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Actually children exposed to mercury have the signs and symptoms CNS damage

which is what is occurring. They do not look autistic. Adults are effected

somewhat differently. I think probably a progressive dementia would describe

what you would see. Mercury would be excreted by the kidneys. There is no

evidence to suggest that the kidneys of children with are any different

from children without . Do you have any evidence to suggest that? Kathy


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True that diagnoses of autism weren't made after the mercury poisoning

episodes your refer to; howerver, the " sydrome " desribed by medical

personnel treating these individuals is very similar to autism---they just

described it as mercury poisoning, because of course we all know autism is a

" developmental " disorder with no biological underpinnings (JUST KIDDING)

Anyway, Dr. Rimland and staff did a nice job reviewing the literature

documenting this---

Also, re such " small " doses of mercury---if we have an immunocompromised

child to begin with, and we are combining the administration of heavy metal

with a super load of vaccination, who knows what effect we'll get?

Contributory, I think, at LEAST.


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> None of these individuals in either place

> had autistic symptoms.

Symptoms are very

> much like autism.

I lost the attributes on both of these quotes but.. It

doesn't really matter for the point I would like to make. :)

What are autistic symptoms? Per the DSM, quite a number

of disorders would qualify as " autistic " when they are not.

Ever read some Autism Groups' descriptors of autism? VIRTUALLY

EVERYTHING is a symptom: underreactive, overreactive, antisocial,

too social, late talking, early talking, etc.

As a bit of a joke and a bit to make a point with my district

over their violations of FERPA (which is to protect my child's

confidentiality), I went through the DSM and a few other resources

and highlighted the symptoms my child had or has and... in it..

he qualified for a number of interesting disorders (including

caffiene overdose) and nondisorders like Giftedness.

I read an article by Oliver Sacks on a boy raised without Syntax.

In it, he came across a deaf boy who was older (8?) and was not

raised with a mode of communication (sign, etc)

He described the way the boy played, interacted wtih others,

and the way the boy rocked and moved his hands.

The boy was not deaf but had you actually taken the brief description

of him and edited out the portions informing the reader that he was

deaf, a reader might have easily pointed to it and said, " this

chidl is autistic " .

Being Deaf is not being autistic but has many overlap symptoms

as far as observable behavior.

One of the problems I have with the idea that you can dismiss or

support ANY theory on the causes of autism is that... I am not

even sure we can fully state what autism IS. If you can't even

get experts to agree on what autism is, how can you get them to

agree to the causes?

I have met 5+ children with autism. Not a single flippin' one

was the same. One was " classically " autistic. One was... well..

if you had told me he was ADHD , I would have bought that.

My own son is a " label shopper " . I can get a number of labels

applied depending on where I shop. Past labels include:

speech and communication disordered, moderately autistic,

hyperlexic, ADHD with a speech disorder, Apraxic (total

misdiagnosis on this one), and " well, he was language disordered

but he looks good now - even though I don't know what his problem

was but I do know it ain't autism. "

I have a fear that as they start to try and find the " cause "

of autism, they won't remember how incredibly WIDE the spectrum

is. Will they be including the " maybe HFA but possibly Aspergers

wtih a language disorder " child in with the " nonverbal, self

injurious child " ? (I am not sure how they separated Fragile X from

the autism spectrum or Rhett's syndrome except that there was a clear

genetic link in those families and the rate of girls affected with

Rhett's probably triggered a " ah-ha " moment for researchers))

I could go on and on but... I am feeling somewhat skeptical about

ruling any theory out in part because... There are so many

different types of autism. Until we have a better diagnositic

system, it will be difficult to come up with a theory that works with

all children with autism.


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I actually have a mercury question. I have been researching the

possibility of chelation for probably the last 1.5 years. I haven't

been swayed either way as of yet.

Do they know the levels of mercury in " typical " children?

I mean, if you chelate a typical child, will they show

high levels of mercury in their urine as well?

I do know two moms who have chelated for mercury and never

found any. They did, however, find high levels of other

metals including Arsenic. (I told the one mother that she

should test her well water if her son had high levels of



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Blood tests? That isn't how you test for Mercury toxicity unless it is

something that happened this week (the mercury exposure). Mercury rapidly

binds to the major organs and into the brain. It won't even show up directly

in hair tests unless it was a fairly recent exposure.


