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Re: kathy--implants? Antibiotics

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I did some homework!! Do not assume that people are stupid. First treat them as if they are smart, and ask them if they did their homework. You'll be more positive and get better results that way.

an implant when done with biocompatability testing, is the best way to take care of a tooth lost to cavitation. The implant was done AFTER the jawbone completely healed. Believe me, my oral surgeon took great care to make sure this would be a good experience. And it sure beats having a gap in my mouth that prevents good chewing. It also beats having the the migrate to try to fill in the gaps.

Implants: Currently, implants continue to be done without biocompatibility testing, and they are often started at extraction sites where cavitations are already developing. Autoimmune diseases seem to be often aggravated or even initiated by implants. http://www.mercola.com/2004/feb/18/dental_health.htm just quoting Mercola again, since you hae relied on him in the past.

None of this happened. This article is exaggerated and bi-assed. Mercola tends to overdo it at times. He is a businessman selling his products on the market, he needs you to need him.

I have an excellent dentist and an excellent oral surgeon. Both are committed to performing the most healthy work possible. My dentist has removed all my amalgam fillings and replaced them with beautiful white fillings. He is very healthy himself, a marathon runner and his kids get soy milk. We talk about health issues when he's working on me.

These were both teeth that originally were given root canals, against my better judgement. They should have been pulled and implanted years ago. Neither root canal was done by my current providers. The one had so little tooth left that it needed first one post, then 2, to hold the crown on, and was constantly coming loose. The other was fixed by a dentist that actually put a nickel temporary crown in my mouth, I never went back to him. The tooth turned dark grey from the nickel. It was ugly. I was glad to finally be rid of it.

Thanks for asking, . It's good to clarify.


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Bob- give her a break and read between the lines. she is doing the

best that she can.


> > " Beer and franks, eaten with cheer and thanks is

> > better than sprouts and bread, eaten with doubts

> > and dread. "

> > That means to me, that if I love my implants,

> > they will adapt, and that is what I do trust.

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >


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Until you can get rid of the mercury, yes. The energy of love is healing.

The energy of hate is destructive and damaging.

Don't see them as poisoning you.

Know that your body's pharmacy, which is all powerful, can handle the toxins.

It's hard when you are overloaded with toxins, hard on the liver, which is the toxin processer.

So we do what we can to eliminate the part of the load we can.

That would be done with diet, water, meditation, exercise and rest.

If we eliminate the foods that stress the liver, avoid smoking and drinking, and avoid drugs, we are greatly healping the liver.

If we exercise, we are strengthening the body and the movements helps the lymph system to filter out toxins in the body. We breathe more, circulate more and sweat, which rids toxins through the skin instead of the liver.

If we drink lots of pure water, it dilutes the toxins, making them easier to handle. Just as diluting AMMS prevents throat irritation.

Meditation is just remembering who you are, a spark of divinity in a human body having a human experience.

Nothing that is happening to you on this earthly plane is affecting your true divine self, it is eternal.

Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead by understanding this principle and calling upon the divine in them to come forth and be strong.

Keep your thoughts on thought of wholeness, happiness, love, health, perfection, peace, calm, assurance. When you catch yourself straying, don't berate yourself. Love yourself for forgetting and you'll instantly be back where the healing energies are. Love yourself!

And rest. Good rest. Good bed, good pillow, good blanket, I even play soft relaxing music while I sleep and it does color my dreams.

I believe the road to health is integrative.

I'm going to post The Secret Promise Poster in the files.

I'm still working on #1.... LOL

Best wishes for a beautiful wonderful day!


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, blush, my new advocate! Have we met?


My mouth is feeling much better today! The stitches are already worming themselves out, had the oral surgeon check them yesterday, he said, no worries, mahn.

Well, something like that....<grin> He's been in practice about 6 years.

