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RE: Vitamin C combo

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I checked out your reference, Helen, especially since you baited me with that reference to Hep C. <wink>

All I had to do was put the phone number into GOOGLE.

VITA - C - MIN 16OZ -- Your body needs vitamin C for many important reasons. Vitamin C is required by yourbody to build collagen that protects your arteries from breaking, and it uses vitamin C as well to help neutralize those harmful free radicals thatcan cause the damage to your arteries which may develop into heart disease.Vitamin C is also very beneficial to you as yourbody can use it to actually increase the levels of the HDL or beneficial cholesterol and to lower the harmful levels of LDL cholesterol, considered the bad form of cholesterol.By neutralizing dangerous free radicals andby helping to prevent lipids from oxidizing, vitamin C is a very important tool needed by your body to maintain a healthy and disease free heart and circulation. Vit - C - Min and Vit - C - Min Caps are both high performance vitamin C products. Ascorba Min is powdered product that mixes easily with water or orange juice while Ascorba Gram is the identical formula in a convenient and easy to swallow capsule form. The vitamin C molecules have been bound to 10 different minerals creating a highly beneficial ascorbate blend that has a pH muchmore compatible with your own body chemistry. This means that you can absorb and utilize Vit - C - Min and Vit - C - Min Caps much more effectively than any other form of vitamin C. *LIE!*

http://www.emergenc.com/ combines vitamin C as 7 mineral ascorbates with 32 mineral complexes and B vitamins.

Their 180 pill bottle is half the price of this Network Marketer from my sources.

They also carry the powders and put them in 'one serving' packets to keep them fresh.

Available in fine grocery and health stores and online as well.

(You're incorrigible and I love it! LOL)

Network marketing continues to prey on people with lies and exaggerations!

If the compensation is so poor, get a real job! LOL

The best food is from the organic garden.

Kathy, incorrigible optimist!

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Kathy What is your problem? I don't attack you. And I don't lie on this or any other media. People can go buy their Vitamin C at their local drug store, if they want. It likely will not work as well as this particular product but it would be up to them, not me and certainly not you who seems to want to keep people from the truth just because you have a bee in your bonnet about networking companies. Many of the best nutritional supplements are

made by and for networking companies. And the good companies pay you when you tell others about their products so that means anyone who wants their products for free can work to that end ...unlike the stores you recommend who probably don't even give you a discount on your purchases for referring people to them. If you really were so interested in helping others, you would not mind if they made enough money to live in a nice manner. And yes, when you tell others about a website or a store you

are selling and referring on that store or website whether you like to admit it or not. Do you think I made up the story about the man with Hep C? I am a business woman; I would never set out to give myself such a reputation unlike yourself who knows it all. You aren't as interested in helping people as you are in being a hero. I don't see how I baited you. Do you have Hep C? If you do and if I had known, I may not have mentioned what his ailment was ...but then I may have because I want to give

an honest accurate picture. I would probably have invited people to write me privately for the details because frankly, I want nothing to do with you. You don't get your facts straight. Did you put the word "LIE" in with the product description? How do you know it is a lie? What makes you know it all even before you check a thing? Because of this, I will not trust another word you say. You said: (You're incorrigible and I love it! LOL) My answer: Who made you my judge? About the organic products .... You know nothing about the raw organic products of which I was speaking; I didn't give you or anyone on this group the website. If you were credible and did your homework you would at least have asked for the website to see what I am talking about before your make your judgements. I, for one, would not put a lot faith in what a person says if they made comments without have checked it out. You will never find products that you can buy in a store or from a networking company that can stand up to the ones I was mentioning. They are outstanding