Re: Mercury



> > In the 60's and early 70's there was a large number of cases of mercury

> > poisoning coming out of Japan (secondary to industrial pollution of a


> > that was used for fishing) and Canada (secondary to industrial pollution

> of

> > small rivers and streams fished primarily by the native Americans who

> lived

> > there, I think the term the Canadians use is First Nations). At any rate

> > there was a large population that could be studied which ranged in ages

> from

> > young children to adults. None of these individuals in either place had

> > autistic symptoms. They had many others but not autistic. So, why would

> > mercury in much smaller doses in vaccines result in autism and never

> result

> > in autism in all of the cases of mercury poisoning that have been


> > Age is not a factor because we know that there have been viral related

> > autistic like symptoms occurring in adolescents and adults. Kathy


> >

> >

> >

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>>(I am not sure how they separated Fragile X from

the autism spectrum or Rhett's syndrome except that there was a clear

genetic link in those families and the rate of girls affected with

Rhett's probably triggered a " ah-ha " moment for researchers))<<

Fragile X children have specific physical characteristics in addition to

behavior and cognitive issues, so it's more obvious to researchers that it has a

biological/genetic cause. There's also an autistic-like condition called

Cornelia De Lang Syndrome which has physical-appearance markers.

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Your excellent letter points out why we do not use the word autism but

instead the name of the disease that is causing the symptoms which is .

We have excellent tests for and those are the blood tests that are done

in any medical center lab. Having read many medical records of kids I

can tell you that they do indeed have their own individual presentations but

you cannot tell that by reading their lab work. Kathy -NNY

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Sorry have to disagree with you. The kind of CNS destruction that occurs with

Hg poisoning is not the same thing that occurs with . You are talking two

different mechanisms here. The symptoms are not the same. Kathy -NNY

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Dr. Goldberg does not discount the possibility of anyone having trace levels

of heavy metals in this day. I remember a previously undiscovered tribe of

natives on an island off of the Philippines being discovered to have lead in

their blood and breast milk without even knowing what a car was much less the

difference between leaded and unleaded gasoline. He does think that those

metals are inert and if left alone will eventually be excreted. His concern

is that chelation changes the chemical configuration into something active

which could potentially do damage. There has to be some reason that these

kids are so much harder to treat than kids who have not had chelation.

Cheryl, your article does give some evidence that his theory may be correct.

Kathy -NNY

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> I do know two moms who have chelated for mercury and never

> found any. They did, however, find high levels of other

> metals including Arsenic. (I told the one mother that she

> should test her well water if her son had high levels of

> arsenic...)

Yeah, lots of different metals come out of some of the kids.

Also, some metals need to be treated differently than others,

it is not " all the same " . It can also be rather vague to

try to measure excretion. Alpha lipoic acid chelates aresnic


Here is a page with sources of exposure (for arsenic or

other metals):


Sometimes local health dept can test water (but I'm not

sure what conditions are for that). DDI also does water

testing for heavy metals (does not require an MD signature


best wishes,


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I got the information about testing for mercury by blood work and urine

from our local lab. When I was Chief of Preventive Medicine I sent requests

for metal assays to them so I knew that they would have the latest

information. Currently we do most of our clinic lab work through them. Kathy


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> Yeah, lots of different metals come out of some of the kids.

> Also, some metals need to be treated differently than others,

> it is not " all the same " . It can also be rather vague to

> try to measure excretion. Alpha lipoic acid chelates aresnic

> well.

I thought you might like to see this. Let's hope that this turns

out to be wrong.


Toxicology 2002 Jun 14;175(1-3):103-10 Related Articles, Links

Lipoic acid increases glutathione production and enhances the effect

of mercury in human cell lines.

Hultberg B, Andersson A, Isaksson A.

Department of Clinical Chemistry, Institute of Laboratory Medicine,

University Hospital Lund, S-22185 Lund, Sweden.

Thiols are known to influence the metabolism of glutathione. In a

previous study (Toxicology 156 (2001) 93) dithiothreitol (DTT) did

not show any effect on intra- or extracellular glutathione

concentrations in HeLa cell cultures but increased the effects of

mercury ions on glutathione concentrations, whereas monothiols such

as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or glutathione did not. In the present

study, we have investigated the effects of thiols as well as the

interaction between thiols and mercury ions in cultures of both HeLa

and hepatoma cells. Furthermore, we have added alpha-lipoic acid

(LA) to the previously used test panel of thiols, since it is

metabolised intracellularly to a dithiol (dihydrolipoate). The

present study shows that LA increased intra- and extracellular

concentrations of glutathione in both HeLa and hepatoma cell

cultures. In contrast to results for HeLa cells, the presence of DTT

increased the intracellular glutathione concentration in hepatoma

cells. No increase of glutathione concentrations was observed in

hepatoma cell cultures in the presence of the monothiols (NAC,

homocysteine or glutathione) tested, in agreement with previous

findings in HeLa cell cultures. The presence of dithiols, either DTT

or dihydrolipoate (the metabolite of LA), increased the effects of

mercury ions on glutathione concentrations in hepatoma cells,

whereas monothiols such as NAC or glutathione did not, in agreement

with previous findings in HeLa cells. Thus, metabolic effects of

mercury ions were observed in hepatoma cells as well as in HeLa

cells at a lower concentration than the supposed toxicity threshold

for mercury in blood.