I had mercury in my mouth for a long long time before I could afford getting it out, and while it was in there, I was aware that I needed it out. At the same time I did not focus on how it was poisoning my body everytime I chewed my food. I did avoid eating really crunchy things like ice. I can say that since it was removed I feel better, but at the same time I cannot say it's because the fillings are replaced, there are too many other factors involved to single any one cause or effect out. I actually had a dentist who I'd know over 30 years give me a mercury crown! ARRGH! I didn't know until he was done what he was doing! That was my last visit to him. Interestingly, he has lyme disease.

Having HepC underlying it all is also a factor.

Working on making it go away has increased my feel good, but then maybe it's the fact that I'm exercising regularly and taking better care of myself.

Maybe those 40 minutes of laying out in the sun in the hot tub are paying off. Maybe it's because my relationship with my husband is improving, we were totally estranged the summer of 2006 and I thought I was going to decline until I eventually died. Not any more!!! Move over sistuh, and make room for me, cuz I'm in it for the long run!

So who knows why I feel better, I certainly think it's ALL those things. But to say it's the milk thistle, or the spirulina, or the exercise, or the diet, I can't say that. I can say that 2 big doses of spirulina and suddenly my energy was back, but maybe it was something else I was doing at the same time. Who knows? The thing is, you'd have to mimic the exact same circumstances with and without something, and that is impossible, since nothing is the same twice, not even YOU!

Love is the healer!


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Hey Kathy-

No, don't think we've met. I just hoped to cool things off a bit.

In these forums, sometimes peoples' typed comments actually look a

lot worse than intended... And we all get carried away at times.

Healing doesn't seem easy does it? I still have amalgams, and don't

have the cash to get them out... so I'm doing the best I can...

Hang in there.


> , blush, my new advocate! Have we met?

> http://www.cse.

> <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~geoffo/humour/flatt

> ery.html>

> unsw.edu.au/~geoffo/humour/flattery.html


> My mouth is feeling much better today! The

> stitches are already worming themselves out, had

> the oral surgeon check them yesterday, he said,

> no worries, mahn.

> Well, something like that....<grin> He's

> been in practice about 6 years.


> I had mercury in my mouth for a long long time

> before I could afford getting it out, and while

> it was in there, I was aware that I needed it

> out. At the same time I did not focus on how it

> was poisoning my body everytime I chewed my

> food. I did avoid eating really crunchy things

> like ice. I can say that since it was removed I

> feel better, but at the same time I cannot say

> it's because the fillings are replaced, there

> are too many other factors involved to single

> any one cause or effect out. I actually had a

> dentist who I'd know over 30 years give me a

> mercury crown! ARRGH! I didn't know until he was

> done what he was doing! That was my last visit

> to him. Interestingly, he has lyme disease.


> Having HepC underlying it all is also a factor.

> Working on making it go away has increased my

> feel good, but then maybe it's the fact that I'm

> exercising regularly and taking better care of

> myself.

> Maybe those 40 minutes of laying out in the sun

> in the hot tub are paying off. Maybe it's

> because my relationship with my husband is

> improving, we were totally estranged the summer

> of 2006 and I thought I was going to decline

> until I eventually died. Not any more!!! Move

> over sistuh, and make room for me, cuz I'm in it

> for the long run!


> So who knows why I feel better, I certainly

> think it's ALL those things. But to say it's the

> milk thistle, or the spirulina, or the exercise,

> or the diet, I can't say that. I can say that 2

> big doses of spirulina and suddenly my energy

> was back, but maybe it was something else I was

> doing at the same time. Who knows? The thing is,

> you'd have to mimic the exact same circumstances

> with and without something, and that is

> impossible, since nothing is the same twice, not

> even YOU!


> Love is the healer!

> Kathy


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Thanks, , actually, Bob and I go a ways back.

It's cool.

Healing is easy. That is, once you change the mind. That is the hard part.

The mind is a creature of habits. You try to change it, it keeps going back to old patterns.

