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Vitamin C combo

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Hello Somer and others who may be interested There is a particular formulation of Vitamin C that has worked for people where others have failed. A case comes to mind of a man who was sick and failing fast due to Hepatitus C. He tried regular Vitamin C and it did not help, he said. Then he tried this particular Vitamin C carried by a Canadian co and he became well. I met this man personally. I don't know if this Vitamin C would help Lyme. I just mention it because, who knows, it may be helpful and you might

want to try it. I warn you it is more expensive than regular VitaminC. To find out more about it, you can call the company at 800-228-5527 and ask for Dennis. They have a branch in the US too. Helen dsomerstn <dsomerstn@...> wrote: >> Upper East Tennessee, USA here. :-)> > JoeAlso northeast TN, USA, tri-cities area.Somers here, 64 yo, one husband, one son, two cats.Nasty tick bite with rash age 14 (50 yrs ago) in Alamance County NC. Developed stiff neck. muscle pain and other problems which increased over the years. Full blown FMS by age 55. (all over body pain, total insomnia, muscles petrified, exhaustion, total brain fog, etc). Aug. 2000 started guaifenesin protocol and mega supplements. After 6 difficult years, had much improvement in most symptoms including

most muscles returning to normal; but little improvement with fatigue. Spring 2006 sought out Integrative MD in Asheville NC qualified to do 's Thyroid Syndrome protocol to combat fatigue. Did two cycles with T3 when Igenex test came in positive for LD. Dropped 's and did several Vit. C IV's in Asheville but settled in on Salt/Vit C in July 2006. (Jan 2007 was hospitalized because of being poisoned by T3 thyroid med due to improper mixing by compounding pharmacy. Asheville MD had put me on minimal dose {7.5 mcg} of T3 for support. Being poisoned by thyroid med is one of the more frightening experiences of my life – it was horrid………Be careful with compounded medications).In June 2007, (11th month on Salt/C), had three wonderful weeks of feeling good with lots of energy. In July fatigue returned slightly but felt much better. Mistakenly took a break from salt/c and supplements in Aug.

Started experimenting with MMS in October 2007 on irregular basis due to various commitments... Felt immediate results in some muscles, spinal column, improved sleep but mostly the head area. MMS helped my head clear and lessened pressure on my ears. Also helped lungs clear. Had a lot of drainage each night after taking it at bedtime. Also had headache and nausea so had to move slowly. Had improved energy so started to exercise on regular basis. Before Christmas, I ramped up 13 drops for a few days. Could not go to sleep, felt too energized and had nausea. Stopped MMS for the holidays but remained nauseous for about a week after stopping. Have started back now on a regular basis (6 drops mostly) and also Salt/C on a irregular basis. The fatigue has returned and I am totally unmotivated to get anything done, which is normally what happens each Jan and Feb. (always my worst months). Haven't experienced much

nausea since starting back after Christmas but keep a weird head feeling with much brain fog. I'm hoping the MMS isn't killing the few remaining good brain cells that the Lyme hasn't gotten to..I am using caution because of three unusual episodes I have had since starting the MMS. On two occasions, I have come close to blacking out. There was a feeling of weakness and nausea and feeling faint. These two episodes passed after several minutes. The third occasion I did completely black out. I had severe weakness and nausea and tried to get to the bathroom to throw up. I hit the floor with full force and was out several minutes according to my family. Fortunately I don't break easily. I was carried to bed and had to remain in bed for several hours before I had the strength to get up. All three episodes happened shortly after rising in the morning and I'm suspecting perhaps an adrenal problem though adrenals tested

okay before I started MMS. I'm guessing that stopping the salt/c and my adrenal support supplements last Aug may be a contributing factor in these blackouts, but it could be due to the MMS.. Sorry this is long. Have been meaning to chime in for a long time. I will continue with MMS and also try to get back to the salt/C and needed supplements on a regular basis. I've come such a long way in recovering my health, but sometimes get tired of shoveling pills down and the needed discipline goes out the window. Will get back to it however and won't give up until I'm well or until I kill myself trying..;o)………Better health to everyone,Somers Acid Reflux? Constipation? Belly Fat? Edema? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain Make $$$$s! www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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