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What you think is what you are

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I don't think we are talking about children here, children are sometimes sick due to their parents.

ACK! I know that's going to get some people upset.

I'm not saying the parents are at fault. I'm saying that choices they made in their own lives created the environment their children were born into.

For instance, Down's Syndrome has been linked to taking birth control and letting too much time lapse between children.

I know personally 2 women who quit having children, waited 10 years, went off the pill, got pregnant and had a DS child. One went on to have another who was totally normal.

Thalidomide babies.

Babies born addicted to drugs or with fetal alcohol sydrome.

We aren't sure what causes Autism. But I think that we are closer to knowing every day.

But even someone with Autism can be healthy otherwise.

I have a friend whose child has assburgers syndrome. Yeah I know I spelled it wrong, but that is the way he spelled it in the book. Cracked me up.

Mozart and the Whale is a movie about two people with Asperger's who get together and lead a somewhat normal life.

My friend is not treating her son as being ill, she is empowering him and teaching him how to be the best he can be. She doesn't feel sorry for him.

The thing is, we are all exposed to the same toxins, some of us get sick, some don't.

People smoke. Some get cancer, some get emphysema, and some grow old and die of old age, like Burns.

I think there are inherent and adapted weaknesses in different people.

Not everyone died of the Plague.

And I think a lot of it has to do with our thinking, not that something is wrong with our thinking, it's right.

From Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life:

If you constantly feel a sense of persecution, you reject life, you have feelings of constantly struggling, and want to hurt yourself, you may develop epilepsy.

If you have a strong dislike of being driven, if you resist the flow of life, if you have sexual fears, you may develop migraine headaches.

If you have a strong resistance to change, if you feel fear, anger or hatred, because of events that were beyond your control, you may get hepatitis. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.

Or maybe you have sexual guilt and feel a need for punishment, you believe in a punishing God, and reject your genitals. When you're exposed to Herpes, you'll get it. And your friend who doesn't feel those things will be exposed to herpes and won't get it. And you'll be saying, It's not fair! Life isn't fair.

And if you have a deep abiding hurt, a longstanding resentment, a deep secret or grief eating away at you, if you're carrying hatreds or if you are resigned and saying, what's the use, you are a candidate for cancer.

And infections may be caused by irritation, anger and annoyance. So we can choose to be peaceful and harmonious.

Doctors are exposed to infections every day, how come they don't catch them all?

But your thoughts aren't wrong, they are the right thoughts for getting those things. And changing your thoughts isn't about saying, ok, these thoughts were bad, now I'm only going to think good thoughts. It's about deciding to think thoughts that get you what you want. Instead of what you don't want. And some people want to be sick. They get a lot of attention that way. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease.


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