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Re: Kim's Update

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Kim I'm Dannella aka danne I'm also in Texas. Im in Sulphur Springs.

One hour south of the Oklahoma / Texas state line. In the north east

corner of Texas. I'm very glad you have found a trial. I have had no

insurance and substandard care since I was dx'd in 2002. Living as

close as you do to Houston, will work to your advantage. University

Medical Centers are a great place to get really good care if needed

after the study is complete.

I'm glad you found this group. Honey they are really a great family.


love and hugs



> Hi,

> Thanks for all the encouragement. I don't know anything more than

that the study is an escalating dose sponsored by Roche. I don't know

about the antidepressants, but one of the inclusion criteria is no hx

of anti physcotic drugs. So, I will defintely ask them about that

before I start. I really don't have a choice though, because I really

don't have the $$ for tx. Unless I had to, and then I suppose I would

find the $$. Pat, I live outside of Houston in a small rural community

called New Caney. THanks for everything and I will keep everyone

informed. Suzie, let me know how your dr. visit goes.

> Kim

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  • 2 years later...

I didn't have a binder or a brace.....but it makes complete sense to me.

Although I had a brace for my IDET n I hated it!!!


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 9, 2008, at 3:58 PM, " kimleach " <kimleach@...> wrote:

HI All

Mike thanks for asking about me. Everything went very well yesterday according

to the docs and the Medtronics Rep. I was snookered and could not remember

anything at all about the surgery itself. In the trial I remember being asked

about where I felt this and that as they programmed the leads.

I guess that they did that in surgery but gave me something so I don't remember

what I said or did.

I woke up right at the end when he was stitching something! OUCH.

Anyway got home late last night with my antibiotics, my Scope patch so I would

not get nauseated and some break through pain meds.

I got an abdominal binder and a back brace to wear for 6 weeks while this thing

heals.I don't remember anyone else mentioning that they had to do this?

I think its a good idea to keep me from twisting and turning when I should not.

Far as how I am feeling, I am very very very sore at both the incision sites.

They put in the Restore Ultra. I was given the choice of the rechargable or not

and chose the rechargable due to that battery lasting up to 9 years while the

other one would only last 4-5 according to what they told me.

I am getting around the house ok. I am trying to move around a lot within reason

to work out the soreness. Sleeping has been very hard for me. I decided to leave

the SCS on to sleep as I was so sore I could not stand anything touching the

incision sites. It did help a lot and I was able to sleep in short spurts 1-2

hrs at a time.

I took a nap today and I do feel a bit more energetic tonight since I did. I am

noticing that this SCS I have to turn up way higher than the one for the trial.

I also have noticed that when I use the little outside antannae for it, I get an

error code unless it is right over the spot. I am trying to get used to the diff

programs and what not.

I can tell its really helping my leg and low back pain. Now I just need to get

these incisions under control pain wise and that will come.

I really really liked the surgeon who did my SCS. His office has been great

through all this. I sure as heck wish he was my pain mgt doc! I go back to see

him next week.



I will be getting chat soon. I want to check chats first. anyway

there a possibility I might be getting a morphine pump not now anyway

Kim how you feeling? I hpe stimulator helps you. keep us posted. Mike

group owner

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Yeah this brace is a pain. I know that i need it but the darn thing keeps

rubbing my incision and that hurts like heck. Hubby put socks in between me and

it last night to help.

Well, once the incision heals it will be better I am sure

Still hanging in there!


I will be getting chat soon. I want to check chats first. anyway

there a possibility I might be getting a morphine pump not now anyway

Kim how you feeling? I hpe stimulator helps you. keep us posted. Mike

group owner

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