....and yes, they are the best in the world. Anyone who does not use them is the loser. Most people do not have the means or the time to grow an organic garden. I grew an organic garden so I know how much work and time it takes not just to grow it but to harvest it and put it up. When I returned to full time employment, I had to give up gardening. And the organic foods in the stores look like the most pathetic things I ever saw. I swear that the giant agri-companies put these awful looking things out there so you won't buy them and then they can sell their contaminated GMO garbage that they can produce more cheaply and over which they can have complete control. Yes, the products sold by this networking company are pricey but when I first realized what this company was doing, I actually was surprised they weren't more expensive. How much would you pay to have some shop for you, put it in the fridge and later clean and prepare this organic raw food for you if you could just mix it, consume it and clean the shaker container ...ALL in only 3 - 4 minutes? You couldn't do it for $3.50 a day which what it costs me to consume the most nutritious food on the planet ...as of this date. You will never find foods in your stores and websites that even come close to what these foods are. You could go to your favorite grocer, farmer, health store or website and you will not get this quality. Even if you spent $1000 in these places you would not get what you get in one small can of this particular food in which even enzymes and electrolytes are intact. That is how pure these products are. And oh, did I forget to tell you they have no fillers of any kind. I could show you how everything being "cheap and free" is not necessarily in our best interest but I this expose is already too long. It would not be well received by you anyway since you have made prejudgements about me that are not true. For everyone in this group, no one is obliged to read my emails if you are afraid I might tell you of an product on which I might make a few cents ...and if you think I can not be trusted because it is my product. Just hit Delete. If I cannot be trusted, how can you trust the stores or the websites when they tell you something? Do you think they are more honest because you came to them instead of them coming to you? Please enlighten me; I just don't see the difference. I do not only talk about the products I sell. I also contribute

about things I do not sell. I don't see you as the "incorrigible optimist!". I see you as rude and ignorant which are negative traits not optimistic at all. You attack people the minute they talk about something you don't want to hear. That's what the Delete button if for, Kathy. If you don't like what I have to say, please use it even before you open my email. I tried to deal with your attitude before. I don't care if I get taken off of this group. You are doing your utmost to make my life miserable here and I thought you said you were someone who wants to help people. I guess people who are networkers are not people and don't count in your eyes. That letter about the VitaminC and the organic foods was not meant for you. As a matter of fact, any letter of mine is never meant for you. I do not want to hear from you concerning me again. Helen Kathy Wenger <katmakiah@...> wrote: I checked out your reference, Helen, especially since you baited me with that reference to Hep C. <wink> All I had to do was put the phone number into GOOGLE. VITA - C - MIN 16OZ -- Your body needs vitamin C for many important reasons. Vitamin C is required by yourbody to build collagen that protects your arteries from breaking, and it uses vitamin C as well to help neutralize those harmful free radicals thatcan cause the damage to your arteries which may develop into heart disease.Vitamin C is also very beneficial to you as yourbody can use it to actually increase the levels of the HDL or

beneficial cholesterol and to lower the harmful levels of LDL cholesterol, considered the bad form of cholesterol.By neutralizing dangerous free radicals andby helping to prevent lipids from oxidizing, vitamin C is a very important tool needed by your body to maintain a healthy and disease free heart and circulation. Vit - C - Min and Vit - C - Min Caps are both high performance vitamin C products. Ascorba Min is powdered product that mixes easily with water or orange juice while Ascorba Gram is the identical formula in a convenient and easy to swallow capsule form. The vitamin C molecules have been bound to 10 different minerals creating a highly beneficial ascorbate blend that has a pH muchmore compatible with your own body chemistry. This means that you can absorb and utilize Vit - C - Min and Vit - C - Min Caps much more effectively than any other form of vitamin C. *LIE!* http://www.emergenc.com/ combines vitamin C as 7 mineral ascorbates with 32 mineral complexes and B vitamins. Their 180 pill bottle is half the price of this Network Marketer from my sources. They also carry the powders and put them in 'one serving' packets to keep them fresh. Available in fine grocery and health stores and online as well. (You're incorrigible and I love it! LOL) Network marketing continues to prey on people with lies and exaggerations! If the compensation is so poor, get a real job! LOL The best food is from the organic garden. Kathy, incorrigible optimist! Acid Reflux? Constipation? Belly Fat?

Edema? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain Make $$$$s! www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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