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11 million citations

September 2, 2000

Mr. M. Hurt

Owner of The Internet resource, 'cures for canceregroups'.

Dear Mr. Hurt,

There are over 11 million citations in 'MedLine'.

MedLine is The Internet resource of the National Library of Medicine; its address is www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed.

Gosalvez wrote 4 articles in 1979 which are cited in MedLine -

1. January, 1979 - "Inhibition of sodium-potassium-activated adenosine 5'-triphosphatase and ion transport by adriamycin."

2. February, 1979 - "A possible pathogenic mechanism for the induction of rotenone tumours."

3. February, 1979 - "Restoration of 'contact inhibition' in tumour cells in tissue culture by treatment with thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid."

4. May, 1979 - "Early clinical trial with quelamycin.".

However, Gosalvez wrote a 5th article in 1979, and it is not cited in MedLine.

A little bit of history - The U.S. National Cancer Institute under Contract NO1-CM-53792 had funded the Cancer research of Gosalvez; at the time he was a researcher at the Bioquimica Experimental, Clinica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid-35, Spain.

The result of Gosalvez' research was published in the March, 1979, issue of the 'Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research', Volume 20, page 17.

These words of Gosalvez appear in 'AACR ABSTRACTS, 1979', No. 68 (All bold face emphasis is mine.):

".....The screening included the test of compounds: 1) in cell capping of immuno-globulins; 2) in the differentiation of the mold Dictyostelium discoideum and 3) in the restoration of contact inhibition of Hela cells in tissue culture. One compound out of 500, thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (j.s.r. - Thioproline), was active in the three screening steps and was able to restore contact inhibition in Hela cells in tissue culture. This compound has been brought to the clinics in Spain in patients of advanced metastasic progressing cancer, under the name of Norgamem. Norgamem could represent the first non-cytotoxic anticancer agent which has the plasma membrane as target."

To double check and confirm the fact that this 5th article of Gosalvez is not contained in MedLine, type in the title of the article, 'THE PLASMA MEMBRANE AS A TARGET IN ANTICANCER CHEMOTHERAPY', into 'Search PubMed for', click on to 'Go', and these words will appear - "No items found".

In fact, none of the Divisions of MedLine (PubMed, Protein, Nucleotide, Structure, Genome, Popset, Taxonomy) contain a reference to this 5th article of Gosalvez which was published in March, 1979.

The subsequent clinical trial in Spain, in the latter half of 1979, revealed these results after Thioproline had been administered to human beings with Cancer -

".....Definite signs of activity were observed.....in other solid tumours, such as breast, renal, ovary, thryroid, and parotid cancer."

".....Histological studies showed involution and transformation into low-grade malignancies and disappearance of evidence of cancer"

The aforementioned words appear in one of the world's foremost medical journals, 'The Lancet', January 12, 1980, pages 68 to 70.

Mr. Hurt, the first 'bi-monthly posting' of my letter, 'Thioproline - THE Cancer cure?', will begin on September 15.

Subsequently, if any members of cures for canceregroups express an interest in my research, I will eMail to them this letter plus these three letters -

1. 'To Dr. Varmus, Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH)', November 7, 1999

2. 'I am the first person in history.....', August 8, 2000

3. 'Thank you very much', September 1, 2000.

Mr. Hurt, at this time I am eMailing these three letters to you so that you will know what I am telling the members of your group.

At this time I am also sending by regular mail copies of these three letters plus this one to -

Congressman J. Visclosky, Washington, D.C.

Donna E. Shalala, Ph.D., Secretary of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., (202) 690-7000

Harold E. Varmus, M.D., Director, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, land, (301) 496-2433

Klausner, M.D., Director, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, (301) 496-5615

Lake County Medical Society, Merrillville, Indiana

Indiana University School of Medicine, , Indiana

American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois

At this time I am also eMailing this September 2 letter to some members of this eGroup who I think might be immediately interested in knowing what happened in 1979 in Spain as far as the cure for Cancer was concerned.

Mr. Hurt, I want to thank you for being so gracious in allowing me to post, 'Thioproline -THE Cancer cure?', to cures for canceregroups once every two weeks.

For convenience sake, I will make the postings on the beginning and at the middle of each month.

Yours truly, , jsr1936@...

The Cure for Cancer? www.datadepo.com/cures for cancer/tac-cure.htm

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