire, with his bowels, and he ended up with a colostomy. But even at that, he goes folk dancing every Saturday night. There are so many good routes to go, but in my estimation, the Dr. Budwig route is the absolute best! I posted some info this morning about Dr. Budwig's books, which you will find very encouraging. [i sure have no economic interest in her books, or diet, but I know from my own experience that it does work.] I also put a biblio on the net last night, if you go through each one of these books, you will become greatly encouraged about taking the so called " alternative " route. [ " Alternative " is really a misnomer. It is just plain common sense! ] The oath of the " Golden Scalpel " : " A WELL PATIENT IS NOT A GOOD PATIENT " You will find that the doctors themselves that prescribe the drugs, radiation, and surgery, would never, never, use what they prescribe for their patients. They follow the " alternative " route themselves, and for their families!!!! and seek out doctors that have the common sense to not go the cut, burn, and drug route! This is documented in the long list of books I recommend reading, many of which are written by other doctors who expose what is going on behind the AMA curtain. I myself am now strict vegetarian, bounce a thousand times a day on the trampoline [my wife and I take turns, at 100 standing up bounces] I follow Dr. Budwig's advice on getting sunshine by working in my garden, eat just about all raw foods organically grown, drink carrot juice, and take the flax oil / cottage[organic] cheese mix, now 3 times a day, as you do, and I eat oil rich nuts, three times a day. I, when I started out, did follow the protocol of downing the hatch with 8 ounces of flax oil, the first day, and spent a good part of the night in the bathroom! The idea is to get yourself well saturated with the omega-3 flax oil. Following that, I did use a lot of oil mixes in the diet, with yogurt, lactobcillus drinks, and probably was getting 10 - 12 tablespoons of flax oil a day. The attachment I sent this A.M. recommends this, as well as Dr. Budwig's diet book, and her other lecture book. But then I got diarrhea again, so I cut down to 6 tablespoons / day in cottage cheese. And I still had diarrhea. My wife and I have been studying nutrition for over 25 years, because of my wife's health. It turned out that I remembered Dr. Hulda 's books on cancer and other diseases, and that several years ago I had built an electronic parasite zapper, per the plans in Dr. 's books. So I started zapping for parasites in my system, and sure enough, no more diarrhea. Evidently, we had been buying organic vegetables from a farm which some of their " organic " fertilizer contained parasites. [Note: we do not have pets, because pets transmit parasites to humans.] My wife is more cautious now on not just washing the raw fruits and vegetables with water, but includes in the water: organic vinegar, baking soda, and 20 Mule Team Borax, plus a wash in filtered water. She told me to tell you that her recipe for the wash water contains one cup of organic vinegar, one tablespoon of borax, and one tablespoon of baking soda in a big pot of water. This is the wash for dishes, and for vegetables and fruits. We have been severely warned not to use detergent soaps, as they are toxic, as is chlorinated water. We buy filtered water, Culligans, and also have a water filter on our well water, although we are phasing out our water filter on the well. The well was tested and indicated that there was bacterial contamination, but it is ok now. Dr. Budwig does say that her cottage cheese / flax oil diet is fattening, 4000 calories! / day. And can be cut back after 3 months on the diet. She also says; " It has nothing to do with following a particular strict dietetic regime--it is simply a matter of recognizing what is, at this moment, of optimal value for us all, of recognizing what is food with little benefit and also highly toxic. This decision concerning the substances you eat is entirely up to you. " [Page 21, of her Flax Oil As A True Aid...........] Once you are on the diet, you must stick with it, and not be talked into something that is going to defeat what the diet is doing for your health. And I am talking about drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, surgery. But you will see this when you read the books in the biblio. Also, in the chelation books, there are doctors, names, addresses, and telephone numbers, that openly practice alternative health medicine. But that is something that you have to decide, whether you need such advice, and some of them are switch hitters, one foot on the AMA side of the fence, and the other on the " alternative medicine " side of the fence, in my experience, so I have as little contact with them as possible. There are so many good " alternative " routes to go, as can be seen by surfing the web. And of course, there is the " ejunk " as well which requires research and discernment. " See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. " Holy Bible, Ephesians 5:15-17 And of course, there are so many variables in health and lifestyles. I was diagnosed last year with atherosclerosis, which the Dr. Budwig diet is taking care of. But that is why I got interested in chelation therapy, and read several very enlightening books on chelation, which in turn exposes the AMA quackery extant today. We live in the mountains, 100 miles north of San Diego, away from the highways, neighbors, and with the rattlesnakes, coyotes, wildcats, deer................lots of interesting birds here, flowers, trees......... City living can also be bad for your health. There are books on sugar consumption. Sugar will ruin anyone's health, just as much as drugs, booze, and the fecalsexual lifestyles being promoted by the establishment in the public schools to our grandchildren. My wife had cancer 26 years ago, so she went to Dr. Contreras in Tia, Mexico, and he put her on laetrile and enzymes, and a strict vegetarian diet, and carrot juice, and the cancer went away! We have participated in the Hippocrates wheat grass juice diet, and the Ann Wigmore wheat grass juice diets, and there are other diets similar like the " Hallelujah " diet on the web. But the most enjoyable diet for us is the Dr. Budwig diet, and the most effective. Our bodies need the chemicals contained in the Budwig diet. The other diets work, much better than the cut, burn, and drug route, which is fatal for the patient, and lucrative for the monsters who would not think of doing such a thing to themselves, or their families! I hope this helps you Jim. The most peace I have in my life is when I came to know the peace, that passeth all understanding! The Lord Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, and was resurrected, and is making intersession for all those who have accepted His free gift! " For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. " Holy Bible, I Corinthians 2:2 " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " Holy Bible, 3:16 In Christ Herbert Savage >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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