PMID: 12049840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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I've been studying this issue extensively for the last nine months. I

haven't run across any documentation for what you just said. Could you give

me the resource information where you got that?


Re: Mercury

> Blood work will show Hg, as will 24 hr. urine samples or spot urine


> Kathy -NNY




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I don't have any information to suggest that the autistic kids kidneys are

different, but I have tons of info on how mercury reacts in the body and how

it binds rapidly to the organs and the brain and how it isn't excreted for

very long after an exposure. One of the reason many mainstream doctors don't

believe that a kid who later turns out to be mercury laden has a mercury

problem is because they don't do the right tests. They do the right tests

for lead toxicity and think they are doing the right tests for mercury which

they aren't. Would you like me to send that information to you?

I'm really not trying to get into a pissing contest here. If there is valid

information I haven't turned up yet, I want to know about it. I'm not

interested in the religion of this doctor or that doctor. I'm interested in

finding what works the best for the most kids.


Re: Mercury

> Actually children exposed to mercury have the signs and symptoms CNS


> which is what is occurring. They do not look autistic. Adults are effected

> somewhat differently. I think probably a progressive dementia would


> what you would see. Mercury would be excreted by the kidneys. There is no

> evidence to suggest that the kidneys of children with are any


> from children without . Do you have any evidence to suggest that?


> -NNY




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From all that I've read and in fact seen, treatment for mercury poisoning is

also a viable treatment for some kids. So is the GF/CF diet. So is ABA. I'm

trying to get documented information and really all I've gotten from you so

far is opinion. Opinion is fine, but please don't mask it as absolute truth.


Re: Mercury

> Mercury is a red herring. It is very sad to see a lot of time, effort and

> money battling this when we already have a viable treatment for ASD. Kathy

> -NNY




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Hi socjog! Geoff here.

You wrote:

" Well this may not be a well received personal opinion I have that I will

share with you in regard to mercury . Its just an opposing view but it may

shed some light on some ideas here so bare with me .

First off you can have a mercury blood level done to see if in fact ones

body has to much exposure to mercury . Its a cheap blood test and not

invasive to have done ( one needle stick) . I am NOT an avid believer that

mercury fillings have any effect on our body and or auto immune disease .

There is no scientific credible evidence to support a relationship between

mercury filings an our symptoms . There IS a lot of testimonial evidence

only . "

Not quite...

Hg is only free-floating in the blood when loose, as in proximate in time to

the exposure, be it from release during insertion/extraction of amalgam

fillings or other means. It is next exposed not blood serum but in hair

where it remains available for analysis far longer, depending on the length

of one's hair, frequency of cutting and artificial treatments. After this

it is bound in the body and exceedingly difficult both to locate and to


The complications of large-dose Hg exposure are well documented in numerous

places, Hg is a known hazardous material and not to be trifled with. What

is not as well known are the implications of small-dose or micro-dose Hg

exposure, to which you allude. This issue is chiefly one of technology at

this point and not general health ignorance. As time and technology

progress, the technology will eventually confirm what is generally known,

i.e., small-scale Hg exposure compromises health, and by then hopefully to

what degree.

Testimonial evidence (anecdotal) is not to be dismissed out-of-hand. The

simplest example of this in medicine is aspirin. Aspirin, used for hundreds

if not thousands of years to alleviate everything from headaches to muscle

pains became ubiquitous exclusively by means of anecdotal evidence. It

wasn't until recently (as in the last several years) that the technology

existed to develop an understanding on " how " aspirin does what it does.

Would anyone deprive the populace of this valuable aid because mechanical

tests did not exist to reveal its mechanism? Surely not. So what did

exist? Testimonial evidence, testimony of the people consuming the drug and

the people evaluating them.

While we may or may not be in opposite camps regarding Hg, your points of a

personal nature are well-founded, absolutely valid, and worthy of others to

note. Removal and replacement of competent amalgam fillings is not without

its own issues:

1. If the fillings have been in place for a year or longer, more Hg

will be released at one time by the process of removal than will be

if they are left in place.

2. Dental reconstruction is not without its physical and mental

stresses. These must be considered on a case-by-case basis. There

are those who can sit nicely in a Dentist's chair undergoing various

treatments for 8 hours with aplomb. Others are fortunate to pull

off 10 minutes without heart flutters. (I camp with the latter.)

3. There is a financial impact to be considered, Dental work is


but cheap. Replacing old amalgams that are competent for new ones,

which may or may not result in stresses to the tooth structure and


additional work, must be weighed carefully in the balance of " Which

therapeutic modality will provide the greatest value? " For some that

may be a measure of AP vs. elective Dentistry.