It takes, I've heard, 21 days to completely form a new thought pattern or habit.

I like this mantra:

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, prosperous, happy and healthy!

Oh, and the fillings aren't poisoning you, it's not personal. That's like saying the sun gave you sunburn.

It was you staying out in the sun too long that burned you. The sun is not out to get you.

So more than having the fillings in the mouth, your thoughts about the fillings or about yourself are far more toxic.

If you think that you are vulnerable to every little thing that comes along, your body will say, OK. And every little thing that comes along will make you sick, it must, for it has to support your belief about it. If you feel that you are strong and impervious to every little thing that comes along, your body will say OK. And every little thing that comes along will just keep going away, it must, for it has to support your belief about it.

This is The Secret.

Oh, I haven't posted that poster yet!

http://health.ph./group/ /photos/view/5a13?b=1

If that splits go to

http://health.ph./group/ /photos

If that splits, go to the website and look under photos for secrets!


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I believe like you do Kathy. I always, always say "I never get sick". People laugh, but since I have started saying that 10 years or more ago, I just don't get sick. No colds, no flu, nothing.

I was at a health fair and the medical intuitive there said "you're one of the healthiest people I have seen". I smiled and said "I never get sick". The lady next to me got a big surprised look on her face and excitedly asked "how do you keep from getting sick?". I said "I don't believe in illness". She just got a look that said "you are a bozo". But the intuitive said "well, that certainly does have a lot to do with it". Uh--yeah!

People get caught in the rain, and sure enough--they come down with a cold. Because "I got caught in the rain and got wet". They believe that, because that's probably what their Mom's told them as they grew up. But if that were true--then how come you don't get a cold every time you take a bath or go swimming and dry off with the sun on the beach? It's conditioning. And a person can always, always recondition him/herself. It takes time, but it is possible.


-------Original Message-------

If you think that you are vulnerable to every little thing that comes along, your body will say, OK. And every little thing that comes along will make you sick, it must, for it has to support your belief about it. If you feel that you are strong and impervious to every little thing that comes along, your body will say OK. And every little thing that comes along will just keep going away, it must, for it has to support your belief about it.

This is The Secret.

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I used to go walking in the rain, and wading through the puddles when we had our huge rains here in Salt Lake.

I still like to get my hair wet when it rains, I figure it's good for it.

When we were kids, and lived in Panama, it would rain every day during the rainy season, and we would go out and slide down the hill into the drainage ditch, where it was bigger just before it took off underground from a small pipe at the bottom. Too small to be sucked into. I have had dreams about that even in the last 10 years, although we left Panama in 1966. Those were great times.

Today I spent an hour getting sun in the back yard, forget the snow, I floated on a raft in my hot tub.

My friends thought I was going to a tanning booth, LOL

Kathy, waterbaby who never gets sick

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Hi Kathy , Im A Zonian too.I was there from 63(I was 3) till 75.I love the rainy season . For me its about the green. Rainforests and saw grass.I think of retiring there often. Kathy Wenger <katmakiah@...> wrote: I used to go walking in the rain, and wading through the puddles when we had our huge rains here in Salt Lake. I still like to get my hair wet when it rains, I figure it's good for it. When we were kids, and lived in Panama, it would rain every day during the rainy season, and we would go out and slide down the hill into the drainage ditch, where it was bigger just before it took off underground from a small pipe at the bottom. Too small to be sucked into. I have had dreams about that even in the last 10 years, although we left Panama in 1966. Those were great times. Today I spent an hour getting sun in the back yard, forget the snow, I floated on a raft in my hot

tub. My friends thought I was going to a tanning booth, LOL Kathy, waterbaby who never gets sick Wilkins


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I'm happy for you that mind over matter have helped you so much.

