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Posted By: RayelansMailbag <Send E-Mail>Date: Thursday, 20 March 2008, 12:50 a.m. Dr. Hulda Research Association

"Conversations with Dr. "/Lyme Disease/Zapping Viruses/Cell Phone Radiation

Dear Guest of www..com! By P. Amrein

What en excellent idea of New Century Press to include a DVD in the new book. It is rare enough that Dr. can be seen in public and so at least you can invite her directly into your own living room or office thanks to this neat extra feature.

In this issue:

1. "Conversations with Dr. "

2. The Importance of Lyme Disease in Holistic Therapy

3. Shaking Viruses to Death?

4. Cell Phone Radiation Could Have More Impact Than We Thought

5. Illnesses Transmitted by Pets

6. Hormone Replacement Therapy

7. Bottle Copies and Test Kits Form

8. Program Drivers

9. Wholesale Items

Dr. Hulda Research Association

1. "Conversations with Dr. "

Dr. 's new book "Prevention and Cure of All Cancers", which was published a couple of months ago, contains a DVD with video material showing how Dr. works with the Syncrometer and what her procedure of testing is. The DVD is called "Conversations with Dr. ".

It is basically a peak into Dr. 's laboratory. She shows how she tests with her Syncrometer and most importantly, what her testing procedure is and what she tests for. She talks about the importance of formaldehyde and radioactivity, about dentures and hardening plastic, about the cancer causing compound, about the sensitivity of the Syncrometer, and about how to test regions of the body, among other things.

You will enjoy hearing Dr. explain the procedures herself. The DVD is enclosed in the new book "Prevention and Cure for All Cancers".

Find the book in the shop on https://www..com at the top under "important products".

2. The Importance of Lyme Disease in Holistic Therapy

When I worked with Dr. Tippenhauer in 2005, I realized the great importance of Lyme disease in holistic therapy.

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is a disease caused by a bacterium called Borrelia. It is generally believed to be transmitted through ticks only, and there are endemic areas where it is quite widespread, due to the presence of considerable number of infected ticks.

Lyme disease can have a very vast range of symptoms, including skin rashes, heart and nervous system problems, paresthesias, paralyses, headaches, arthritic pains, fatigue, swollen glands and also emotional instability.

Why is Lyme disease important?

Working with Dr. Tippenhauer and thereafter in our own clinic, we found that Lyme disease was much more widespread than we would have thought. Often we get a positive result when we test with the Syncrometer or other bio feedback testing methods; but the above statement of mine is not based on our bio feedback tests, but on sound lab tests. Whenever we suspected Lyme disease or tested it positive in bio feedback testing, we would do a lab test for it to reconfirm the result. It turned out that 2 out of 3 patients that had at least some of the symptoms typical for Lyme disease were in fact positive for it. Many of them do not recall being ever bitten by a tick and do not live in endemic areas, so we consider it possible that Lyme disease does not spread through ticks only.

Also the connection between Lyme disease and some other conditions started to become apparent, for example the connection to MS and ALS. These have meanwhile been described by others, who have noted the same connection.

We found that when Lyme disease was present, this would usually block any progress for other conditions present. So handling Lyme disease when we find it present, is our first task. This usually includes many of the programs suggested by Dr. Hulda , but we sometimes combine that with other holistic approaches.

How to Diagnose Lyme

It is known that many carriers of Borrelia bacteria show no symptoms. We do not do any testing or treatment of Lyme disease unless the patient's symptoms indicate that Lyme may be present and we test it positive on bio feedback. But if Lyme symptoms are present and we test the patient positive with bio resonance methods, we always do a lab test for it and then 2/3 of the results are confirmed.

The important thing about lab diagnosing Lyme disease is to do the correct test. Most frequently, antibody tests are done for Lyme disease. They often come back negative. Often the result is a false negative. A much more reliable test is the LTT test for Lyme disease. LTT stands for Lymphocyte Transformation Test. This tests the white blood cells' reaction to the protein of Lyme bacteria. The reason this works better is because the body often does not seem to make antibodies or enough antibodies to detect Lyme disease on an antibody test.


Our conclusion was that when Lyme disease is present, then it must be the first priority in treatment, even when other conditions are present. (That would not apply to conditions that are or could turn into clinical emergencies and where no time can be lost.)

