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Lyme Disease article using herbs

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From an article about Treating Lyme Disease with herbs ...by Luke Terry This complicated clinical picture requires the deft use of herbs. The patient experiences both strong excesses (the pathogen), and potentially deep immune system deficiencies. Thus the treatment may be best approached with custom-blended medicinals. However, due to reasons of cost and convenience, commercially available, pre-prepared herbal supplements, or "patent" preparations may supplement or substitute for custom-blended powdered or raw herb formulas.To begin with, a list of herbs that have been found to be medically effective against various spirochetes including borrelia bergdorferi is as follows: Coptis (huang lian), Scute

(huang qin), Phellodendron (huang bai), Forsythia (lian qiao), Isatis root (ban lan gen), Isatis leaf (da qing ye), Andrographis (chuan xin lian), Smilax Glabra(tu fu ling), Asploidis (zhi zi), and Artemesia Annua (qing hao). Of these herbals, all are strong heat-clearing herbs with well-demonstrated antibacterial qualities. Chief among this group is artemesia annua (qing hao), showing an incredible effectiveness against malaria, another insect-born, though very different pathogen. In particular, an active ingredient called arteanuin is used alone as a western treatment for malaria. Many malaria experts believe this "drug" combats malaria more effectively than any man-made drug currently available.This herb is readily available as a concentrated patent formula (Health Concerns, Artestatin). Others such as Forsythia (lian qiao), Isatis roots & leaves (ban lan gen & da qing ye), and Andrographis (chuan xin lian), are well-demonstrated against leptospirosis,

and are readily available in balanced patent formulas. Of all of the above listed herbs, the best single herb is probably tu fu ling. This herb, Smilax Glabra, is perhaps the most gentle, most neutral and least damaging to the body. The "atmospheric qualities" of Smilax Glabra, or the way that the herb affects the body's condition globally, are categorized as sweet and neutral, meaning it is both gentle and nourishing. Smilax has shown to be profoundly effective against both leptospirosis (in large clinical trials) and against LD (by clinical experience). Unfortunately, there are few if any commercial preparations of Smilax Glabra, despite its profound effectiveness and mild nature. It appears that Smilax Glabra is underappreciated as a medicinal agent.In the realm of patents, for acute phase, massive doses of Yin Qiao San are appropriate, as it contains Forsythia (lian qiao), and its usage fits the initial pattern of disease. Far East Summit's alcohol preparation would be an excellent choice, as the alcohol would drive the medicine into the channels and tissues. In addition, Artestatin from Health Concerns presents itself as a very effective medicinal agent, as its concentration and aromatic preservation are excellent. It also contains Coptis (huang lian,) and a number of balancing herbs, too long to be listed here, to balance the cold, draining qualities of Artemeseia (qing hao) and Coptis (huang lian).In the early stage, this may be enough to arrest the development of the LD pathogen and cure the disease. If symptoms are still developing, another more tonifying formula, one which still contains a strong complement of the heat-clearing antispirochetal herbs, would likely result in much better clinical outcomes. Specifically, Astra Isatis from Health Concerns contains plenty of tonics for qi,

blood, yin, and yang, in addition to its chief herbs, Isatis (ban lan gen and da qing ye). This formulation derives its punch from using the roots and leaves of the Isatis plant.A compelling body of evidence exists demonstrating the significant potential of tu fu ling, or smilax glabra, also known as sarsparilla, in treating spirochetal diseases. It is the author's hope that manufacturers of quality Oriental herbal products will notice this market opportunity, and create a product to serve the many patients suffering from Lyme disease and its coinfections.End of article To see the full article, go to http://www.naturalnews.com/022820.html Acid Reflux? Constipation? Belly Fat? Edema?

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