But let's not forget the final point for perspective: For some patients,

replacement of amalgam fillings may be the last roadblock to realizing the

most benefit from other treatments, such as the AP.

BTW, amalgams are but one source of Hg. Those of you who enjoy being

vaccinated regularly are well advised that many vaccines even today commonly

carry Hg as a preservative and it is directly injected into your body

bypassing all of the given designs for preventing it's entry through other




soli Deo gloria

www.HealingYou.org - Your nonprofit source for remedies and aids in fighting

these diseases, information on weaning from drugs, and nutritional kits for

repairing damage; 100% volunteer staffed.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

is there alot of mercury in shrimp and scallops?


thatsmyline2003 <thatsmyline2003@...> wrote:

> Hi Rae,


> ALA, DMSA are sulfur based chemicals I think. Hopefully someone else

> will post. Owens is pretty knowledable in this area. She

posts on

> this board - and on another list called sulfer stories. I would ask



> How old and how much does your child weigh?




Thanks for your reply. He is almost 11 years old and weighs 74lbs.



> [ ] What could be causing hives with




> This is the third time in a row this has happend. There was about


> 4 week break between the first time it happened and the next time


> happened. We are using 25 mg. of DMSA and this round I dropped the

> ALA from 50 mg. to 25 mg. The hives started one day earlier this

> round. They aren't too bad but I imagine they will get worse with

> more doses. They seem to be triggered by a hot shower. We are on

> round 21. I am concerned about future rounds. Does anyone have


> ideas on this? He reacts with hives when he takes sulfa drugs, but


> don't think that is related to ALA or is it? I really need to


> this out because we have a long way to go with chelation. Thanks


> any help. Rae






> =======================================================


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  • 3 years later...

I just listened to an interview with Marc Sircus by Bill , on


It has some interesting information towards the end about mercury. Marc says that selenium has a very strong affinity for mercury, and that it binds with it. He says that taking ALA is a good thing except it is so strong it can really stir up the mercury in the body but not get it out of the system so that you herx pretty bad. The best thing to do, he said, was to take Chelorex, which is a combo of ALA, selenium and cilantro, which binds with the mercury and gets it out.

He also said that iodine crosses the blood brain barrier and will pull mercury out of the brain, but he mentioned that he uses one type of iodine, though he didn't say what type. He mentioned that his friend Brownstein wrote a book recently called Iodine, Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It. He said that Brownstein uses a different type of iodine that you take between 50 and 100 milligrams a day, whereas the type Marc recommends you take less of. But apparently Marc has also written an short book on iodine and tells what kind to use in there. He did say that for breast or prostrate cancers, and anyone without cancer, they can just put iodine externally on their body--for breast and prostrate you'd put it right on those areas, for non-cancer issues it didn't matter where you put it. But he said that he'd do both--put the external on and then take this other kind.

Of course, him being the mag oil king, he did talk about that for any cancer and many other health issues. Bill mentions a you tube video series about hemp oil curing cancer. Not the hemp oil you buy in the store, but the illegal type. He said the videos shows how to make the oil, I think he said. The address for the videos is www.youtube.com/chrychek He said it is the same substance in the hemp oil, only MUCH stronger, than in smoking a joint. The strength of the substance in the oil is what kills cancer. I know that this is true--at least about the substance in the hemp killing cancer, because I know a lady that was in a study when she was a child. This study was for using marijuana to kill cancer. Her life was saved by the marijuana. But because marijuana is illegal they never published the study.

Also, one good thing for anyone interested. Marc is in Brazil, but you can email him and if you have Skype, which is free to sign up for, you can talk to him for free. At the end of the talk he said that he would give any listener to Bill's show a free 1 hour consultation. He normally charges $350 for this.


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At 03:47 PM 29/02/2008, wrote: " I just listened

to an interview with Marc Sircus by Bill , on

http://www.webtalkradio.net/content/view/134/33/ .....He says

that taking ALA is a good thing except it is so strong it can really stir

up the mercury in the body but not get it out of the system so that you

herx pretty bad. "

This is exactly what happens to me with ALA. It also happens with

NAC and Chlorella though.

Thanks so much for this !

Kind regards.......Tesa

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At 04:40 PM 29/02/2008, you wrote: " Perhaps you need to

take the ALA with the selenium and cilantro. "

Yes . Great minds think alike! I already take selenium

and have been contemplating taking cilantro. I've delayed because I

read something about it not being a good idea to take it when one still

has mercury in tooth fillings, which I do. If I discover that this

is incorrect and that it is safe for me to take it, I will do some

investigation to see if I can find an OZ source. I purchased

magnesium oil just a few days ago and am currently using it. My

daughter is rubbing it into my legs (lymphedema) and cervical

spine/occipital area (just guessing how much to use this way). I

tried taking undenatured whey too but it also ramps up my herxing too


Best wishes.........Tesa

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