Guest guest Posted September 5, 2000 Report Share Posted September 5, 2000 -----Original Message-----From: Herbert C. Savage <bertvage@...> September 3, 2000 Mr. Mosher Route 1, Box 431 - A Pine Island, Minnesota 55963-9547 Dear Cousin-in-law , Marilee asked me to write and tell you about our diet which has been successful in improving our health greatly! In spite of cancer [my PSA WAS 60.5 December 31] and atherosclerosis, and age 72, I garden, to raise our own organic vegetables, exercise, and we spend one day a week traveling, distributing gospel tracts in Mexico and U.S., and shopping. Our diet is now100% raw organic foods, fruits and vegetables, no processed foods whatever, except the Dr.Budwig diet {organic cottage cheese / flax seed oil / a small amount of raw honey all blended together for 5 minutes in a blender), and we drink distilled water, which we steam distill from our lime [calcium] loaded well water. The lime loaded well water helps bring on old age faster than necessary, clogs up the arteries, stiffens joints, and brings the miseries of arthritis. {Our air conditioner [swamp cooler] for example, is coated with the lime crystals that we have consumed in our well water for 12 years!} Part of our diet is the raw food " Szechuan Tonic " which I am enclosing a copy from the internet. The tonic is zippy, but enjoyable as a condiment on our raw foods and in the blended cottage cheese / flax oil " spread " . Both the distilled water and the tonic act as chelating agents helping the old arteries to function in a more youthful manner. The Dr. Budwig diet cottage cheese [containing sulphur] makes a chemical bond with the omega-3 flax oil to help increase the healthy effect on the arteries as well. The raw vegetables contain all the nutriments, as long as they are not cooked [cooked food putrefies in your gut and is toxic], and the raw food will give you all the God given nutrition you need for good health. " Canning and cooking ...causes vitamins to be destroyed " [pages 448, 449, Seventeenth Edition, PHYSICIAN’S HANDBOOK, published 1973, written by Marcus A. Krupp, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Stanford University, School of Medicine Norman J. Sweet, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California School of Medicine Ernest Jawetz, PhD, MD, Professor of Microbiology, Professor of Medicine, Lecturer in Pediatrics, University of California School of Medicine G. Biglieri, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California School of Medicine L. Roe, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California School of Medicine] This is well known by the AMA, the drug industry, the FDA, BUT THERE IS NO MONEY IN PRESCRIBING RAW FOOD FOR YOUR CANCER, ARTHRITIS, HEART DISEASE, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HOW CAN YOU PATENT A RAW FOOD DIET, MAKE BILLIONS OFF OF " RESEARCH " (SIC) FOR HUMAN AILMENTS, AND ADMIT THAT A RAW FOOD DIET, AND DISTILLED WATER WILL CURE THE DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW WOULD THE CHEMOTHERAPIST, X-RAY RADIATION TECHNICIAN, DRUG COMPANIES, AMA, RESEARCH " SCIENTISTS " (SIC), MDs, HOSPITALS, AND ALL THE REST OF THE ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES, DRUG STORES............FARE, IF THE QUACK SAID TO THE CANCER & HEART PATIENT: " GO HOME AND EAT ORGANICALLY GROWN RAW FOODS, AND DRINK DISTILLED WATER, GET EXERCISE AND SUNSHINE, AND YOUR CANCER AND HEART DISEASE WILL GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quoting WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. , page 210 " Are you suggesting that people in government, in business, or in medicine could be so base as to place their own financial or political interests above the health and well-being of their fellow citizens? That they actually would stoop so low as to hold back a cure for cancer? " The answer, in the cold light of cartel history, is obvious. If prominent citizens, highly respected in their communities, can plan and execute global wars; if they can operate slave labor camps and gas ovens for the extermination of innocent human beings; if they can scheme to reap gigantic profits from the war industry of, not only their own nation, but of their nation’s enemy as well; then the answer is: YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. " [if you read ’s book, which I highly recommend reading, you will see the international ties of the drug industries. Eisenhower ordered our gunners and bombers, in WWII, to not destroy the German I.G. Farben drug industries, and the Krupp steel industries, which are tied to the Rockefeller owned international cartels in the U.S. so it is only natural the liar Roosevelt would tell Eisenhower to lay off the Farben and Krupp industries, or Roosevelt would have been on the outs with the U.S. / international establishments campaign contributions!! These principals apply to government registered churches as well as to any other money extracting business. If your livelihood depends on lying, LIE. Where on earth did that guy get that idea?? " Yet ye have not known him: but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: " Holy Bible, 8:55 The first lesson in the 4 gospels to heed, and believe, is that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary for our sins, and that he arose and is sitting on the right hand of God: " For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. " Holy Bible, I 2:5,6 Every sinner on this earth, including you and me, put Christ on the cross, [if you don’t believe that, you are going to hell, soon] but the 2nd lesson to understand in the 4 gospels, is that God is teaching us that: Government approved, organized religion is corrupt beyond words!!! Who paid Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray the Lord Jesus Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane, no question about it. Read it in the 4 gospels. That organized religion of the Sadducees and Pharisees did everything they could to trick the Lord into making some embarrassing statement so that they could kill him, as well as Lazarus, whom the Lord raised from the dead. " But the chief priests consulted that they might put lazarus also to death; " Holy Bible, 12:10 Notice the word " also " of the lying thieves in organized religion!!! We understand why Jesus called the people running the vi$ible church, LIARS, in 8:55 quoted above!! " Oh, but my " church " is different today. " It is?? " Yes, they have taught me that God can’t speak English, that only my preacher knows what God was trying to say when He gave us our Bible, but my preacher has studied Hebrew and Greed [woops, " Greek " ] so the preacher can tell me what God was really trying to say. So there we have it. If I want to know the true truth, I can’t read the Bible, I have to go to my preacher and find out what God meant to say!! " By the way, drop a couple of grand in the collection plate for my retirement. " " Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. " Holy Bible, Ecclesiates 1:2 I heard a PhD, professor of theology, who had been kicked out of a big seminary for teaching that we need to trust and read the Bible, say: " If I knew before I was saved, what I know now about preachers, I never would have gotten saved. " " that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written " Holy Bible, I Corinthians 4;6 " they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. " Holy Bible, Acts 17:11 Well Marilee and I hope you know where you are going to spend eternity, if you dropped dead tonight. The scriptures show the way. [ 3:16, I Cor.2:2] " For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things: For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. Holy Bible, II Corinthians 2:15-17 Sincerely in Christ Herbert Savage, and Marilee Enclosures, " Which Bible " , " Recollect " , and the Szechuan Tonic recipe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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