Dr. speaks about Lyme disease only in passing. I feel that this deserves more attention.

3. Shaking Viruses to Death?

In 1995 Dr. Hulda spoke about "resonant frequencies" for the first time and her proposition on how to use them to inactivate pathogens. The idea was not new, as bio resonance according to Dr. Morel had already done it for over 20 years; and even longer back Royal Rife treated patients with his strange contraptions based on the resonance principle.

Now it seems the idea is finding its way more and more into mainstream science. Recently scientists showed that with the correct resonant frequency, they were able to shatter the shells of viruses thereby inactivating them.

I get the impression that a few years down the road, your doctor might zap you when you come in with a flu, instead of giving you any medication. Who would have thought?


4. Cell Phone Radiation Could Have More Impact Than We Thought

Whether cell phone and similar radiation (such as blue tooth and wireless LAN radiation) are harmful to humans, has been an on going discussion. Gadgets emitting such waves have become part of our everyday lives and the question is certainly warranted. But a factual discussion is hard in the face of the many companies whose products depend on these radio waves and who have no interest in any negative studies about the issue being published, or the general consensus acknowledging the dangers of such radiation. In fact we have maneuvered ourselves in a place where it is virtually impossible to escape these waves and if they are harmful, I think we had better know about it and find out how we can protect ourselves.

A few new studies were recently published that show surprisingly strong biological effects of cell phone radiation. Find them cited below, along with Dr. Mercola's comments: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/3/18/how-cellphone-radiation-affects-your-cells.aspx.

5. Illnesses Transmitted by Pets

It's no wonder that pets inhabit more than half of America's homes. They're cute, cuddly, great companions and boundlessly loyal. Research shows that having a pet can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rates and decrease stress levels. However, pet lovers, beware. Man's best friends can make you sick.

Pet-related illnesses

Young children, pregnant women, people with HIV/AIDS, organ transplant recipients and people being treated for cancer are most at risk for catching a pet-related illness. Most people know about rabies and about pets bringing home ticks that can cause Lyme disease, but many other illnesses can be spread from pets to people. Here are just a few: http://www.tamilstar.com/news/health/article_5143.shtml

Dr. also has been warning of infections from pets. Her concern is mostly the transmission of parasites. Her stance has been that healthy people can do the pet parasite program with their pets but that sick persons should give their pets away until they are healthy.

6. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy has been known to increase the chance of developing cancer. A new study shows that this is a long lasting effect and that stopping the medication does not quickly normalize the cancer risk: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/text/print.html?in_article_id=526375 & in_page_id=1799.

7. Bottle Copies and Test Kits Form

Since many of the microscopy slides that Dr. has been using for Plate Zapping or use with the Syncrometer have become unavailable, we have gone over to providing electronic copies of these substances for testing. This is a technique described by Dr. Hulda in the later books.

Since Dr. 's new Prevention Book came out and new sets of bottles are necessary for testing or Plate Zapping, we have updated the homeographic copies list, especially to include sets of copies. Find the updated list here: https://www..com/forms/bottle_copy_full_listings.pdf.

8. Program Drivers

The order form for Program Drivers and Smart Keys, as well as the Smart Key Programming Tool, is here: http://redirect..com/products_keys.aspx

9. Wholesale Items

Our wholesale offer has expanded in that all products that we grant 40% discount in dozens now carry 50% discount per 6 dozens. https://www..com/forms/prod_wholes.htm.

We do not require a business certificate or any other certification for you to become a wholesaler; it has been our policy to do it based on quantity alone. For that reason we do require a minimum order quantity of $300 per order and most products must be ordered in dozens.

Best Regards P. Amrein President, Dr. Research Association

Disclaimer and Notice: I am not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice, but merely a reference to Dr. 's findings. For medical advice, consult with your physician. Please note that reference to Dr. 's findings does not necessarily imply that these findings have been corroborated by other scientists. Other scientists may disagree. We do not make any promises with regards to the products we sell. Note that in the US the zapper and the MiniFG are not medical devices and we can't advocate them for medical use. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Remedies are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or mitigate disease. Only your body can cure itself and prevent disease ;o)

info@... 19 March 2008 ©2008 by Dr. Research Association and P. Amrein http://www..com

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