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The mystery of the missing entry

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Hello everyone, (My Post Script deals with Leukemia.)

In response to my December 3 posting , 'Thioproline - a Cancer cure?', moonbeam@... wrote:

" Hi, you say that Thioproline is not cited in the MEDLINE, yet I found 138 MEDLINE references to this compound. "

Moonbeam, you are exactly right; however why aren't there 139 references?

Where is the citation to the March, 1979 article written by Gosalvez; my posting contains the complete abstract (refer to AACR ABSTRACTS, 1979); one typing mistake:

" Thus " re-

verse transformation " seems to take place by a cyclic..... "

should read:

" This " re-

verse transformation " seems to take place by a cyclic..... "

I wish to reiterate - this research of Gosalvez is " ...one of the greatest anti-Cancer discoveries of all time... " , and it is not cited in MEDLINE !

In March, 1979, Dr. Gosalvez stated that out of 500 compounds tested, Thioproline (Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid) showed the most promising anti-Cancer potential and speculated that it " ...could represent the first non-cytotoxic anticancer agent which has the plasma membrane as target. "

Don't forget, his research had been " Supported by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, contract NO1-CM-53792. "

Later in 1979, Dr. Gosalvez and Dr. Brugarolas administered Thioproline to Cancer patients in Spain and achieved these results that were reported in one of the world's foremost medical journals 'The Lancet':

" .....Definite signs of activity were observed...in other solid tumours, such as breast, renal, ovary, thyroid, and parotid cancer. "

Only tumour cells were affected - " .....no effect was observed in the normal skin, mucosae, or other epithelial tissues..... "

" .....Histological studies showed involution and transformation into low-grade malignancies and disappearance of evidence of cancer. "

What did the United States National Cancer Institute do after it received these marvelous results?


In my opinion, the scientific community put forth a puny, paltry effort to take advantage of the Spanish anti-Cancer discovery. Consequently, the medical community settled for scanty, skimpy research in reaching its decision to abandon interest in Thioproline as a possible Cancer cure.

As a result of this feeble, futile, feckless, abortive research effort, a negative light was cast upon Thioproline that the world has been doomed to live with throughout the past two decades.

All of the sad details are in my November 7, 1999, posting, 'To Dr. Varmus, Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH)', that I will eMail to anyone upon request.

In a final answer to his critics, Gosalvez, the primary discoverer of the anti-Cancer potentiality of Thioproline, had these poignant words:

" .....However, reports of our later work given at scientific meetings or in the pipeline, confirm that thioproline does induce reverse transformation and that the whole concept, despite its complexities, is promising. "

" .....disappearance of evidence of cancer. " These words should forever be linked with the names of

Gosalvez and Brugarolas.

Yours truly, , jsr1936@...,

5086 Sunrise Avenue, Portage, Indiana, (219) 763-1933

The Cure for Cancer? www.cures for cancer.ws/cures for cancer/tac-cure.htm

Post Script -

The Cure for Leukemia? - Moonbeam's posting contains a passage that might provide the explanation for my proposed Leukemia cure; Moonbeam states:

" This drug is not the only drug that stimulates the immune system. Many immune boosters work synergistically with vitamin C. "

I have stated in the past that 'mega-doses' of d-penicillamine plus copper & vitamin C might be the cure for Leukemia; my reasoning -

a. Research cited in MedLine (1996 - UI:96273151) states: " .....Human acute myelogenous leukemia cells were especially sensitive to " d-penicillamine plus copper.

b. In the opinion (1999) of F. Cathcart, M.D., (www.orthomed.com) - In theory, vitamin C could protect against the toxicity of d-penicillamine.

Copies to -

eMail copies to Harold E. Varmus, M.D., Director, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, land and

Brugarolas, M.D., Faculdad de Medicina, Universidad de Navarra, Espana

Regular mail copies to Members of Congess of the United States of America -

The Honorable Dan Burton The Honorable Deborah Pryce The Honorable J. Visclosky

E. Straus, M.D., Director, National Center for Comprehensive and Alternative Medicine

(NCCAM), Bethesda, land

Lake/Porter County Medical Society, Merrillville, Indiana

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