However are you saying that if an autistic child started saying I

never get sick it would change their situation? How about someone

with Lyme disease? I think mind over matter is an important concept

but I don't think it applies to every situation and I believe it

victimizes those who physically cannot get well through mind over

matter. They use to do this with cancer patients and it made them

feel like something was wrong with their thinking not a physical

condition that was probably caused by toxins in our environment. You

are blessed that it has worked for you but I don't think everyone

fits into your paradigm. I know many that would be hurt by your

statements but I do understand where you are coming from and I am

glad you are well.


> I believe like you do Kathy. I always, always say " I never get

sick " .

> People laugh, but since I have started saying that 10 years or more

ago, I

> just don't get sick. No colds, no flu, nothing.


> I was at a health fair and the medical intuitive there said " you're

one of

> the healthiest people I have seen " . I smiled and said " I never get

sick " .

> The lady next to me got a big surprised look on her face and

excitedly asked

> " how do you keep from getting sick? " . I said " I don't believe in

illness " .

> She just got a look that said " you are a bozo " . But the intuitive


> well, that certainly does have a lot to do with it " . Uh--yeah!


> People get caught in the rain, and sure enough--they come down with

a cold.

> Because " I got caught in the rain and got wet " . They believe that,


> that's probably what their Mom's told them as they grew up. But if


> were true--then how come you don't get a cold every time you take a

bath or

> go swimming and dry off with the sun on the beach? It's

conditioning. And

> a person can always, always recondition him/herself. It takes

time, but it

> is possible.


> Samala,



> -------Original Message-------


> If you think that you are vulnerable to every little thing that

comes along,

> your body will say, OK. And every little thing that comes along

will make

> you sick, it must, for it has to support your belief about it. If

you feel

> that you are strong and impervious to every little thing that comes


> your body will say OK. And every little thing that comes along will


> keep going away, it must, for it has to support your belief about


> This is The Secret.


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Hi Kathy,

If you have listened to Pert, the Molecules of Emotion, you

will find that science is coming around to agree with you and also the

sages of old, that with our minds we make the world :)

Best wishes,


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Sigh--no, I'm not trying to guilt anyone into feeling bad because they are still sick. And an autistic child, depending on the degree, sometimes can't even do the affirmations (and who is to say that their state of being is "sick"--they just don't happen to function the way we think the world should function). But I have studied energy for over 20 years and I have seen miracles preformed just with the mind over disease.

I will say though, that to just look at disease as a physical problem will probably never solve the health issue. It has to be approached on ALL levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When you work on just one of those you seldom get great results. You CAN, but it's few and far between. Depends on the person. But the body does listen to every word you say. There is a book, even, tilted Your Body Believes Every Word You Say. It's true. When you keep saying "I'm sick, I'm sick"--you will stay sick.

I know many people don't like to hear this. But, from MY standpoint, and learning, and being on my own path to wellness, this has proved true. I tried curing my cancer with just energy. Didn't work. It took a combination of physical things AND energy/sprituality to cure it. And for years I pondered why it didn't get cured with just the energy work, because I KNOW energy can do these things. It took years of thinking and exploring to figure out something I can live with. And it is this--

That we are 3D people, living in a 3D world. Even though I know and understand that none of this is real, that we are truly spiritual beings having a physical experience, that we can change our world in an instant if we truly understand it all, we are still living in a 3D world where we believe things as being physically real. As what we are as being the "truth". So we work on just the physical. But we are NOT just physical beings. We have to work on it all. And mental outlook is a BIG part of it.

It can work wonders if you give it a chance. It doesn't always happen overnight. But it CAN happen, that working on it emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically anyone can be totally healed. At least that is what I believe. I know it won't fit everyone system and I'm sorry if it upsets someone. But, it's no more upsetting than to be told by a doctor that "this is the way it is, period, nothing you can do to change it". They don't know everything, yet they go around saying this all the time. And people foolishly accept that as the truth.


-------Original Message-------

I know many that would be hurt by your

statements but I do understand where you are coming from and I am

glad you are well.

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